DDTR :: Volume #7

#629: Just? Good 1 pompous word!

One second remembers 【】 一秒记住【】,! ...... ...... Partly after makes a sound, sat in nearby Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, in the Yan Que three people of hearts raised the difficult situation, the mood of shocking is unable to recover for a very long time. 半响过后,坐在一旁的宁荣荣,朱竹清,言雀三人心中掀起了惊涛骇浪,震撼的心情久久无法回过神来。 Wait ~ the matter that you said extremely in shocking, making several of us stroke well......” “等等~,你们说的事情太过于震撼了,让我们几个好好捋一捋......” Ning Rongrong opens the mouth saying that at this moment her brain is somewhat chaotic. 宁荣荣开口道,此刻她的大脑有些混乱。 And the companion leaves in these four years time of mainland from oneself, presented so many things unexpectedly. 从自己与同伴离开大陆的这四年多的时间里,竟然出现了这么多的事情。 Spirit Hall branched out an influence, unified group many countries, turned into Martial Soul Empire. 武魂殿分出了一股势力,统一了组多的国家,变成了武魂帝国 Moreover the Martial Soul Empire ambition is the unified entire mainland, to Heaven Duo, the Star Luo two big empires started the war. 而且武魂帝国的野心更是统一整个大陆,先后向天斗,星罗两大帝国发起了战争。 Because of Martial Soul Empire is powerful, two big empires were hit retreat in defeat again and again, lost the big piece area, but, two big empires can only the alliance, the composition Empire Allied armies resist Martial Soul Empire. 因为武魂帝国的实力强大,两大帝国被打得节节败退,丢失了大片疆域,无奈之下,两大帝国只能联盟,组成帝国联军对抗武魂帝国 But even so, supports under the Martial Soul Empire army by strenuous efforts. 但即使如此,也只是在武魂帝国的大军之下苦苦支撑。 Martial Soul Empire has the potential of unification world. 武魂帝国已经有了统一天下之势。 But in Spirit Master World, the Spirit Master sect influence also reshuffles. 而在魂师界中,魂师的宗派势力也重新洗牌。 Past three four were gone, some influences under the support of Spirit Hall, become new three four. 往日的三宗四门已经成为过去,一些势力在武魂殿的扶持下,成为了新的三宗四门。 Three heads before Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect this, lost the previous three titles. 就连七宝琉璃宗这个之前的三宗之首,也失去了上三宗的称号。 Now, entire Spirit Master World, is the Spirit Hall back garden. 如今,整个魂师界,都已经是武魂殿的后花园。 How can like this...... „ “怎么会这样......“ The Yan Que mouth is muttering, some are unable to believe all these. 言雀嘴里喃喃着,有些无法相信这一切。 Ceng Yi your fellow, in the mainland had such big matter, why didn't tell us before?” 曾易你这家伙,大陆上发生了这么大的事情,为什么之前不告诉我们?” Ning Rongrong very indignant is staring Ceng Yi. 宁荣荣很是气愤的瞪着曾易 Faces Ning Rongrong this angry look, Ceng Yi was saying lightly. 面对着宁荣荣这愤怒的眼神,曾易平淡地说道。 Told you, how you can?” “告诉你们,你们又能如何?” We......” “我们......” Listens to Ceng Yi these words, Ning Rongrong to be at a loss for words immediately. 听着曾易这句话,宁荣荣顿时语塞。 She looks at Ceng Yi this facial expression, does not seem to care regarding these matters, is somewhat faint brutal. 她看着曾易这副神情,对于这些事似乎一点都不关心,更是有些淡漠无情。 Said again, in you, basically involves significantly with this matter, “再说了,你们之中,基本都与此事牵扯重大, If after you knew these things in mainland, you do think your several also to be able in Sea God Island good good practicing? ” 若是你们知道了大陆上的这些事情后,你认为你们几个还能在海神岛上好好的修行?” If you must come back forcefully, first did not say that you can leave Sea God Island, even if can return to the mainland, but such small and weak you came back, what can also make? “若是你们要强行回来,先不说你们能不能离开海神岛,就算是能够重新返回大陆,可那样弱小的你们回来了,又能够做些什么? However can only be unproductive, only has to increase the pain. ” 不过只能是徒劳,唯有增添痛苦罢了。” Ceng Yi is very naturally clear, in mainland these things, if Tang San one group of know, is not definitely able the relieved cultivation on Sea God Island. 曾易自然很清楚,大陆上发生的这些事情,若是唐三一行人知道,肯定无法在海神岛上安心修炼。 Tang San is the master of Heaven Dou Empire new emperor, Shrek Institute also firm standing Heaven Dou Empire, Tang San oneself, because Spirit Hall has the uncontrollable gratitude and grudges. 唐三乃是天斗帝国新任皇帝的师父,史莱克学院也是坚定的站在天斗帝国这边,唐三本人由于武魂殿有着不可调节的恩怨。 If Tang San knows that the matter of mainland, with his temper, feared is spells to go all-out, must hurry back to the mainland. 若是唐三知道大陆发生的事情,以他那种性子,怕是拼尽全力,也要赶回大陆。 Dai Mubai also the imperial prince as Star Luo Empire, knows Star Luo Empire faced with so the predicament, is unable to sit still. 戴沐白也是身为星罗帝国的皇子,知道星罗帝国面临如此窘境,也无法坐得住。 Therefore, Ceng Yi is very clear, in the mainland the matter, cannot let still know in them of practicing absolutely, this is to their protections. 所以,曾易很清楚,大陆上发生的事情,绝对不能让还在修行的她们知晓,这是对她们的保护。 Now, these people have ability that can protect oneself, strongest has to be on par the Titled Douluo strength. 如今,这些人都已经拥有能够自保的能力了,最强的更是拥有比肩封号斗罗的实力。 Now, how these people want the wave, does not close own matter. 现在,这些人想怎么浪,也不关自己的事情。 Ceng Yi these words, letting Ning Rongrong are unable to refute, is silent, Zhu Zhuqing at the same time, Yan Que is also so. 曾易的这些话,让宁荣荣无法反驳,只有沉默,一边的朱竹清,言雀也是如此。 The Zhu Zhuqing family is also that side Star Luo Empire the famous Spirit Master family, has this rank the war, the nether world civet family does not have the withdrawing extra mundane possibility. 朱竹清的家族也是星罗帝国那边有名的魂师家族,发生这种级别的战事,幽冥灵猫家族没有脱身世外的可能。 Although between Zhu Zhuqing and family have had not happy matter, but her own parents still in the family, in the family can let also only then the parents who now Zhu Zhuqing worries two people. 虽然朱竹清与家族之间发生过不愉快的事情,但她自己的父母还在家族中,如今家族里能让朱竹清牵挂的也只有父母两人。 After knowing this matter, she has worried very much own parents' situation. 在知道这件事情后,她一直很担忧自己父母的情况。 Some Yan Que are only better, she is of surprised the constant change mainland, so long as the sect safe/without matter, can continuously side the following master, was outside the day collapses did not matter. 唯有言雀还好一些,她只是惊讶大陆的变化无常,只要宗门无事,能够一直跟着师父身边,就是外面天塌了都无所谓。 You do not need to blame Ceng Yi, he does that also for your own good.” “你们也不必责怪曾易,他这么做,也是为你们好。” Ning Fengzhi sees some atmosphere coagulations, then makes noise to help Ceng Yi speak immediately. 宁风致见气氛有些凝固,便立刻出声帮曾易说话。 Snort ~, this young lady did not haggle over with you. However, this Spirit Hall is really hateful, attempts to refer to dyeing the entire mainland unexpectedly, the father, what to do can we?” Ning Rongrong said bitterly. “哼~,本小姐就不跟你计较了。不过,这个武魂殿真可恶,竟然妄图指染整个大陆,爸爸,我们要怎么办呢?”宁荣荣恨恨说道。 Because of the Tang San reason, Ceng Yi was also imprisoned by Spirit Hall in addition before, impressions of Spirit Hall in their several people are not very good, even had gotten the label of foe. 因为唐三的缘故,加上之前曾易也被武魂殿囚禁,武魂殿在她们几人中的印象很不好,甚至已经是打上了仇敌的标签。 This......” “这个嘛......” Ning Fengzhi some were not good to talk. 宁风致有些不好会话了。 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect can have also looks like now is so calm and steady, that may be lucky the face of Empress Martial Soul Empire. 七宝琉璃宗能够有还像现在这么安稳,那可多亏了武魂帝国女帝的面子。 Now, he does not think the ginseng/partake gathers in striving for hegemony of these empires. 现在,他可不想参合进去这些帝国的争霸之中。 However, oneself daughter as if catches cold to Spirit Hall and Martial Soul Empire very much. 但是,自己女儿似乎对武魂殿武魂帝国很感冒啊。 „Won't father, you fear Spirit Hall?” “老爸,你不会怕了武魂殿吧?” Ning Rongrong sees father's complexion to change, thinks, then said: Father you do not worry, by the strength of several of us, unites Heaven Duo, the Star Luo two big empires, certainly can defeat Spirit Hall, Martial Soul Empire, prevents their plots.” 宁荣荣见自己父亲的脸色发生变化,以为如此,便说道:“老爸你别担心,以我们几个的实力,联合天斗,星罗两大帝国,一定能够打败武魂殿,武魂帝国,阻止他们的阴谋。” Saying, Ning Rongrong happily smiled, said: „ Father, you do not look at several of us the Spirit Douluo boundary, but our Shrek Seven Devils, if gathers together, in addition the assistance of my Martial Soul, the battle efficiency can be equal to seven Titled Douluo. 说着,宁荣荣又得意的笑了出来,说道:“老爸,你别看我们几个才魂斗罗境界,但是我们史莱克七怪若是聚集到一起,加上我武魂的辅助,战斗力可以等于七位封号斗罗 Does the mo song qin fine jade reach ren sui? Does the ji cao jian fine jade teach zhan cen ying Lian ke fermium diao pp adze han geng xia? Deserted nail? Partner does ren soak cuo? zhi ying does ou play the role of the zeng mo umbrella?? /pgt ; 銆愯瘽璇达紝鐩?鍓嶆湕璇诲惉涔渶濂界敤鐨刟pp锛屽挭鍜?闃呰?伙紝瀹夎?呮渶鏂扮増銆傘??/pgt; In addition Third Brother's Tang Gate, Clear Sky Sect, Spirit Hall absolutely is not our opponents. 加上三哥的唐门,还有昊天宗,武魂殿绝对不是我们的对手。 Again bad, Ceng Yi. 再不济,还有曾易在。 By his strength, Spirit Hall is impossible to unify the entire mainland. ” 以他的实力,武魂殿根本不可能统一整个大陆。” Hears Ning Rongrong to pull itself, the Ceng Yi corner of the eye pulls out, visits her to say. 听到宁荣荣扯到自己,曾易不由眼角一抽,看着她说道。 Do not pull me, first reached an agreement, I do not plan to participate in the battle between secular empires.” “别把我扯进去,先说好了,我可不打算参与世俗帝国之间的争斗。” What?” “什么?” After hearing Ceng Yi these words, is not only Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Yan Que have a scare. 听到曾易这句话后,不仅仅是宁荣荣,就连朱竹清言雀都吓了一跳。 Why?” “为什么?” Ning Rongrong cannot believe is looking at Ceng Yi. 宁荣荣不敢相信的望着曾易 Ceng Yi said lightly: I with Spirit Hall, Martial Soul Empire have no enmity, why can make a move to them?” 曾易淡淡道:“我跟武魂殿,武魂帝国又没有什么仇怨,为什么要对它们出手?” But, you were not imprisoned by Spirit Hall before forcefully, don't you hate Spirit Hall? Also, Martial Soul Empire started the war, causes the worldwide chaos, the entire mainland fell into the flames of war, plunging the people into disaster. “可是,之前你不是被武魂殿强行囚禁,难道你不恨武魂殿吗?再说了,武魂帝国掀起战争,导致天下大乱,整个大陆都陷入了战火之中,生灵涂炭。 This evil influence, you have the so strong strength, why doesn't help the world person uphold justice? ” 这种邪恶的势力,你拥有如此强大的实力,为什么不帮天下人伸张正义?” Justice? ~, good pompous word!” “正义?呵~,好一个冠冕堂皇之词!” hears word, Ceng Yi sneers, the pupil light is looking straight ahead the eye pupil of Ning Rongrong. 闻言,曾易冷笑一声,眸光直视着宁荣荣的眼眸。 How you have believe, Martial Soul Empire is evil, Heaven Duo is Star Luo just? “你有怎么认为,武魂帝国是邪恶,天斗星罗是正义? You felt, you are a just envoy? ” 还是你觉得,自己就是一个正义使者?” The attitude of Ceng Yi this suddenly transformation, making several people of hearts on the scene tremble. 曾易这突然转变的态度,让在场的几人都不由心颤。 Is facing Ceng Yi this vision, this issue, Ning Rongrong felt the extremely strong pressure immediately. 面对着曾易这目光,这个问题,宁荣荣顿时感到了极其强大的压力。 Ning Rongrong somewhat does not think clearly, why he suddenly will become so strange, making her feel to fear. 宁荣荣有些想不明白,为什么他会突然变得如此的陌生,让她都感到惧怕。 This strong pressure, making Ning Rongrong feel the chest to be stuffy, regarding the interrogation of Ceng Yi, she was unanswerable. 这强大的压力,让宁荣荣感到胸闷,对于曾易的质问,她无法回答。 Good, Ceng Yi, do not frighten Rongrong, she is also only the doggedly sincere, after all is young people.” “好啦,曾易,你也别吓荣荣了,她也只是一腔热血,毕竟是一个年轻人。” Nearby Chen Xin was unable to continue watching, comes out to say. 一旁的尘心看不下去了,出来说道。 Ning Fengzhi sees own daughter, shakes the head saying: This time, our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, will not resist Martial Soul Empire.” 宁风致看着自己的女儿,摇头说道:“这一次,我们七宝琉璃宗,是不会去对抗武魂帝国的。” Heard the fathers saying that Ning Rongrong was more unacceptable. 听到自己父亲都这么说,宁荣荣更是不能接受。 Father, does sect also stand that side Martial Soul Empire?” Ning Rongrong interrogated. “父亲,难道宗门也站在武魂帝国那边?”宁荣荣质问。 Ning Fengzhi said: Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect has not stood above either one, but we will not resist Martial Soul Empire.” 宁风致道:“七宝琉璃宗没有站在任何一方之上,但是我们不会去对抗武魂帝国。” Why? Gives me a reason.” “为什么?给我一个理由。” Ning Rongrong continues to closely examine. 宁荣荣继续追问。 Ning Fengzhi sighs, then said: Because, one year ago, north the mainland, erupted the terrifying beast tide.” 宁风致叹了一口气,然后道:“因为,在一年之前,大陆北方,爆发了恐怖的兽潮。” Beast tide?” “兽潮?” After Ceng Yi hears this news, immediately, the corners of the mouth pull out. 曾易听到这个消息后,顿时,嘴角不由一抽。 North? Beast tide? This is not I will cause? 北方?兽潮?这不会是我引起的吧? ...... ......
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