DDTR :: Volume #7

#628: The swordsmanship, is the strongest say/way!

...... ...... Ceng Yi several people returned to sect from the overseas, Ning Fengzhi are called the person to prepare the sumptuous banquet very much happily, was several people of return receptions gives a welcoming dinner. 曾易几人从海外返回宗门,宁风致很是开心的叫人准备了丰盛的宴席,为几人的回归接风洗尘。 Rongrong, so many years passed, how is your present cultivating? Because of the father in the side inspector general, do not lead a pious life to fall.” 荣荣啊,这么多年过去了,你如今的修为如何?可不要因为爸爸没在身边监督,修行落下了。” After the food, several people sit before the table are chatting, Ning Fengzhi sees own treasure daughter, cares about her practicing problem. 饭后,几人坐在桌前聊着天,宁风致看着自己的宝贝女儿,不由关心起她的修行问题。 Hey hmph hmph ~, this father you did not need to be worried, your daughter now was not four years ago that Ning Rongrong. “嘿哼哼~,这个老爸你就不用担心了,你女儿如今可不是四年前的那个宁荣荣了。 Now, please ask me the first under heaven to assist Spirit Master! ” 现在,请叫我天下第一辅助魂师!” Ning Fengzhi asked this very proudly, Ning Rongrong is forking the waist, raised the fair chin, even was self-satisfied. 宁风致问起这个,宁荣荣很是骄傲的叉着腰,扬起了白皙的下巴,甚至得意。 „? Does the first under heaven assist Spirit Master?” “哦?天下第一辅助魂师?” The information in Ning Rongrong words, but makes Ning Fengzhi be startled. 宁荣荣话中的信息,可是让宁风致不由一惊。 Ning Fengzhi is relying on powerful Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Soul, only 79 levels of Spirit Power, are mainland's first assistance Spirit Master. 要知道,宁风致凭借着强大的七宝琉璃塔武魂,仅七十九级的魂力,就已经是大陆第一的辅助魂师 Now the daughter dares to say these words, then her cultivating is, at least is over 70 levels Spirit Saint boundaries. 如今自己女儿敢说出这句话,那么她的修为,至少是七十级以上的魂圣境界。 Even if she just broke through Spirit Saint, but relies on the Martial Soul evolution is being nine valuable glazed pagodas, its auxiliary ability own Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda is also strong. 哪怕她刚刚突破到魂圣,但是凭借着武魂进化为九宝琉璃塔,其辅助能力也比自己的七宝琉璃塔强。 Ning Fengzhi said with amazement: „...... Did you break through to the Spirit Saint boundary?” 宁风致惊讶道:“难道......你突破到魂圣境界了?” What Spirit Saint? In is bolder to guess.” “什么魂圣?在大胆一些猜猜。” Looks at daughter smile, a Ning Fengzhi brow wrinkle, the feeling matter is not simple. 看着女儿这笑容,宁风致眉头一皱,感觉事情并不简单。 „, Haven't you broken through Spirit Saint?” “难道,你还没有突破到魂圣?” „Is this such possible? Does the father you look down upon your daughter's talent?” “这这么可能?老爸你就这么瞧不起你女儿的天赋吗?” Very much Ning Rongrong is not glad honk the mouth, then said: Said you not to have a scare, I am eight points of Spirit Douluo boundaries!” 宁荣荣很不乐意的嘟嘴,然后道:“说出来你可别吓一跳,我已经是八环魂斗罗境界了!” What? Spirit Douluo? Are you Spirit Douluo boundary?” “什么?魂斗罗?你已经是魂斗罗境界了?” Ning Rongrong words, is not only Ning Fengzhi has a scare, Chen Xin, Gu Rong both Titled Douluo could not sit still. 宁荣荣的话一出,不仅是宁风致被吓了一跳,就连尘心,古榕两位封号斗罗都坐不住了。 Before Ning Rongrong going overseas, but the Spirit Emperor boundary has not even achieved, now passes for more than four years, such possibly cultivates the Spirit Douluo boundary? 要知道,在宁荣荣前去海外之前,可是连魂帝境界都未达到,如今才过去了四年多,这么可能就修炼到魂斗罗境界? Even if not possibly takes a drug in more than four years of time, Spirit Power does promote 30 multistage? 就算是吃药也不可能在四年多的时间,魂力提升三十多级吧? Naturally, will I also deceive you to be inadequate?” “当然,我还会骗你们不成?” Sees the father with two grandfather expressions, Ning Rongrong very self-satisfied saying with a smile, then released own Spirit Power. 见老爸与两位爷爷这副表情,宁荣荣很是得意的笑道,然后释放出了自己的魂力 The next quarter, eight Spirit Ring raise from her sole. 下一刻,八个魂环从她脚底升起。 Seven black red Spirit Ring matching, eight Spirit Ring are sparkling the ray regarding in the Ning Rongrong side, under contrasts of nine color profound light, just like the goddess that having the dust does not dye, arrives at the world. 七黑一红的魂环搭配,八个魂环闪耀着光芒围绕在宁荣荣的身边,在九彩玄光的衬托下,宛若出尘不染的神女,降临人间。 This...... is really the Spirit Douluo boundary......” “这......真的是魂斗罗境界......” Saw these eight regarding in Ning Rongrong Spirit Ring, Ning Fengzhi, the sword Bone Douluo three people are to stare in a big way the eye simply. 看到了这八个围绕在宁荣荣身边的魂环,宁风致,剑骨斗罗三人简直是瞪大了眼睛。 The Spirit Ring quantity can most direct-viewing manifests a Spirit Master boundary. 魂环的数量能够最直观的体现一个魂师的境界。 Now surrounds eight Spirit Ring side Ning Rongrong, happen to confirms, has broken through the Spirit Douluo boundary that she said. 如今环绕在宁荣荣身边的八个魂环,正好验证了她所说的,已经突破到了魂斗罗境界。 Moreover, the Spirit Ring disposition unexpectedly is seven black one red, seven ten thousand years of Spirit Ring adds on a 100,000 years of rank Spirit Ring. 而且,魂环配置竟然是七黑一红,七个万年魂环加上一个十万年级别的魂环 This simply was too terrifying, if personally saw, they are do not believe absolutely, this Spirit Ring disposition can appear on Spirit Master. 这简直是太恐怖了,若是是亲眼所见,他们是绝对不会相信,这种魂环配置会出现在一个魂师身上。 This...... this such is possible! Ten...... 100,000 years of Spirit Ring?” “这......这这么可能!十......十万年魂环?” Ning Fengzhi looks own daughter's Spirit Ring, is excited speaks incoherently. 宁风致看着自己女儿的魂环,激动得语无伦次。 Ning Rongrong happily said with a smile: Right, is 100,000 years of Spirit Ring! What kind of? Father, Grandfather, you have a scare!” 宁荣荣得意地笑道:“没错,就是十万年魂环!怎么样?老爸,爷爷,你们是不是都吓一大跳啊!” Not only actually I, Little Sparrow, Zhuqing they are also like me, has 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, is the Spirit Douluo boundaries. “其实不只是我,小言雀,竹清她们也和我一样,都有十万年魂环,也都是魂斗罗境界。 Moreover, Zhuqing is 90 levels of Spirit Power, so long as found appropriate Spirit Ring, can break through to the Titled Douluo boundary. 而且,竹清已经是九十级魂力了,只要找到合适的魂环,就可以突破到封号斗罗境界。 I am also only 87 levels of Spirit Power. ” 我还只是八十七级魂力而已。” Ning Rongrong this saying, making the Ning Fengzhi corners of the mouth pull. 宁荣荣这话,让宁风致嘴角不由一扯。 What is 87 levels? 什么叫才八十七级而已? Your this saying said, 你这话说出去, Let others Spirit Master sentiment by what Kan? So the boundary, does not know many Spirit Master, is broken to the world the life unable to achieve. 让别人魂师情以何堪?这般境界,不知多少魂师,穷极一生都无法达到啊。 Wait......” “等等......” Ning Fengzhi as if slightly crossed what information. 宁风致似乎略过了什么信息。 After getting back one's composure, he looked at the vision to Yan Que, the Zhu Zhuqing two females. 回神后,他把目光看向了言雀,朱竹清两女。 „Are you also the Spirit Douluo boundaries? Zhuqing are you 90 levels of Spirit Power?” “你们也都是魂斗罗境界?竹清你已经是九十级魂力了?” Looks that Ning Fengzhi this double stares eldest child's eyes, Zhu Zhuqing and Yan Que two people nods, released oneself Spirit Ring to demonstrate to them. 看着宁风致这双瞪得老大的眼睛,朱竹清言雀两人点了点头,也释放出了自己魂环给他们展示。 This......” “这......” Ning Fengzhi, the sword bone three people look at their Spirit Ring, in a flash, the atmosphere in room becomes extremely peaceful. 宁风致,剑骨三人看着她们身上的魂环,一瞬间,房间内的气氛就变得极其的安静。 Has crossed some little time, Ning Fengzhi slow the god has come, to have the sound said. 一直过了好一会儿,宁风致才缓过神来,出声道。 Good! Good! Good! You have become Spirit Master that can assume sole responsibility for an important task!” “好!好!好!你们都已经成为了能够独当一面的魂师了啊!” Ning Fengzhi said continuously three good characters, it can be imagined his present mood is what kind of excitement. 宁风致连续说了三个好字,可想而知他现在的心情是何等的激动。 Their three people are the Spirit Douluo boundaries, has 100,000 years of Spirit Ring, moreover they are so young, not over 25 years old. 她们三人都已经是魂斗罗境界,都有着十万年魂环,而且她们还如此年轻,都不超过二十五岁。 Then in the future, they will arrive at that? 那么将来,她们将会走到那一步呢? Really incomparable anticipation! 真是令人无比的期待啊! Has their three people, future can Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, greatly rise? 有着她们三人,今后的七宝琉璃宗,何尝不能大兴? Good, you hurry to receive Spirit Ring.” “好啦,你们赶紧把魂环收起来吧。” Sword douluo was saying to three females. 斗罗对着三女说道。 Spirit Ring that their three people release, is the uniform black and red. 她们三人释放的魂环,都是清一色的黑与红。 Do not have 100,000 years of Spirit Ring with the old bones! 就连自己与老骨头都没有十万年魂环啊! Looks at they three people of Spirit Ring, even if Titled Douluo boundary Chen Xin and Gu Rong, felt oneself at this moment is a waste. 看着她们三人的魂环,哪怕是封号斗罗境界的尘心古榕,都感觉自己此刻是一个废物。 Looks at their Spirit Ring, two people somewhat shameful feeling. 看着她们的魂环,两人都有些无地自容的感觉。 Was vexed! 太糟心了! Actually, we are also not anything, Ceng Yi he is fierce! Simply is a monster!” “其实,我们还不算什么,曾易他才厉害呢!简直就是一个怪物!” After receiving Spirit Ring, Ning Rongrong looked at one to sit Ceng Yi that drank in one side silently, then said to own father. 收起了魂环后,宁荣荣看了一眼坐在一旁默默喝酒的曾易,然后对自己父亲说道。 Un un , he you truly cannot compared with Ceng Yi.” “嗯嗯,他嘛,你们确实不能和曾易相比。” Ning Fengzhi is drinking, haha said with a smile. 宁风致喝着酒,哈哈笑道。 He had been clear that the Ceng Yi strength, dares one person to make a big row Spirit Hall, moves out facing five Titled Douluo alone, its is powerful, naturally is self-evident. 他早就清楚曾易的实力,敢一人大闹武魂殿,独自面对五位封号斗罗全身而退,其实力强大,自然是不言而喻。 He had known from the sword douluo mouth, Ceng Yi strength, already above sword douluo. 况且,他已经从剑斗罗口中得知,曾易的实力,已经在剑斗罗之上。 Otherwise, how he can Ceng Yi one to go to the overseas to look for the daughter alone they. 要不然,他怎么能让曾易一人独自去海外寻找女儿她们呢。 No! Actually your not clear Ceng Yi this fellow is at all abnormal.” “不!你们根本不清楚曾易这家伙究竟有多么变态。” Ning Rongrong sees the father not to care about this matter, then continues to say. 宁荣荣见自己父亲不怎么在意这件事,便继续说道。 On Sea God Island, Sea God Douluo, is the big elder in sea temple, she is 99 levels of Peerless Douluo, even the gods are not it can be said that overrated. 海神岛上,海神斗罗,也就是海神殿的大长老,她可是九十九级的绝世斗罗,甚至可以说是神明也不为过。 But such strong person, defeated under the Ceng Yi sword. ” 可是这样强的人,都败在了曾易的剑下。” „Did Ceng Yi win?” 曾易赢了?” Chen Xin heard this saying, the interest shifts on Ceng Yi instantaneously. 尘心听到这话,兴趣瞬间就转移到了曾易身上。 Facing the Chen Xin vision, Ceng Yi selected slightly, said with a smile: Slightly better.” 面对尘心的目光,曾易微微点了下头,笑道:“略胜一筹。” Ha, good! Cannot think of some day, oneself can actually see the summit of swordsmanship ascending a height to get a broad view world, happy!” “哈哈哈,太好了!想不到有朝一日,自己竟然能够看到剑道登临世界之巅,痛快!” After obtaining the affirmation of Ceng Yi, liquor of Chen Xin in the cup tosses down, laughs frank. 得到了曾易的肯定后,尘心把杯中之酒一饮而尽,爽朗地大笑。 „It is not you, your happy anything!” “又不是你,你高兴什么!” Gu Rong looks at Chen Xin that laughs, the resentment. 古榕看着大笑的尘心,怼了一句。 Ceng Yi is my apprentice, visits him to have such achievement, hasn't been able to be happy as me of master?” 曾易可是我的徒弟,看着他有如此成就,作为师父的我还不能开心了?” Chen Xin very excited looks at Ning Rongrong, opens the mouth saying: Rongrong, to the grandfather said carefully the Ceng Yi boy with the matter that Sea God Douluo fights.” 尘心很是激动的看着宁荣荣,开口道:“荣荣,给爷爷细细说道说道曾易小子与那海神斗罗一战的事。” Said you possibly not to believe, the fight of Ceng Yi and big elder, that scene, simply was the incomparable terrifying, just like the judgment day was fearful! “说出来你们可能不相信,曾易与大长老的战斗,那场景,简直是无比的恐怖,犹如世界末日般可怕! ...... ” ......” Ning Rongrong is also mentions to Chen Xin very much with great interest. 宁荣荣也是很有兴致地对尘心说起。 Their fights, the sea boils, the terrifying strength even can break the space......” “他们的战斗,大海都为之沸腾,恐怖的力量甚至能够打破空间......” Although, several of us are separated by the fight center to have hundred li (0.5 km) distance fully, but that sword, thinks the incomparable fearfulness finally now. “虽然,我们几个相隔战斗中心足有百里的距离,但是最后那一剑,现在想起来都无比的可怕。 That sword, cut the space directly, the tearing vault of heaven, cut off the sea! 那一剑,直接划开了空间,撕裂的天穹,斩断了大海! The big elder, defeated under that sword finally. ” 大长老,最终也败在了那一剑之下。” Ning Rongrong to Chen Xin related in detail the picture that oneself see vividly. 宁荣荣绘声绘色地把自己所见的画面给尘心细说。 Although cannot personally see that war, but is only listening to the description of Ning Rongrong, the Chen Xin mood on incomparable surging upward, sword intent rushes, changes countenance. 虽然没有能够亲眼所见那一战,但光是听着宁荣荣的描述,尘心的心情就无比的高涨,剑意澎湃,为之所动容。 Pitifully, cannot with own eyes a view, if can understand the elegant demeanor of that sword, the old man life vertical dies with no regrets!” “可惜,不能亲眼一观,若是能够领略那一剑的风采,老夫此生纵是死而无憾!” Chen Xin sighed unrestrainedly, drop of tears, falls from the eye under. 尘心情不自禁地感叹,一滴眼泪,也从眼睛滑落而下。 Since as the swordsmanship cultivator, his life has devoted oneself nearly all energy above this field of endeavor. 身为剑道修行者,他一生以来都把自己近乎所有的精力都奉献在此道之上。 Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, mew mew reading! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to kill the time, here can download 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,咪咪阅读!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载】 Even if becomes Titled Douluo, was politely called by the world for revering of swordsmanship, has not stopped the footsteps, practices on the swordsmanship as before, strives for perfection. 哪怕成为封号斗罗,被世人尊称为剑道之尊,也没有停下脚步,依旧在剑道上修行,精益求精。 For can make the swordsmanship carry forward in world, can become strongest one. 只是为了,能够让剑道在世间发扬光大,能够成为最强的一道。 But today, he had known, the swordsmanship, is in a mainland, strongest say/way! 而今日,他已经得知,剑道,已经是大陆上,最强之道! This lets the life for swordsmanship striving for success Chen Xin, how is not moved to tears! 这让一生都为剑道拼搏的尘心,如何不热泪盈眶! Sword grandfather, you cannot act unreasonably! Big elder under Ceng Yi that sword, severe wound dying, if you face, will definitely die!” “剑爷爷,你可不能乱来啊!就连大长老在曾易那一剑下,都重伤垂死,你若是面对,肯定会没命的!” Ning Rongrong listened to the Chen Xin words, but also thinks that he wants to look for Ceng Yi to try that move, then said hastily. 宁荣荣听了尘心的话,还以为他想找曾易试一下那一招,便连忙说道。 Ning Rongrong this saying, gave to provoke laughter the people actually. 宁荣荣这话,倒是把众人都给逗笑了。 Click downloading home station APP, the magnanimous novel, read free smoothly! 点击下载本站APP,海量小说,免费畅读!
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