DDTR :: Volume #7

#627: Mysterious Saint Church

...... ...... This way of the world, was really makes one unable to understand more and more.” “这世道,真是越来越让人看不懂了啊。” Oh ~ “唉~” In the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect main hall, Ning Fengzhi sits on the seat of honor, looks down the report in hand, sighed sadly. 七宝琉璃宗大殿内,宁风致坐在主位上,低头看着手中的报告,忧愁地叹气。 In this year, two Great Emperor Country Alliance and Martial Soul Empire wars stop, northern soul beast riot, in Spirit Master World, has a mysterious influence on emerge. 这一年来,两大帝国联盟与武魂帝国的战争休止,北方的魂兽暴乱,魂师界中,也有着一股神秘的势力涌现。 The Empire Alliance and Martial Soul Empire war stops, the surface seems like the peace, but has many struggling in the back as before, reign of terror. 帝国联盟与武魂帝国的战争休止,表面看似和平,但是背地里依旧是有着许多的明争暗斗,腥风血雨。 Under recommendation, mew mew reading pursues the book really easily-to-use, here downloads everyone to go to try quickly.】 【推荐下,咪咪阅读追书真的好用,这里下载大家去快可以试试吧。】 This in the past year, in Spirit Master World emitted a strength extremely strong Spirit Master influence suddenly. 这近一年来,魂师界中突然冒出了一股实力极其强大的魂师势力。 The great strength of this influence, is as good as outwardly on three four, even powerful. 这股势力的强大,不亚于明面上的三宗四门,甚至更加的强大。 Ning Fengzhi estimated, in this mysterious Spirit Master influence, has at least not under the strengths of two Titled Douluo ranks. 宁风致估计,这个神秘的魂师势力中,有着至少不下于两位封号斗罗级别的战力。 But this influence, as if extremely in view of Spirit Hall. 而这股势力,似乎极其的针对武魂殿 For one year, Spirit Hall had been only losing two Spirit Douluo boundaries experts. 光着一年来,武魂殿就已经损失了两位魂斗罗境界的高手。 Although Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect in this tumultuous times, but also be at a condition of relative security. 虽然七宝琉璃宗在这个乱世中,还处于一个相对安全的状态。 However, with the time evolution, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is in Spirit Master World a huge influence, is absolutely impossible to stay out. 但是,随着时间发展下去,七宝琉璃宗多为魂师界中一个庞大的势力,是绝对不可能置身事外的。 This vortex, the mainland in everyone, all influences, will involve, no one, does not have any influence can stay out. 这个漩涡,会将大陆上所有人,一切势力,都牵扯进去,没有人,没有任何一个势力可以置身事外。 To not stick one's neck out in this vortex, only has to have the sufficient strength. 想要在这个漩涡中明哲保身,唯有拥有足够的实力。 But in such environment, even the Spirit Hall so colossus, is unable to withdraw, his Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is more impossible to draw back safely. 可是在这样的环境下,即使武魂殿这般庞然大物,都无法脱身,他七宝琉璃宗更是不可能从中安然而退。 Wants Ceng Yi, Rongrong Zhuqing they to hurry.” “希望曾易,荣荣竹清他们赶紧回来吧。” Ning Fengzhi can only wanting to repose in Ceng Yi that has not returned, Ning Rongrong, the Zhu Zhuqing three people. 宁风致只能够把希望寄托于未曾回归的曾易,宁荣荣,朱竹清三人身上。 Ceng Yi strength Ning Fengzhi had been clear, is not weak in his master sword douluo, even is stronger. 曾易的实力宁风致已经清楚,已经不弱于他的师父剑斗罗,甚至更强。 Now many years pass by, if Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing two people strengths increase, returns to sect. 如今多年过去,若是宁荣荣朱竹清两人的实力大增,回到宗门 There are several people of asylums, Ning Fengzhi believes that Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect not weakly in Spirit Hall. 有着几人的庇护,宁风致相信,七宝琉璃宗不会弱于武魂殿 Thus, at least in this tumultuous times, there is an ability of self-preservation. 这样,至少在这个乱世之中,有了自保的能力。 Elegance, you do not need extremely to worry, since Ceng Yi that boy went, has him, Rongrong and Zhuqing two people will not have what issue, the strength of boy, has exceeded me and others.” “风致,你也不必太过担忧,既然曾易那小子都去了,有他在,荣荣竹清两人也不会有什么问题,那小子的实力,早就超越我等了。” Nearby sword douluo Chen Xin sees a Ning Fengzhi face sad appearance, then smiles to say. 一旁的剑斗罗尘心宁风致一脸忧愁的模样,便笑说道。 Regarding oneself this apprentice, Chen Xin very self-confident, his swordsmanship cultivates is, in this world, besides several people, no one can about again simultaneous/uniform its. 对于自己这位徒弟,尘心非常的自信,他的一身剑道修为,这个世上,除了几人之外,再也无人能齐其左右。 Even the dangerous mysterious sea, Chen Xin still believes, Ceng Yi that cultivates is, sufficiently vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered sea. 即使是危险神秘的大海,尘心也相信,曾易那一身修为,足以纵横大海。 Oh, sword uncle, what I am worried is not this.” “唉,剑叔,我担心的并不是这个。” Now on Spirit Master World, emits a Saint Church Spirit Master influence suddenly, this Saint Church strength is really very mystical, regarding us, is the entire mainland, has the unknown threatening nature, is very anxious.” “如今魂师界上,突然冒出了一个圣教魂师势力,这个圣教的实力实在是神秘得很,对于我们,还是整个大陆,都有着未知的威胁性,很是让人担忧啊。” The sighs of some Ning Fengzhi headaches. 宁风致有些头痛的叹息。 This mysterious Saint Church, seemingly stands that side two Great Emperor Country Alliances, helping the Empire Alliance cope with Martial Soul Empire. 这个神秘的圣教,看似站在两大帝国联盟那边,帮着帝国联盟对付武魂帝国 However it actually in other Spirit Master influences on Spirit Master World begins, moreover method extremely cruel. 但是其却对魂师界中其他的魂师势力动手,而且手段极其的残忍。 Merely more than one year of time, more than ten sect have extinguished in the subordinate of this Saint Church. 仅仅一年多的时间,就已经有十几个宗门灭于这个圣教之手下。 Although these sect have submitted to with Spirit Hall, but this Saint Church method, is really extremely in the cruelty, making many people be unable to continue watching. 虽然这些宗门都已经臣服与武魂殿,但是这个圣教的手段,实在是太过于残忍,让很多人都看不下去。 So approach, simply with devil without doubt. 这般做法,简直与恶魔无疑。 Regarding worry of Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin also understood. 对于宁风致的担忧,尘心也是理解。 Saint Church that in this year, emits suddenly, is truly strange. 这一年来,突然冒出的圣教,确实很是诡异。 Chen Xin is knitting the brows, as if remembers something that beforehand Ceng Yi said that opened the mouth saying: „ This Saint Church, as if with common Spirit Master not too, although does not talk clearly, however their behaviors truly made one feel strange. 尘心皱着眉,似乎想起之前曾易说道的一些事情,开口道:“这个圣教,似乎与寻常魂师不太一样,虽然说不清楚,但是他们的行为确实令人感到诡异。 Perhaps, 或许, Ceng Yi should know anything. Ning Fengzhi sighs, said: „ Right, the northern soul beast riot, its threat compared with great strength of imagination, that empress to the world seemed to have summoned that the reinforcement of all Spirit Master influences, does the sword uncle, the bone uncle, how you see regarding this matter?” 曾易应该知道些什么。“宁风致叹了一口气,又道:“对了,北方的魂兽暴乱,其威胁似乎比想象的更加强大,那位女帝已经向天下号召所有魂师势力的增援,剑叔,骨叔,你们对于这件事怎么看?” Chen Xin said: „ The matter about north soul beast riot, this truly is the important matter that concerns the entire human safety, the idea of that empress we are also clear, this matter was soul beast and gratitude and grudges between human two races, Martial Soul Empire resisted alone for a year, has fulfilled responsibility with all one's heart, has no qualms in the heart. 尘心道:“关于北方魂兽暴乱的事情,这确实是关乎到整个人类安危的大事,那位女帝的想法我们也清楚,这件事是魂兽与人类两个种族之间的恩怨,武魂帝国独自抵抗了一年,已经是尽心尽责,无愧于心。 Moreover this matter Martial Soul Empire does not need with the ability to be the entire human anti- under. 而且这件事武魂帝国也没有必要和能力为整个人类抗下。 Now that empresses summon the manpower to the world, actually it can be imagined the northern soul beast riot has fearfully how. 如今那位女帝都向天下号召人手,可想而知北方的魂兽暴乱究竟有多么的可怕。 I believe, our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect cannot be aloof regarding this matter. 我认为,我们七宝琉璃宗对于此事不能无动于衷。 The elegance, several days later, making me lead a number of sect elite to go to the northern support. ” 风致,过几天,让我带一批宗门的精英前往北方支援吧。” Good, since the sword uncles said that that depends on your meaning.” “好吧,既然剑叔都这么说了,那就依您之意。” Ning Fengzhi is very clear, before Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect obtained the favor of empress, now the nature also goes back. 宁风致很清楚,之前七宝琉璃宗得到了女帝的人情,如今自然得还回去。 Moreover, this soul beast riot, continued more than one year of time, has not drawn back, perhaps in which reason is not simple. 而且,这场魂兽暴乱,都持续了一年多的时间,还没有退下去,恐怕其中的缘由也不简单。 Father!” “老爸!” Suddenly, the sweet and delicate voice there is a rumor that comes from the main hall together. 突然,一道娇声从大殿外传进来。 This familiar sound, making Ning Fengzhi, the sword, the Bone Douluo two people be shocked. 这熟悉的声音,让宁风致,剑,骨斗罗二人都愣住了。 hears sound looks, sees together the wonderful graceful lively form nimble and resourceful ran in the main hall. 闻声看去,见一道妙曼活泼的身影灵动的跑进了大殿之内。 During that familiar facial features heave in sight, who isn't Ning Rongrong also? 那熟悉的面容映入眼帘之中,不是宁荣荣还有谁? The Ning Rongrong physique is vigorous like flying swallow, leaps looks like one like lightning, appeared before the body of Ning Fengzhi, held into his bosom. 宁荣荣的身姿就如飞燕般矫健,一跃就像是一道闪电般,出现在了宁风致的身前,扶入他的怀中。 Father, I quite thinks you ~ “爸爸,我好想你啊~” The daughter entered the bosom, the Ning Fengzhi whole person was shocked, for a short time god. 女儿入怀,宁风致整个人都愣住了,一时半会儿都会不过神来。 Rongrong? Really is you?” 荣荣?真的是你吗?” Ning Fengzhi some cannot believe looks at the beautiful figure in bosom, 宁风致有些不敢相信的看着怀中的倩影、 Was still missing own daughter a moment ago, in an instant, the daughter appeared in oneself at present, this made his some unable to believe, seems having a dream to be the same. 刚才还在思念自己的女儿,转眼之间,女儿就出现在自己的眼前,这让他有些不敢相信,仿佛就是在做梦一样。 Ning Rongrong looks up own father, said with a smile: Father, several years does not see, did not know own daughter?” 宁荣荣抬头望着自己的爸爸,笑道:“爸爸,才几年不见,就不认识自己女儿了吗?” Looks at this familiar face, putting out a hand of Ning Fengzhi shivers, touches daughter's face, the mouth is muttering. 看着这熟悉的面庞,宁风致颤抖的伸出了手,抚摸着女儿的面庞,嘴里喃喃道。 Really is Rongrong, father's treasure daughter, comes back well, comes back well......” “真的是荣荣,爸爸的宝贝女儿,回来就好,回来就好啊......” Ning Fengzhi is saying, the corner of the eye also overflowed several drops of excited tears. 宁风致说着,眼角也不由溢出了几滴激动的眼泪。 In recent years, whenever thinks own daughter places mysterious and is filling the overseas of danger, could not obtain any information about daughter, he is every day is unable to sleep safely. 这些年来,每当想到自己女儿身处神秘而又充满着危险的海外,一直得不到关于女儿的任何信息,他是每一天都无法安心睡觉。 Only has today, personally after seeing the daughter, Ning Fengzhi felt relieved finally. 只有今天,亲眼看见自己女儿后,宁风致才终于放下心来。 Sword grandfather, the bone grandfather, does not see for a long time, Rongrong also thinks you very much!” “剑爷爷,骨爷爷,好久不见,荣荣也很想你们啊!” Ning Rongrong both hands loosened oneself father, turns around to look to nearby sword bone two old people. 宁荣荣双手松开了自己的爸爸,转身看向一旁的剑骨两位老人。 Looks at the face of Ning Rongrong, sword douluo, Bone Douluo they do not have to be the Titled Douluo imposing manner at this moment, like the affable old person, showed the gratified smile. 看着宁荣荣的面庞,剑斗罗,骨斗罗两人此刻没有了身为封号斗罗的气势,如同和蔼可亲的老人般,露出了欣慰的笑容。 Right, your did come back? Others?” Sword douluo asked. “对了,就你一人回来了?其他人呢?”剑斗罗问道。 Ning Rongrong said: Their several in behind.” 宁荣荣道:“她们几个在后面呢。” Quick, in main hall, walked three people. 很快,大殿内,又走进来了三人。 Ceng Yi, Yan Que and Zhu Zhuqing three people. 正是曾易,言雀朱竹清三人。 ...... ...... Click downloading home station APP, the magnanimous novel, read free smoothly! 点击下载本站APP,海量小说,免费畅读!
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