DDTR :: Volume #7

#626: The space falls down Ning Rongrong

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After three days . 三日后。 As Ceng Yi goes out, Tang San and the others can leave this Sea God Island that finally treated for more than four years. 随着曾易出关,唐三等人终于可以离开了这个待了四年多时间的海神岛 The sea Divine Mountain high point place, Bo Saixi is grasping the sea god scepter, stands before the broad sea temple front door, the vision is looking into the sea distance. 海神山最高峰处,波塞西手持着海神权杖,站立在恢弘的海神殿大门前,目光眺望着大海远方。 The flowing light departs toward the horizon together rapidly, such as meteor of sparkle. 一道流光向着天际飞速离去,就如闪耀的流星。 Perhaps, you really can arrive that step.” “或许,你真的能够走到那一步。” Bo Saixi looks that Ceng Yi with the direction that they depart, the lip opens lightly, sighed leisurely. 波塞西看着曾易与他们离去的方向,嘴唇轻启,悠悠一叹。 For these years, she saw that the adults of these young people, created miracles. 这几年来,她见状了这些年轻人的成人,创造了一个又一个的奇迹。 But own mission, can realize finally. 而自己的使命,也终于可以实现。 However, during this, actually the accident/surprise rushed a person. 但是,这期间,却意外闯进来了一个人。 He named Ceng Yi. 他名叫曾易 This person and Tang San these people are different. 这人与唐三这些人不同。 The talent, is the strength, even is the ambition. 无论是天赋,还是实力,甚至是野心。 His strength, his self-confidence, his pride, the inheritance of gods does not spare a glance. 他的实力,他的自信,他的骄傲,就连神明的传承都不屑一顾。 He only believes the sword in own hand. 他只相信自己手中的剑。 Since Bo Saixi this life, the first time has been had seen this person. 波塞西这一生以来,是第一次见到过这种人。 From the beginning was clear about the say/way, toward say/way that oneself believe that unprecedented. 一开始就明确了道,向着自己所相信的道,一往无前。 So young, exceeded itself. 如此年轻,就超越了自己。 Bo Saixi can believe now, he is really able, is relying on own strength, breaks down that boundary. 波塞西现在可以相信,他真的有能力,凭借着自己的力量,打破那一层界限。 But, oneself are actually not able to go forward forever again one step. 可是,自己却永远无法再前进一步。 Although is unwilling, but with Ceng Yi one post-war, Bo Saixi also saw through. 虽然心有不甘,但与曾易一战后,波塞西也看开了。 In the life of person, would the unforgetable regret. 人的一生中,总会有难以忘怀的遗憾。 Present, so long as completed the sea god Sir to give own duty on the line. 现在的自己,只要做好海神大人交给自己的任务就行了。 Ceng Yi, has my regret, the vanguard. 曾易,带着我的遗憾,前行吧。 Has a look for me, that boundary that you said that is actually what kind of elegant demeanor...... 替我看看,你所说的那个境界,究竟是何等的风采...... ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Above the sea, a giant ice sword, is flying fast. 大海之上,一柄巨大的冰剑,正在快速的飞行着。 But icing on great sword, is standing numerous forms. 而冰之巨剑上,站着众多位身影。 Leaves Ceng Yi and the others from Sea God Island. 正是从海神岛离开的曾易等人。 The Ceng Yi governing sword, carries the people to fly in the sea, returns to the mainland. 曾易御剑,载着众人在大海上飞行,返回大陆上。 After three days, the coastline appeared in the line of sight of Ceng Yi finally. 三日后,海岸线终于出现在了曾易的视线之中。 Finally to!” “终于到了!” After seeing the coastline, Ceng Yi sighed. 看到海岸线后,曾易不禁感叹。 Lived one year later time in the sea, Ceng Yi had received enough that fishy smell salty sea smell. 在大海上生活了一年后的时间,曾易已经受够了那腥咸的海洋气味。 Has saying that some people of guidance, from Sea God Island to the land on, the time are also very quick. 不得不说,有人导航,从海神岛到陆地上,时间也是挺快的。 Wants initially, oneself to go to Sea God Island, gets out of trouble in the sea, spent for two months. 想当初,自己一人前往海神岛,在大海上兜兜转转,足足花了两个多月的时间。 Now returns to the mainland from Sea God Island, three days. 如今从海神岛返回大陆,也不过才三天的时间。 Arrived the mainland, Ceng Yi descended near a small town. 到了大陆上,曾易在一个小镇附近降落。 At this time, is the night. 这时,也已经是夜晚了。 The people marched on several days of roads, the spirit somewhat is exhausted, looked for an inn to have a dinner casually, rested. 众人赶了几天的路,精神都有些疲惫,随便找了个馆子吃个晚饭,就休息了。 Next day. 第二天。 „Is Ceng Yi, interested in going to my Star Luo Empire to do to be a guest? By my present strength, going back can control the good political power thoroughly, when I became the emperor, seals a king to you ding-dong, how?” 曾易,有没有兴趣去我星罗帝国做做客啊?以我现在的实力,回去能够彻底掌控好政权,等我当上了皇帝,给你封个王当当,如何?” Prepares to return to Star Luo Empire Dai Mubai, looked at the vision to Ceng Yi. 准备返回星罗帝国戴沐白,把目光看向了曾易 Before he asked others, what a pity no one are willing to go to his star empire to develop. 之前他就问了其他人,可惜没有一人愿意去他星斗帝国发展。 Obviously oneself are the future emperor, has such a emperor big brother to cover, but can also make you suffer a loss inadequately? 明明自己是未来的皇帝,有这么一个皇帝大哥罩着,还能让你们吃亏不成? Naturally, regarding Ceng Yi, Dai Mubai cannot want to make him work actually to oneself. 当然,对于曾易,戴沐白倒是不敢想让他给自己做事。 Making Ceng Yi go to Star Luo to be a guest, introduced with others, oneself had such brothers, this was good. 只是,让曾易星罗做客,跟别人介绍一下,自己有这么一个兄弟,这就行了。 Words said, at present reads aloud listens to storytelling easiest-to-use app, mew mew reading, installment most update.】 【话说,目前朗读听书最好用的app,咪咪阅读,安装最新版。】 After all the Ceng Yi strength is so terrifying, has Ceng Yi to be own backer, after oneself sit the throne, that person dares to practice dirty tricks in the back. 毕竟曾易的实力这么恐怖,有曾易做自己的靠山,那自己坐上皇位之后,还有那个人敢在背后搞小动作。 I?” “我?” Sees Dai Mubai to invite itself to go to Star Luo Empire to be a guest, this lets some Ceng Yi surprise. 戴沐白邀请自己去星罗帝国做客,这让曾易有些诧异。 This is considers as finished, you know that I am not interested in the power. “这还是算了吧,你知道我对权力并不感兴趣。 However, has the time to go to Star Luo to have a look. ” Regarding the reply of Ceng Yi, some Dai Mubai also early expectations, but is happy saying with a smile: That may reach an agreement, waits for you to come the time, I entertain certainly you well!” 不过,有时间会去星罗看看的。”对于曾易的回答,戴沐白也早有预料,不过还是开心的笑道:“那可说好了,等你来的时候,我一定好好招待你!” Right, Zhuqing, so many years, didn't you go back to see uncle aunt?” “对了,竹清,这么多年了,你不回去看了看伯父伯母么?” Dai Mubai looked that asked to nearby Zhu Zhuqing. 戴沐白又看向一旁的朱竹清问道。 In the past, because of family's reason, oneself and Zhu Zhuqing has the engagement, has the common trial. 当年,因为家族的原因,自己与朱竹清有着婚约,更有着共同的试炼。 However at the Spirit Master competition, two people passed family's trial. 不过在魂师大赛上,两人都通过了家族的试炼。 However Zhu Zhuqing actually does not want by the destiny fetter of family, thus joined Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, did obeisance Titled Douluo, Bone Douluo for the master. 但是朱竹清却不愿意在被家族的命运束缚,从而加入了七宝琉璃宗,更是拜了封号斗罗,骨斗罗为师。 Because of this matter, that side Star Luo Empire, the people of Star Luo imperial family are very discontented with this matter, is exerts pressure on the Zhu Zhuqing family, making Zhu Zhuqing return to Star Luo, fulfills the marriage. 因为这件事,星罗帝国那边,星罗皇室的人对此事很是不满,更是对朱竹清家族施压,让朱竹清返回星罗,履行婚姻。 Even if Dai Mubai socializes again, but that time his Spirit Ancestor, simply did not have the right to speak. 哪怕戴沐白再从中周旋,但那时的他也不过魂宗,根本没有话语权。 The nether world civet family's people also come Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and Zhu Zhuqing communicate. 幽冥灵猫家族的人也前来七宝琉璃宗朱竹清沟通。 However the Zhu Zhuqing temper was lonely, has no favorable impression regarding the family, disregarded family's order directly. 不过朱竹清的性子本就冷清,对于家族也没有什么好感,直接无视了家族的命令。 Therefore, Zhu Jia is furious, calls the expert to go to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect forcefully important person. 为此,朱家震怒,召集高手前往七宝琉璃宗强行要人。 However, where is Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect? Once three heads. 但是,七宝琉璃宗是什么地方?曾经的三宗之首。 Even if Zhu is powerful in the Star Luo Empire influence, in the family the expert is numerous, but compares with Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, that is still similar to the ants. 即使朱家在星罗帝国的势力强大,家族内高手众多,但是与七宝琉璃宗比起来,那也如同蝼蚁。 Let alone, Zhu Zhuqing is also not the ordinary disciple, she is Titled Douluo passes on the disciple, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is more impossible to release people. 更何况,朱竹清还不是普通弟子,她可是封号斗罗的亲传弟子,七宝琉璃宗更加不可能放人。 Moreover, temper that the Zhu Zhuqing master, Bone Douluo also same hides shortcomings extremely, after knowing the Zhu Zhuqing matter, leads her to go to the Star Luo Empire Zhu to want a view directly. 而且,朱竹清的师父,骨斗罗也一样是极其护短的性子,在知道了朱竹清的事情后,直接带着她前往星罗帝国朱家要个说法。 Warned Star Luo imperial family Dai, cannot have the idea of Zhu Zhuqing. 更是警告了星罗皇室戴家,不许打朱竹清的主意。 Although this regarding the Star Luo Empire most powerful two families, this matter shame extremely. 虽然这对于星罗帝国最强大的两个家族来说,这件事极其的耻辱。 However in front of the Bone Douluo strong strength and background deep Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, can only submit. 但是在骨斗罗强大的实力和底蕴深厚的七宝琉璃宗面前,只能屈服。 But Zhu Zhuqing also because of this matter, gets into a deadlock with family's relations thoroughly. 朱竹清也因为这件事,与家族的关系彻底闹僵。 Dai Mubai this saying, making Zhu Zhuqing stare staring, complexion some were not quite also attractive. 戴沐白这话,让朱竹清愣了愣,脸色也有些不太好看。 Sees her so appearance, Dai Mubai helpless sighing. 见她这般模样,戴沐白无奈的叹了口气。 Zhuqing, I know that you have the complaint to the family also heart. However uncle aunt two people, even if their initial does wrong, but they are your birth parents.” 竹清,我知道你对家族还心有怨念。但是伯父伯母两人,哪怕他们当初的做得不对,可他们还是你的亲生父母。” Moreover, at your present strength, the family was unable to fetter you. So many years, or went back to have a look at them.” “而且,以你现在的力量,家族已经无法将你束缚。这么多年了,有空还是回去看看他们吧。” hears word, Zhu Zhuqing nods, said lightly: Un, I knew, will find a time to go back.” 闻言,朱竹清点了点头,淡淡道:“嗯,我知道了,会抽个时间回去的。” Dai Mubai knows, Zhu Zhuqing at this moment, the thoughts place the body of Ceng Yi. 戴沐白知道,此刻的朱竹清,心思都放在曾易的身上。 However after hearing Zhu Zhuqing these words, he did not need to be worried about anything. 不过听到朱竹清这句话后,他也不用在担心什么了。 You?” “那你们呢?” Ceng Yi looks at Tang San Xiao Wu several people, asked. 曾易看着唐三小舞几人,问道。 Tang San thinks saying: I planned that first goes to Star Dou Forest to have a look with Xiao Wu, gives my second Spirit Ring sky hammer to look for appropriate Spirit Ring while convenient.” 唐三想了想说道:“我打算和小舞先去星斗大森林看看,顺便给我第二魂环昊天锤找合适的魂环。” Ceng Yi hears word, understood instantaneously. 曾易闻言,瞬间懂了。 According to this plot, can Tang San obtain offering sacrifices of Star Dou Forest center that two 100,000 years of soul beasts? 按照这个剧情,唐三是不是可以得到星斗大森林中心那两只十万年魂兽的献祭? However, perhaps now Xiao Wu is well, that matter will likely not happen. 不过,现在小舞都平安无事,说不定那件事也可能不会发生。 Several of us first return to the Heaven Duo city.” “那我们几个就先回天斗城吧。” Ok, wishing you are bon voyage.” “行,祝你们一路平安。” Quick, the people leave in the different directions, Shrek Seven Devils distinguishes again. 很快,众人都朝着不同的方向离开,史莱克七怪再一次分别。 But Ceng Yi, with Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Yan Que three females, then goes to Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. 曾易,与宁荣荣,朱竹清,言雀三女,则是前往七宝琉璃宗 Above the sky, Ning Rongrong stands on the great sword, feels the gust of wind to caress the face, thinks immediately can see the father, the sword grandfather, the bone grandfather, the mood on the incomparable excitement. 天空之上,宁荣荣站在巨剑上,感受着疾风扑面,一想到马上就可以见到父亲,剑爷爷,骨爷爷,心情就无比的兴奋。 Hehe, waiting for the meeting can a father pleasant surprise, know secretly? Ceng Yi.” “嘿嘿,等会要偷偷爸爸一个惊喜,知道吗?曾易。” hears word, both hands held Ceng Yi of chest to shoot a look at complexion excited Ning Rongrong, she wants to be coordinated her action by oneself obviously. 闻言,双手抱胸的曾易瞥了一眼脸色激动的宁荣荣,她显然是想让自己配合她的行动。 Bored, big person, but also is like the child.” “无聊,多大一个人了,还跟小孩子一样。” The Ceng Yi supercilious look visits her, does light say/waywant me to give you to throw down from the space directly? 曾易白眼看着她,淡淡道“要不要我直接给你从天上丢下去? The space falls Ning Rongrong! Should this also be a pleasant surprise? ” 天上掉个宁荣荣!这应该也是一个惊喜吧?” ~ “噗~” Hears Ceng Yi these words, nearby Yan Que and Zhu Zhuqing smiled making noise. 听到曾易这句话,一旁的言雀朱竹清都不禁笑了出声。 Which this is pleasantly surprised, clearly is frightens to be good!” Ning Rongrong ill-humored saying. “这哪是惊喜,分明是惊吓好不好!”宁荣荣没好气的说道。 Quick, construct in the hills broad style the architectural complex, appears in several people of lines of sight. 很快,一座座建造在群山中恢弘气派的建筑群,就出现在几人视线中。 Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, to! 七宝琉璃宗,到了! ...... ...... 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