DDTR :: Volume #7

#625: The end of era

...... ...... Boundless sea, on a frozen isolated island. 无垠的大海,一座被冰冻的孤岛上。 Sea, became peaceful......” “大海,变得安静了......” Zhu Zhuqing is looking at the ice blue sea level, said from nan. 朱竹清望着冰蓝的海面,自喃道。 Some time ago, the sea is incomparable wild, the ocean waves changes, the terrifying storm swallowed all sufficiently. 不久前,大海还是无比的狂暴,海浪跌宕起伏,恐怖的风暴足以吞噬一切。 „Did their fights, end?” “他们的战斗,结束了么?” Actually is who won?” “究竟是谁赢了?” However, compared with whom wins who loses, Zhu Zhuqing is worried about the Ceng Yi safety. 不过,比起谁胜谁负,朱竹清更加担心曾易的安危。 Sound that this fight triggers, was extremely is really fearful. 这场战斗引发的动静,真的是太过于可怕了。 That strength, the break space easily, shakes the world. 那股力量,轻易的打破空间,撼动世界。 If not for personally sees, they are unable to imagine, only depending on the manpower, can sit to this degree. 若不是亲眼所见,她们根本无法想象,仅凭人力,能够坐到这种程度。 „Can we ..... pass to have a look?” “我们.....要不要过去看看?” Ning Rongrong has the sound said, looks at the vision strength strongest Snow Emperor to the team. 宁荣荣出声道,把目光看向队伍中实力最强的雪帝 Sees the people to look in abundance, the Snow Emperor jogging shaking the head, said: Does not need.” 见众人纷纷把目光投向自己,雪帝轻摇了摇头,道:“不必了。” Then, her pupil light looks to the boundless sea. 说完,她的眸光望向无垠的大海。 He has come.” “他已经过来了。” Snow Emperor has induced to the Ceng Yi aura, is close to oneself fast. 雪帝已经感应到曾易的气息,正在向自己这边快速接近。 But after Snow Emperor said these words, less than ten minutes, the horizon plundered a flowing light. 而就在雪帝说出这句话后,没过十分钟,天边就掠来了一道流光。 Quick, a form appeared in the people at present. 很快,一个身影就显现在了众人的眼前。 Is Ceng Yi! 曾易 Said accurately, is two people. 准确的说,是两人。 Because, both hands of Ceng Yi, are hugging a stupor woman. 因为,曾易的双手,抱着一个昏迷的女人。 Sea God Douluo, Bo Saixi. 海神斗罗,波塞西 Sees Ceng Yi, Zhu Zhuqing, in the Ning Rongrong two female hearts one happy, but he so the appearance, makes them feel the incomparable anxiety now. 看到曾易,朱竹清,宁荣荣两女心中一喜,但是他现在这般模样,却让她们感到无比的揪心。 Ceng Yi at this moment, the disorderly appearance of having hair dishevelled, the clothing was shattered, the body is overflowing the blood, aura incomparable weak, as if along with possibly drops down. 此刻的曾易,披头散发的凌乱模样,衣衫破碎,身上溢着鲜血,气息无比的虚弱,似乎随是都可能倒下。 Ceng Yi! You? I treat to you immediately!” 曾易!你怎么样了?我马上给你治疗!” Ning Rongrong sees that runs over hastily, the complexion visits him anxiously. 宁荣荣见状,连忙跑了过来,脸色焦急的看着他。 Ceng Yi falls to the ground, puts the ground Bo Saixi, is shaking the head to Ning Rongrong. 曾易落地,把波塞西放到地面,对着宁荣荣摇了摇头。 I am all right, first saves her.” “我没事,先救她吧。” Ceng Yi this saying, making Ning Rongrong respond, she discovered, Ceng Yi is hugging person, unexpectedly is big elder Bo Saixi. 曾易这话,让宁荣荣反应过来,她才发现,曾易抱着的人,竟然是大长老波塞西 How can like this?” “怎么会这样子?” Ning Rongrong looked at Bo Saixi, frightened covered the mouth, the double pupil opens the eyes greatly, cannot believe. 宁荣荣看了一眼波塞西,惊吓的捂住了嘴,双眸大睁,不敢相信。 In her eyes, is almost omnipotent, just like the gods big elder, will turn into now this appearance unexpectedly. 在她眼中,几乎是无所不能,犹如神明般的大长老,竟然会变成现在这个模样。 Armor was shattered, in the beautiful facial features bleeds profusely from the head, appears the incomparable misery. 身上的铠甲破碎,绝美的面容上七窍流血,显得无比的凄凉。 The aura is if hidden if no, the candlelight of vitality on such as wind, as if may extinguish anytime. 气息更是若隐若无,生机就如风中的烛火,仿佛随时都有可能灭去。 Ning Rongrong releases own Martial Soul hastily, seven black one red, eight Spirit Ring appear in her side. 宁荣荣连忙释放出自己的武魂,七黑一红,八个魂环在她身旁显现。 Just likes god light/only nine color Spirit Power to disperse in the space. 犹如神光般的九彩魂力在空间中散开。 This fills the Spirit Power photo of vitality to fall on the body, almost soon oil completely lamp dry Ceng Yi, felt that the pain of body was more affable. 这充满着生机的魂力照落在身上,几乎快要油尽灯枯的曾易,也感觉到身体的痛苦舒缓了许多。 Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, mew mew reading! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to kill the time, here can download 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,咪咪阅读!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载】 Ning Rongrong breaks through to the Spirit Douluo boundary again, had 100,000 years of Spirit Ring. 宁荣荣再突破到魂斗罗境界,拥有了十万年魂环 But 100,000 years of Spirit Ring has two soul techniques, in Ning Rongrong these two 100,000 years of soul techniques its one, has the treatment ability. 而十万年魂环有两个魂技,宁荣荣这两个十万年魂技中其一,就是有着治疗能力。 This makes Ning Rongrong assists Spirit Master, auxiliary ability comprehensive. 这让宁荣荣身为辅助魂师,辅助能力更加的全面。 „The eighth soul technique, life recovery!” “第八魂技,生命复苏!” A Ning Rongrong walking tractor nine valuable glazed pagodas, release one of the own 100,000 years of soul techniques. 宁荣荣一手拖着九宝琉璃塔,释放出自己的十万年魂技之一。 The strength of huge vitality emerges, just like the spring breeze of recovery, surrounded severely wounded stupor Bo Saixi. 庞大的生机之力涌现,犹如复苏的春风,包围了重伤昏迷的波塞西 The strength of powerful vitality, is repairing Bo Saixi this torn to pieces body. 强悍的生机之力,修复着波塞西这支离破碎的身体。 Ning Rongrong this soul technique, the life recovers, so long as were treats the object not dead, can get back the opposite party. 宁荣荣这个魂技,生命复苏,只要是治疗对象没有死亡,就能够把对方恢复过来。 The cure ability of this terrifying, compares favorably sufficiently cures Martial Soul strongly, nine heart hypericums. 这恐怖的治愈能力,足以媲美最强治愈武魂,九心海棠。 Naturally, even the cure ability of this soul technique is strong, still regarding with boundary Spirit Master. 当然,即使这个魂技的治愈能力再强,也只是对于同境界的魂师而言。 Repairing of Ning Rongrong and Bo Saixi is the disparity is too big, 宁荣荣波塞西的修为差距太大, Moreover the wound that Bo Saixi receives is different in the ordinary injury. Therefore, Ning Rongrong cannot cure good Bo Saixi immediately. 而且波塞西受的伤更是不同于普通的伤势。所以,宁荣荣并不能立刻治愈好波塞西 However, stands firm Bo Saixi this soon the dying condition, otherwise her vitality dissipation, can achieve. 不过,稳住波塞西这副快要垂死的状态,不然她的生机消散,还是可以做到的。 But in Ning Rongrong to these days of Bo Saixi treatment, Ceng Yi found a place to sit down, controls one's breathing own body condition. 而在宁荣荣波塞西治疗的这段时间,曾易找了个地方坐下,调息自己的身体状态。 „It is not good, the injury of big elder was too serious, I can only stabilize her present injury not to continue to proliferate, save the life of big elder, is unable to make her sober.” On the Ning Rongrong face revealed the anxious color. “不行,大长老的伤势太重了,我只能够稳定她现在的伤势不继续扩散,保住大长老的性命,无法让她清醒过来。”宁荣荣脸上露出了焦急之色。 They in these years world that Sea God Island practices, although the big elder is strict in the inspection, but usually to them very kind, not parsimonious instruction in practicing issue. 她们在海神岛修行的这几年世界,虽然大长老在考核的时候非常严格,但平时对她们都非常的亲切,在修行问题上也毫不吝啬的指导。 Bo Saixi regarding Ning Rongrong, is a very kind elder, she does not want to see her to turn into this appearance. 波塞西对于宁荣荣来说,也是一个非常亲切的长辈,她并不想看到她变成这个样子。 Why can fight? This is obviously avoidable.” “为什么一定要战斗?这明明可以避免的。” Tang San looks at the severe wound dying, remaining unconscious Bo Saixi, one side the sitting cross-legged accent rests, but aura also extremely weak Ceng Yi. 唐三看着重伤垂死,昏迷不醒的波塞西,还有一旁盘坐调休,但气息也极其虚弱的曾易 He is incomprehensible, everyone knew obviously, is not the personal enemy, but must fight this situation. 他不能理解,大家明明都认识,也不是什么仇人,可是非要战斗到这种地步。 Regarding Tang San these words, in the people heart is also puzzled. 对于唐三这句话,众人心中也是不解。 Obviously is the friend of acquaintance, why must divide a life and death, divides high under? 明明都是相识的朋友,为什么一定要分个生死,分个高下? Because this is the person......” “因为这就是人......” Weak words resound in the people ear, they then look, sees Ceng Yi from controlling one's breathing wakes up. 一句虚弱的话在众人耳中响起,她们回头看去,见曾易从调息中醒来。 Ceng Yi looks at the puzzled people, opens the mouth to say lightly: „ Wanting is a person, so long as some people in the place, will have the dispute. 曾易看着不解的众人,开口淡淡道:“只要是人,只要有人在的地方,就会有纷争。 For power, for ambition, greedy, the desire, these are the powers that promotes the person to go forward. 为了权力,为了野心,贪婪,欲望,这些都是促进人前进的动力。 Why the person can place oneself with this mortal world outside. 为什么人能够置身与尘世之外。 Will happen one day, you will understand this truth. ” 终有一天,你们会明白这个道理的。” Ceng Yi is saying, moved toward to Bo Saixi treatment Ning Rongrong, looks Bo Saixi that remains unconscious, sighed one lightly. 曾易说着,走向了正在给波塞西治疗的宁荣荣,看着昏迷不醒的波塞西,轻叹一声。 Moreover, this is the best result......” “而且,这已经是最好的结果了......” Returns to the sea temple.” “回海神殿吧。” ...... ...... Snow Emperor brings injured Ceng Yi, Bo Saixi, the Tang San people returned to Sea God Island again. 雪帝带着受伤的曾易,还有波塞西,唐三众人再一次的回到了海神岛上。 Mounted Sea God Island again, Ceng Yi brings remaining unconscious Bo Saixi, entered in the sea temple. 再次登上了海神岛,曾易带着昏迷不醒的波塞西,进入了海神殿之中。 But this matter, except for Tang San and the others, everyone on Sea God Island, does not know, the big priest who they respect, almost soon died. 而这一件事,除了唐三等人,海神岛上的所有人,都不知道,他们尊敬的大祭司,几乎快要死去。 Even if seven Saint column protectors have not learned about. 哪怕七圣柱守护者也不曾知悉。 Because of the sea temple, without summon of Bo Saixi, seven Saint column protectors is unable to enter. 因为海神殿,没有波塞西的召见,七圣柱守护者也无法进入。 Ceng Yi holds Bo Saixi to enter the sea temple, her keep flat before sea god statue. 曾易抱着波塞西走进海神殿,把她平放在海神雕像前。 Looks to be pale, the aura is weak, remaining unconscious Ceng Yi pulled out the sea god to donate own that gem, the heart of sea, placed the Bo Saixi chest front. 看着脸色苍白,气息虚弱,昏迷不醒的波塞曾易掏出了海神赠予自己的那颗宝石,海洋之心,放在了波塞西的胸前。 The next quarter, the heart of sea bloomed the intense brilliance, is covering the Bo Saixi body, but the sea god idol in temple, produced the resonance, is glittering the god light/only. 下一刻,海洋之心绽放出了强烈的光辉,笼罩着波塞西的身躯,而神殿中的海神神像,也产生了共鸣,闪烁着神光。 Looks at this, Ceng Yi knows, Bo Saixi is the life no worries, but must wake up thoroughly, must wait previous some time. 看着这一幕,曾易知道,波塞西已经是性命无忧,不过要彻底醒来,还是要等上一段时间。 Happen, oneself and she one post-war, had the new sensibility to the swordsmanship, needs to close up some time. 正好,自己与她一战后,对剑道也有了新的感悟,需要闭关一段时间。 But happen to Sea God Island, without temple better closing up place. 而正好海神岛,没有比海神殿更好的闭关场所了。 Three months later. 三个月后。 In the sea temple, Bo Saixi opened the eye. 海神殿中,波塞西睁开了眼睛。 „Is here...... the sea temple?” “这里是......海神殿?” She is observing the situation the surrounding environment, discovers incomparable familiar. 她环视着周围的环境,发现无比的熟悉。 Bo Saixi somewhat inconceivable looks at own the hand of uphold. 波塞西有些不可思议的看着自己的抬起的手。 „Haven't I...... died?” “我......没有死?” You hope very much did oneself die?” “难道你很希望自己死去?” In the spacious palace, resounded another strange sound. 空旷的殿内,响起了另外一道陌生的声音。 Bo Saixi hears sound looks, sees young people to stand there. 波塞西闻声看去,见一个年轻人站在那里。 Ceng Yi!” 曾易!” Bo Saixi stand, in heart in great surprise. 波塞西站了起来,心中大惊。 Bo Saixi of just regaining consciousness somewhat seemed to be excited, but was quick she to be calm. 刚刚苏醒的波塞西情绪似乎有些激动,不过很快她就镇定了下来。 Looks at present this young people, the Bo Saixi look is somewhat complex. 看着眼前这个年轻人,波塞西的眼神有些复杂。 Finally, she feels relaxed spits the one breath lightly. 最后,她释然的轻吐一口气。 I...... defeated......” “我......败了......” After acknowledged personally oneself lost, Bo Saixi felt own mood at this moment, from unprecedented relaxed. 在亲口承认自己输了之后,波塞西感觉自己此刻的心情,从所未有的轻松。 Is own time, had finished. 属于自己的时代,已经结束了。 ...... ...... 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