DDTR :: Volume #7

#624: The elegant demeanor of that sword, ending of Sea God Douluo!

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Even if the Sea Dragon of Bo Saixi control bumps broken, but she can withstand the suppression as but before below ice great sword. 即使波塞西驾驭的海龙碰碎,但她依旧能够顶住着镇压而下的冰之巨剑。 Instead, with the divine tool, under the collision of sea god trident, this is congealed by the ice of pinnacle the ice that again becomes the great sword, the sword sharp place had presented the tiny fissure. 反而,再与神器,海神三叉戟的碰撞下,这由极致之冰凝结而成的冰之巨剑,剑尖处已经出现了细小的裂痕。 But this fissure also in unceasing expansion, but during breath, the tiny fissure has proliferated the entire sword blade, the great sword will collapse momentarily. 而这个裂痕还在不断的扩大,不过一个呼吸间,细小的裂痕就已经遍布整个剑身,巨剑随时都会崩溃。 Broken!” “破!” As Bo Saixi calls out, under supernatural power shake, ice great sword under this tyrannical strength, explodes, scatters everywhere ice fragments. 随着波塞西一声暴喝,神力震荡下,冰之巨剑在这股强横的力量下,爆开,散落成漫天冰屑。 Bo Saixi grasps the sea god trident direct impact, but on physique, such as peerless unparalleled martial God, the terrifying imposing manner tore void, has to pierce the potential of vault of heaven. 波塞西手持海神三叉戟直冲而上的身姿,亦如绝世无双的武神,恐怖的气势撕裂了虚空,有着洞穿天穹之势。 Ice Emperor sword!” 冰帝剑!” In ice great sword shatter that moment, the pinnacle cold air congealed in the Ceng Yi hand, formed a sharp ice blade. 在冰之巨剑破碎的那一刻,极致的寒气在曾易手中凝结,形成了一把锋利的冰刃。 The Ceng Yi right hand mist cuts, the left hand Ice Emperor sword, facing flushing raids Bo Saixi that comes, does not dread, holds the double sword to move forward to meet somebody. 曾易右手岚切,左手冰帝剑,面对冲袭而来的波塞西,毫不畏惧,持着双剑迎了上去。 Emperor sword- ice pole unparalleled! 帝剑-冰极无双! This is extremely north monarchy Ice and Snow Maiden, one of the Snow Emperor unique skills, this move is also very powerful swordsmanship magical powers. 这本是极北君主冰天雪女,雪帝的绝招之一,此招也是一个非常强大的剑道神通。 After Snow Emperor becomes the Ceng Yi sword spirit, Ceng Yi naturally also learned this move. 雪帝成为了曾易的剑灵后,曾易自然也学会了这一招。 Snow Emperor regarding the swordsmanship extremely in not being skilled, puts forth this move of might is very powerful. 雪帝本身对于剑道就不是太过于精通,使出这招的威力就无比强悍。 Now changes into the swordsmanship to cultivate/repair to pass Ceng Yi of god boundary puts forth, that might is terrifying. 如今换成剑道修为通神境的曾易使出,那威力是更加的恐怖。 The extremely cold strength froze the space, as if the time was even frozen. 极寒之力冻结了空间,似乎连时间都被冻住。 That flash, the world therefore stagnates. 那一刹那,世界都因而停滞。 Ka ~ 咔~ Bang! 嘭! The collision of blade and long halberd, destroyed the space, the energy storm raised, below glacier under this strength, was shaken torn to pieces. 刀刃与长戟的碰撞,打碎了空间,能量风暴掀起,下方的冰川在这股力量下,被震得支离破碎。 How can?” “怎么会?” The Bo Saixi body flies upside down, she cannot believe, Ceng Yi can actually contend with the strength of god. 波塞西身体倒飞出去,她不敢相信,曾易竟然能够抗衡神的力量。 The strength of sea god, was suppressed! 海神之力,被压制了! On the sea god trident in Bo Saixi hand froze a glazed frost. 波塞西手中的海神三叉戟上冻结了一层薄冰。 Swift and fierce sword intent of that supplementary, seems to be cutting own soul. 那附带的凌厉剑意,似乎在切割自己的灵魂。 Ceng Yi looks at Bo Saixi, has known, she soon reached the limit. 曾易看着波塞西,也已经知道,她快要到达极限了。 The power of use sea god, achieves to endure compared with the mighty force of gods, as a mortal, this is the limit, the body is unable long-term support this strength. 使用海神的权能,达到堪比神明的伟力,作为一个凡人,这已经是极限,身体无法长时间的支撑这股力量。 Naturally, Ceng Yi is also so, can fight with Bo Saixi at this moment, except for burning oneself massive Spirit Power, the large scale promotion strength, can insist so the situation. 当然,曾易也是如此,能够与波塞西战斗到这一刻,除了燃烧自己大量的魂力,大幅度的提升战力,才能坚持到这般地步。 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” „The strength of sea god Sir, how will lose to you!” “海神大人的力量,怎么会输给你!” Bo Saixi lost calmly, the expression is even more crazy, that beautiful facial features revealed the fierce color. 波塞西失去了冷静,表情愈发疯狂,那绝美的面容都露出了狰狞之色。 The sea god as its belief, that is invincible existence. 海神作为其的信仰,那是无敌的存在。 The big priest as sea temple, gods the spokesman of world, Bo Saixi cannot accept itself after using the sea god strength failed. 身为海神殿的大祭司,神明的人间的代言人,波塞西不能接受自己在使用了海神的力量后失败。 Said, with mew mew has really pursued recently, traded the source switch over, reading aloud the timbre were many, the Android apple may.】 【讲真,最近一直用咪咪追更,换源切换,朗读音色多,安卓苹果均可。】 That will only be shamed to the sea god Sir. 那只会给海神大人蒙羞。 Bo Saixi of sea hundred years of no rival, has not thought vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, oneself will be defeated in the sea unexpectedly. 纵横大海百年无敌手的波塞西,从来没有想过,自己竟然会在大海上被人打败。 However today, facing this person, she really felt, oneself will defeat! 但是今天,面对这个人,她真的感觉,自己会败! Angry Bo Saixi, the sea also becomes the rebellion to get up because of the change of her mood. 愤怒的波塞西,大海也因她情绪的变化变得暴动起来。 The terrifying supernatural power erupts on the body of Bo Saixi, the world changes color, the sea god empty shadow appeared in Bo Saixi again behind. 恐怖的神力在波塞西的身上爆发,天地都为之变色,海神的虚影再一次出现在了波塞西的身后。 That thousand zhang (3.33 m) high sea god empty shadow is situated in above the sea, looks like ancient God of god Wei Town world, incomparable shock. 那千丈之高的海神虚影立于大海之上,就像是一尊神威镇世的古神,无比的震撼。 Looks at the mood to become excited Bo Saixi, Ceng Yi holds the sword to sneer. 望着情绪变得激动的波塞西,曾易持剑冷笑。 Is impossible to lose? Invincible? Really incomparably laughable words!” “不可能输?无敌?真是无比可笑的话!” Even if the gods, is unable to prevent the say/way that I go forward!” “纵使是神明,也无法阻挡我前进的道!” Ceng Yi is situated in the sky, cuts in the mist the income sheath. 曾易立于天空,把岚切收入鞘中。 Before looking at the body, that just like giant sea god empty shadow, such as the mountain is also common, own body in front of this, is tiny like the ants. 望着身前那宛若巨人般的海神虚影,亦如山岳一般,自己的身体在这面前,如同蝼蚁般渺小。 Last move! 最后一招了! Ceng Yi knows, 曾易知道, This move, this fight will decide the victory and defeat. How could mortal shakes the dignity of gods, is really laughable!” 这一招,这场战斗将分出胜负。“凡人岂能撼动神明的威严,真是可笑!” Bo Saixi shouted angrily, the sea god trident that in hand wielded, but that thousand zhang (3.33 m) high sea god empty shadow, grasped the light lance to imitate her movement. 波塞西怒喝,挥动的手中的海神三叉戟,而身后那千丈之高的海神虚影,也手持着光矛模仿着她的动作。 Sea god halberd- minute/share of the world!” “海神戟-分天地!” Bo Saixi calls out, the sea god trident in hand, is dividing to cut to the Ceng Yi direction under. 波塞西暴喝,手中的海神三叉戟,对着曾易的方向劈斩而下。 But she behind that huge sea god empty shadow, grasps up the lance, chops to cut toward Ceng Yi. 而她身后那巨大的海神虚影,也手持光矛,向着曾易劈斩。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- The lance has not only fallen, the strength of that terrifying has cut open below sea, the space was cut. 光矛还没有落下,那恐怖的力量就已经切开了下方的大海,就连空间都被划开。 Then just like the day deep pool strength suppression , the Ceng Yi whole body skeleton in ka ka makes noise. 那宛若天渊般的力量镇压而下,曾易全身骨骼都在咔咔作响。 Faces directly a minute/share of day is breaking the sea strikes, on the Ceng Yi face does not dread, complete sword intent condenses with the scabbard. 直面着分天断海的一击,曾易脸上毫不畏惧,全部的剑意凝聚与剑鞘之中。 God?” “神?” Your belief, is not worth mentioning to me!” “你的信仰,对我来说不值一提!” At that moment, Ceng Yi drew out the mist to cut. 那一刻,曾易拔出了岚切。 Extremely god sword technique- soulless! 极神剑术-无神! In an instant, wipes the sword glittering, the time for it static. 刹那之间,一抹剑光闪烁,时间都为之静止。 If also the world inaugurates, endless sword intent gathered a sword, condensed the principle. 亦如天地初开,无尽的剑意汇聚成了一剑,凝聚成了法则。 That flash, Zhu Zhuqing beside hundred li (0.5 km) sea area, Tang San and the others, the feeling of being able not help the indescribable big terrifying, the spirit tied tight, the whole body fine body hair started. 那一瞬间,远在百里海域之外的朱竹清,唐三等人,都情不自禁的感受到了不可名状的大恐怖,精神都紧绷,全身寒毛乍起。 As if sword, cut off their soul. 似乎有一剑,斩断了他们的灵魂。 That flash, even consciousness quietly. 那一瞬间,连意识都沉寂。 Recovers again, everyone discovered, own back had been moistened by the cold sweat. 再次回过神来,所有人都发现,自己的背后已经被冷汗打湿。 Unexpectedly is this move!” “竟然是这一招!” After getting back one's composure, Snow Emperor has a big shock, she at this moment, the body is trembling. 回神之后,雪帝大惊失色,此刻的她,身体都在发抖。 This feeling, she may be too familiar. 这个感觉,她可太熟悉了。 Initially when Northern Polar Fields and a Ceng Yi war, oneself defeated under this sword. 当初在极北之地曾易一战的时候,自己就是败在了这一剑之下。 A sword is atheistic! 一剑无神! This move looked in Snow Emperor, is almost the pinnacle of swordsmanship, gathered the strength of principle. 这一招在雪帝看了,几乎是剑道的极致,汇聚成了法则之力。 A sword breaks the life and death. 一剑断生死。 Initially defeated and under that sword, this fear, already deep brand mark in the Snow Emperor innermost feelings. 当初败与那一剑下,这份恐惧,早已经深深的烙印在了雪帝的内心之中。 Every recalls one time, feels scalp tingles. 每一次回想起来,都感到头皮发麻。 But this time, understood this move of feeling again. 而这一次,再次体会到了这一招的感觉。 The object who even if this sword cuts is not oneself, even if oneself are far away from the battlefield beyond hundred li (0.5 km), may engrave the fear in innermost soul, makes her soul tremble as before. 即使这一剑斩下的对象不是自己,即使自己远离战场百里之外,可刻印在灵魂深处的恐惧,依旧让她灵魂都在颤栗。 Moreover, many years pass by, cultivates to rise sharply Ceng Yi, will cut this sword again, might only terrifying. 而且,多年过去,修为大涨的曾易,再次斩出这一剑,威力只会更加的恐怖。 Snow elder sister, made us lose the consciousness a moment ago, is the feeling of that palpitation, Brother Yi's style?” Xiao Wu asked that on the face also revealed is shocking frightened with. “雪姐姐,刚才让我们失去意识,那心悸的感觉,是易哥的招式?”小舞问道,脸上还流露着震撼与恐惧。 The Snow Emperor profound pupil light is staring at the wild sea distant place, opens the mouth saying: Without guessing wrong, the fight had ended......” 雪帝深邃的眸光凝望着狂暴的大海远方,开口道:“如果没猜错的话,战斗已经结束了......” ...... ...... That sword, the space of tearing easily, cuts off the vault of heaven. When Bo Saixi recovers, had discovered, the light lance in sea god empty shadow hand, starts to collapse. 那一剑,轻易的撕裂的空间,斩断天穹。当波塞西回过神来,已经发现,海神虚影手中的光矛,开始崩溃。 Innumerable fissures also in unceasing proliferation, but in a minute, these thousand zhang (3.33 m) giants are defeated and dispersed under this sword. 无数的裂痕还在不断的扩散,不过片刻,这千丈巨人在这一剑之下溃散。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Why you so powerful......” “为什么你会如此的强大......” The Bo Saixi mouth is muttering, cannot believe, oneself defeated unexpectedly. 波塞西嘴里喃喃着,不敢相信,自己竟然败了。 Defeats under this sword. 败在这一剑之下。 Sword intent of that terrifying, formed the principle, cuts to fall under. 那恐怖的剑意,形成了法则,斩落而下。 Even the true gods, will feel scared for this sword, let alone oneself. 即使是真正的神明,都会为这一剑感到胆寒,更别说自己。 The terrifying strength is tearing her body, sea god arming becomes also damaged. 恐怖的力量撕裂着她的身躯,海神武装也变得破碎不堪。 Bo Saixi at this moment, such as the bird of flap, weak from in the air falls. 此刻的波塞西,就如折翼的鸟儿,无力的从空中落下。 The falling sea, was embezzled by the wild ocean waves. 掉落大海,被狂暴的海浪吞没。 As Sea God Douluo, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered sea hundred years invincible to the powerhouse, Bo Saixi has not thought that oneself one day, by sea embezzling. 身为海神斗罗,纵横大海百年无敌的至强者,波塞西从来没有想过,自己有一天,会被大海给吞没。 Feels the fishy smell salty sea water to flood into the nose mouth, a Bo Saixi not strength at this moment, even is unable to struggle this pain. 感受着腥咸的海水涌入鼻口中,此刻的波塞西没有一丝的力气,甚至无法挣扎这份痛苦。 Thinks that one day will not die in sea, is really what kind of satire......】 【想不自己有一天会死在大海中,真是何等的讽刺啊......】 The sea is own belief, own mother. 大海是自己的信仰,自己的母亲。 Regarding Bo Saixi, regardless of the sea is what appearance, feels the incomparable kindness about the sea. 对于波塞西来说,无论大海是什么模样,都对大海感到无比的亲切。 But sea at this moment, looks like the endless abyss, oneself brutal swallowing. 但此刻的大海,就像是无尽的深渊,将自己无情的吞噬。 Endless being stranded intent raids, Bo Saixi felt oneself good tired quite tired, probably sleeps. 无尽的困意袭来,波塞西觉得自己好累好累,好像睡上一觉。 The consciousness starts gradually to dissipate. 意识开始逐渐消散。 Is falling into dark that moment, she noticed indistinctly a hand extends to oneself. 在陷入黑暗的那一刻,她隐约看到一只手向自己伸来。 ..... ..... 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