DDTR :: Volume #7

#623: Tang does Chen teach your exploding link?

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Bang- 轰- Below ocean waves explode, a form flushed. 下方的海浪爆开,一个身影冲了出来。 Bo Saixi is grasping the sea god trident lightly, the pupil light is looking at Ceng Yi. 波塞西手持着海神三叉戟,眸光平淡的望着曾易 She is naturally clear, oneself that struck is also not enough to want the Ceng Yi life. 她自然清楚,自己那一击还不足以要了曾易的性命。 But even so, Ceng Yi, in Bo Saixi uses the divine tool under strikes, suffered the heavy losses as before. 但即使如此,曾易波塞西使用神器的一击之下,依旧受到了重创。 Feels the tearing feeling in the body transmitting, Ceng Yi eats the pain grinning. 感受着身体内传来的撕裂感,曾易吃痛的咧了咧嘴。 That divided to cut a moment ago, although kept off, but that fearful strength, making the Ceng Yi both arms tremble. 刚才那劈砍,虽然挡了下来,但是那可怕的力量,让曾易双臂都在发颤。 Really is fearful ~ “真是可怕啊~” Ceng Yi narrows the eyes to focus, is looking at this terrifying stance Bo Saixi, sighs with emotion one. 曾易微眯着眼,望着这副恐怖姿态的波塞西,感慨一声。 However, this also within his anticipation, used Sea God Douluo of true strength, its strength should so, be able to give itself pressure so. 不过,这也在他的预期之内,使用了真正力量的海神斗罗,其力量就应该如此,能够给予自己这般的压力。 A year ago, oneself with deep sea demon whale king one post-war, cultivates to about one step, the swordsmanship cultivate/repair to step into the boundary of Sword God. 一年前,自己在与深海魔鲸王一战后,修为更近一步,剑道修为踏入剑神之境。 Although is not the god boundary in the true sense, but was half step is also in front of the goal. 虽然并不是真正意义上的神境,不过也算是半步临门了。 The Bo Saixi strength is very strong, but Ceng Yi in pre-war, supposing, oneself, if all methods, the card in a hand completely leaves, should be able with a Bo Saixi war. 波塞西的实力很强,不过曾易在战前,也估摸着,自己若是所有的手段,底牌尽出,应该能够与波塞西一战。 Victory and defeat how, although Ceng Yi is very self-confident about oneself, but must hit has known. 只是胜负如何,虽然曾易对自己很自信,不过还是要打过才知道。 Like the present so, oneself has compelled the limit Bo Saixi. 就像现在这般,自己已经把波塞西逼到了极限。 Moreover facing so stance Bo Saixi, this intense constriction, makes Ceng Yi be somewhat unbearable. 而且面对如此姿态的波塞西,这股强烈的压迫感,却让曾易有些难以承受。 Ceng Yi, I appreciate very much, admire your say/way, your natural talent is remarkable, even if the initial sky, angel both Peerless Douluo were less than you. 曾易,我很欣赏,敬佩你的道,你天资卓越,哪怕当初的昊天,天使两位绝世斗罗都不及你。 What a pity, you were too young! ” 可惜,你还是太年轻了!” Bo Saixi that pair of brutal golden color pupil is only gazing at distressed Ceng Yi, the blue gold brilliance in its body sparkle, grasps the stance of divine tool sea god trident, such as true gods. 波塞西那双无情的金色眸光注视着狼狈的曾易,蓝金光辉在其身体闪耀,手持神器海神三叉戟的姿态,就如真正的神明般。 You were too anxious, if and other years, I possibly is not your opponent.” “你太急了,若是在等十年,我可能不是你的对手。” But now, you are impossible to defeat me, defeats this strength of being the sea god Sir!” “但是现在,你不可能战胜我,战胜这份属于海神大人的力量!” Said again one time, the retreat, may keep a life! The dignity of sea god Sir, does not allow to offend!” “再说一次,退去,可留一命!海神大人的尊严,不容冒犯!” Arrived this, you thought that I possibly do draw back?” “都到这一步了,你觉得我可能退?” The warning of Bo Saixi, cannot waver the determination and faith of Ceng Yi, he comes Sea God Island, waited for one year, for this moment. 波塞西的警告,动摇不了曾易的决心与信念,他来海神岛,等待了一年,就是为了这一刻。 Lets itself and other years? Cracks a joke? 让自己在等十年?开什么玩笑? First did not say the own such long time, has not had even, ten years later, Bo Saixi possibly is not own opponent. 先不说自己没有这么长的时间,就算是有,十年之后,波塞西不可能是自己的对手。 Does not have the fight of suspense, Ceng Yi not to come this, this is not meaningful. 没有悬念的战斗,曾易根本不会来此,这没有任何意义。 Only then like so, has the fight of suspense, will be felt by oneself excited. 只有像这般,有着悬念的战斗,才会让自己感到兴奋。 Breaks the shackles, reaches the pinnacle! 打破枷锁,登峰造极! In that flash, the body of Ceng Yi erupted a more powerful imposing manner. 在那一瞬间,曾易的身上爆发出了更加强大的气势。 Rushing Spirit Power changed to the turbulent storm in the space. 滂湃的魂力在空间中化作了汹涌的风暴。 Regarding side eight Spirit Ring in Ceng Yi, explodes one time, changed to endless Spirit Power, swamps into the body of Ceng Yi. 围绕在曾易身边的八个魂环,一次爆开,化作了无尽的魂力,涌入曾易的身体之中。 How can?” “怎么会?” Bo Saixi sees this, has a big shock. 波塞西看到这一幕,大惊失色。 Because, the change of Ceng Yi, she was too familiar. 因为,曾易的这个变化,她太熟悉了。 Explodes the link! 炸环! Once, Bo Saixi in sky douluo, is on the Tang San paternal great-grandfather, saw him to use this skill. 曾经,波塞西在昊天斗罗,也就是唐三的曾祖上,见到他使用过这个技能。 Blasts oneself Spirit Ring, considerably grows own strength, can raise very strong situation the strength. 炸掉自己身上的魂环,大幅度的增长自身的力量,能够把实力拔高非常强的地步。 But, why does Ceng Yi meet this skill? 可是,为什么曾易会这个技能? Bo Saixi is somewhat puzzled. 波塞西有些不解。 Explodes link soul technique, is who hands over you?” “炸环这个魂技,是谁交你的?” The Bo Saixi stern voice asked that perhaps, she can learn of the news of that person from its. 波塞西严声问道,或许,她能够从其口中得知那个人的消息。 Explodes the link?” “炸环么?” Ceng Yi hehe smiles, understands instantaneously she is what meaning. 曾易呵呵一笑,瞬间就明白了她到底是什么意思。 Oneself know, paternal great-grandfather Tang Chen of Bo Saixi to Tang San, has the sentiment, but explodes link skill, is Tang Chen homemade soul technique. 自己知道,波塞西唐三的曾祖唐晨,有着感情,而炸环这个技能,就是唐晨自创的魂技。 Does she want to inquire from oneself here about the Tang early morning matter? 她想要从自己这里打听关于唐晨的事情? Ceng Yi feels somewhat funnily. 曾易不禁感到有些好笑。 Which if oneself know Tang Chen, but also serves a need to arrive at Sea God Island in sea from the mainland from afar? 若是自己知道唐晨在哪,还用得着千里迢迢从大陆来到大海上的海神岛 Definitely first looks for Tang Chen this Peerless Douluo to get one. 肯定先找唐晨这位绝世斗罗打上一架。 What a pity, Tang Chen is dies lives, Ceng Yi is not clear. 可惜,唐晨是死是活,曾易并不清楚。 My this does not explode the link.” “我这可不是炸环。” Let alone, my Spirit Ring, but is different from your Spirit Ring, because, these Spirit Ring are I condenses.” “更何况,我的魂环,可不同于你的魂环,因为,这些魂环都是我自己凝聚出来的。” Such possibly? 这么可能? After hearing Ceng Yi this saying, the Bo Saixi eye pupil shrinks, in the heart raised the difficult situation. 听到曾易这话后,波塞西眼眸一缩,心中掀起了惊涛骇浪。 Human Spirit Master such possibly from congealing Spirit Ring? 人类魂师这么可能自凝魂环 Now, this is my true stance!” “现在,这就是我的真正姿态!” Ceng Yi has not explained anything to Bo Saixi, is feeling within the body full Spirit Power, that rushes like sea water Spirit Power, has the inexhaustible strength. 曾易并没有向波塞西解释什么,感受着体内充盈的魂力,那澎湃如海水般的魂力,有着无穷无尽的力量。 Bang- 轰- The next quarter, the Ceng Yi form changed to a silver lightning to clash, the extremely quick speed, with the swift and fierce sword intent eruption, the space was cut together the heavy line. 下一刻,曾易的身影化作了一道银色的闪电冲了出去,极快的速度,随着凌厉的剑意爆发,空间都被斩出一道黑线。 Words said, at present reads aloud listens to storytelling easiest-to-use app, mew mew reading, installment most update.】 【话说,目前朗读听书最好用的app,咪咪阅读,安装最新版。】 But below sea water by the neat division, had been formed a long h oceanic trench, can clear visible seabed that dry earth's crust. 而下方的海水已经被整齐的分割,形成了一道长长的h海沟,可以清晰的看见海底那干涸的地壳。 Bang! 嘭! The Bo Saixi double hand-held halberd, blocked the blade in Ceng Yi hand horizontally. 波塞西双手持戟,横挡住了曾易手中的刀。 Sharp, glitters the gloss cutting edge to reflect own cheeks. 锋利,闪烁着光泽的锋刃倒映着自己的脸颊。 Even Bo Saixi has not responded Ceng Yi speed at this moment, but body or instinct reacted. 即使波塞西没有反应过来曾易此刻的速度,但是身体还是本能的做出了反应。 Now is not the absent-minded time, big elder.” “现在可不是失神的时候,大长老。” Ceng Yi that as if brings the sound biography of ridicule to hear, Bo Saixi has angry, oneself were looked down upon unexpectedly again. 曾易那似乎带着嘲弄的声音传入耳中,波塞西心生恼怒,自己竟然再一次被瞧不起了。 The tyrannical supernatural power erupts from the body. 强横的神力从身上爆发。 Bang- 轰- The terrifying impulse enabled the space to have the distortion. 恐怖的冲击力使得空间都发生了扭曲。 In the chaotic storm, two people spread out. 混乱的风暴中,两人拉开了距离。 Ceng Yi draws a sword to wield cuts, the sea that the sword air/Qi splits, brutally cuts toward Bo Saixi. 曾易拔剑挥斩,剑气分裂的大海,向着波塞西无情斩去。 Bo Saixi does not show weakness, grasps the divine tool, a halberd breaks the attack of Ceng Yi. 波塞西也毫不示弱,手持神器,一戟震碎曾易的攻击。 Two people speeds drew near pinnacle, others are unable to catch with the naked eye. 两人的速度快到了极致,旁人根本无法用肉眼捕捉。 Bang bang bang- 砰砰砰- Each twinkle, every to incurring, the terrifying strength breaks the space one time sufficiently, the world is vibrating. 每一次闪烁,每一次对招,恐怖的力量都足以把空间震碎,世界都在震动。 Dozens moves, Bo Saixi discovered, oneself is unable to suppress Ceng Yi unexpectedly, this makes her feel very inconceivable. 数十招下来,波塞西发现,自己竟然无法压制住曾易,这让她感到很是不可思议。 Such possibly? 这么可能? An years three years of age, the strength has only endured compared with the gods, what monster is this? 年仅不过三载之龄,实力就已经堪比神明,这是什么怪物? Bo Saixi discovered oneself as if estimated that made a mistake the Ceng Yi strength. 波塞西发现自己似乎预估错了曾易的实力。 Above the sea, crazy wreaking havoc of ocean waves turns wells up, in the sky is glittering the electric light, thunderous explosion sound. 大海之上,海浪的疯狂的肆虐翻涌,天空中闪烁着电光,雷鸣轰响。 The next quarter, a giant dragon's head finds out from the sea water, condenses the body, turns in the ocean waves wells up howls crazily. 下一刻,一头巨大的龙头从海水中探出,凝聚出身躯,在海浪中翻涌狂啸。 Bo Saixi stands in this top of the head of hundred zhang (333 m) Sea Dragon is condensed by the sea water becomes, the governing dragon meets head-on. 波塞西站在这头由海水凝聚而成的百丈海龙的头顶,御龙迎战。 The fierce big dragon roared, wiped the purple electricity to delimit in the dim space. 狰狞的巨龙咆哮,一抹紫电在昏暗的天上划过。 Shortly, in the sky fell gently a beautiful ice flower. 顷刻间,天空中飘落了一朵美丽的冰花。 Ceng Yi is situated in above the sky, sword intent attaches the ice of pinnacle strength, congealed several hundred meters giant ice sword, toward soaring, but on Sea Dragon cut to fall. 曾易立于天空之上,剑意附着极致之冰的力量,凝结成了数百米长的巨大冰剑,向着腾空而上的海龙斩落。 The pinnacle cold air, even the space can freeze, even in the space, below sea had turned into the glacier, the entire sea area was frozen. 极致的寒气,连空间都能够冻结,即使是在天上,下方的大海已经变成了冰川,整个海域都被冻住。 The Sea Dragon is roaring, is roaring, Bo Saixi ignited incomparably intense war intent. 海龙在咆哮,在怒吼,波塞西更是燃起了无比强烈的战意。 She cannot lose, she big priest as sea temple, is representing the sea god will. 她不能输,她作为海神殿的大祭司,代表着海神的意志。 The sea god strength, is impossible to lose! 海神的力量,不可能输! The sea god trident in hand is glittering the god light/only. 手中的海神三叉戟更是闪烁着神光。 Bang- 轰- The trident in Bo Saixi hand, the sword sharp collision with that great sword, the terrifying strength made the surrounding space proliferate the innumerable fissures. 波塞西手中的三叉戟,与那巨剑的剑尖碰撞,恐怖的力量使得周围的空间都遍布了无数裂痕。 Dense and numerous fissures like spider web, but also spreads in the proliferation. 密密麻麻的裂痕就如蛛网般,还在扩散蔓延。 But the big dragon of Bo Saixi under foot, starts unable to withstand, by the sea water being condensed the body by extremely cold strength freeze, then collapses, scatters the innumerable ice fragments. 波塞西脚下的巨龙,开始承受不住,由海水凝聚的身躯被极寒之力冻结,然后崩溃,散落成无数冰屑。 Click downloading home station APP, the magnanimous novel, read free smoothly! 点击下载本站APP,海量小说,免费畅读!
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