DMTE :: Volume #26

#2555: thunder egg

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! Ascends in the phoenix tower, the young teacher led four people to arrive at the lowest level slowly. lt ; /pgt ; 登凰塔内,年轻的老师领着四人缓缓来到了最底层。lt;/pgt; Gu Chen is one in four people, other three people, two are the students of class/flow cloud academy, successfully defeated the talent of secondary rainbow phoenix academy, captured the quota of final level. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰正是四人中的一个,其余三人,有两人是流云书院的学生,成功击败了霓凰书院的天才,夺得了最后一层的名额。lt;/pgt; The remaining people, named observe Sichuan richly, it is said is second in the phoenix list, but also in that hertz firm above, in many students only then he successfully defended this to ascend the phoenix tower final level right of use. lt ; /pgt ; 剩下一人,名叫富察川,据说在凤凰榜上名列第二,还在那赫坚之上,诸多学生里只有他成功守住了这登凰塔最后一层的使用权。lt;/pgt; Final level five cultivation rooms?” lt ; /pgt ; “最后一层有五间修炼室?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen shot a look at around the eye five rooms, including four gates are opening, the remaining gates closely close. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰瞥了眼四周的五间房间,其中有四间门开着,剩下一间门则是紧紧闭合。lt;/pgt; Mr. Gu has not to know.” lt ; /pgt ; 顾先生有所不知。”lt;/pgt; The teacher of showing the way is not others, by chance when is the advance school has had casual acquaintance, attitude not friendly Teacher glory. lt ; /pgt ; 领路的老师不是别人,恰巧是之前进学院时有过一面之缘,态度不怎么友好的荣老师。lt;/pgt; But hears the Gu Chen doubts at this time, Teacher glory is impatient, instead smile lovable explanation, even used mister to the student such name. lt ; /pgt ; 只不过此时听闻顾辰疑惑,荣老师没有不耐烦,反而笑容可亲的解释,甚至对学生用出了“先生”这样的称呼。lt;/pgt; Ascending the phoenix tower final level is five cultivation rooms, but has a student not to attend the challenge match today.” lt ; /pgt ; “登凰塔最后一层一直都是五间修炼室,只不过今天有个学生没有参加擂台赛。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen hears, divine consciousness the ban across cultivation room, saw curiously the appearance of student has not attended the competition. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰听闻,神识好奇地穿过修炼室的禁制,看到了没有参加比试的学生的模样。lt;/pgt; Is individual clan man, tall tall and strong, the look is experienced, at this time is immersing to cultivate, does not respond the appearance of matter completely. lt ; /pgt ; 是个人族男子,身材高大魁梧,相貌老成,此时正沉浸在修炼中,完全不搭理外界事情的样子。lt;/pgt; Actually intelligent, if attended the competition, at this time perhaps had also thrown the position.” lt ; /pgt ; “倒是聪明,要是参加比试,此时恐怕也已经丢了位置。”lt;/pgt; Flows the student of cloud academy to scoff to say with a smile, the words meaning of contempt is very obvious. lt ; /pgt ; 流云书院的一名学生嗤笑道,话语中的轻视之意很明显。lt;/pgt; Boast said that too did not fear flashed the tongue, but that our academy phoenix list first.” lt ; /pgt ; “大话说太多也不怕闪了舌头,那一位可是我们书院凤凰榜第一。”lt;/pgt; Observes Sichuan to look not the cheerful say/way richly. lt ; /pgt ; 富察川面露不愉的道。lt;/pgt; „The third that level, can first strong to?” lt ; /pgt ; “第三那种水平,第一又能强到哪?”lt;/pgt; Flows the students of cloud academy to rebut with sarcasm, is not loose the smell of gunpowder that before competed with here. lt ; /pgt ; 流云书院的学生反唇相讥,之前比试的火药味到了这里还未散掉。lt;/pgt; Tone is so big, but also thinks that you did flow the cloud academy to fight the total victory? Hasn't this hit me and Gu the brother?” lt ; /pgt ; “口气那么大,还以为你们流云书院全战全胜了呢?这不还是没打过我和顾兄吗?”lt;/pgt; Words that „did not remember incorrectly named receiving treasure doesn't rank in your academy lowly? Even he cannot receive Gu a brother sword, self-confidence where you come?” lt ; /pgt ; “没记错的话那个叫承琛的在你们书院排名不低吧?连他都接不下顾兄一剑,你们哪里来的自信?”lt;/pgt; Observes Sichuan to say a word richly sharply, flows the two students of cloud academy hehe to sneer, speechless rebuttal. lt ; /pgt ; 富察川言语犀利,流云书院的两名学生呵呵冷笑,无言反驳。lt;/pgt; Nie Yuanzheng can not attend the competition , because he, although is a student, but had performed the huge merit for the academy before, is not the school grades of other students can compare.” lt ; /pgt ; “聂远峥之所以可以不参加比试,是因为他虽然是学生,但之前为书院立下过巨大的功劳,远不是其他学生的学分能够相比的。”lt;/pgt; Teacher glory shot a look at the two students of class/flow cloud academy indifferently, these two arrogance made him not be feeling well similarly. lt ; /pgt ; 荣老师冷眼瞥了瞥流云书院的两名学生,这两人的自大同样令他不爽。lt;/pgt; This competition presented Gu Chen this youngster sword god fortunately, otherwise the imposing manner of secondary rainbow phoenix academy really must flowed cloud Shuyuan suppresses. lt ; /pgt ; 还好这次比试出现了顾辰这位少年剑神,不然霓凰书院的气势真要被流云书院压住了。lt;/pgt; Which cultivation room does Mr. Gu want?” lt ; /pgt ; 顾先生想要哪间修炼室?”lt;/pgt; Teacher glory does not pay attention to others, first inquired Gu Chen. lt ; /pgt ; 荣老师不理睬其他人,优先询问顾辰。lt;/pgt; Practices the room to arrange by him normally, but such a sword dao talent has boundless prospects, previously he did not realize somebody's highposition or merits, at present improves the impression the golden opportunity. lt ; /pgt ; 正常修炼室是由他安排的,但这样一位剑道天才前途无量,先前他有眼不识泰山,眼下正是改善印象的大好机会。lt;/pgt; If not for this is the alone this solitary one former director recommends, Rong Jia thinks that is very difficult to win over him, personally otherwise shows the way is Vice-President glory, rather than he. lt ; /pgt ; 若不是这位是独孤前院长推荐进来的,荣家认为很难拉拢他,不然亲自领路的就是荣副院长,而不是他了。lt;/pgt; This.” lt ; /pgt ; “就这一间吧。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen selected close to Nie Yuanzheng room, did not exchange greetings with others, walked. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰挑了靠近聂远峥的房间,也不和其他人多寒暄,走了进去。lt;/pgt; Teacher glory arranges, leaves quickly. lt ; /pgt ; 荣老师安排完毕,很快离开。lt;/pgt; Observes the cultivation room in Sichuan richly in the Gu Chen next door, Teacher glory walks, then comes to visit. lt ; /pgt ; 富察川的修炼室就在顾辰隔壁,荣老师一走,便上门拜访。lt;/pgt; In this road ahead is very talkativily friendly, at this time while four no one, took out a brocade box to deliver to Gu Chen. lt ; /pgt ; 这一位之前路上就十分友善健谈,此时趁着四下无人,取出了一个锦盒交予顾辰。lt;/pgt; Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, wild fruit reading! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to kill the time, here can download lt ; /pgt ; 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,野果阅读!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载】lt;/pgt; „Is this what intent?” lt ; /pgt ; “这是何意?”lt;/pgt; The Gu Chen eyebrow raises. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰眉毛一扬。lt;/pgt; Gu can brother have the understanding of my status?” lt ; /pgt ; “顾兄对我的身份可有了解?”lt;/pgt; Observes Sichuan smile to say richly. lt ; /pgt ; 富察川微笑道。lt;/pgt; Gu Chen shakes the head. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰摇了摇头。lt;/pgt; Secondary rainbow phoenix academy three big aristocratic families, the wealthy family, Rong Jia and family/home, I am the person of wealthy family.” lt ; /pgt ; “霓凰书院三大世家,富家、荣家和赫家,我正是富家的人。”lt;/pgt; Observes Sichuan to answer richly, Gu Chen somewhat understood his meaning. lt ; /pgt ; 富察川解释道,顾辰有些明白了他的意思。lt;/pgt; Gu brother displays today very shockingly, my wealthy family has a mind to win over. By Gu brother's natural talent, since enters the secondary rainbow phoenix academy, wrestles is also a future?” lt ; /pgt ; “顾兄今日表现十分惊艳,我富家有心拉拢。以顾兄的天资既然进入霓凰书院,想必搏的也是一份前程吧?”lt;/pgt; If Gu the brother is willing to join my wealthy family, my wealthy family is willing to go all-out to train you. By Gu brother's talent, because if lacked the resources to hold up the future, that may be a pity.” lt ; /pgt ; “若顾兄愿意加入我富家,我富家愿意尽全力培养你。以顾兄的天分,若是因为缺少资源耽误了前程,那可就太可惜了。”lt;/pgt; Observes Sichuan to be glib richly, Gu Chen is listening somewhat funnily. lt ; /pgt ; 富察川能说会道,顾辰听着有些好笑。lt;/pgt; What influence trains him competently? lt ; /pgt ; 什么样的势力够资格培养他?lt;/pgt; Gu Chen is naturally impossible to comply, does not need to antagonize people additionally, therefore was perfunctory several casually, only said that the consideration has a look. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰自然不可能答应,也没必要额外树敌,于是随便敷衍了几句,只说考虑看看。lt;/pgt; Observes Sichuan richly but actually also tactful, sees Gu Chen to accept the brocade box, said goodbye to depart quickly. lt ; /pgt ; 富察川倒也识趣,见顾辰收下锦盒,很快告辞离去。lt;/pgt; After he walks, Gu Chen turns on the brocade box conveniently, inside is a perfectly round full compounded drug. lt ; /pgt ; 他走后,顾辰随手打开锦盒,里面是颗浑圆饱满的丹药。lt;/pgt; The compounded drug has no issue, solid this cultivates the Yuan kind, Gu Chen has not cared, places near the table, the mind of whole person in the spiritual eye by room was attracted immediately! lt ; /pgt ; 丹药没什么问题,固本培元类的,顾辰也没在意,就放在桌边,整个人的心神随即被房内的灵眼所吸引!lt;/pgt; Spent a method, finally arrived at this final level. lt ; /pgt ; 费了一番手段,终于来到了这最后一层。lt;/pgt; The life force source that the position of here spiritual eye wants to seek for with him is close, enters the final level, his heart then somewhat jumps for joy. lt ; /pgt ; 这里灵眼的位置与他想要寻找的生命力的源头很接近,一进入最后一层,他的心便有些雀跃。lt;/pgt; Was under the time confirmation own guess! lt ; /pgt ; 是时候验证下自己的猜测了!lt;/pgt; Under the arrange/cloth around the cultivation room banned rapidly, preventing his behavior to spy on. lt ; /pgt ; 迅速在修炼室周围布下禁制,防止他的行为被人窥探。lt;/pgt; Frank and upright enters the final level to have this advantage, the ban that under the person arrange/cloth that here cultivates against person spies on is very normal, does not need to be worried to cause the suspicion of celestial phenomenon cultivator. lt ; /pgt ; 光明正大的进入最后一层就是有这好处,在这里修炼的人布下防人窥探的禁制是很正常的,不必担心引起天象修士的怀疑。lt;/pgt; After being ready, Gu Chen sat cross-legged to sit on the spiritual eye. lt ; /pgt ; 做好准备后,顾辰盘膝坐在了灵眼上。lt;/pgt; The blue lotus body enters listens quietly the breath, seems like in others takes undivided attention is practicing. lt ; /pgt ; 青莲身入静听息,在旁人看来好像心无旁骛的在修炼。lt;/pgt; But in fact, but was left over a leather bag, an illusory Yin crow by the spiritual eye, had entered underground...... lt quietly ; /pgt ; 但实际上,不过是剩下了一具皮囊,一只虚幻的阴鸦透过灵眼,已经悄无声息的进入了地下……lt;/pgt; Following tidal current that primordial qi forms, the Yin crow vicissitudes, are tracking down that wisp of life force source. lt ; /pgt ; 顺着元气形成的潮流,阴鸦浮浮沉沉,追寻着那缕生命力的源头。lt;/pgt; Arrived underground, that feeling is very obvious. lt ; /pgt ; 到了地下,那种感觉已经很明显了。lt;/pgt; Across the hard rock layer, left turn/kidnap in the underground underground river circled, spent the entire two double-hour, the Yin crow arrived in the destination. lt ; /pgt ; 穿过坚硬的岩层,在地下暗河里左拐又绕,花了整整两个时辰,阴鸦才抵达了目的地。lt;/pgt; Front, past the flesh skeleton of kui cow in the fossil, covers entirely the purple trace the great egg to form all over the body quietly! lt ; /pgt ; 前方,昔日夔牛的血肉骨骼所化的化石里,一颗通体布满紫色纹路的巨蛋已经悄然形成!lt;/pgt; It breeds in the fossil, in the fossil has the innumerable blood vessel connections to various underground spirit lineage/vein, quietly and world's primordial qi alternately...... lt ; /pgt ; 它孕育于化石中,化石里有无数血管连接向各支地下灵脉,悄悄的与天地元气交互着……lt;/pgt; God clouds Emperor, although dies, the thunder source that but scatters stands firm quickly, dominates possibly is the exorcising demons day.” lt ; /pgt ; “神霄帝君虽死,但散落的雷霆本源很快就稳住,代为把持的可能是傩天。”lt;/pgt; thunder territory environment turbulent, this kui cow recovers...... lt while this opportunity after 1500 chaos eras unexpectedly ; /pgt ; “雷域的大环境只是一点动荡罢了,这夔牛竟就趁着这点机会于一千五百个混沌纪元后复苏……”lt;/pgt; Strength, this kui cow can perhaps be victorious god clouds Emperor, but by tyrannical of life force, entire rock rock is difficult to seek!” lt ; /pgt ; “论实力,这夔牛或许打不过神霄帝君,但论生命力之强横,整个磐岩古界都难寻!”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen looks at front thunder egg, the vision rapidly becomes fiery. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰看着前方的雷卵,目光迅速变得火热。lt;/pgt; life force of kui cow was too fearful, was cut completely Grand Dao, can recover after the long years. lt ; /pgt ; 夔牛的生命力太可怕了,被斩尽了大道,历经漫长的岁月都能复苏。lt;/pgt; Its quality before him estimates is higher, if clone to be able it to absorb preliminarily, achievement rock rock great life level! lt ; /pgt ; 它的品质比他之前估计的还要高,若初阶分身能把它吸收,将成就这磐岩古界一等一的生命层次!lt;/pgt; Wears in the years fortunately eventually too seriously, the new kui good strength is very small and weak.” lt ; /pgt ; “还好终究是在岁月里磨损得太严重,新生的夔牛力量还十分弱小。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen carefully is observing, the brow stretches gradually. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰仔细观察着,眉头渐渐舒展。lt;/pgt; By tyrannical of this kui good bloodlines, even if just came back to life the broken shell, the strength can compared with step celestial phenomenon cultivator. lt ; /pgt ; 以这夔牛血脉之强横,哪怕是刚刚复生破壳而出,实力都能比阶天象修士。lt;/pgt; If the celestial phenomenon boundary strength, clone to it absorb preliminarily, and was not discovered, is absolutely impossible. lt ; /pgt ; 若是天象境实力,初阶分身要将它吸收并且不被人发现,是绝对不可能的。lt;/pgt; Is good discovers early because of him, the kui cow to comes back to life truly also needs some accumulations, naturally does not have that and other strengths, was happen to cheap he! lt ; /pgt ; 好在他发现得早,夔牛离真正复生还需要一些积累,自然也没有那等实力,正好便宜了他!lt;/pgt;
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