DMTE :: Volume #26

#2554: Sword god

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! Interesting.” lt ; /pgt ; “有意思。”lt;/pgt; Huffey giggle chuckle, eyes circulation is staring at the youth on stage. lt ; /pgt ; 赫菲咯咯轻笑,秋波流转的盯着台上的青年。lt;/pgt; Firm lesson before, dares to go on stage at this time, perhaps really somewhat depends on. lt ; /pgt ; 赫坚的教训在前,这个时候还敢上场,恐怕是真有几分倚仗。lt;/pgt; Does the courage that „the trivial gold/metal firm Heaven, where comes mount the stage to waste our time? The knowing the limitation words hurry, your cultivation base, really hits, feared that cannot receive, had the disability!” lt ; /pgt ; “区区金坚九重天,哪里来的勇气上台浪费我们的时间?识相的话还是赶紧下去吧,就你这修为,真打起来,怕一个收不住,就落下残疾了!”lt;/pgt; Flows in the team of cloud academy, a middle-aged man of teacher appearance frowns, scolds Gu Chen that butts in horizontally. lt ; /pgt ; 流云书院的队伍里,一个老师模样的中年男子皱起眉头,呵斥横插一脚的顾辰。lt;/pgt; He did not worry that receives the treasure to lose to the opposite party, but the words of opposite party remind to the secondary rainbow phoenix academy, if the students of behind secondary rainbow phoenix academy mount the stage to challenge unceasingly, unavoidably has some accidents/surprises. lt ; /pgt ; 他倒不担心承琛会败给对方,只是对方的话给霓凰书院提了个醒,万一后面霓凰书院的学生不断上台挑战,难免发生一些意外。lt;/pgt; What? Gold/Metal firm Heaven?” lt ; /pgt ; “什么?才金坚九重天?”lt;/pgt; Most students cannot see Gu Chen cultivation base, hears this words, shakes the head in abundance. lt ; /pgt ; 大部分学生看不出顾辰修为,听闻此话,纷纷摇头。lt;/pgt; The disparity of gold/metal Jianjing and four seas boundary just like the brook and Jianghai/river sea. lt ; /pgt ; 金坚境与四海境的差距就犹如溪流与江海。lt;/pgt; In the secondary rainbow phoenix academy, the student who achieves gold/metal Jianjing stresses one in a big way, is the student of four seas boundary, is actually two palms counts. lt ; /pgt ; 在霓凰书院内,达到金坚境的学生一抓一大把,可是四海境的学生,却是两只手掌数得完。lt;/pgt; The distances of two boundaries, can say that is the watershed of average person and talent. lt ; /pgt ; 两个境界的距离,可以说就是普通人与天才的分水岭。lt;/pgt; Firmly is a talent, in addition defeats , in hand that receives the treasure, at present a student of gold/metal firm boundary wants to challenge to receive the treasure, isn't deliberately creates trouble? lt ; /pgt ; 赫坚是个天才,尚且败在了承琛的手上,眼下一个金坚境的学生想挑战承琛,不是胡闹吗?lt;/pgt; The teachers of secondary rainbow phoenix academy surged the hope, thinks that this not familiar student can save face for them. lt ; /pgt ; 霓凰书院的老师们本来涌起希望,以为这个不熟悉的学生能为他们挽回面子。lt;/pgt; But induces under carefully, discovers this student cultivation base really only then the gold/metal firm Heaven, wants to fail immediately, did not have the anticipation! lt ; /pgt ; 可仔细感应之下,发现这学生修为真只有金坚九重天,希望顿时落空,没了期待!lt;/pgt; Teacher Burke, this word is bad.” lt ; /pgt ; “伯克老师,此言差矣。”lt;/pgt; In the contingent of teachers of secondary rainbow phoenix academy goes out of one person, is Gu Chen speaks. lt ; /pgt ; 霓凰书院的教师队伍里走出一人,为顾辰说话。lt;/pgt; Each student has the qualifications of challenge, how on waste time? If the student in my institute secures own right is the waste time, sends people to heaven by this thought oneself, then does not need to the opportunity of class/flow cloud academy today.” lt ; /pgt ; “每个学生都拥有挑战的资格,怎么就浪费时间了?若我院的学生争取自己的权利是浪费时间,以这种思想度己度人,那么今天给流云书院的机会也没有必要了。”lt;/pgt; What speech is Teacher Dong, she sees Gu Chen to mount the stage quite surprisedly, thinks that a redder rain kept on proclaiming calls this person is a teacher, unlike the average man, in had the hope. lt ; /pgt ; 说话的是董老师,她看到顾辰上台颇为惊讶,想到越红雨口口声声称呼这个人为老师,与常人不同,内心生出期盼。lt;/pgt; Teacher Dong misunderstood, my was not worried that he is injured?” lt ; /pgt ; “董老师误会了,我这不是担心他受伤吗?”lt;/pgt; Burke who flows the cloud academy smiles, the ice-cold look sweeps to Gu Chen. He wants to challenge, makes him challenge.” lt ; /pgt ; 流云书院的伯克笑笑,冰冷的眼神扫向顾辰。“他想挑战,就让他挑战吧。”lt;/pgt; Without the objection, Teacher Dong looks to Gu Chen, the look hints him more careful. lt ; /pgt ; 没了异议,董老师看向顾辰,眼神示意他小心一些。lt;/pgt; It doesn't matter, in any case is a matter of blade.” lt ; /pgt ; “都无所谓,反正就是一刀的事。”lt;/pgt; Receiving the treasure smile is gloomy, grasps the blade earnestly, the whole body lends the valiant aura. lt ; /pgt ; 承琛笑容阴森,认真握刀,浑身散发出彪悍的气息。lt;/pgt; Goes all out also uses the full power, he like the firm that idiot, year to year military career did not tell him, regardless of must seriously treat facing what enemy. lt ; /pgt ; 狮子搏兔亦用全力,他可不像赫坚那种蠢材,常年的军旅生涯告诉他,无论面对何种敌人都要认真对待。lt;/pgt; Agreement.” lt ; /pgt ; “同意。”lt;/pgt; The Gu Chen draws peaceful say/way, the right palm built gently on the sword hilt in bosom. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰澹道,右手掌轻轻搭在了怀中的剑柄上。lt;/pgt; What agrees with?” lt ; /pgt ; “同意什么?”lt;/pgt; Receives the treasure to speak thoughtlessly to ask, the person the electric light flint had flushed, cold blade edge to Gu Chen! lt ; /pgt ; 承琛随口问道,人已经电光火石般冲了过来,冷冽的刀锋噼向顾辰!lt;/pgt; „A sword, sufficed.” lt ; /pgt ; “一剑,够了。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen coldly puts out four characters, the sword light such as a deep clear spring, the broken shadow on receiving the face of treasure rocked, shakes him voluntarily not to narrow the eye! lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰冷冷吐出四字,剑光如一泓清泉,碎影在承琛的脸上晃动,晃得他不自觉的眯了眯眼!lt;/pgt; He still approached Gu Chen without enough time, the chest place transmits the burning pain, the crazy splattering of blood under his nose! lt ; /pgt ; 他尚来不及靠近顾辰,胸膛处传来火辣辣的痛,鲜血在他眼皮底下疯狂喷溅!lt;/pgt; Under recommendation, wild fruit reading pursues the book really easily-to-use, here downloads everyone to go to try quickly.】 lt ; /pgt ; 【推荐下,野果阅读追书真的好用,这里下载大家去快可以试试吧。】lt;/pgt; The audience under stage is only the time of a blink, sees to receive the treasure both legs to kneel, the pain shouts, but Gu Chen also stands in same place, the sword as if never comes out of the sheath! lt ; /pgt ; 台下的观众只是一眨眼的功夫,就见承琛双腿跪地,痛苦嘶吼,而顾辰还站在原地,剑似乎从未出鞘!lt;/pgt; Sword when uses?” lt ; /pgt ; “什么时候出的剑?”lt;/pgt; Receives the treasure whole body to shiver, felt that flash in a small boat like sea, were just embezzled by crazy sea high sea terrifying sword intent instantaneously! lt ; /pgt ; 承琛浑身颤抖,感觉刚刚一瞬间自己就像大海之中的一叶扁舟,瞬间被狂海怒涛般的恐怖剑意吞没!lt;/pgt; Let alone caught this sword, he looked cannot see clearly, the body was stiff, the consciousness feared! lt ; /pgt ; 别说接住这一剑了,他看都看不清,身体是僵硬的,意识是恐惧的!lt;/pgt; The power gap was too big, is not the disparity on cultivation base, but is the disparity in boundary! lt ; /pgt ; 实力差距太大了,不是修为上的差距,而是境界上的差距!lt;/pgt; This person looks that the age is equivalent to me, how possibly to cause the so fearful swordsmanship?” lt ; /pgt ; “这人看着年纪不过与我相当,怎么可能使得出如此可怕的剑法?”lt;/pgt; The intense being unwilling obligation receives the treasure to send out to angrily roar, he is testing both hands that shiver to grip Tang blade, the intention stands to wield cuts! lt ; /pgt ; 强烈的不甘驱使承琛发出怒吼,他试着用颤抖的双手握住唐刀,意图站起来挥砍!lt;/pgt; The card observes. lt ; /pgt ; 卡察。lt;/pgt; The sound of disruption resounds, the fissure spreads in his virgin hole, his unbelievable looks own beloved Tang blade succeeded in giving up two sections! lt ; /pgt ; 碎裂的声音响起,裂痕在他的童孔中蔓延,他难以置信的看着自己心爱的唐刀从中断成了两截!lt;/pgt; Who is this?” lt ; /pgt ; “这是何人?”lt;/pgt; Burke complexion big change, shocking he of opposite party sword has not even seen clearly! lt ; /pgt ; 伯克脸色大变,对方一剑的惊艳连他都没有看清!lt;/pgt; Teacher Dong, this student what origin? Fearful sword dao talent!” lt ; /pgt ; “董老师,这学生什么来历?何等可怕的剑道天赋!”lt;/pgt; The teachers of secondary rainbow phoenix academy also reveal the color of shock, is in thunder territory, most students cultivation to be primarily the torpedo trajectory, how could to have seen this grade of sword dao rare talent! lt ; /pgt ; 霓凰书院的老师也纷纷流露出震惊之色,身在雷域,大部分学生修炼以雷道为主,何曾见过这等剑道奇才!lt;/pgt; Looks at the opposite party to be the clan, Teacher Dong just also spoke for him, obviously has to him understand. lt ; /pgt ; 看对方为人族,董老师刚刚又为他说话,显然是对他有所了解的。lt;/pgt; Teacher Dong opens mouth slightly, she sees the redder rain two years not to study also to expose the good talent in the academy, in the heart guessed that this teacher must have the uncommon place. lt ; /pgt ; 董老师微微张嘴,她见越红雨两年没有在书院学习还展露出不俗的天分,心中猜测她这老师必有不凡之处。lt;/pgt; But has not thought, originally the opposite party is a sword dao rare talent! lt ; /pgt ; 可怎么也没想到,原来对方是一名剑道奇才!lt;/pgt; His cultivation base only then the gold/metal firm Heaven is not false, but looked at just that sword, perhaps has crossed the wonderful profound threshold, contacted sword dao world Grand Dao! lt ; /pgt ; 他的修为只有金坚九重天不假,但看刚刚那一剑,恐怕已经过了妙玄的门槛,接触到了剑道的天地大道!lt;/pgt; Compared with this grade of character, the phoenix list that the secondary rainbow phoenix academy entertains really indecently! lt ; /pgt ; 与这等人物相比,霓凰书院自娱自乐的凤凰榜实在不堪入目!lt;/pgt; Good! Good!” lt ; /pgt ; “好!好!”lt;/pgt; The students cannot see the depth of this sword, only knows that just shamed the enemies of their academy to lose, bursts into the warm cheers quickly! lt ; /pgt ; 学生们看不出这一剑的深浅,只知道刚刚羞辱他们书院的敌人输了,很快爆发出热烈的欢呼声!lt;/pgt; This Junior Brother does not know that has the companion?” lt ; /pgt ; “这师弟不知道有伴侣没有?”lt;/pgt; Recovers from the shock lushly, a heart movement of face, some regrets again much are not just warm to the Junior Brother. lt ; /pgt ; 芊芊从震惊中回过神来,一脸的心动,有些后悔刚刚没对师弟再多热情点。lt;/pgt; Huffey is also the extraordinary splendor again and again, muttered to whisper: Cannot think that in class/flow wave city small place, will have the talent of this grade of rank.” lt ; /pgt ; 赫菲也是异彩连连,喃喃低语道:“想不到在流波城这种小地方,会有这等级别的天才。”lt;/pgt; Is listening to under the stage cheers continuously, a receiving treasure complexion red azure who suffers the disastrous defeat, the double pupil makes a determined effort suddenly! lt ; /pgt ; 听着台下此起彼伏的欢呼声,遭遇惨败的承琛脸色一阵红一阵青,突然双眸发狠!lt;/pgt; If today finished, perhaps I will cast the lifetime shadow!” lt ; /pgt ; “今日若就这么结束,恐怕我将留下一生阴影!”lt;/pgt; He smothered the grief to stand, within the body gushed out the strange black thunder unexpectedly, sealed up the wound shortly, cultivation base of whole person in a short time, from all sea boundary double day, rose suddenly extremely all sea boundary Heaven! lt ; /pgt ; 他强忍着伤痛站了起来,体内竟涌出诡异的黑雷,短暂将伤口封住,整个人的修为则在极短时间内,由四海境二重天,暴涨到了四海境九重天!lt;/pgt; So fearful cultivation base increase, making the teachers of secondary rainbow phoenix academy change color in abundance, Teacher Dong blurted out. lt ; /pgt ; 如此可怕的修为增幅,令霓凰书院的老师们纷纷变色,董老师脱口而出。lt;/pgt; Be careful!” lt ; /pgt ; “小心!”lt;/pgt; Flows the teachers similar complexion of cloud academy changes, Burke reveals the anxious color, in a low voice secretly thought/passage: This idiot!” lt ; /pgt ; 流云书院的老师们同样脸色一变,伯克露出焦急之色,低声暗道:“这个蠢货!”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen is feeling heading on the aura that slaughters barbarically, the eyelid lifts does not lift. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰感受着扑面而来的野蛮杀戮的气息,眼皮抬都不抬一下。lt;/pgt; This increase mystique, was only with here, is somewhat muddleheaded actually.” lt ; /pgt ; “这增幅秘法倒是还可以,只是用在这里,有些昏了头了。”lt;/pgt; Eventually is too young, so intense killing intent, if trades to do usually, I settled you conveniently.” lt ; /pgt ; “终究还是太年轻,如此强烈的杀意,若换做平时,我就顺手了结你了。”lt;/pgt; The Gu Chen fingertip lifts, azure front comes out of the sheath, the cold light bone-chilling cold! lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰指尖一抬,青锋出鞘,寒光凛冽!lt;/pgt; The black thunder of surges instantaneously by boundless sword light broken, receives the treasure whole person flesh mold lake, threw departed the arena! lt ; /pgt ; 暴涌的黑雷瞬间被无垠的剑光噼碎,承琛整个人血肉模湖,抛飞出了擂台!lt;/pgt; He falls layer on layer/heavily falls in the crowd, faints directly, but does not have the sorrow of life. lt ; /pgt ; 他重重摔落在人群里,直接昏死过去,但没有性命之忧。lt;/pgt; Your life some people must receive, makes you live for several days.” lt ; /pgt ; “你的命有人要收,就让你多活几天吧。”lt;/pgt; In the Gu Chen heart muttered, a redder rain had a dream wants to kill this to receive the treasure personally, he did not plan to overstep authority and get involved in another's affairs, not only did not kill him, even had not abandoned him. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰心中喃喃,越红雨做梦都想亲手杀了这承琛,他不打算越俎代庖,所以非但不杀他,甚至没有废了他。lt;/pgt; cultivation base rises suddenly to all sea boundary peak receiving treasure cannot block a Gu Chen sword unexpectedly as before, the opposite party only depends on the talent on sword dao obviously, has been able to treat as an equal to the wonderful profound boundary! lt ; /pgt ; 修为暴涨到四海境巅峰的承琛竟然依旧挡不住顾辰一剑,对方显然仅凭剑道上的天分,就已经能与妙玄境平起平坐!lt;/pgt; The numerous teacher innermost feelings of secondary rainbow phoenix academy were imposing, took back look that regarded the student, the look became grave rigorous, even somewhat flattered. lt ; /pgt ; 霓凰书院的一众老师内心凛然,收回了看待学生的眼神,神色变得庄重严谨,甚至有些讨好。lt;/pgt; gold/metal Jianjing the sword god, the future is limitless! lt ; /pgt ; 金坚境的剑神,前途不可限量!lt;/pgt;
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