DMTE :: Volume #26

#2553: Phoenix list, pheasant list

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The supernatural might Tyrant Emperor main text Chapter 2553 phoenix list, the pheasant list develops on the martial stage, sea of people. 神武霸帝正文第2553章凤凰榜,野鸡榜演武场上,人山人海。 Students bustling pushing in outer ring, by far obviously inner loop arena tall Zhu, fierce combat. 学生们熙熙攘攘的挤在外圈,远远可见内圈擂台高筑,刀光剑影。 Academy studies the inspection not to start finally, because ascends the struggle of phoenix tower cultivation room, two big academies had competed in advance. 书院的终学考核还未开始,因为登凰塔修炼室之争,两大书院已经先行比试了起来。 Gu Chen arrives develops the martial stage, calm walking slowly and aimlessly into crowded crowd. 顾辰来到演武场,从容的踱入拥挤的人群。 the crowd was cut like the water, he strolled then went through the human wall, but many students did not have to think. 人群就像水被划开一样,他闲庭信步便穿过了人墙,而诸多的学生却毫无所觉。 At this time competes with be halfway, flowed the students of cloud academy to come, but compared the secondary rainbow phoenix academy student in own domain, as before seemed few, but occupied a corner. 此时比试已经进行到一半,流云书院的学生来了很多,不过相比在自己地盘的霓凰书院学生,依旧显得很少,不过占了个角落。 Although the people are few, flows the student strength of cloud academy actually can be underestimated, competition more than half, is the victory defeats unexpectedly few, making the teachers face of secondary rainbow phoenix academy somewhat unable to hang. 人虽少,流云书院的学生实力却不容小觑,比试过半,竟是胜多败少,令霓凰书院的老师们脸面都有些挂不住。 Gu Chen is looking at the student of arena high cloud academy, although they conceal very well, the experience that but they make a move to oppose the enemy, that type murders with decisively, with being in the student in greenhouse is different. 顾辰望着擂台上流云书院的学生,虽然他们掩饰得很好,但他们出手对敌的经验,那种杀伐与果断,都与身在温室的学生有所不同。 Although the ages of these people and students of secondary rainbow phoenix academy are similar, but perhaps from small long in military compound, is the backbone soldier of Shuangshan army careful trained. 这些人的年龄虽然与霓凰书院的学生差不多,但恐怕从小长在军营,是泷山军精心培养的骨干士兵。 Good that if guesses, the Shuangshan army while will study the inspection to collaborate from outside with the inside with such as thunder sect finally, these soldiers begin ahead of time here, did not fear that gives oneself away? 假若猜的不错,泷山军会趁着终学考核与如雷宗里应外合,这些士兵提前在这里动手,不怕露出马脚吗? They to ascending phoenix tower, hit should also be the underground spirit lineage/vein idea. 他们冲着登凰塔去,打的应该也是地下灵脉的主意。 However the Shuangshan army will not discover that life force obviously, if had discovered, come should be Shuangshan this thunder territory army god. 不过泷山军显然不会是发现了那股生命力,若是有所发现,来的就应该是泷山这位雷域的军神了。 The spirit lineage/vein as the capital stock of cultivating influence, the Shuangshan army try to enter ascend the phoenix tower to examine, should for after taking the secondary rainbow phoenix academy and ensure the important resources cannot be destroyed, omit time-consuming expending effort of reconstruction. 灵脉作为修者势力的重要资源,泷山军试图进入登凰塔查看,应该是为了在拿下霓凰书院后,确保重要的资源不会被破坏,省去重建的耗时耗力。 In the Gu Chen heart is guessing, considered including the protection of resources afterward, it seems like that the Shuangshan army and such as thunder sect is very confident to this plan. 顾辰心中猜测着,连事后资源的保护工作都考虑到了,看来泷山军和如雷宗对此次的计划很有信心。 This confirmed his beforehand guess, the secondary rainbow phoenix academy must have the female to do thin, this female does the thin energy to be big! 这更加证实了他之前的猜测,霓凰书院内部必有女干细,这女干细的能量还不小! Rare Tang blade maps the Gu Chen view, his pupil light narrows the eyes, looked that just mounted the man in arena to this time. 一把少见的唐刀映入顾辰眼帘,他眸光微眯,看向此时刚刚登上擂台的男子。 The alien race appearance of silver turning green pupil, although hid murderous aura diligently, but that vicious tendencies of eye deep place also. 银发青瞳的异族样貌,虽努力藏住了身上的杀气,但眼睛深处的那股戾气还在。 The extermination of the clan personal enemy of redder rain, the young military officer of Shuangshan army, was one's turn him to go on stage. 越红雨的灭族仇人,泷山军的年轻将领,轮到他上场了。 Another side of the arena, the head is growing the horn, the appearance actually extremely good-looking young alien race man stretches oneself, as if just awoke. 擂台另一侧,头上长着犄角,样貌却极其俊俏的年轻异族男子伸了伸懒腰,仿佛刚刚睡醒。 The male name did not report, the school girls who under the arena cheered had explained his status. 男子姓名都不报,擂台下欢呼的女学生们却已说明了他的身份。 The students of secondary rainbow phoenix academy burst into the warm cheers, is extremely firmly high in the popularity of academy, many people are hoping he acts. 霓凰书院的学生们爆发出热烈的欢呼声,赫坚在书院的人气极高,许多人都盼着他出手。 The teachers of academy, hopes that he can win this game, retrieves face countenance that previously competed with discard. 就连书院的老师们,也都希望他能赢下这一局,找回先前比试丢掉的颜面。 Gu Chen is sizing up two people, firm cultivation base is all sea boundary tertiary day, receiving the treasure is all sea boundary double day. 顾辰打量着二人,赫坚的修为是四海境三重天,承琛则是四海境二重天。 The light seems like this hertz firm odds of success to be bigger by cultivation base, if in the perspective/see through two human bodies, can discover that receives the treasure Origin Force to concentrate more solid vigorously. 光论修为似乎这赫坚胜算更大,然而若透视二人体内,可以发现承琛的元力要浑厚凝实许多。 As for the body and spirit, regardless of the muscle skeleton or the vein, receiving the treasure was strong is too many . 至于体魄,无论肌肉骨骼还是筋络,承琛都强出太多了。. A wolf that is in the wilderness gallops, one is in the greenhouse the promising flower, two people who wins who loses, is it seems like clear in Gu Chen. 一个是荒野上奔腾的狼,一个是温室里长势良好的花,二人谁胜谁负,在顾辰看来一目了然。 The competition started, receives the treasure to take the lead to act. 比试开始了,承琛率先出手。 Tang blade in his hand dances very attractively, stirs up many students to exclaim in surprise again and again, Gu Chen looks that actually sneers. 他手里的唐刀舞得十分漂亮,惹得诸多学生惊叹连连,顾辰看着却是冷笑。 People in the army, studied does most directly 人在军中,学的都是最直接干 The brittle murder law, the flower trellis of this dance is clearly used to cover their ears and eyes, or made the opponent treat it lightly. 脆的杀人法,这舞的花架子分明是用来掩人耳目,或者令对手掉以轻心。 Sees that firmly really reveals the color of disdaining, what he cultivates is the leg law, the leg law is elegant, then suppressed to receive the treasure quickly. 赫坚见状果然露出不屑之色,他修的是腿法,腿法飘逸灵动,很快便压制住了承琛。 The audience applauds, Huffey and lush does not know when also pushed near the arena. 台下观众纷纷叫好,那赫菲和芊芊不知何时也挤到了擂台边。 Is saying with a smile lushly, in the look clearly also has the meaning of moving. 芊芊笑着道,眼神里分明也有动心之意。 Huffey shows a faint smile. 赫菲微微一笑。 Two people spoke, the knife skill that the situation sudden racing on that arena, received the treasure suddenly became sharp, was quick and ruthless! 二人说话间,那擂台上的局势突然急转,承琛的刀法猛然变得犀利,又快又狠! Firm complexion big change, runs about to deal, the movement was quickly chaotic. 赫坚脸色大变,疲于应对,身法很快乱了。 Soon, a pitiful yell spreads, sees only firm both legs dripping with blood, falls falls the arena! 不多时,一阵惨叫传出,只见赫坚双腿鲜血淋漓,摔落擂台! The crowd of boiling was silent instantly, receives the treasure to take back Tang blade, shouldered on the shoulder, the color of whole face ridicule. 沸腾的人群霎时寂静了,承琛收回唐刀,扛在了肩上,满脸嘲笑之色。 The word of this provocation makes the students public sentiment of secondary rainbow phoenix academy be roused to action, but there is the person of eyesight to keep silent. 这番挑衅之言让霓凰书院的学生们群情激奋,但有眼力之人皆是默不作声。 The discerning people can see, received the treasure just obviously to keep the hand, otherwise firm both legs broke! 明眼人都能看出,承琛刚刚明显留手了,不然赫坚的双腿就断了! Seemingly young frivolous, but acts conservative, is the teachers of secondary rainbow phoenix academy cannot say anything. 看似年少轻狂,但出手留有余地,就是霓凰书院的老师们也说不出什么。 The insult of this pheasant list, can only swallow! 这野鸡榜的侮辱,只能咽下了! Covered the mouth lushly, is somewhat unbelievable. 芊芊捂住了嘴巴,有些难以置信。 Huffey keeps silent, but in a bewitching eye actually revealed some to tease. 赫菲默不作声,但一双勾魂的眼睛里却流露出了些许戏谑。 The bystanders only know that she and firmly are the hall brother and sister, actually does not know family/home internal competition intensely. 外人只知道她与赫坚是堂兄妹,却不知赫家内部的竞争有多激烈。 Her father is to compete with one of the failure, will otherwise not open the mansion to live in Shangcheng District in addition. 她父亲这一支就是竞争失败的一支,不然也不会另开府邸住在上城区。 Must know three big aristocratic families to indicate the determination of cooperation, has constructed the mansion by the secondary rainbow phoenix academy. 要知道三大世家为了表明合作的决心,早已纷纷在霓凰书院旁建府。 Three big aristocratic family mansions are surrounding and protecting the secondary rainbow phoenix academy, is situated in the ear place of this class/flow wave city, is enjoying the resources of a cut above the rest. 三大世家府邸拱卫着霓凰书院,立于这流波城的牛耳处,享受着高人一等的资源。 Has the gold/metal soup spoon birth firmly since childhood, everyone flattered, but in her opinion was a straw bag! 赫坚自幼含着金汤匙出生,人人吹捧,但在她看来不过是个草包罢了! Received the treasure to shame the so-called phoenix list in the presence of everyone, then leisure turning around prepared to go down the arena. 承琛当众羞辱了所谓的凤凰榜,便慢悠悠的转身准备走下擂台。 The form jumped onto the arena together, the clear and bright sound resounds from him. 一道身影跃上了擂台,清朗的声音从他背后响起。 Receives treasure hears word to turn the head, sees only a person azure robe, the waist hangs three chi (0.33 m) azure front, living is handsome, loose, if. 承琛闻言转过头去,只见来人一袭青袍,腰悬三尺青锋,生得是唇红齿白,风流个傥。 Receives the treasure to scoff to say with a smile, Tang Daoju grasps to forward, on the blade is also bleeding. 承琛嗤笑道,唐刀举握向前,刀刃上还淌着血。 Many teacher and student of one stunned secondary rainbow phoenix academy, the custom is this right, but can defeat the phoenix list third, how many people does the entire academy have is to receive the opponent of treasure? 霓凰书院的诸多老师和学生都一阵错愕,规矩是这样没错,但能打败凤凰榜第三,整个书院还有几人是承琛的对手? The key point is this student looks very unfamiliar, how many years obviously in Sowonri obscure, at this time over, thinks the high-rank? 重点是这学生看着十分面生,显然在书院里几年都默默无名,这时候强出头,是想上位吗? Stared in a big way the eyeball lushly, has not thought the Junior Brother who was just ascending the phoenix tower understanding, really attended the competition! 芊芊瞪大了眼珠子,没想到刚刚在登凰塔认识的师弟,真的来参加比试了!
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