DMTE :: Volume #26

#2552: Ascends the phoenix tower

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! , Supernatural might Tyrant Emperor ,神武霸帝 Found.” “找到了。” The front antique turret constructs hillside, Gu Chen is sizing up, the corners of the mouth show the smile. 前方古色古香的塔楼依山而建,顾辰打量着,嘴角露出微笑。 This ascends the phoenix tower is the place of secondary rainbow phoenix academy student important cultivation, in the tower is gathering in the class/flow wave city a biggest spiritual eye, this matter hit in Sowonri slightly knows as one pleases. 这登凰塔乃是霓凰书院学生重要的修炼之地,塔内汇聚着流波城内最大的一口灵眼,此事稍稍在书院里打听便知道了。 Gu Chen sought here, the view spirit lineage/vein trend, the slight primordial qi fluctuation, then determined quickly here was the entrance! 顾辰寻到了这里,观灵脉走势,品细微的元气波动,很快便确定了这里就是入口! Ascending the phoenix tower entrance is a little strange, must first step the steps, but on arrives at the summit, can enter the tower from there. 登凰塔入口有点奇怪,需先迈阶梯而上到达山顶,从那里才能入塔。 But the tower one to three, is windowless, even with iron sheet and so on material quality seals solid. 而塔身一至三层,没有窗户,甚至用铁皮之类的材质封得严严实实。 Gu Chen ascends the step on, he must confirm the goal impatiently. 顾辰拾阶而上,他已迫不及待要确认目标。 A redder rain is not at side him, two people enter the academy as student, the men and women are able to discriminate, dormitory naturally not possible in the same place. 越红雨并不在他身边,两人以学生的身份进入书院,男女有别,宿舍自然不可能在一起。 Knew the opportunity of revenging , a redder rain will also be preparing at this time full power, where has the Gu Chen so leisurely mood, strolled a great-circle the secondary rainbow phoenix academy. 得知报仇的机会将至,越红雨此时也全力在备战,哪有顾辰这般闲心,把霓凰书院逛了一大圈。 Arrived at the summit, Gu Chen enters following the stream of people ascended top level of the phoenix tower. 到达山顶,顾辰顺着人流进入了登凰塔顶层。 In the tower constructed small rooms, in each room has a spiritual eye. 塔内建造了一个个小房间,每个房间内都有一口灵眼。 Gu Chen enters a room that is opening the door at will, sat realized on the spiritual eye under. 顾辰随意走进开着门的一处房间,坐在灵眼上体会了下。 Rich of primordial qi since then gushes out, but must exceed Shangcheng District these luxurious mansions. 从此地涌出的元气之丰沛,还要胜过上城区那些奢华的府邸。 Has the so convenient resources, the secondary rainbow phoenix academy thinks that non- each generation produces talented people are difficult. 掌握如此便捷的资源,霓凰书院想不人才辈出都难。 Needs to leave near.” “需要离得近一些。” Gu Chen looks at the spiritual eye, since then enters the underground spirit lineage/vein, can find the life force source at the maximum speed. 顾辰看着灵眼,从此地进入地下灵脉,能以最快的速度找到生命力的源头。 However ascends in the phoenix tower the spiritual eye of each room to divide obviously from a big spiritual eye, he must find the big spiritual eye, enters from there underground best. 不过登凰塔内每个房间的灵眼显然是从一个大灵眼分出来的,他必须找到大灵眼,从那里进入地下最好。 Gu Chen sets out to leave the room, walks downward. 顾辰起身离开房间,往下一层走去。 When arrives at the staircase corner, first facilitated to be many guard, investigated each going downstairs student. 到楼梯拐角时,前方便多了守卫,核查每一个下楼的学生。 Gu Chen notices, each student handed over a token, after the verification passed, can enter next. 顾辰注意到,每个学生都是交出了一枚令牌,审核通过后才能进入下一层。 „Does this Senior Sister, how enter next also to need what qualifications?” “这位师姐,怎么进入下一层还需要什么资格吗?” Gu Chen inquired under the side school girl. 顾辰询问了下旁边的女学生。 That school girl does not want to respond, but careful looks at Gu Chen to be dignified in appearance, is dashing, eye pupil slightly one bright. 那女学生本不想搭理,但仔细一看顾辰仪表堂堂,英俊潇洒,眼眸微微一亮。 Junior Brother you have not to know, ascends the phoenix tower downward, the quantity of spiritual eye are smaller, the quality is higher.” “师弟你有所不知,登凰塔越往下,灵眼的数量越少,质量却越高。” This is the academy to increase the benign competition intends to establish, only then accumulates to enough school grades, can enter the corresponding the floor.” “这是书院为了增加良性竞争有意设置的,只有积累到足够的学分,才能进入对应的楼层。” Gu Chen hears word knits the brows slightly, does not know how this school grades do gain?” 顾辰闻言微微皱眉,“不知这学分怎么获取?” Usually in tries slightly to try greatly, particularly each school year end studies the inspection finally, can gain massive school grades.” The school girl replied. “平日里的大试小试,尤其是每学年末的终学考核,都可以获取大量的学分。”女学生回答道。 Is open about the facts the Senior Sister, I just entered shortly after the academy learn/study, doesn't have other method a bit faster to enter the following floor?” Gu Chen sought for advice. “不瞒师姐,我刚刚进入书院学习不久,就没有其他快点的方法能进入下面的楼层吗?”顾辰求教。 „, Just did not enter the academy is very truly difficult to gain the school grades, may ascend the cultivation room in phoenix tower is the academy is used to drive the important means of student, can enter except for first casually, even the academy high level has no way to arrange the person to enter following several at will, therefore any method of taking the easy way is useless.” “唔,刚进入书院确实很难获取学分,可登凰塔的修炼室是书院用来激励学生的重要手段,除了第一层可以随便进入,即便是书院高层也没法随意安排人进入下面几层,所以任何讨巧的手段都是没用的。” Following cultivation room, although is good, but this first was also good, good that the Junior Brother proceeds in an orderly way.” “下面的修炼室虽好,但这第一层的也不错了,师弟还是循序渐进的好。” The school girl thought that Gu Chen somewhat aimed too high, if just coming in academy, the Sowonri useful resources were too many, does not need to stare directly is ascending the phoenix tower best cultivation room. 女学生觉得顾辰有些好高骛远了,若是刚进来书院,书院里有用的资源实在太多了,没必要直接盯着登凰塔最好的修炼室。 Senior Sister said is also.” “师姐说的也是。” Gu Chen nods, had not asked again, this ascends the phoenix tower flank, although some bans, is not quite easy to spy on, but wants low-key, so as to avoid causes in the institute the attention of celestial phenomenon cultivator. 顾辰点了点头,没再多问,这登凰塔外侧虽有禁制,比较不易窥探,但还是要低调点,免得引起院内天象修士的注意。 Lush, didn't several days see, have new being intimate?” “芊芊,几日不见,有新的相好了?” Suddenly, a slightly familiar sound conveys. 突然,一个略微熟悉的声音传来。 Luxuriant, what did you talk nonsense?” “菲菲,你瞎说什么?” Helps the Senior Sister who Gu Chen answers the question look at always the person, stares. 顾辰解答疑问的师姐看向来人,瞪了瞪眼睛。 Yo, the person is handsome, looks very unfamiliar.” “哟,人还挺俊的,看着挺面生。” Beguiles the face to map the Gu Chen view, the eyes circulation, as if the time is discharging. 一张狐媚脸映入顾辰眼帘,秋波流转,仿佛时刻在放电。 The Gu Chen vision concentrates, before this is not, that cruel and merciless, the black cat that oneself camouflaged killing by mistreatment, impressive woman? 顾辰目光一凝,这不是之前那个心狠手辣,把自己伪装的黑猫给虐杀了,令人印象深刻的女人吗? Under recommendation, wild fruit reading pursues the book really easily-to-use, here downloads everyone to go to try quickly.】 【推荐下,野果阅读追书真的好用,这里下载大家去快可以试试吧。】 Right, she is also the student of secondary rainbow phoenix academy. 对了,她也是霓凰书院的学生。 This is the new Junior Brother, he does not understand to ascend the custom of phoenix tower, I then said with him several, the name does not know.” “这位是新来的师弟,他不懂登凰塔的规矩,我便与他说了几句,名字都不认识呢。” Answered lushly, for fear that beguiled the faces and other schoolmates talks nonsense. 芊芊解释道,唯恐狐媚脸和其他同学胡说。 So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Beguiled face Huffey to hear the long and short of the story, smiled was saying to Gu Chen: „To enter ascends behind the phoenix tower floor, at present also has other means.” 狐媚脸赫菲听闻了来龙去脉,微笑着对顾辰道:“想进登凰塔后面的楼层,眼下也不是没有其他办法。” „? Consulted to the Senior Sister.” “哦?向师姐请教了。” Huffey displays very friendly, but Gu Chen understood that her true colors, maintain composure to say. 赫菲表现得很友善,但顾辰了解她的真面目,不动声色道。 If ordinary time, truly by school grades theory, but this year's studies the inspection to with flowing cloud Shuyuan the friendly exchange finally, their students just entered the academy, expressed that to ascending the cultivation room in phoenix tower is interested very much.” “若是平常时候,确实是以学分论,但今年的终学考核要与流云书院友好交流,他们的学生刚进书院,就表示对登凰塔的修炼室很感兴趣。” Flowing the cloud academy after all is the guest, they proposed that wants to borrow to ascend the cultivation room in phoenix tower to prepare to inspect well, if rejects, unavoidably makes people think that my secondary rainbow phoenix academy is mean-spirited, even if in the inspection won still the victory the non- military.” “流云书院毕竟是客人,他们提出想借用登凰塔的修炼室好好准备考核,若是拒绝,难免让人觉得我霓凰书院小气,即便考核上赢了也胜之不武。” „Before this matter big several double-hour , is still discussing, is lush your news is not quick.” “这事大几个时辰前还在讨论着,芊芊你消息太不灵通了。” Shakes the head lushly, ponders over saying: Flowed the cloud academy is also unappreciative, where ascended phoenix tower place to borrow at will, let alone ascended the cultivation room in phoenix tower to fill, bottommost several are occupied by the talents of academy, did their where agrees let?” 芊芊摇了摇头,思忖道:“流云书院也太不识抬举了,登凰塔这种地方哪能随意借用,何况登凰塔的修炼室早就满了,最下面几层都被书院的天才们占据着,他们哪里肯让出来?” Good, this matter is not easy to do, finally the academy found out a compromised law, can shut up the mouth of class/flow cloud academy, will not make the students be discontented.” “不错,这事情不好办,最终书院想出了一个折衷之法,既能堵流云书院的嘴,也不会让学生们不满。” Huffey looked at Gu Chen with a smile, said: Today in the developing martial stage of academy, will have a competition, flows the students of cloud academy is also good, the student in this institute, can challenge the student on phoenix list, won them, can obtain borrows them to cultivate the qualifications of room temporarily.” 赫菲笑着看了眼顾辰,道:“今日在书院的演武场,会有一场比试,流云书院的学生也好,本院的学生也罢,都可以挑战凤凰榜上的学生,打赢了他们,便可获得暂时借用他们修炼室的资格。” „The talents on phoenix list are always supercilious, did they agree?” “凤凰榜上的天才们向来心高气傲,他们同意了?” Was lushly curious. 芊芊好奇了。 Academy pledged in private, so long as they agree to compete with, will give them the reward. In addition the young people are self-confident, overwhelming majorities agreed.” “书院私下承诺了,只要他们同意比试,会给他们一些奖励。加上年轻人都自信满满,绝大多数都同意了。” Moreover uses temporarily for several days, waits to study the inspection to start finally, flows the students of cloud academy to walk, the cultivation room is their, why not do they have are glad?” “况且只是暂用几天而已,等终学考核开始,流云书院的学生一走,修炼室还是他们的,他们有何不乐意?” Huffey is saying, pondered, also said: Calculates the double-hour, the competition should start.” 赫菲说着,思考了下,又道:“算算时辰,比试应该开始了。” Many thanks the Senior Sister reminded.” “多谢师姐提醒。” Gu Chen hears word, arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest, walks toward the tower directly. 顾辰闻言,拱了拱手,径直向塔外走去。 Really came some people to deliver the pillow so to enter sleepily frankly and uprightly ascends the opportunity of phoenix tower final floor to be unmissable. 真是瞌睡来了有人送枕头如此光明正大进入登凰塔最后楼层的机会不可错过。 This competition was mainly deals with the students of class/flow cloud academy, is late possibly ended, must a bit faster. 这比试主要是应付流云书院的学生的,去晚点可能就结束了,必须快点。 This fellow walks that sharply, he ascends the custom of phoenix tower not to understand, the student on clear phoenix list strong? Asked that did not ask, was too self-confident, was too stupid?” “这家伙走得那么急,他连登凰塔的规矩都不懂,清楚凤凰榜上的学生有多强吗?问都不问,是太自信了,还是太愚蠢了?” Huffey gazes after Gu Chen to depart, before changing , the genial facial features, the satire said. 赫菲目送顾辰离去,一改之前和善的面容,讽刺道。 Luxuriant, why you must say these with him, the talent on phoenix list has many you to be clear, did just enter the new students of academy to deal with can it be that?” “菲菲,你为何要和他说这些,凤凰榜上的天才有多强你是清楚的,岂是一个刚进书院的新生能应付的?” Flows the students of cloud academy to participate in the exchange, perhaps the strength also cannot be underestimated, he goes to a turbid water, must suffer loss.” “流云书院的学生能来参加交流的,实力恐怕也不容小觑,他去趟浑水,恐怕要吃尽苦头。” Shakes the head lushly, this Junior Brother was too impulsive, these so-called talents are arrogant, intending to be frequently tactless. 芊芊直摇头,这师弟太冲动了,那些所谓的天才恃才傲物的,出手常常没轻没重。 „Isn't that very interesting? Walks, we watch the fun.” “那不是很有意思吗?走,我们去看热闹。” A Huffey face takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. 赫菲一脸幸灾乐祸。
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