DMTE :: Volume #26

#2551: Chaotic wins

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! , Supernatural might Tyrant Emperor ,神武霸帝 The truth big white finally. 真相终于大白。 Extinguishes transports/fortunes the chart, involves the struggle of emperor power is unattainable, jumped over the family/home to degenerate into the cannon fodder like this innocently. 一幅灭运图,牵扯遥不可及的帝权之争,越家就这样无辜沦为了炮灰。 In the face of the vortex of time, individual and family's strength was extremely tiny. 在时代的漩涡面前,个人和家族的力量都太过渺小了。 Attends to the senior, extinguishes transports/fortunes the chart really to control the ownership of emperor power?” “顾前辈,灭运图真的能左右帝权的归属吗?” A redder rain went out of the book collection pavilion, has not known asking how long, was at a loss. 越红雨怔怔地走出了藏书阁,不知过了多久,才迷惘的问道。 „The treasure that can affect the life destiny truly exists, but strong enough to can control the ownership of position of rock rock ancient boundary post day, I think that this extinguishes transports/fortunes the chart to be exaggerating.” “能影响生灵气运的宝物的确存在,但强到能够左右磐岩古界柱天之位的归属,我认为这灭运图言过其实。” Gu Chen follows in the rear area, even Dan the reply. 顾辰跟在后方,平澹的回答。 Shuangshan army god, that is the thunder territory top powerhouse, even such character does not have the confidence to oneself, needs to rely upon the treasure that the might leaves undecided to promote the odds of success?” “泷山军神,那是雷域顶尖的强者,连这样的人物都对自己没有信心,需要仰仗威力存疑的宝物来提升胜算吗?” A redder rain ridiculed, at this moment suddenly to cultivating aloof and remote existed to fill despising. 越红雨嘲笑道,这一刻突然对修炼界高高在上的存在充满了蔑视。 Not necessarily is his idea, perhaps is some people wants to do everything to please hand/subordinate.” “未必是他的想法,或许是手下有人想献殷勤。” Gu Chen shakes the head. 顾辰摇了摇头。 „A aloof and remote look, even anything has not done, under the undercurrent has surged, involves the door small family ten thousand li (0.5 km) away to be with one's family broken up and decimated.” 高高在上者一个眼神,甚至什么都没做,底下就已暗流涌动,牵连得万里之外的小门小户家破人亡。” „The world situation such as the billowing tide, seems like there is nothing to do with the average man, a spray that but splashes at will, can actually the destruction ten million people.” “天下大势如滚滚潮水,看似与常人无关,但随意溅起的一朵浪花,却可以覆灭千万人。” All living things, all are the ants, wants to be in control of own destiny, only then becomes enough strong, strong to can the adverse current time, even, change time!” “芸芸众生,皆为蝼蚁,想要把握自己的命运,只有变得够强,强到能逆流时代,甚至,改变时代!” A redder rain muttered, the look gradually became firm. 越红雨喃喃道,眼神逐渐变得坚定。 Gu Chen nods, a redder rain can think, explains biased that in her heart takes revenge to put down, this will be good to her future. 顾辰点点头,越红雨能这么想,说明她心中复仇的偏执已经放下,这对她的未来是有好处的。 The people can be the power the revenge, the goal of but if taking revenge is extremely unattainable, instead is easy to make one overstate, is unable to recover. 人可以将复仇作为动力,但若复仇的目标太过遥不可及,反而容易使人走火入魔,一蹶不振。 more unfortunately in his opinion downs on one's luck, unexpected misfortune, redder rain thoughts that if the brain revenges to the Shuangshan army, instead will be easy to ruin own future. 越家的不幸在他看来是时运不济,无妄之灾,越红雨若满脑子向泷山军报仇的心思,反而容易葬送了自己的未来。 Only then focuses on immediately, steadfast walks each step, can grow stronger truly, can seek own justice in the future of anticipation! 只有着眼于当下,踏实的走好每一步,才能真正变强,才能在期待的未来里寻求自己的公道! What the high level of Shuangshan army wants is extinguishes transports/fortunes the chart, does not care about what more family/home.” “泷山军的高层要的是灭运图,根本不在意什么越家。” „The arranged Shuangshan army that Ke clan replaces the quota are impossible to know beforehand, in other words high level not possible early morning to hint the elimination family/home.” “珂族顶替名额的安排泷山军事先不可能知晓,也就是说高层不可能一早就示意消灭越家。” Jumps over demise of family/home, clarified some people after Ke clan has achieved nothing, becoming angry out of shame the action of involvement.” “越家的灭亡,摆明了是有人在珂族一无所获后,恼羞成怒的牵连之举。” Therefore, that personal enemy who grasps Tang blade, I and he must mediate.” “因此,那手握唐刀的仇人,我与他还是必须有个了断。” A redder rain fully realized oneself can make anything, she will not get sucked into the hatred the mire, a family member confession that but still needs dead. 越红雨深知自己能做什么,她不会深陷仇恨的泥潭,但依然需要给死去的家人一个交代。 Gu Chen face reveal smile, meaningful say/way: You have thought that since to extinguish transports/fortunes Ke who the chart looks to swell, both years passed by, perhaps extinguished transport/fortune the chart to be given the god by Rong on early the clouds imperial family, why can the military officers of that Shuangshan army also mix in the secondary rainbow phoenix academy?” 顾辰脸露微笑,意味深长的道:“你有没有想过,既然是为了灭运图找的珂隆,两年都过去了,灭运图恐怕早被荣家上交给神霄皇族了,那泷山军的将领为何还要混入霓凰书院?” Perhaps has other fish to fry?” The redder rain ponder said. “恐怕是另有图谋吧?”越红雨沉思道。 Good, perhaps the Shuangshan army will unite such as thunder sect, starts to the secondary rainbow phoenix academy, but the time of beginning, is very likely to study the inspection finally.” “不错,恐怕泷山军将联合如雷宗,对霓凰书院下手,而动手的时机,极有可能就是终学考核。” A Gu Chen language exposes, a redder rain is very surprised. Attending to the senior so to be how assured?” 顾辰一语点破,越红雨十分吃惊。“顾前辈何以如此笃定?” Originally is indefinite, although the battles of nowadays thunder territory all influences can the simple summary be two strong struggles, but before regarding such as thunder sect and standpoint of secondary rainbow phoenix academy, we were not clear.” “本来并不确定,虽说现如今的雷域所有势力的争斗都可以简单概括为两强之争,但之前对于如雷宗和霓凰书院的立场,我们并不清楚。” If thunder sect is the class/flow wave city's largest influence, the secondary rainbow phoenix academy is the second largest influence, both sides rule the class/flow wave city roost respectively, the conflicts of interest for a long time can be imagined.” “如雷宗是流波城第一大势力,霓凰书院则是第二大势力,双方各执流波城牛耳,长久以来的利益冲突可想而知。” However flows the Polish city as thunder territory the second largest city, even is the economical most active big city, the winning over value of here influence can be imagined.” “而流波城作为雷域第二大城,甚至是经济最为活跃的大城,这边势力的拉拢价值可想而知。” „To hold on to the position of thunder territory Emperor, flowing the Polish city is not possible to jump over, but flows the two big influences of Polish city, must the choosing sides stand, any neutrality die.” “想要坐稳雷域帝君之位,流波城是不可能跳过的,而流波城的两大势力,也不可能不选边站,任何的中立都是死亡。” Under recommendation, wild fruit reading pursues the book really easily-to-use, here downloads everyone to go to try quickly.】 【推荐下,野果阅读追书真的好用,这里下载大家去快可以试试吧。】 Ke offended the Shuangshan army prosperously, the secondary rainbow phoenix academy chose to give him to shelter, the standpoints of secondary rainbow phoenix academy three big aristocratic families could be imagined, inevitably was the monarchists.” “珂隆得罪了泷山军,霓凰书院选择给他庇护,霓凰书院三大世家的立场可想而知,必然是保皇派。” Since the secondary rainbow phoenix academy is the monarchists, such as thunder sect can only be the people of Shuangshan army.” “既然霓凰书院是保皇派,如雷宗就只能是泷山军的人了。” Speculated that this standpoint, the beforehand some doubts also untied.” “推测出了这一立场,之前的一些疑惑也就解开了。” Gu Chen the unusual action of luck agriculture said that listens with a redder rain, the opposite party summed for He Yixin before, now answers the tuart to be clear. 顾辰把吉农的反常举动说与越红雨听,对方之前为何一心求和,现在答桉明明白白的。 If only then thunder sect prepares to start to the secondary rainbow phoenix academy, in this crucial point the unusual death of any wonderful profound cultivator can cause the sect anger, Ji Nongcai will be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt.” “只有如雷宗准备对霓凰书院下手,这个节骨眼上任何妙玄修士的异常死亡都会引起宗门怒火,那吉农才会投鼠忌器。” „The team of additional High Cloud Academy infiltrated the person of Shuangshan army, answering the tuart is obvious, what played is collaborates from outside with the inside that set.” “加上流云书院的队伍混进了泷山军的人,答桉显而易见,玩的是里应外合那一套。” Two institutes exchange such matter some people to promote surely, such a thinks, perhaps the secondary rainbow phoenix academy also had/left the spy.” “两院交流这样的事必定有人推动,这么一想,霓凰书院内部恐怕也出了奸细。” The analysis of Gu Chen lets redder rain cold sweat directing current, if all guesses , the secondary rainbow phoenix academy really turn twist the meat field! 顾辰的分析让越红雨冷汗直流,如果一切猜测为真,霓凰书院将会变成绞肉场! Ruins the secondary rainbow phoenix academy thoroughly, such as the thunder sect can in class/flow wave city true one-party rule, be able to command all influences, surrenders to the Shuangshan army together! 只有彻底毁掉霓凰书院,如雷宗才能在流波城真正一家独大,才能统率所有势力,一起向泷山军投诚! What's wrong, feared?” “怎么,怕了吗?” Gu Chen sees the redder rain complexion to sink to congeal, teases. 顾辰见越红雨脸色沉凝,调侃道。 The deaths of two big influences fight, it can be imagined at the appointed time must be rivers of blood, Gu Chen not necessarily protects a redder rain. 两大势力的死斗,可想而知到时必是血流成河,顾辰未必护得了越红雨。 A redder rain shakes the head slowly, the war of forthcoming scale like that will no doubt make her anxious, but not fear. 越红雨缓缓摇头,即将到来的那般规模的战争固然让她紧张,但并没有恐惧。 If originally two big academies exchange normally, you want to kill with one's own hand the personal enemy is not easy, future confusion that but may foresee, kills his opportunity some are.” “本来若是两大书院正常交流,你想手刃仇人并不容易,但可预见的未来一片混乱,杀他的机会有的是。” Gu Chen shows the smile, the forthcoming confusion to a redder rain will be the opportunity, to him similarly will also be. 顾辰露出笑容,即将到来的混乱对越红雨是机会,对他同样也是。 Originally even if he found that life force source, wants in the situation that in celestial phenomenon cultivator has not detected takes, is very difficult. 本来即便他找到了那股生命力的源头,想要在天象修士没有察觉的情况下弄到手,十分困难。 Said actually not celestial phenomenon cultivator can certainly detect his action, he cultivates dao technique myriad, some are the laws of covering up. 倒不是说天象修士一定能察觉他的行动,他所修道术万千,有的是遮掩之法。 What troubled is that life force source, if is really the kui cow recovers, when Gu Chen has its idea, it will not be without a fight inevitably , is extremely in the course of contacts easy to alarm nearby celestial phenomenon cultivator! 麻烦的是那股生命力的源头,若真是夔牛复苏,当顾辰打它的主意,它必然不会束手就擒,一来二去,就极容易惊动附近的天象修士 But if surrounding confusion? 但如果周围一片混乱呢? When the secondary rainbow phoenix academy runs about to respond to such as the attack of thunder sect, celestial phenomenon cultivator will unable to attend to other, at this time, he only need execute the method slightly, then has the opportunity taking goal. 当霓凰书院疲于应对如雷宗的袭击,天象修士也会顾不上其他,这时,他只需稍施手段,便有机会神不知鬼不觉的拿下目标。 „After taking goal, how to move out is an issue, the best way transmission to human world, must try to find the solution and alone this solitary one makes the transaction leisurely.” “拿下目标之后如何全身而退是个问题,最好的去路是通往人间的传送阵,必须想办法与独孤逸做交易。” The Gu Chen vision twinkle, must make alone this solitary one Yi in critical be willing by oneself to be travelled by transmission, must guarantee before he obtains the kui cow real spirit alone this solitary one leisurely will not pay attention to itself, this is not the easy matter. 顾辰目光闪烁,要让独孤逸在危急的时候愿意让自己搭乘传送阵,又要确保在他得到夔牛真灵前独孤逸不会关注自己,这可不是容易的事。 In addition the time is somewhat tight, clone unable in such as thunder sect to attack the beforehand refinement preliminarily to be completed, all schemes are useless. 此外时间有些紧迫,初阶分身不能在如雷宗袭击之前炼制完成的话,一切的图谋都是白搭。 Gu Chen rubbed the space between eyebrows, this matter also needs the careful preparation, first found the life force source said again! 顾辰揉了揉眉间,此事还需细细筹划,先把生命力的源头找到再说!
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