DMTE :: Volume #26

#2550: Extinguishes transports/fortunes the chart

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! Ke swallows the saliva prosperously, makes him who on the neck transmits clearly recognize the reality icy coldly. lt ; /pgt ; 珂隆咽了咽口水,颈上传来的冰凉让他认清了现实。lt;/pgt; Once he was young patriarch of Ke clan, wanted the wind to result in the wind in the datura city, wanted the rain to result in the rain, was very sight. lt ; /pgt ; 曾经他是珂族的少族长,在曼陀罗城要风得风,要雨得雨,好不风光。lt;/pgt; Two years ago he thinks oneself set up great merit one, quick must make a rapid career advance, who once wants to obtain instead brought the total destruction for Ke clan! lt ; /pgt ; 两年前他本以为自己立了大功一件,很快就要飞黄腾达,谁曾想得到反而为珂族带来了灭顶之灾!lt;/pgt; Although he escapes by luck, but for two years are aggrieved living on dishonorably, often before fondly remembering, heartily the life of demeanor dog or horse. lt ; /pgt ; 他虽侥幸逃过一劫,但两年来不过是憋屈的苟活罢了,每每怀念起以前尽情声色犬马的生活。lt;/pgt; Sees a redder rain again, reminding him courageous however of beforehand, for a while is muddleheaded unexpectedly! lt ; /pgt ; 再次见到越红雨,让他勐然想起了以前的自己,一时竟昏了头!lt;/pgt; The sword hangs on the neck, he understands finally the purpose in coming of opposite party, on the face shows the bitter and astringent expression. lt ; /pgt ; 剑悬脖子上,他终明白了对方的来意,脸上露出苦涩的表情。lt;/pgt; You may once hear extinguishes transports/fortunes the chart?” lt ; /pgt ; “你们可曾听说过灭运图?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen and a redder rain looks at each other, has not listened to this thing. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰和越红雨相视一眼,都未曾听过这东西。lt;/pgt; „The legend of this chart spreads broadly, it is said very strange, only need leave behind others 's name and record of one's horoscope on the chart, can cut off others destiny, making people not smooth, until perishing, cultivator of does not have any boundary can be exceptional.” lt ; /pgt ; “此图的传说流传极广,据说十分邪乎,只需在图上留下他人的姓名与生辰八字,便可断绝他人气运,使人事事不顺,直至殒命,没有任何境界的修士能够例外。”lt;/pgt; Extinguishes transports/fortunes the chart to altogether have 11, since the ancient times happened now and then in various territories, no one knows that its concrete origin, only often has the hearsay, such and such nobilities, borrowed its strength quietly.” lt ; /pgt ; “灭运图共有十一幅,自古以来在各域时有出现,没人知道它的具体来历,只时常有传闻,某某王侯将相,悄悄借用了它的力量。”lt;/pgt; This chart actually also unclear, borrowed the person of its strength, said that was the bitter experience will backlash afterward. Because is afraid, 11 extinguish transports/fortunes the chart, it is said some were borrowed its upper dog to burn down, some by the seal, some were been missing.” lt ; /pgt ; “此图却也不详,借用了它力量的人,说是后来都会遭遇反噬。因为心生恐惧,十一幅灭运图,据说有的被借它成功者焚毁,有的被封印,有的则下落不明。”lt;/pgt; In brief, has experienced the person and influence of that taboo strength, keeps mouth shut to its existence, is not willing to provoke again. But this chart will dissipate in years river probably appears, often appears in the tumultuous times, the attraction careerist uses its strength.” lt ; /pgt ; “总之,见识过那股禁忌力量的人和势力,都对它的存在三缄其口,不愿再去招惹。而此图就好像会在岁月长河里自己消逝又出现似的,每每出现在乱世,吸引野心家使用它的力量。”lt;/pgt; Ke was saying prosperously the strange legend, a redder rain hears the brow tight wrinkle. lt ; /pgt ; 珂隆说着诡异的传说,越红雨听得眉头紧皱。lt;/pgt; Is it possible that you must say, you did obtain extinguished transport/fortune the chart?” lt ; /pgt ; “你莫非是要说,你得到了灭运图?”lt;/pgt; Yes, two years ago I participated under the auction to a datura city not far location, happen to have this chart to auction, I was curious to buy for a while.” lt ; /pgt ; “是的,两年前我参加了离曼陀罗城不远的一场地下拍卖会,正好有此图拍卖,我一时好奇就买了下来。”lt;/pgt; On Ke grand face reveals the color of lamentation! lt ; /pgt ; 珂隆脸上流露出悔恨之色!lt;/pgt; From the beginning I do not believe this chart the legend, because of its many somewhat mystical, the price is only inexpensive, the convenience bought. The person who at that time attended the auction does not think that mostly this chart really had the so evil strength, otherwise was not one's turn in my hand.” lt ; /pgt ; “一开始我并不信此图的传说,只因它多少有几分神异,价格又不贵,顺手就买下了。当时参加拍卖会的人也大都不认为此图真有如此邪性的力量,否则也轮不到我手上。”lt;/pgt; Originally without cares this matter, the thing that I bought at that time were many, who once wants just to leave the auction, then some people said the soldier who Shuangshan army, to me demanded extinguishes transports/fortunes the chart.” lt ; /pgt ; “本来没有把这事放在心上,我当时买的东西多了,谁曾想刚离开拍卖会,便有人自称泷山军的士兵,向我索要灭运图。”lt;/pgt; That person at the auction, in oneself pouch could not take to extinguish at that time shyly transports/fortunes the chart, then has my idea, wants to make me hand over with the signboard of Shuangshan army extinguishes transports/fortunes the chart.” lt ; /pgt ; “那人当时就在拍卖会上,自己囊中羞涩拿不下灭运图,便打起我的主意,用泷山军的招牌想让我交出灭运图。”lt;/pgt; He said that the high level of Shuangshan army has been inquiring about in private this extinguishes transports/fortunes the chart, I only need extinguishing transport/fortune the chart then to calculate that to him my great merit, how I believe his nonsense, sees him to put on poor, making in the clan an elder palm give to execute him.” lt ; /pgt ; “他说泷山军的高层一直在私下探寻这灭运图,我只需把灭运图给他便算我一大功,我岂会相信他的鬼话,见他穿着寒酸,让族中长老一掌就把他给毙了。”lt;/pgt; Who wants to obtain, this person is really the young soldier of Shuangshan army, and he renders meritorious service cherished, before seeking me then fed in the Shuangshan army the news.” lt ; /pgt ; “谁想得到,此人真是泷山军的一个小士兵,且他立功心切,在寻我之前便把消息传回了泷山军。”lt;/pgt; That person, although does not know my status, but said inevitably the guess, the black flag of quick Shuangshan army then appeared near the datura city.” lt ; /pgt ; “那人虽不知我的身份,但必然是说了些猜测,很快泷山军的黑旗便出现在了曼陀罗城附近。”lt;/pgt; Ke swells speaking of this, a redder rain cannot help but gets hold of the fist. Past conscription......” lt ; /pgt ; 珂隆说到这,越红雨不由得握紧拳头。“当年的征兵……”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen also remembered the Shuangshan army black flag to visit that day of datura city, it seems like at that time the conscription was only a pretence, sought to extinguish transports/fortunes the chart the whereabouts is the truth. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰也想起了泷山军黑旗踏足曼陀罗城的那天,看来当时征兵只是个幌子,寻找灭运图的下落才是真相。lt;/pgt; Scouts the investigation information by the Shuangshan army the ability, my status was found that will be sooner or later matter, therefore my father moved the thoughts of replacing your quota.” lt ; /pgt ; “以泷山军斥候探查情报的能力,我的身份被发现是早晚的事,于是我爹才动了顶替你名额的心思。”lt;/pgt; Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, wild fruit reading! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to kill the time, here can download lt ; /pgt ; 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,野果阅读!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载】lt;/pgt; He thinks that I walk, the Shuangshan army could not see that I then could not discover I was the buyer who extinguished transports/fortunes the chart, the crisis naturally disintegrated, but the strength of Shuangshan army exceeded our imagination.” lt ; /pgt ; “他以为我一走,泷山军见不到我便发现不了我是灭运图的买家,危机自然就瓦解了,可泷山军的力量还是超出了我们的想象。”lt;/pgt; Day that Ke grand Xiangqi escaped at that time, is even more sorrowful. lt ; /pgt ; 珂隆想起当时逃亡的日子,越发悲痛。lt;/pgt; The treasure value is big, without the sufficient ability holds, will only bring in the disaster! lt ; /pgt ; 宝物价值再大,若没有足够的能力占有,就只会引来灾祸!lt;/pgt; „The Shuangshan army had not discovered your times, at that time Ke clan only need hand over extinguishes transports/fortunes the chart, isn't great merit one? The influence of Shuangshan army, couldn't Ke clan have had a liking for?” lt ; /pgt ; “泷山军还没发现你们的时候,当时珂族只需交出灭运图,不是大功一件吗?难道泷山军的势力,珂族还看不上?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen raised the question. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰提出疑问。lt;/pgt; Extinguishes transports/fortunes the chart the strength to pass on strange, was false is really difficult saying that let alone will use it to backlash, some high level also people of this situation Shimodakiyama army want to obtain it, what explained?” lt ; /pgt ; “灭运图的力量传得邪乎,是真是假根本难说,何况使用它会受到反噬,这种情况下泷山军的高层还有人想得到它,说明了什么?”lt;/pgt; „After Emperor falls from the sky, the god clouds imperial family wants to preserve own position, the Shuangshan army gods are eye covetously to to become the new Emperor.” lt ; /pgt ; “帝君陨落之后,神霄皇族想保全自身的地位,泷山军神则是对成为新的帝君虎视眈眈。”lt;/pgt; Two contend, if the standing wrong team must die in the future without doubt, is the respected family big influence, at this time considered more to need to be discrete.” lt ; /pgt ; “两强相争,若站错队未来必死无疑,越是大家族大势力,这时候考虑就越需要谨慎。”lt;/pgt; My father believes, the army god Shuangshan extinguishes continually transports/fortunes the chart the strength to borrow, explained that the Shuangshan army are in an inferior position, the odds of success of god clouds imperial family is bigger.” lt ; /pgt ; “我父亲认为,军神泷山连灭运图的力量都想借用,说明泷山军处于劣势,神霄皇族的胜算更大。”lt;/pgt; „The influence that my Ke clan attaches to again in addition was partial to the god clouds imperial family, therefore avoids the Shuangshan army, gives to the god clouds imperial family this thing is the correct choice.” lt ; /pgt ; “再加上我珂族依附的势力原本就偏向神霄皇族,所以避开泷山军,将此物献给神霄皇族才是正确的选择。”lt;/pgt; A redder rain hears to sneer. By the strength of Ke clan, dares absurdly from inferring thunder territory the general situation, your father actually good breadth of spirit, what a pity lost, but also implicated me to jump over the family/home!” lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨听闻冷笑。“以珂族的实力,竟敢妄自推断雷域的大局,你父亲倒是好气魄,可惜赌输了,还连累了我越家!”lt;/pgt; Ke is prosperous, in the two years when he excessive drinking, often is often drunk then complained the father past resolution. lt ; /pgt ; 珂隆沉默,这两年他常酗酒,每每酒醉之时便埋怨父亲当年的决断。lt;/pgt; If from the beginning on the surrender Shuangshan army, Ke clan now perhaps fortunately good, and a level higher! lt ; /pgt ; 若是一开始就投诚泷山军,珂族现在说不定还好好的,并且更上一层楼了!lt;/pgt; You escaped from the datura city alone, later then extinguishing to transport the chart to bring the secondary rainbow phoenix academy?” lt ; /pgt ; “你独自逃出了曼陀罗城,之后便把灭运图带到了霓凰书院?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen asked. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰问道。lt;/pgt; Originally my father's meaning, first makes me carry over to extinguish transports/fortunes the chart, behind he can meet with me, then goes to the emperor city, offers valuable advice personally to the god the clouds imperial family.” lt ; /pgt ; “本来我父亲的意思,先让我带出灭运图,后面他会与我会合,然后前往帝城,亲自献宝给神霄皇族。”lt;/pgt; Ke prosperous afraid to say a word say/way. lt ; /pgt ; 珂隆吞吞吐吐的道。lt;/pgt; It seems like Ke clan shelters your influences on want to jump over continually, wants to reach the sky in a single bound directly.” lt ; /pgt ; “看来珂族连庇护你们的势力都想跳过,想直接一步登天啊。”lt;/pgt; The redder rain satire said, because of the greed of Ke clan, is jumping over the family/home whole families high and low dead like that pitifully! lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨讽刺道,正因为珂族的贪心,越家满门上下才会死得那般凄惨!lt;/pgt; Person calculates that is inferior to the day to calculate, Ke clan high and low no one escapes from the datura city, all your alone is unable to go to the emperor city, therefore then goes to the secondary rainbow phoenix academy?” lt ; /pgt ; “人算不如天算,珂族上下没人逃出曼陀罗城,你孤身一人无法前往帝城,于是便投奔霓凰书院?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen guessed correctly the following situation. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰猜到了后面的情况。lt;/pgt; Ke nods prosperously, in the look reveals discontentedly, seems like feared that by others was heard, to pull down the throat saying: Fickleness of life, my Ke clan extinguishes, the original that relations cannot use, I was afraid by the Shuangshan army am found, can only confess to the academy.” lt ; /pgt ; 珂隆点了点头,眼神里流露出许多不满,似乎是怕被别人听见,压低了嗓子道:“人走茶凉,我珂族一灭,原来的那点关系根本用不上,我又害怕被泷山军找到,只能向书院坦白一切。”lt;/pgt; Extinguished transports/fortunes attempts me to give to Rong, changed this shelter!” lt ; /pgt ; “灭运图我献给了荣家,才换来了这栖身之所!”lt;/pgt; Ke grand has resentful, Ke clan is extinguished, extinguishing transports/fortunes the opportunity that this/Ben is he turns over/stands up only. lt ; /pgt ; 珂隆心里有怨,珂族被灭,灭运图本是他唯一翻身的机会。lt;/pgt; But of under Rong Jia secondary rainbow phoenix academy three big aristocratic families are insatiably greedy, combine threats with inducements, he can only extinguishing transports/fortunes the chart to give them! lt ; /pgt ; 可霓凰书院三大世家之一的荣家贪得无厌,威逼利诱之下,他只能把灭运图交给他们!lt;/pgt; His Ke clan entire clan was extinguished the treasure that trades, finally helped Rong, but he can only barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, is at somebody's beck and call, does not dare to reveal the least bit complaint! lt ; /pgt ; 他珂族满族被灭换来的宝物,最终成全了荣家,而他只能苟延残喘,仰人鼻息,不敢表露半点怨言!lt;/pgt; Red rain, I really cross in the two years live to might as well die. Your I have same problem, even if you have no intention to me, your my personal enemy is the same, will still be the person on one's own side!” lt ; /pgt ; “红雨,这两年来我过得真是生不如死。你我同病相怜,即便你对我无意,你我仇人相同,也该是自己人啊!”lt;/pgt; Ke grand Kelian looks at a redder rain, hoping Gu Chen can hanging the sword on his neck takes away. lt ; /pgt ; 珂隆可怜的看着越红雨,希望顾辰能把悬在他脖子上的剑收走。lt;/pgt; Living to might as well die, why doesn't die?” lt ; /pgt ; “生不如死,为何不去死?”lt;/pgt; A redder rain is icy, she could see that the Ke prosperous for two years cultivation base almost does not have the progress. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨冷冰冰的,她看得出珂隆两年来修为几乎毫无长进。lt;/pgt; Has the bitter hatred, is actually shiftless, she looks down upon such person. lt ; /pgt ; 身怀深仇大恨,却不思进取,她瞧不起这样的人。lt;/pgt; But such person is not worth her killing, is not worth, for he was driven away by the secondary rainbow phoenix academy. lt ; /pgt ; 但这样的人也不值得她去杀,不值得为了他被霓凰书院驱离。lt;/pgt; Attends to the senior, put him.” lt ; /pgt ; “顾前辈,放了他吧。”lt;/pgt; A redder rain said in a soft voice, left the room scared. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨轻声道,失魂落魄的离开了房间。lt;/pgt;
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