DMTE :: Volume #26

#2549: Ke swells

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! Falls from the sky from the god clouds Emperor, regarding the throne of hovering flight, competition exceptionally intense.” “自神霄帝君陨落,围绕着空悬的皇位,竞争异常的激烈。” Side is the god clouds imperial family and Emperor bloodlines, another side is the feudal official of humerus the following Emperor fights for state power, the army god of sweeping away all obstacles.” “一边是神霄皇族、帝君血脉,另一边则是跟着帝君打天下的肱骨之臣,所向披靡的军神。” Two strong strengths are close, prepares for war in the thunder territory wantonly, compelling all influences on make two to choose one.” “两强实力相近,在雷域境内大肆招兵买马,逼着所有势力做二选一。” However person clan, because involves the death of god clouds Emperor, two choose an opportunity not to have.” “而人族,因为牵扯到神霄帝君的死,就连二选一的机会都没有。” Teacher Dong says with emotion, related to the sensitive real situation, her sound did not pull down voluntarily. 董老师感慨道,涉及敏感实事,她的声音都不自觉压低了些。 Since the situation is awkward, in the secondary rainbow phoenix academy also has ready-made transmission to lead to human world, why the alone this solitary one chief and Teacher Dong you, doesn't give up here going to the human world?” “既然处境如此尴尬,霓凰书院内又有现成的通向人间的传送阵,为何独孤院长和董老师你们,不放弃这里前往人间?” Gu Chen curious inquiry. 顾辰好奇的询问。 Sowonri really had few people clan cultivator to leave in these two years, as for the alone this solitary one chief, he often said the human world, although was good, but if the person clan did not walk to exchange with various territories, the space that continuously for a long time hence will survive will certainly getting smaller.” “书院里确实有一部分人族修士在这两年里已经离开了,至于独孤院长,他常说人间虽好,但若人族不走出去与各域交流,长此以往生存的空间必将越来越小。” Alone this solitary one chief stays here ; first, the lofty aspiration that the intention teaches all comers without discrimination, two are also providing the talent for my human world.” “独孤院长留在这里,一是心怀有教无类的大志,二也是在为我人间输送人才。” „The idea of approval alone this solitary one chief, our these talents stay here.” “正是认同独孤院长的理念,我们这些人才留在这里。” Teacher Dong replied, Gu Chen could see the words that she spoke were sincere, in this secondary rainbow phoenix Sowonri, the good teacher who really one crowd of deep loves imparted knowledge and educated people. 董老师回答道,顾辰看得出她说的话是真诚的,在这霓凰书院里,真有一群热爱教书育人的好老师。 Mr. Gu, if really wants to borrow transmission, actually at present has means.” 顾先生若真想借用传送阵,其实眼前就有一个办法。” Teacher Dong considered, said. 董老师斟酌了下,说道。 „? Is what means?” “哦?是何办法?” Studies the inspection finally. Only needs is studying in the inspection to do well finally, achieving the level that can graduate ahead of time, believes that Mr. Gu to the alone this solitary one chief proposed at the appointed time again this request, he may comply.” “终学考核。只需在终学考核里表现出色,达到可以提前毕业的水平,相信顾先生届时再向独孤院长提出这一请求,他有可能答应的。” The reminder point of Teacher Dong , some gone words were not suitable to say too white/in vain, she and Gu Chen were not after all ripe. 董老师的提醒点到为止,接下去的有些话不适合说得太白,她与顾辰毕竟也不熟。 „Does the inspection of academy have this grade of advantage unexpectedly?” “书院的考核竟还有这等好处吗?” A Gu Chen vision twinkle, he became the students of secondary rainbow phoenix academy for investigating that life force, regarding snorting contemptuously that what academy inspects. 顾辰目光一阵闪烁,本来他成为霓凰书院的学生就是为了方便探查那股生命力,对于什么书院考核的嗤之以鼻。 May listen to Teacher Dong this meaning, the inspection to have does not facilitate to lift up the desktop the advantage. 可听董老师这意思,考核是有不方便抬上桌面的好处的。 Contacted with Teacher Dong just the alone this solitary one chief to transport the words of talent for the human world, Gu Chen understood what meaning all of a sudden. 联系起董老师刚刚独孤院长为人间输送人才的话,顾辰一下子明白了什么意思。 thunder territory the situation is getting more and more volatile, perhaps the alone this solitary one chief was also psychologically prepared, sooner or later must remove. 雷域的局势越来越动荡,恐怕独孤院长也是做好了心理准备,早晚得撤的。 Does well the person clan talent in this crucial point, the alone this solitary one chief is certainly willing to give him a passage ticket. 在这个节骨眼上表现出色的人族天才,独孤院长当然是愿意给他一张船票的。 The secondary rainbow phoenix academy is the class/flow wave city three big aristocratic families is respective, the alone this solitary one chief naturally cannot do too obviously toward the behavior that other places deliver the talent. 只是霓凰书院毕竟是流波城三大世家所属,独孤院长把人才往其他地方送的行为自然不能做得太明显。 And Gu Chen guessed, settled on to escort to the human world by the alone this solitary one chief free not, mostly after arriving at the human world, must join some influence, this tallies transports the words of talent. 顾辰猜测,被独孤院长看中送往人间也不是真的免费的,多半在到达人间后,必须得加入某一势力,这才符合输送人才的话。 „The matter that the lunch that the world has not eaten without paying, spending money to solve, to others by the opportunity that the favor coerces.” “天下没有白吃的午餐,用钱能解决的事情,就不要给别人以人情要挟的机会。” In the Gu Chen heart the secretly thought/passage, he believes that does not need to participate in anything to inspect, he can also put out enough chip to make alone this solitary one take them to go to the human world while convenient. 顾辰心中暗道,他相信无需参加什么考核,他亦能拿出足够的筹码让独孤顺带捎他们前往人间。 Teacher Dong had two people to go through the admission procedure then to leave, Gu Chen and a redder rain can act on free will in the academy finally. 董老师带二人办理好了入学手续便离开了,顾辰和越红雨在书院总算可以自由行动了。 Two people first then go to the book collection pavilion of academy. 二人第一时间便前往书院的藏书阁。 Then looked how that Ke also does evade prosperously does not receive guests?” “这下看那珂隆还怎么避不见客?” The redder rain beautiful pupil is gloomy, at heart anxious could not keep eventually, wants to make clear the past truth as soon as possible. 越红雨美眸阴沉,心里的焦急终究是藏不住了,想尽快搞清楚当年的真相。 Two people arrive at the book collection pavilion quickly, guards place that cannot enter, in the student only need register then to enter. 二人很快来到藏书阁,守卫不能进入的地方,学生只需登记一下便能入内。 Ke grand in book collection pavilion main building, but lived in the backyard dormitory. 珂隆并非住在藏书阁主楼内,而是住在了后院的宿舍。 Although is not the collection important ancient book main building, because book collection pavilion originally some huge amount of manpower protections, therefore lives in the backyard dormitory, can be very safely. 虽不是收藏重要典籍的主楼,但因为藏书阁本就有大量人力保护,所以住在后院宿舍,也算得上十分安全。 The external person invades here to be driven away by the earliest possible time, but the student passed in and out, to the backyard is also the normal state, therefore Gu Chen and redder rain many twists and turns had not then infiltrated Ke's prosperous dwelling. 外来的人入侵这里会被第一时间驱赶,但学生本就进进出出的,到后院也是常态,所以顾辰和越红雨没有多少波折便混进了珂隆的住处。 When they sound the Ke prosperous door, complexion morbid state pale alien race young people open the door. 当他们敲响珂隆的房门,一个脸色病态苍白的异族年轻人开了门。 Saw a redder rain, the young people first gawked staring, later on the face revealed the color of pleasant surprise. 看到越红雨,年轻人先是愣了愣,随后脸上露出惊喜之色。 The look of redder rain instantaneously becomes cloudier, person of Ke front prosperously is not fake! 越红雨的神色则瞬间变得更加阴沉,面前之人正是珂隆不假! Red rain, has not thought that can see you again.” “红雨,没想到能再见到你。” Ke grand asks to pull a redder rain immediately, the pupil light very burning hot. 珂隆立即伸手要去牵越红雨,眸光很炙热。 What's wrong? Doesn't hide?” “怎么?不躲了?” Redder rain delicate eyebrows slightly wrinkle, detested evaded. 越红雨秀眉微皱,嫌恶的避了开来。 What hides? How I will hide from my fiancee, I thought you without enough time!” “躲什么?我怎么会躲自己的未婚妻,我想你都来不及了!” Ke grand Zaixi sizes up for two years not to see becomes the even more water spirit redder rain, in the eye flashes through clearly becomes aware. 珂隆仔细打量着两年不见出落得越发水灵的越红雨,眼里闪过明悟。 „Before originally, looks outside the academy my is you, misunderstanding, misunderstanding. Who without saying was looks for me, I out of security concerns, naturally do not dare to see you.” “原来之前在书院外面找我的是你啊,误会,误会。没有说是何人找我,我出于安全考虑,自然不敢见你。” Ke is speaking and wanting a redder rain prosperously, the whole person more to depend is nearer. 珂隆说着话又要去拉越红雨,整个人越靠越近。 Dares to approach again, I first abandon your arm.” “胆敢再靠近,我先废你一条手臂。” The redder rain pupil light is chilly, murderous aura that for two years temper was not ordinary, making the Ke prosperous body shake shaking, stretched out hand stiff hovering, then tactful received. 越红雨眸光清冷,两年来锤炼出的杀气并不一般,令珂隆身体震了震,伸出的手僵硬的悬停,然后识趣的收了回去。 Red rain, do your I have the engagement in the body, why the speech so look on as an outsider?” “红雨,你我有婚约在身,说话何必如此见外?” Saying with a smile that Ke flatters prosperously. 珂隆讨好的笑道。 What engagement, I never acknowledged that this matter, jumped over the family/home and Ke clan also not, this matter was a joke!” “什么婚约,我从不承认这件事,越家和珂族也都不在了,这件事不过是个笑话!” A redder rain the complexion does not give. 越红雨一点好脸色都不给。 Ke hears red that this saying complexion rises prosperously, resembled remembered these two years bitter experiences, indignanted disturbed, the pupil light of hate looked to Gu Chen. 珂隆听到这话脸色涨的通红,似是想起了这两年的遭遇,忿忿不平,怨恨的眸光看向了顾辰 Who is this pretty boy? more did not have to look at you to cross also very well, which big tree climbed up at the back of me?” “这个小白脸是谁?越家都没了看你过得还挺好的,是背着我攀上了哪棵大树吗?” Also your not agrees acknowledged the engagement no wonder, after all my Ke clan does not have, no longer was the datura city's prestigious family prominent families, hehe, woman!” “也难怪你不肯承认婚约,毕竟我珂族已经没了,不再是曼陀罗城的名门望族了,呵呵,女人!” The Ke prosperous words are very coarse, a redder rain hears the whole face to be angry, both hands are shivering! 珂隆话语很难听,越红雨听得满脸愤怒,双手都在颤抖! She jumps over the family/home, because Ke clan was hit by the unexpected misfortune, Ke swelled the past engagement is to have a mind to design, cannot take seriously, now he actually shames her with this! 她越家因为珂族遭受到了无妄之灾,珂隆当年的婚约不过是有心设计,当不得真,如今他却用此羞辱她! A redder rain without the miss of human affairs, was used so virulent phrase shame after all, for a while does not know how to respond. 越红雨毕竟是未经人事的姑娘,被人用如此恶毒的字眼羞辱,一时不知如何反应。 Gu Chen draws peaceful smiling , a hand lifts at will. 顾辰澹的笑了笑,一只手随意抬起。 ! 啪! Ke has not responded prosperously with enough time, the face by the fan , the whole person had been flown upside down! 珂隆还没来得及反应过来,脸已经被扇中,整个人倒飞出去! The dust flies upwards, the sound is big, that side the book collection pavilion has no response. 尘土飞扬,动静不小,藏书阁那边却没有什么反应。 You and your big courage! But here secondary rainbow phoenix academy!” “你、你好大的胆子!这里可是霓凰书院!” Ke struggled to crawl prosperously, the face one then swelled looks like the pig head, eyeful frightened looks at Gu Chen. 珂隆挣扎着爬了起来,脸一下便肿得像猪头,满眼恐惧的看着顾辰 I asked, you answered.” “我问,你答。” Entering room that Gu Chen coldly, blue lotus body that good-looking face in Ke grand Yanli at this moment, is common like the devil, shaking rope that he does not control self under. 顾辰冷冷的走进房间,青莲身那俊俏的脸庞在珂隆眼里这一刻,像恶魔一般,他不自禁的抖索了下。 What do you want to know?” “你想知道什么?” The say/way of Ke prosperous fear, the eye shoots a look at once for a while toward outside, does not know the guard who book collection pavilion when can save itself! 珂隆害怕的道,眼睛时不时往外面瞥去,不知藏书阁的守卫什么时候能来救自己! Truth.” “真相。” Gu Chen puts out two characters, the three chi (0.33 m) azure front of waist comes out of the sheath, hung on Ke's prosperous nape of the neck! 顾辰吐出两字,腰间的三尺青锋出鞘,悬在了珂隆的脖颈上!
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