DMTE :: Volume #26

#2548: Alone this solitary one chief

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! Teacher Dong is talking with a redder rain kindly, a short section of road, two people relations were then nearer. 董老师与越红雨亲切的交谈着,不过短短的一段路,两人的关系便近了许多。 Gu Chen is listening in side, this Teacher Dong the person is indeed good, if not for her careful to redder rain, they want the coming in academy to fear that also wants troublesome some. 顾辰在旁边听着,这董老师人的确不错,若不是她对越红雨的上心,他们想进来书院怕是还要一些麻烦。 In the academy fine spring day, the classroom building actually does not lose everywhere simply dignified, Gu Chen pupil light even Dan sizing up in all directions, is seeking for own target. 书院内到处鸟语花香,教学楼朴素却不失庄严,顾辰眸光平澹的四处打量,寻找着自己的目标。 Suddenly, Gu Chen felt that had divine consciousness to fall on oneself. 突然,顾辰感觉到有一股神识落在了自己身上。 This divine consciousness is openly nosing they, thinks that they could not detect. 这股神识堂而皇之的查探着他们,以为他们察觉不到。 However the Gu Chen mental outlook is so high, one detected the gaze of opposite party, and found the divine consciousness source. 然而顾辰精神境界何等之高,一下就察觉到了对方的注视,并且找到了神识的源头。 Shooting a look at that his pupil light pretends to have no intention to distant pinery. 他眸光装作无意的瞥向远方一处松林。 That pineries hide in the academy common corner, visibles faintly inside upturned eave red tile. 那片松林藏在书院不起眼的角落里,隐约可见里面飞檐红瓦。 By the normal way coming in academy, how to bring to the attention of celestial phenomenon cultivator?” “以正常的方式进来书院,怎么还是引起了天象修士的注意?” Gu Chen maintains composure, shortly, that divine consciousness then retreats luckily, as if examined at will under. 顾辰不动声色,幸好没多久,那神识便退去,似乎只是随意查看了下。 Arrived the place, Vice-President glory saw the Gu Chen two people quickly, immediately frowns disgruntledly. 很快到了地方,荣副院长见到顾辰二人,顿时不悦地皱起眉头。 „Did Teacher Dong, how you take to bring in them?” “董老师,你怎么把他们带进来了?” Vice-President glory is the potbellied alien race person, sits on the construction cost not poor leather chair, the meat collapsed by pressure the chair quickly. 荣副院长是个大腹便便的异族人,坐在造价不菲的皮椅上,肉都快把椅子压塌了。 Vice-President glory, you still remembers that matter that initially had promised me? Now a redder rain comes to report, but also please arrange her to enter a school.” “荣副院长,你还记得当初答应过我的事吗?如今越红雨前来报道,还请你安排她入学。” Teacher Dong comes straight to the point. 董老师开门见山。 Ha? Teacher Dong, I have promised you, but that was the two years ago matters! She towed for a long time to come, if accepted her not to gather the custom!” “哈?董老师,我是答应过你,但那都是两年前的事了!她拖了那么久才过来,如果收下她不合规矩!” Said again, was short for two years compared with other students, can she keep up with the progress? The my secondary rainbow phoenix academy's request to the student is extremely high, if she adaptation, that didn't waste the teaching resource purely?” “再说了,比其他学生少了两年时间,她跟得上进度吗?我霓凰书院对学生的要求极高,她要是适应不了,那不是纯粹浪费教学资源吗?” Vice-President glory shakes the head. 荣副院长直摇头。 I had just asked that a redder rain results in the famous teacher to instruct in the two years, the students of academy is less inferior than in the cultivation, defective is the contents in some classrooms. With her aptitude, must keep up with the progress is not difficult.” “我刚都问过了,越红雨这两年得名师指导,在修炼上并不比书院的学生逊色,欠缺的不过是一些课堂上的内容罢了。以她的资质,要跟上进度不难。” Teacher Dong said, she inspected redder rain cultivation base, the gold/metal firm boundary of this age, even if placed the secondary rainbow phoenix academy institute of higher education still to belong to the upstream in student like this. 董老师说道,她检查了越红雨的修为,这个年龄的金坚境,即便放在霓凰书院这样的高等学府也属于学生中的上游了。 And through exchanging her discovered that the redder rain style of speaking is good, the students compared with Sowonri comes to have the story, all these showed that her teacher is not simple. 且通过交流她发现越红雨谈吐不俗,比书院里的学生来的有阅历,这一切都证明她的老师不简单。 Famous teacher? Which famous teacher?” “名师?哪个名师?” Vice-President glory was astonished under. 荣副院长讶异了下。 Teacher Dong the polite introduction under Gu Chen, Vice-President glory saw him is so young, immediately revealed the color of despising. 董老师客气的介绍了下顾辰,荣副院长见他如此年轻,顿时露出了鄙夷之色。 Teacher Dong, you cannot to let this miss admittance finds a person to trick casually I! This fellow age and student are similar, is he a famous teacher?” “董老师,你不能为了让这姑娘入学随便找个人忽悠我吧!这家伙年纪和学生差不多吧,就他还是个名师?” Vice-President glory is very impolite, Gu Chen smiles. Vice-president can test me.” 荣副院长很不客气,顾辰笑了笑。“副院长可以考考我。” Hehe, ok, I have no interest that.” “呵呵,算了吧,我没那个兴趣。” Vice-President glory lags behind the face: In brief this matter has not resulted in discussed, leads!” 荣副院长拉下脸:“总之这件事没得商量,把人带出去吧!” Teacher Dong was anxious immediately, argued strongly based on reason with Vice-President glory, but Vice-President glory the intention has decided that did not relent. 董老师顿时急了,与荣副院长据理力争,但荣副院长心意已决,并不松口。 Two people disputed, Gu Chen felt suddenly before , that divine consciousness appeared again. 二人争执间,顾辰突然感觉到之前那股神识再次出现。 He was tempered with a sense of caution, actually sees that Vice-President glory the brow to wrinkle suddenly. 他心生警惕,却见那荣副院长眉头突然皱了起来。 Shortly, he shakes the head. 没多久,他摇了摇头。 „, Making her enter a school! However the offensive talk said in front, if she studies the inspection finally, oneself leave the academy.” “罢了,让她入学吧!不过丑话说在前头,若是她终学考核不过,就自己离开书院。” Teacher Dong was somewhat accidental, pondered under rushed saying: Said it and meant it!” 董老师有些意外,思考了下赶忙道:“一言为定!” He, if willing also to enter a school together.” “还有他,若是愿意也可一起入学。” Vice-President glory referred to Gu Chen. 荣副院长指了指顾辰 The Gu Chen eyebrow raises, interesting, this attitude transforms suddenly. 顾辰眉毛一扬,有趣,这态度突然转变的。 Teacher Dong a hesitation, is this person the teacher of redder rain, the meeting is willing to enter the academy to work as the student? 董老师一阵犹豫,这人是越红雨的老师,会愿意进书院当学生吗? When next, if were angry, thought that the academy shame person may not be good. 等下要是生气了,觉得书院羞辱人可就不好了。 I naturally want.” “我自然愿意。” Gu Chen replied immediately. 顾辰立即回答道。 Good, you lead them to handle the admittance!” “那好,你带他们办理入学吧!” Vice-President glory waves, is not willing to say anything again. 荣副院长挥挥手,不愿再多说什么。 Three people therefore leave, walk on the corridor, a redder rain has doubts. 三人于是离开,走在廊道上,越红雨颇为疑惑。 How did the vice-president suddenly change the mind?” “那副院长怎么突然改变了主意?” She asked Teacher Dong curiously. 她好奇的询问董老师。 Teacher Dong smiles, the vision looked in some direction. 董老师笑了笑,目光往某个方向看了看。 Without guessing wrong, is busy that the alone this solitary one chief helps.” “如果没猜错的话,是独孤院长帮的忙。” Alone this solitary one chief? Wasn't he resignation? Why does he want to help us?” “独孤院长?他不是辞职了吗?他为何要帮我们?” A redder rain said surprised. 越红雨吃惊道。 Alone this solitary one chief, although resigns, did not inquire about the matter of academy, but still lived in Sowonri.” “独孤院长虽然辞职,不过问书院的事了,但依然住在书院里。” Why helps you as for him, you do not need to think, the alone this solitary one chief itself/Ben is love person, often/common and we said, my person clan potential is weak, because of this, must help the cooperation mutually.” “至于他为什么帮你们,你们也不用多想,独孤院长本就是爱才之人,也常和我们说,我人族势弱,正因为此,更要互帮互助。” Alone this solitary one chief in the two years, although did not inquire about the matter of academy, but by his ability, this Sowonri did not have the matter that he did not know.” “独孤院长这两年来虽然不怎么过问书院的事了,但以他老人家的本领,这书院里还没有他不知道的事。” Can make Vice-President glory so sell his face refreshedly, alone this solitary one chief.” “能让荣副院长如此爽快的卖他一个面子,也只有独孤院长了。” Teacher Dong was saying looks to Gu Chen, in the eye looking pensive. 董老师说着看向顾辰,眼里若有所思。 Gu Chen just performance, making her suspect that the opposite party came the secondary rainbow phoenix academy motive is not simple. 顾辰刚刚的表现,让她怀疑对方来霓凰书院动机没有那么简单。 Alone this solitary one chief is really a good person.” “独孤院长真是个好人。” Gu Chen detects the vision, but cloud Danfeng light sighed with emotion the sentence. 顾辰察觉到目光,只是云澹风轻的感慨了句。 That celestial phenomenon cultivator of Songrim-ri, was that alone this solitary one chief. 如此说来,那松林里的天象修士,就是那独孤院长了。 Teacher Dong, frankly, has a matter I to consult.” “董老师,实不相瞒,有件事我想请教一下。” Gu Chen said. 顾辰紧接着道。 What matter does Mr. Gu have?” 顾先生有什么事?” Hears this secondary rainbow phoenix Sowonri to have transmission to human world, does not know this matter whether for really?” “听闻这霓凰书院里有通往人间的传送阵,不知此事是否为真?” Teacher Dong is slightly surprised, nods quickly. Indeed has.” 董老师略微惊讶,很快点了点头。“的确是有。” She is suddenly enlighted, perhaps redder rain teacher rather enters the academy to work as the student, for this transmission! 她心里恍然大悟,恐怕越红雨这位老师宁可进书院当学生,就是为了这传送阵! That does not know how can borrow this transmission?” “那不知要如何才能借用这传送阵?” Gu Chen is very happy immediately. 顾辰顿时喜上眉梢。 A redder rain keeps silent in side, where attended to the senior usually so obvious letting person seeing his intention, perhaps this is to reduce him the suspicion that complies with enter a school. 越红雨在旁边默不作声,顾前辈平时哪里会如此明显的让人看出他的意图,恐怕这是为了削减他答应入学的嫌疑啊。 Transmission no doubt is the goal of their trip, but she was clear, attended to the senior also having a more important goal, this is using diversionary tactics that plays...... 传送阵固然是他们此行的目标,但她清楚,顾前辈还有更重要的目标,这是玩的声东击西啊…… Borrows?” “借用?” Teacher Dong pondered over earnestly , a transmission each transmission to human world spends greatly, initially constructed transmission also to consume the innumerable resources it is said that wants to borrow is not the easy matter. ” 董老师认真思忖了下,通往人间的传送阵每一次传送都耗资巨大,当初建造传送阵据说也是耗费了无数资源,想要借用并不是容易的事。” This I understand, the expense that needs and compensates me naturally to undertake.” “这点我明白,所需的费用和补偿我自然会承担。” Gu Chen said immediately. 顾辰立即道。 Even so does not want to travel by can travel by, this transmission is constructed by the alone this solitary one chief, must pass through him to agree to be good.” “即便如此也不是想搭乘就能搭乘的,这座传送阵正是由独孤院长建造,得经过他同意才行。” Teacher Dong smiles, the probe said, why Mr. Gu can go to the human world?” 董老师笑了笑,试探道,“顾先生为何要前往人间?” Gu Chen sighed. 顾辰叹了口气。 Person clan present situation thinks that Teacher Dong had also realized is. The human world, is my person clan cultivator home to return.” “人族如今的处境想必董老师也有所体会才是。人间,才是我人族修士的归宿啊。” Teacher Dong understood, the heart has intimately, with sighing. 董老师明白了,心有戚戚焉,跟着叹了口气。 Good that Mr. Gu said that the current political situation is truly getting more and more disadvantageous in our these person clan outside.” 顾先生说的不错,时局于我们这些在外的人族确实越来越不利。”
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