DMTE :: Volume #26

#2547: Going back to school

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! „The enmity of extermination of the clan did not report, light, then made your whole body vicious tendencies life wretched, heavy enabled you to overstate to cultivate oneself according to religious doctrine to halt, before going to the human world solved heart demon, to you indeed was a good deed.” lt ; /pgt ; “灭族之仇迟迟不报,轻则使你满身戾气一生孤苦,重则使你走火入魔修道止步,在去往人间前解决心魔,对你的确是件好事。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen had not opposed, tranquil looks at the front door of secondary rainbow phoenix academy. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰没有反对,平静的看着霓凰书院的大门。lt;/pgt; Since must revenge, is inferior open and aboveboard, in studies in the inspection to solve him finally.” lt ; /pgt ; “既然要报仇,不如堂堂正正一点,就在终学考核上解决他吧。”lt;/pgt; A redder rain sees Gu Chen not to oppose to be very happy, listening to his view to have doubts. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨见顾辰不反对很高兴,听他这说法又不禁疑惑。lt;/pgt; I am not the student of secondary rainbow phoenix academy, how can participate studies the inspection finally?” lt ; /pgt ; “我并非霓凰书院的学生,如何能参加终学考核?”lt;/pgt; You not? Two years ago you obtained the admittance qualifications of secondary rainbow phoenix academy, but was these two years outside with other teacher, happen to while this opportunity, I also examined you to study whether qualified.” lt ; /pgt ; “你不是吗?两年前你就得到了霓凰书院的入学资格,不过是这两年在外跟了别的老师,正好趁着这个机会,我也检验检验你所学是否合格。”lt;/pgt; Gives a thought to the meaning of senior is, making me beg the justice to the academy, restores the status of my student?” lt ; /pgt ; “顾前辈的意思是,让我向书院讨要公道,恢复我学生的身份?”lt;/pgt; „To enter the academy, this is the simplest way.” lt ; /pgt ; “想进书院,这是最简单的办法。”lt;/pgt; But will the secondary rainbow phoenix academy agree? Since they accepted Ke to swell and protect him, was some understanding initial situations.” lt ; /pgt ; “可是霓凰书院会同意吗?他们既然接受了珂隆并保护他,想必是了解当初的一些情况的。”lt;/pgt; Regardless of they do accept you, can obtain some information from the response, is worth trying.” lt ; /pgt ; “无论他们接不接受你,从反应里都能得到一些情报,值得试试。”lt;/pgt; I understood.” lt ; /pgt ; “我明白了。”lt;/pgt; A redder rain height inspires, knocked the front door of secondary rainbow phoenix academy by once status, was one type makes up for the young regrettable way! lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨深吸了口气,以曾经的身份叩响霓凰书院的大门,也是一种弥补年少遗憾的方式吧!lt;/pgt; Two people found the guard again, a redder rain to turn over to the status of student to report the transparent purpose in coming late, and reported Ke assumes a false identity the incident prosperously. lt ; /pgt ; 二人再次找到了守卫,越红雨以迟归学生的身份禀明了来意,并且举报了珂隆冒名顶替一事。lt;/pgt; Being startled that the guards listen, is related to the academy reputation/honorary, does not dare to decline, goes to report in a hurry. lt ; /pgt ; 守卫听的吃惊,事关书院名誉,不敢推辞,匆匆进去禀告。lt;/pgt; After a double-hour, the academy came the young teacher to inquire. lt ; /pgt ; 一个时辰后,书院才来了位年轻老师过问。lt;/pgt; Not was only the former years student, why reports today? Won't be laughable?” lt ; /pgt ; “既是往届学生,为何今天才来报道?不会太可笑了吗?”lt;/pgt; The young teacher first questioned. lt ; /pgt ; 年轻老师首先质疑道。lt;/pgt; Two years ago in the family/home suffers the accident suddenly, is destitute and homeless, experiences a lot of ups and downs, arrives at this class/flow wave city with great difficulty.” lt ; /pgt ; “两年前家里突遭变故,流离失所,一路历经坎坷,好不容易才来到这流波城。”lt;/pgt; A redder rain answered. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨解释道。lt;/pgt; Hehe, looked at your appearances like not having what pain, said that the lie also some people letter/believed are good.” lt ; /pgt ; “呵呵,看你们的样子也不像吃了什么苦,说假话也得有人信才行。”lt;/pgt; You did not have first to report initially, explained you cannot have a liking for my secondary rainbow phoenix academy. Choice bidirectional, you missed the admission incessantly, crossed the school age, where toward comes, where toward goes back!” lt ; /pgt ; “你当初没第一时间来报道,就说明你看不上我霓凰书院。选择都是双向的,你不止错过了入学时间,也过了入学年龄,还是往哪儿来,往哪儿回去吧!”lt;/pgt; Young teacher 2-3 then must catch up with the person. lt ; /pgt ; 年轻老师2-3便要赶人。lt;/pgt; Gu Chen hears the brow slightly wrinkle, opens the mouth saying: Long hears Nihuang academy given name, appears now assumes a false identity this serious harm fair matter, processes?” lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰听闻眉头微皱,开口道:“久闻霓凰书院大名,如今出现冒名顶替这种严重危害公平的事,就这么处理吗?”lt;/pgt; The young teacher swept Gu Chen one, is putting on a serious face saying: Assumes a false identity the academy naturally to verify, if true the student who will dismiss to replace. But you crossed for two years to register, a point could not be justified, our academy naturally cannot receive again!” lt ; /pgt ; 年轻老师扫了顾辰一眼,板着脸道:“是否冒名顶替书院自然会核实,若属实会开除顶替的学生。但你们过了两年才来报到,一点都说不过去,我们书院自然不会再收!”lt;/pgt; Since must verify, but also asked this teacher to shout prosperously Ke, I and he confronted face to face.” lt ; /pgt ; “那既然要核实,还请这位老师把珂隆叫出来,我与他当面对质。”lt;/pgt; I can into read the secondary rainbow phoenix academy, but can the justice give me face to face?” lt ; /pgt ; “我可以不入读霓凰书院,但公道总要当面给我吧?”lt;/pgt; A redder rain said. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨道。lt;/pgt; Young teacher brow straight wrinkle, impatient say/way: Said we will verify this matter to verify, the justice that you want has nothing to do with us, the academy has the custom of academy, but also please leave, do not disrupt the order here!” lt ; /pgt ; 年轻老师眉头直皱,不耐烦的道:“说了我们会核实这件事就会核实,你要的公道与我们无关,书院有书院的规矩,还请你们离开,不要在这里扰乱秩序!”lt;/pgt; A redder rain argued strongly based on reason, the young teacher was persistently unreasonable, was saying then must make the guard catch up with the person. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨据理力争,年轻老师却蛮不讲理,说着便要让守卫赶人。lt;/pgt; At this time. lt ; /pgt ; 就在这时候。lt;/pgt; Slow!” lt ; /pgt ; “慢着!”lt;/pgt; Looks at 30 over, knows the book to reach the ritual person clan females to go out from Sowonri quickly. lt ; /pgt ; 一个看着三十出头,知书达礼的人族女子快步从书院里走出。lt;/pgt; A redder rain sees her, on the face reveals the joyful color. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨看到她,脸上露出欣喜之色。lt;/pgt; Teacher Dong.” lt ; /pgt ; “董老师。”lt;/pgt; She called out, this person of she remembers clearly, in the past passed by the academy recruitment of students teacher in datura city! lt ; /pgt ; 她叫道,此人她记得清清楚楚,正是当年路过曼陀罗城的书院招生老师!lt;/pgt; I heard that some people reported assumes a false identity the admittance the matter, guesses is you, how do you come today?” lt ; /pgt ; “我听说有人举报冒名顶替入学的事,一猜就是你,你怎么今天才来?”lt;/pgt; Teacher Dong looks to a redder rain, the look is somewhat complex. lt ; /pgt ; 董老师看向越红雨,眼神有些复杂。lt;/pgt; Teacher Dong, student who no matter her you recruited, early admission.” lt ; /pgt ; “董老师,不管她是不是原来你招的学生,老早就过了入学时间了。”lt;/pgt; Beforehand teacher cold Dan reminded. lt ; /pgt ; 之前的老师冷澹提醒。lt;/pgt; Teacher glory, even already late, she, since came, can listen to her to say what's the matter? Drives away her directly, did not fear that others said my secondary rainbow phoenix academy wants to money, can replace the admittance at will, can get angry does not recognize people?” lt ; /pgt ; “荣老师,就算已经晚了,她既然来了,总得听她说说是怎么回事吧?直接把她赶走,不怕别人说我霓凰书院只要给钱,可以随意顶替入学,可以翻脸不认人吗?”lt;/pgt; Teacher Dong the elegant face contains ones anger, intent has referred. lt ; /pgt ; 董老师俏脸含怒,意有所指。lt;/pgt; Snort, this is the meaning of Vice-President glory.” lt ; /pgt ; “哼,这是荣副院长的意思。”lt;/pgt; Teacher glory disdains. lt ; /pgt ; 荣老师语气略显不屑。lt;/pgt; I understood, I can say with Vice-President glory.” lt ; /pgt ; “我明白了,我自会和荣副院长说去。”lt;/pgt; Teacher Dong said, looks to a redder rain, she is entering the academy on the main point. You come with me.” lt ; /pgt ; 董老师说完,看向越红雨,就要领着她进书院。“你跟我来。”lt;/pgt; A redder rain looked at Gu Chen. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨看了看顾辰。lt;/pgt; Slow! I did not feel relieved that my student goes in alone, view that the academy gives, I must listen in side.” lt ; /pgt ; “慢着!我不放心我的学生单独进去,书院给的说法,我要在旁边听着。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen righteousness say/way with stern words. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰义正严辞的道。lt;/pgt; Your student?” lt ; /pgt ; “你的学生?”lt;/pgt; Teacher Dong is astonished slightly, has the inquiry toward a redder rain and dew the look. lt ; /pgt ; 董老师略微讶异,朝越红雨露出询问的眼神。lt;/pgt; This good-looking young people she also think that is the friend of redder rain. lt ; /pgt ; 这俊俏的年轻人她还以为是越红雨的朋友。lt;/pgt; He indeed is my teacher, is my savior. In the two years was lucky Teacher Gu, otherwise I have perished.” lt ; /pgt ; “他的确是我的老师,也是我的救命恩人。这两年多亏了顾老师,否则我早就殒命了。”lt;/pgt; lt ; aid = " wzsy " href = " https://;gt ; «My Iceberg Beautiful woman Wife» lt ; /agt ; lt ; /pgt ; lt;aid="wzsy"href="https://;gt;《我的冰山美女老婆》lt;/agt;lt;/pgt; A redder rain understands immediately. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨立即心领神会。lt;/pgt; Since some teacher guidance, what also enters my secondary rainbow phoenix academy to make? Aren't you will harbor ulterior motives?” lt ; /pgt ; “既然都有了老师教导,还进我霓凰书院做什么?你们不会是别有用心吧?”lt;/pgt; Teacher glory sneers to say. lt ; /pgt ; 那荣老师冷笑道。lt;/pgt; I study limitedly, am thinking after all the secondary rainbow phoenix academy fame is so big, delivers her to come here her to learn more things.” lt ; /pgt ; “我所学毕竟有限,本想着霓凰书院名气那么大,送她来这里她能学到更多东西。”lt;/pgt; Now looks like also no more than so, what now wants is only a view. I did not feel relieved that my student goes in you alone, who knows that you can bully?” lt ; /pgt ; “如今看来也不过如此,现在要的只是个说法。我不放心我学生单独跟你们进去,谁知道你们会不会仗势欺人?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen crosses the hands behind the back to stand, in the tone displayed to despising of secondary rainbow phoenix academy. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰负手而立,语气中表现出了对霓凰书院的鄙夷。lt;/pgt; Hey, a you being wet behind the ears fellow also student is the teacher, but also dares to compare with my secondary rainbow phoenix academy? Feared that did not enter my academy, felt inferior!” lt ; /pgt ; “嘿,你一个乳臭未干的家伙也学人当老师,还敢和我霓凰书院比?怕不是进了我书院,就自惭形秽了!”lt;/pgt; Teacher glory is discontented to say. lt ; /pgt ; 荣老师不满道。lt;/pgt; Since Mr. Gu did not feel relieved, that with.” lt ; /pgt ; “既然顾先生不放心,那就跟着进来吧。”lt;/pgt; Teacher Dong has not begun to have suspicions, polite say/way. lt ; /pgt ; 董老师并未起疑,客气的道。lt;/pgt; Teacher glory has not prevented, what his having a mind makes this arrogant fellow have a look at sits the well view day! lt ; /pgt ; 荣老师也没有阻止,他有心让这自大的家伙看看什么叫坐井观天!lt;/pgt; Therefore Gu Chen and a redder rain entered the academy smoothly, Teacher glory first walks one step, Teacher Dong and more redder rain walks while said. lt ; /pgt ; 于是顾辰和越红雨顺利进了书院,那荣老师先走一步,董老师则和越红雨边走边说。lt;/pgt; glory vice-president responsible student enters a school many matters concerned, if you want to go back to school now, must undergo his agreement.” lt ; /pgt ; “荣副院长主管学生入学诸多事宜,所以如果你现在想复学,就必须经过他的同意。”lt;/pgt; You come was too truly late, now even enters a school, the progress is not perhaps good to follow.” lt ; /pgt ; “你来的确实太晚了,现在就算入学,进度恐怕也不好跟上。”lt;/pgt; Actually two years ago some people assumed a false identity the matter that you entered a school I are the discovery, after all your I was the person clan your talent am good, I had the impression to you.” lt ; /pgt ; “其实两年前有人冒名顶替你入学的事我是发现了的,毕竟你我同属人族你天赋又是不错,我对你有印象。”lt;/pgt; For you, I have actually argued strongly based on reason with the academy, but that assumes a false identity your fellow not to know that to Vice-President glory what advantage, knew perfectly well in brief his admittance does not gather the custom, he was received.” lt ; /pgt ; “为了你,我其实和书院据理力争过,但那冒名顶替你的家伙不知道给了荣副院长什么好处,总之明知他的入学不合规矩,他还是被收了进来。”lt;/pgt; I naturally protested, at that time to settle a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved, Vice-President glory has actually promised me, so long as you can enter a school, will receive you in the same old way.” lt ; /pgt ; “我自然抗议,当时为了息事宁人,其实荣副院长答应过我,只要你能入学,照样会收你。”lt;/pgt; I know that this still does not gather the custom, because of the influence of emperor setting sun, the alone this solitary one chief just resigned at that time, my person clan is flexibly small in the words of secondary rainbow phoenix academy, the time must be cautious in word and deed, therefore knows perfectly well improper, I compromised finally.” lt ; /pgt ; “我知道这依然不合规矩,但当时因为帝落日的影响,独孤院长刚刚辞职,我人族在霓凰书院的话语权变小,时刻都得谨言慎行,所以明知不妥,我最后还是妥协了。”lt;/pgt; I have been hoping you come, asks somebody the datura city to inquire the news, actually heard your family's misfortune.” lt ; /pgt ; “我一直盼着你来,也托人去曼陀罗城打听过消息,却听闻了你家的不幸。”lt;/pgt; In the past two years, I think that you were impossible to appear.” lt ; /pgt ; “过去了两年,我本以为你不可能出现了。”lt;/pgt; The words of Teacher Dong are astonishing, a redder rain has not thought that this only had the teacher of casual acquaintance to do that many matters for oneself in secret unexpectedly. lt ; /pgt ; 董老师的话让人吃惊,越红雨没想到这个仅有一面之缘的老师私底下竟然为自己做了那么多事。lt;/pgt;
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