DMTE :: Volume #26

#2546: Foes

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! We in which institute had not asked. We are the friends in his hometown, this time via the class/flow wave city, his family member makes us come to see him.” lt ; /pgt ; “哪个院的我们也没多问。我们是他家乡的朋友,此次途经流波城,他家里人让我们来看看他。”lt;/pgt; „, Right, he was the secondary rainbow phoenix academy of two years of advance, from datura city.” lt ; /pgt ; “哦,对了,他是两年前进的霓凰书院,来自曼陀罗城。”lt;/pgt; Redder rain unhurriedly reply. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨不慌不忙的回答。lt;/pgt; Has the admittance date to have the family background, is not difficult to look, guards has not thought, nods. lt ; /pgt ; 有入学日期有出身,并不难找,守卫也没多想,点点头。lt;/pgt; Wait a bit.” lt ; /pgt ; “稍等。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen and a redder rain was waiting same place for a long time, guards comes back, not. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰和越红雨在原地等了许久,守卫才回来,身后并未跟人。lt;/pgt; Hey, the Ke prosperous disposition that you must look for is big, refuses to see the person, my words cannot pass, you walk.” lt ; /pgt ; “嘿,你们要找的这珂隆脾性不小,拒绝见人,我话都传不到,你们还是走吧。”lt;/pgt; The guards said that during the spoken languages is quite discontented. lt ; /pgt ; 守卫说道,言语间颇为不满。lt;/pgt; How to convey a message? Isn't he a student?” lt ; /pgt ; “怎么会传不了话?他不就是个学生吗?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen opens the mouth. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰开口。lt;/pgt; The guards shot a look at his one eyes, this student is somewhat special, lives in the book collection pavilion, that place is not our these front door guards can go in casually.” lt ; /pgt ; 守卫瞥了他一眼,“这学生有些特殊,住在藏书阁里,那地方不是我们这些大门守卫可以随便进去的。”lt;/pgt; Your words I also transmitted for you, the person in book collection pavilion replies Ke grand Jujue to receive guests. I asked several, it is said since this student enters the academy, has not left academy one step, usually in besides the necessary schoolwork, the collecting books pavilion is even few.” lt ; /pgt ; “你们的话我也替你们传达了,藏书阁的人回复珂隆拒绝见客。我多问了几句,据说自打这学生进书院,就没离开过书院一步,平日里除了必要的功课外,连藏书阁都很少出。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen and a redder rain cannot help but looks at each other one, never goes out, is feared that encounters the mishap? lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰和越红雨不由得对视一眼,从不外出,是怕遭遇不测吗?lt;/pgt; Initially the Ke clan entire clan was extinguished, Ke grand Yaoxing escapes, perhaps therefore does not dare to go out! lt ; /pgt ; 当初珂族整族被灭,珂隆侥幸逃过一劫,或许因此才不敢外出!lt;/pgt; In any event, at least confirmed that Ke is also living prosperously, he more hides, explained that he more might be clear about in the past Ke clan and more family/home extinguished truth! lt ; /pgt ; 无论如何,至少确认珂隆还活着,他越是躲藏,说明他越有可能清楚当年珂族和越家被灭的真相!lt;/pgt; Ke grand Jujue to meet then unable to enter the academy, the Gu Chen brow cannot help but wrinkled. lt ; /pgt ; 珂隆拒绝见面便进不了书院,顾辰眉头不由得皱了起来。lt;/pgt; He wants to infiltrate the academy with this excuse, inquires that life force source. lt ; /pgt ; 他本来想以这个借口混进书院,打探那生命力的源头。lt;/pgt; Now this excuse did not work, can only think that other means mix. lt ; /pgt ; 如今这一借口行不通了,只能想另外的办法混进去。lt;/pgt; Book collection pavilion, is that the secondary rainbow phoenix academy very important place? Does the Ke prosperous student, really have the qualifications to live there?” lt ; /pgt ; “藏书阁,那是霓凰书院很重要的地方吧?珂隆一个学生,竟然有资格住在那里?”lt;/pgt; Initially Ke clan had the relations in secondary rainbow phoenix Sowonri it is said that but Ke clan exterminated the clan, that relations also in? What relations wants, can have the so different treatments?” lt ; /pgt ; “当初珂族据说是在霓凰书院里有关系,可是珂族都被灭族了,那点关系还在吗?要什么样的关系,才能有如此不同的待遇?”lt;/pgt; lt ; aid = " wzsy " href = " https://;gt ; «Controls Health in This» lt ; /agt ; lt ; /pgt ; lt;aid="wzsy"href="https://;gt;《控卫在此》lt;/agt;lt;/pgt; Guarded, redder rain beautiful pupil twinkle kept, thinks. lt ; /pgt ; 守卫走了,越红雨美眸闪烁个不停,浮想联翩。lt;/pgt; The intuition told her Ke grand certainly to know for two years ago she jumped over the family/home suddenly by the truth of unexpected calamity, is at present this separation of one wall, actually surrounded her! lt ; /pgt ; 直觉告诉她珂隆一定知道两年前她越家突遭横祸的真相,可是眼下这一墙之隔,却生生困住了她!lt;/pgt; Attends to the senior, was inferior that we change a remote place, circumvents.” lt ; /pgt ; “顾前辈,不如我们换个偏僻的地方,翻墙进去。”lt;/pgt; A redder rain cannot bear the proposition. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨忍不住提议。lt;/pgt; Secondary rainbow phoenix academy has celestial phenomenon cultivator to assume personal command, rushes rashly is not the wise action.” lt ; /pgt ; “霓凰书院有天象修士坐镇,贸然闯进去不是明智之举。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen shakes the head. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰摇了摇头。lt;/pgt; The secondary rainbow phoenix academy after all is one of the class/flow wave city two big super influences, placing entire thunder territory is also very big influence. lt ; /pgt ; 霓凰书院毕竟是流波城两大超级势力之一,放在整个雷域也是很大的势力。lt;/pgt; Only depending on his blue lotus body, even if adds on the Kunpeng body again, cannot achieve has one's wish here. lt ; /pgt ; 仅凭他的青莲身即便再加上鲲鹏身,做不到在这里随心所欲。lt;/pgt; If he sneaks, brought to the attention of academy expert, wants to inquire about that the life force source is not easy! lt ; /pgt ; 他若潜行进去,引起了书院高手的注意,想探寻生命力的源头就没那么容易了!lt;/pgt; Therefore, in any event in can the right reason enter, does not arouse the vigilance easily. lt ; /pgt ; 因此,无论如何得以正当的理由入内,才不容易引起警觉。lt;/pgt; How while two people think are entering the academy, a horizon magnificent ship flies. lt ; /pgt ; 正当二人思索着如何进入书院,天边一艘华丽的宝船飞来。lt;/pgt; Feels the sound of ship, rapidly goes out of many cultivator from secondary rainbow phoenix Sowonri. lt ; /pgt ; 感受到宝船的动静,从霓凰书院里迅速走出不少修士。lt;/pgt; The ship descended slowly, anchors in the entrance, was less than ten zhang (3.33 m) to the Gu Chen two people. lt ; /pgt ; 宝船缓缓降落,停靠在了大门口,离顾辰二人不到十丈。lt;/pgt; Young people of one crowd of student appearances go down the ship under teacher's leadership, secondary rainbow phoenix academy's here teacher move forward to meet somebody rapidly. lt ; /pgt ; 一群学生模样的年轻人在老师的带领下走下宝船,霓凰书院这边的老师迅速迎了上去。lt;/pgt; „Isn't that the people of class/flow cloud academy? How to come our?” lt ; /pgt ; “那不是流云书院的人吗?怎么来我们这了?”lt;/pgt; „Haven't you known? This year's studies the inspection to with flowing cloud Shuyuan the friendly exchange finally.” lt ; /pgt ; “你还不知道吗?今年的终学考核要与流云书院友好交流。”lt;/pgt; „Does the difficulty that such a inspects want to be higher?” lt ; /pgt ; “这么一来考核的难度岂不是要高很多?”lt;/pgt; You should think, the reward of inspection also changed. Flows cloud Shuyuan to come from the emperor city, defeats their students in the inspection, could bring to the attention of emperor city big influence, in the future will have boundless prospects!” lt ; /pgt ; “你该这么想,考核的奖励也变多了。况且流云书院来自帝城,在考核上打败他们的学生,说不定能引起帝城大势力的注意,未来前途无量!”lt;/pgt; Some students of passing by whispered, discuss spiritedly. lt ; /pgt ; 一些路过的学生交头接耳,议论纷纷。lt;/pgt; Flows several leading teachers of cloud academy to go forward the person handshake with secondary rainbow phoenix academy, their behind students have several hundred people fully, the scale of this exchange is quite huge. lt ; /pgt ; 流云书院的几个带队老师上前与霓凰书院的人握手,他们身后的学生足有数百人,此次交流的规模颇为庞大。lt;/pgt; A redder rain looks following the crowd, the look solidified suddenly, the eye is staring at one person in class/flow cloud academy crowd stubbornly! lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨顺着人群看去,神色突然凝固住了,眼睛死死盯着流云书院人群里的一人!lt;/pgt; What's wrong?” lt ; /pgt ; “怎么了?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen detected that her mood changes, is slightly surprised. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰察觉到她的情绪变化,略微惊讶。lt;/pgt; The redder rain breath becomes rapid, the double fist grips ruthlessly tightly, although she tries hard to constrain oneself mood, Gu Chen can still feel her dreadful hatred! lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨呼吸变得急促,双拳狠狠攥紧,尽管她努力在压抑自己的情绪,顾辰依然可以感受到她滔天的恨意!lt;/pgt; Attends to the senior, but also remembers for two years ago led the Shuangshan army black flag to extinguish me to jump over the young military officers of family/home?” lt ; /pgt ; “顾前辈,还记得两年前率领泷山军黑旗灭了我越家的年轻将领吗?”lt;/pgt; The redder rain sound is shivering, I will never forget, that person of silver turning green child, although is the alien race, takes a blade non- blade, resembles the pointed weapons of sword non- sword...... that pointed weapons I to recognize, is the weapon of my person clan, is popular in the world Tang blade......” lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨声音都在颤抖,“我永远不会忘记,那人银发青童,虽是异族,却拿着一把似刀非刀,似剑非剑的兵刃……那兵刃我认得,乃是我人族的兵器,流行于人间的唐刀……”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen hears Yanmi narrowed the eye, sizes up toward the crowd of class/flow cloud academy, really discovered a young people form of silver turning green child. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰闻言眯了眯眼,往流云书院的人群里打量,果然发现了一银发青童的年轻人身影。lt;/pgt; Two years do not see, the young military officer change of this Shuangshan army black flag is very big, originally vicious tendencies and murderous aura to be hidden by him, at this moment looks is only an ordinary student! lt ; /pgt ; 两年不见,这泷山军黑旗的年轻将领变化挺大,原先身上的戾气和杀气都被他隐藏住了,此刻看着就只是一个普通的学生!lt;/pgt; Gu Chen when datura city also when only he is, has not cared, if not for a redder rain reminded, he also really not necessarily could think. lt ; /pgt ; 在曼陀罗城时顾辰也只当他是个喽啰,并未放在心上,若不是越红雨提醒,他还真未必想得起来。lt;/pgt; Flowed the large military forces of cloud academy to be met the secondary rainbow phoenix academy, had the reminder of redder rain, Gu Chen observed earnestly, revealed the strange color. lt ; /pgt ; 流云书院的大队人马被接进了霓凰书院,有了越红雨的提醒,顾辰认真观察了下,露出古怪之色。lt;/pgt; Flows the group of students of cloud academy...... lt ; /pgt ; 流云书院的这群学生……lt;/pgt; Attends to the senior, will this humanities be the people of Shuangshan army will turn into the student of class/flow cloud academy suddenly? I worried that his trip swells to that Ke!” lt ; /pgt ; “顾前辈,这人本是泷山军的人怎么会突然变成流云书院的学生?我担心他此行是冲着那珂隆去的!”lt;/pgt; A redder rain is somewhat anxious, she just found Ke to swell, two years ago extinguished Ke clan and she jumps over the personal enemies of family/home also to look, was this too rather skillful? lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨有些焦急,她刚刚找到珂隆,两年前灭了珂族和她越家的仇人也找来了,这未免太巧了?lt;/pgt; Matter had passed for two years, he should know early Ke swells in the secondary rainbow phoenix academy lives on dishonorably, why wants to act to him now?” lt ; /pgt ; “事情已经过去了两年,他应该早知道珂隆在霓凰书院苟活,为何要现在对他出手?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen hesitates slightly, had suspected to the motive of opposite party. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰稍稍沉吟,对对方的动机有所怀疑。lt;/pgt; If is really swells to Ke, why can drag to two years later? lt ; /pgt ; 若真是冲着珂隆,为何要拖到两年之后?lt;/pgt; Is it possible that this time does the point have what specialness? lt ; /pgt ; 莫非这个时间点有什么特殊?lt;/pgt; Ke grand Shouni phoenix academy protects, usually in has not gone out, perhaps only then studies the name of inspection to have the opportunity to be close to him taking advantage of that finally!” lt ; /pgt ; “珂隆受霓凰书院保护,平日里又不曾外出,或许只有借着那终学考核的名义才有机会接近他!”lt;/pgt; A redder rain said. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨说道。lt;/pgt; Has this possibility, but actually Ke grand has anything to be special, making the secondary rainbow phoenix academy be willing to offend the Shuangshan army to protect him.” lt ; /pgt ; “是有这个可能,只是珂隆究竟有什么特殊的,让霓凰书院愿意得罪泷山军保护他。”lt;/pgt; These people perhaps not only also swells for Ke, solely kills a Ke to swell, 1-2 hide the deep killer to be instead easier to go well to retreat.” lt ; /pgt ; “这些人恐怕也不只是为了珂隆,单单杀一个珂隆,1-2隐藏深的杀手反而更容易得手撤退。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen said. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰说道。lt;/pgt; Gave a thought to the meaning of senior is...... people of Shuangshan army infiltrated the team of class/flow cloud academy incessantly?” lt ; /pgt ; “顾前辈的意思是……不止一个泷山军的人混进了流云书院的队伍?”lt;/pgt; A redder rain listened to the Gu Chen overtones. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨听出了顾辰的弦外之音。lt;/pgt; Gu Chen nods, before the mind remembered, such as the attitude of Zongji agriculture, the veins of something clear off gradually. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰点了点头,脑海里想起了之前如雷宗吉农的态度,一些事情的脉络渐渐理清。lt;/pgt; Attends to the senior, by my present strength, can kill that person?” lt ; /pgt ; “顾前辈,以我现在的实力,能否杀的了那个人?”lt;/pgt; A redder rain clenches teeth, suddenly asked. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨咬了咬牙,突然问道。lt;/pgt; Two years ago, her strength is far less than the opposite party, can only escape by far! lt ; /pgt ; 两年前,她的实力远不如对方,只能远远逃掉!lt;/pgt; At that time let alone was she, was her entire family, did not have the strength of resistance facing the Shuangshan army such colossus of! lt ; /pgt ; 当时别说是她,就是她整个家族,面对泷山军这样的庞然大物也毫无反抗之力!lt;/pgt; Gu Chen understood that a redder rain the mood, the smile said: cultivation base, that person is all sea boundary is higher than you, but depending on these two years the accumulation, not necessarily cannot win.” lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰了解越红雨的心情,微笑道:“论修为,那人是四海境比你高,但凭这两年你的积累,未必不能赢。”lt;/pgt; A redder rain obtains the affirmation of Gu Chen, revenge in beautiful pupil aflame combustion. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨得到顾辰的肯定,美眸里的复仇之火熊熊燃烧。lt;/pgt; In view of this, without affecting to attend to that the senior plans, asking the senior to allow me to kill with one's own hand the personal enemy!” lt ; /pgt ; “既如此,在不影响顾前辈计划的前提下,请前辈允许我手刃仇人!”lt;/pgt;
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