DMTE :: Volume #26

#2545: Visiting academy

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! Hasn't consulted the fellow daoist honored name?” lt ; /pgt ; “还未请教道友尊姓大名?”lt;/pgt; The transaction is closed, just before leaving first Ji Nong polite asking. lt ; /pgt ; 交易完成,临走前吉农客气的问道。lt;/pgt; Gu Chen.” lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰。”lt;/pgt; That attended to the fellow daoist, tonight does not disturb, another day pays a visit again, says goodbye.” lt ; /pgt ; “那顾道友,今晚就不打扰了,改日再登门拜访,告辞。”lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest, at heart thinks is actually Gu Chen this name is whether familiar-sounding, has the big influence of Gu he knows. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农拱了拱手,心里想的却是顾辰这名字是否耳熟,是否有他知道的顾姓的大势力。lt;/pgt; Does not deliver.” lt ; /pgt ; “不送。”lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture vanished in the darkness, Gu Chen looked at the direction that he is departing, showed the thought-provoking expression. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农消失在了黑暗里,顾辰望着他离去的方向,露出了耐人寻味的表情。lt;/pgt; Interesting, this person hides the truth from such as thunder sect to solve the matter of Yuda unexpectedly in private.” lt ; /pgt ; “有意思,此人竟然瞒着如雷宗私下解决裕达的事。”lt;/pgt; Is such as thunder Zongzhen the rigid discipline, his aware this matter feared ignominious was involved?” lt ; /pgt ; “是如雷宗真的纪律严明,他自觉此事不光彩怕受牵连?”lt;/pgt; Perhaps without is so simple, he brings murderous aura at first, actually relaxed the mind after the dialog with me suddenly.” lt ; /pgt ; “恐怕没有那么简单,他起初带着杀气,在与我交谈后却突然放松了心神。”lt;/pgt; „The most reasonable speculation, he worried that I knew anything from Yuda there, but after the conversation, discovered that I do not know.” lt ; /pgt ; “最合理的推测,他担心我从裕达那里知道了什么,而交谈后发现我不知道。”lt;/pgt; „After mind relaxes, he still has to kill to read to me, gave up this thought after careful considering, and does not hesitate to lose with me reconciles.” lt ; /pgt ; “心神放松后他依然对我带有杀念,是在仔细的斟酌后放弃了这个念头,并不惜损失与我和解。”lt;/pgt; The Gu Chen mental outlook is so high, in addition he grasps slaughters the technique greatly, can detect any murderous aura change keenly, therefore Ji Nongzi thinks that the happy anger does not show, in fact his all mood fluctuate by Gu Chen are looked clear. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰的精神境界何等之高,加之他又掌握大杀戮术,能敏锐察觉出任何一丝杀气的变化,所以吉农自以为喜怒不形于色,实际上他所有的情绪波动被顾辰看得一清二楚。lt;/pgt; Gives up killing me, assurance that small some reasons cannot win, a bigger reason obviously is his heart dreaded.” lt ; /pgt ; “放弃杀我,一小部分原因是没有必胜的把握,更大的原因则明显是他心有忌惮。”lt;/pgt; He seemed to be worried the matter that very much Yuda died is known by such as thunder sect, why this is? Does an elder, what situation meet under openly does not revenge using the sect strength? He worried that Yuda knows what secret will divulge to me?” lt ; /pgt ; “他似乎很担心裕达身亡的事被如雷宗知道,这是为什么?一位长老,在什么样的情境下会不利用宗门的实力堂而皇之报仇?他又担心裕达知道了什么秘密会向我泄露?”lt;/pgt; lt ; aid = " wzsy " href = " ; gt ; lt ; /agt ; lt ; /pgt ; lt;aid="wzsy"href=";gt;lt;/agt;lt;/pgt; Interesting, interesting, it seems like that this such as thunder sect is not peaceful, this class/flow wave city will not be quiet.” lt ; /pgt ; “有趣,有趣,看来这如雷宗不太平,这流波城也不会很平静了。”lt;/pgt; Makes me pick up a bargain actually, this brave brassard, is not does not destroy the magic weapon of boundary......” lt ; /pgt ; “倒是让我捡了个便宜,这貔貅臂铠,可不是什么不摧境的法宝……”lt;/pgt; Over the following several days, the Kunpeng body of Gu Chen is confined at home, in fact has actually been studying in the city quietly the spirit lineage/vein. lt ; /pgt ; 接下来几天,顾辰的鲲鹏身足不出户,实际上却一直在悄悄研究城内灵脉。lt;/pgt; With the help of Duanmu azure resources, Gu Chen also made clear the class/flow wave city spirit lineage/vein finally in the place bottom distribution and structure. lt ; /pgt ; 在端木青资源的帮助下,顾辰也终于搞清楚了流波城灵脉在地底的分布结构。lt;/pgt; From the distribution map, that aura energy flow spreads the spirit lineage/vein to be everywhere, the source can only in these two places.” lt ; /pgt ; “从分布图来看,那股气息能流遍灵脉无处不在,源头只能是在这两个地方了。”lt;/pgt; The detailed map of class/flow wave city is hanging on the wall, Gu Chen delimited a circle in two positions respectively. lt ; /pgt ; 流波城的详细地图悬挂在墙上,顾辰在两处位置上各划了一个圈。lt;/pgt; These two positions are the ear of class/flow wave city are at exactly, is at such as thunder sect, is at the secondary rainbow phoenix academy! lt ; /pgt ; 这两处位置恰好是流波城的牛耳所在,一处在如雷宗,一处在霓凰书院!lt;/pgt; „Is that life force source exactly in these two place one of them, the coincidence?” lt ; /pgt ; “那丝生命力的源头恰好在这两个地方其中之一,是巧合吗?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen looking pensive, muttered. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰若有所思,喃喃自语。lt;/pgt; Perhaps is not, this class/flow wave city is the skull of that thunder beast kui cow, the spirit lineage/vein of this place are also closely linked with it, the new life in its core breeding, is not strange.” lt ; /pgt ; “恐怕不是,这流波城本是那雷兽夔牛的头骨所化,此地的灵脉也与它息息相关,新的生命在它的核心孕育,并不奇怪。”lt;/pgt; Is only, past 1500 chaos eras, if there is a new life to breed, the god clouds Emperor is impossible not to discover. Only if, the rhythm of this life, is appears in the two years.” lt ; /pgt ; “只是,过去一千五百个混沌纪元了,若有新的生命在孕育,神霄帝君不可能一直没有发现。除非,这生命的律动,是这两年才出现的。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen is interesting, when beginning inward flux wave city, he then discovered the head skull of this thunder beast kui cow in the city except for the ancient not loose malignant influences that having it leaves behind, but also is hiding slight life force quietly. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰饶有兴趣,始进入流波城之际,他便发现这座雷兽夔牛的头颅骨所化的城市里除了有它留下的亘古不散的煞气,还悄悄隐藏着一股细微的生命力。lt;/pgt; This is very inconceivable, does the great city have the life? lt ; /pgt ; 这很不可思议,巨城拥有生命?lt;/pgt; Difficult to be inadequate the kui cow not dead, the intention recovers in the time that the god clouds Emperor does fall from the sky? lt ; /pgt ; 难不成夔牛未死,意图在神霄帝君陨落的这个时代复苏?lt;/pgt; Such matter passes on the necessity to alarm entire thunder territory, once dares with supreme thunder beast resurrecting that the Emperor speaks the last words, the influence was too big! lt ; /pgt ; 这样的事传出去必然惊动整个雷域,曾经敢与帝君叫板的至尊雷兽复活,影响太大了!lt;/pgt; Is good because, this life force is very small and weak, in addition hidden in the deep place of class/flow wave city, wants to detect very difficultly. lt ; /pgt ; 好在,这股生命力还十分弱小,加之隐藏在流波城的深处,想要察觉十分困难。lt;/pgt; If not for the soul of Gu Chen this grade of rank to near, even if column days divine consciousness passed over gently and swiftly from the sky, is still very difficult to discover the clue. lt ; /pgt ; 若不是顾辰这等级别的灵魂到了近前,即便是柱天们的神识从上空掠过,也很难发现端倪。lt;/pgt; thunder territory now a group of people without a leader, this life the kui cow of resurrecting is the new ten thousand beasts is supreme, originally some are the time conceals one's abilities and bides one's time. lt ; /pgt ; 雷域现在群龙无首,这生命无论是复活的夔牛还是新的万兽至尊,本来有的是时间韬光养晦。lt;/pgt; What a pity, it was discovered by Gu Chen. lt ; /pgt ; 可惜,它被顾辰发现了。lt;/pgt; This kui cow is among the world most tyrannical thunder system really spirits, after clone to refine preliminarily, if can by Great True Spirit Technique its absorption, profit inevitably great.” lt ; /pgt ; “这夔牛乃是天下间最强横的雷系真灵,初阶分身炼成之后,若能以大真灵术将其吸收,受益必然不浅。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen since detecting existence of this life force, has then been pondering over uses for oneself. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰打从察觉到这股生命力的存在,便一直思忖着为己所用。lt;/pgt; After clone born preliminarily, after all the strength is limited, the aptitude of kui cow is even/including Zhutian detected, will send out the rank that own biography robs, the so huge opportunity missed this village not to have this shop! lt ; /pgt ; 初阶分身诞生后毕竟实力有限,夔牛的资质是连柱天们察觉后都会派出亲传抢夺的级别,这般天大的机遇错过这村就没了这店!lt;/pgt; Such as thunder sect is place, the alert is inevitably stern, but the secondary rainbow phoenix academy opens the door to give study, mixing to be easier.” lt ; /pgt ; “如雷宗是一家之地,戒备必然森严,而霓凰书院开门授学,混进去要容易许多。”lt;/pgt; In addition, was confirmed by Duanmu azure, goes to the human world transmission secondary rainbow phoenix Sowonri to have.” lt ; /pgt ; “此外,经端木青确认,前往人间的传送阵霓凰书院里有。”lt;/pgt; The Gu Chen vision frames the secondary rainbow phoenix academy on map to be , it seems like it was the time visits! lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰目光定格在地图上的霓凰书院所在,看来是时候去拜访拜访了!lt;/pgt; Tomorrow? Attending to the senior so to be how sudden?” lt ; /pgt ; “明天?顾前辈怎么如此突然?”lt;/pgt; A redder rain is very surprised, the blue lotus body with her said suddenly tomorrow must lead her to go to the secondary rainbow phoenix academy together. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨十分吃惊,青莲身突然和她说明天要带她一起前往霓凰书院。lt;/pgt; According to the Gu Chen original meaning, is to make her close up digests the experience of beforehand fight, this several days changed the idea. lt ; /pgt ; 按照顾辰原先的意思,是让她闭关消化之前战斗的经验的,这才几天就改了主意。lt;/pgt; Matter has the change, we should seek for transmission. Moreover the class/flow wave city possibly is not then peaceful, you found that Ke to swell as soon as possible, investigate thoroughly the past matter, otherwise misses an opportunity, the truth is not possibly able to know for a lifetime.” lt ; /pgt ; “事情有变化,我们该去寻找传送阵了。而且流波城接下来可能不太平,你尽快找到那珂隆,查清当年的事,不然错过了机会,真相可能一辈子都无法知道了。”lt;/pgt; The blue lotus body said. lt ; /pgt ; 青莲身说道。lt;/pgt; „Isn't the class/flow wave city peaceful? Can what happened? But at present is the senior refinement body the most important matter? Whom did we walk to protect the law?” lt ; /pgt ; “流波城不太平?要发生什么事吗?可是眼下前辈炼制身躯才是首要之事吧?我们都走了谁来护法?”lt;/pgt; Somewhat had a premonition, earlier acts to prevent the variable is not always the misdemeanor. Here does not need to worry, had to roost moon/month of body Protector enough.” lt ; /pgt ; “只是有些预感,早点行动防止变数总不是坏事。这边不用担心,有栖月身护法就够了。”lt;/pgt; Originally makes two big clone to protect the law together, considers such as thunder sect possible chasing down. lt ; /pgt ; 本来让两大分身一起护法,是考虑到如雷宗可能的追杀的。lt;/pgt; Now has reconciled with that Ji Nong, temporarily does not need to be worried such as thunder sect chased down, dividing the soul closes up here is very safe, does not need too many people to protect. lt ; /pgt ; 现在与那吉农已经和解,暂时不用担心如雷宗的追杀了,分魂在这里闭关很安全,不需要太多人守护。lt;/pgt; On the contrary is secondary rainbow phoenix academy there, then he plans to compete for the chance, making the blue lotus body also go together, nature many points of odds of success! lt ; /pgt ; 反倒是霓凰书院那里,接下来他打算争夺机缘,让青莲身也一起前往,自然多分胜算!lt;/pgt; I understood.” lt ; /pgt ; “我明白了。”lt;/pgt; A redder rain no longer asked that nods, the innermost feelings cannot help but produce the ripples to be intermittent for the tour of forthcoming academy. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨不再多问,点了点头,内心不由得为即将到来的书院之行产生涟漪阵阵。lt;/pgt; Two years ago her the long-awaited place, has no hope now. lt ; /pgt ; 两年前她梦寐以求的地方,现在已经没有什么渴望了。lt;/pgt; The man but who that usurped her quota, that brings the pain of extermination of the clan man to her, has the possibility in the two years continuously in that! lt ; /pgt ; 但那个篡夺了她名额的男人,那个给她带来灭族之痛的男人,有可能这两年一直在那!lt;/pgt; After tomorrow, she will perhaps know the truth! lt ; /pgt ; 明天之后,她或许将会知道真相!lt;/pgt; One late sleepless, a redder rain is rubbing own lance point all night, is smoothing own grief, until the state of mind is calm, is brightly burnished until the lance point. lt ; /pgt ; 一晚无眠,越红雨整宿磨着自己的枪尖,抚平着自己的伤痛,直到心境波澜不惊,直到枪尖锃亮。lt;/pgt; At dawn, she with the blue lotus body together, returned to the class/flow wave city again. lt ; /pgt ; 天亮时,她与青莲身一起,再次回到了流波城。lt;/pgt; The Kunpeng body has not converged with them, the preparation keeps outside the secondary rainbow phoenix academy to be responsible for aiding. lt ; /pgt ; 鲲鹏身没有与他们汇合,准备留在霓凰书院外负责接应。lt;/pgt; Two people pass through Shangcheng District, arrived at the boundary of secondary rainbow phoenix academy. lt ; /pgt ; 二人一路穿过上城区,来到了霓凰书院的地界。lt;/pgt; Two halt, the academy prohibits the miscellaneous personnel from entering!” lt ; /pgt ; “两位止步,书院禁止闲杂人等进入!”lt;/pgt; Close to the academy entrance, two people had not been guarded to block. lt ; /pgt ; 尚未靠近书院门口,两人就被守卫拦了下来。lt;/pgt; Although the academy is not tightly guarded like the place of sect, but does not have the bystander of status token unable to enter. lt ; /pgt ; 书院虽不像宗门之地戒备森严,但没有身份令牌的外人也是无法进入的。lt;/pgt; Passes troublesome reports one, we want to look for named Ke prosperous student. a” lt ; /pgt ; “麻烦通禀一声,我们想找一个叫珂隆的学生。”lt;/pgt; A redder rain opens the mouth saying that quietly toward guarding in the hand handed over some money. lt ; /pgt ; 越红雨开口道,悄悄往守卫的手上递了些钱。lt;/pgt; Which institute? Who are you?” lt ; /pgt ; “哪个院的?你是他什么人?”lt;/pgt; The guarded complexion was moderate immediately, asked politely. lt ; /pgt ; 守卫的脸色顿时缓和了许多,客气问道。lt;/pgt; Family member friend who comes the academy to look for the student, every day has, originally they have the duty of notice. lt ; /pgt ; 来书院找学生的家人朋友,每天都有,本来他们就有通知的义务。lt;/pgt; This miss was so tactful, gave back to the advantage, he will be naturally warmer. lt ; /pgt ; 这姑娘如此识趣,还给了好处,他自然会热情一些。lt;/pgt;
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