DMTE :: Volume #26

#2544: Brave brassard

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! Apologizes? lt ; /pgt ; 赔礼道歉?lt;/pgt; In the Gu Chen heart the surprise, this script is not a little right, won't be being used by the trick that oneself will treat it lightly? lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰心中诧异,这剧本有点不对劲,不会是用来让自己掉以轻心的伎俩吧?lt;/pgt; I with making the grandson no enmity recently was not resentful in those days, he actually tries to kill me, can this misunderstanding bring can it be that?” lt ; /pgt ; “我与令孙往日无仇近日无怨,他却试图杀我,这岂是一句误会能够带过?”lt;/pgt; Lucky agricultural elder, such as thunder sect is the potential is big in this class/flow wave city, but places entire rock rock ancient boundary/world, may not be anything!” lt ; /pgt ; “吉农长老,如雷宗在这流波城是势大,但放在整个磐岩古界,可算不上什么东西!”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen sneers intentionally, aggressive. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰故意冷笑,咄咄逼人。lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture looks at Gu Chen to be secure, as if not the appearance that such as thunder sect pays attention, added the guess at heart. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农看着顾辰有恃无恐,似乎不把如雷宗放在眼里的样子,心里更平添了许多猜测。lt;/pgt; The courteous reception of star sea Work place explained the opposite party background is not simple, how many but also has in thunder territory the honored and popular person clan, how can he not hear? lt ; /pgt ; 星海坊的礼遇本就说明对方背景不简单,但在雷域有头有脸的人族又有几个,他怎么会没听说过?lt;/pgt; If the opposite party is the honored guest who his territory comes, all explained that must pass! lt ; /pgt ; 如果对方是他域来的贵客,一切就解释得通了!lt;/pgt; Involves the foreign land influence, acts carefully, this matter best peaceful settlement.” lt ; /pgt ; “牵扯到异域势力,出手更得小心谨慎,这事最好和平解决。”lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture innermost feelings are firmer, immediately maintains is making Gu Chen feel that has distance that the sincerity will not dread, salutes to apologize toward him. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农内心更加坚定,随即保持在让顾辰感觉有诚意又不会太忌惮的距离,朝着他行礼致歉。lt;/pgt; Fellow Daoist, under the old man knee only one, perishes unfortunately early, only leaves behind this grandson Ji eagle, therefore many spoiled.” lt ; /pgt ; “道友,老夫膝下唯有一子,不幸早亡,只留下这个孙儿吉鹰,因此多少溺爱了些。”lt;/pgt; In addition the old man usually is busy with the sect business, gradually then fosters him so arrogant and willful extremely arrogant, stupid appearance of being shortsighted!” lt ; /pgt ; “加上老夫平日里忙于宗门事务,渐渐的便养成他这般骄纵狂妄,鼠目寸光的愚蠢模样!”lt;/pgt; Matter of old man today upon learning this, the earliest possible time has punished him ruthlessly! But he after all is the grandson of old man, breaks the bone to link the muscle, hoping the fellow daoist can forgive his mistake.” lt ; /pgt ; “今日之事老夫得知之后,已第一时间狠狠责罚他!可他毕竟是老夫的孙儿,打断骨头连着筋,希望道友能原谅他的过错。”lt;/pgt; About him to the loss that the fellow daoist incurs, the old man is willing to compensate with every effort, the fellow daoist has anything to request to raise although!” lt ; /pgt ; “关于他给道友带来的损失,老夫愿意尽力赔偿,道友有什么要求尽管提!”lt;/pgt; lt ; ahref = " http://m. " Id = " wzsy " gt ; lt ; /agt ; lt ; /pgt ; lt;ahref="http://m."id="wzsy"gt;lt;/agt;lt;/pgt; luck Nong sighed again and again, an elder appearance of affection reason, that performing skill was profound. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农叹气连连,一副慈爱明理的长辈模样,那演技可谓入木三分。lt;/pgt; What a pity the Gu Chen judge are countless, Ji Nongruo really so understands the affair, as for not raising so grass manages human life grandson. lt ; /pgt ; 可惜顾辰识人无数,吉农若真如此明白事理,绝不至于养出这般草管人命的孙子。lt;/pgt; When he just came after murderous aura of that undulating , the subtle mood changes, does not hide the truth from Gu Chen! lt ; /pgt ; 况且他刚来时那股澹澹的杀气以及之后微妙的情绪变化,瞒不过顾辰!lt;/pgt; Is what reason causes the opposite party to settle a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved? lt ; /pgt ; 是什么原因导致对方想要息事宁人?lt;/pgt; Did he see his real strength? lt ; /pgt ; 难道他看出了他的真实实力?lt;/pgt; No, real strength of Kunpeng body, as for not letting one does not destroy the boundary is so submissive. lt ; /pgt ; 不,鲲鹏身的真实实力就那样,绝不至于让一个不摧境如此低声下气。lt;/pgt; „Does this matter consider as finished? Did I kill your person you not to ask me to do accounts?” lt ; /pgt ; “这事就这么算了?我杀了你的人你不找我算账?”lt;/pgt; The Gu Chen taunt said. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰嘲讽道。lt;/pgt; Fellow Daoist chatted, was Yuda gets up read corruptly first kills you, was killed by the fellow daoist is purely gets what one deserves.” lt ; /pgt ; “道友说笑了,是裕达起了贪念先杀你,被道友所杀纯属活该。”lt;/pgt; You can not haggle over this matter, but such as thunder sect? cultivator of wonderful profound boundary to such as thunder sect small sect is the good strength, trained also to consume many resources? They so will be natural, didn't haggle over his death completely?” lt ; /pgt ; “你可以不计较这事,但如雷宗呢?一个妙玄境的修士对如雷宗这种小宗门算是不错的战力吧,培养起来也耗了不少资源吧?他们会那么大方,完全不计较他的死亡?”lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture eyebrow jumped jumping, small sect? lt ; /pgt ; 吉农眉毛跳了跳,小宗门?lt;/pgt; This person of big tone, really has the astonishing origin, is blustering? lt ; /pgt ; 这人好大的口气,是真有惊人来历,还是在虚张声势?lt;/pgt; No matter which type, he does not want to investigate now, can deal with well this matter. lt ; /pgt ; 不管是哪种,现在他都不想追究,能把这事应付过去就好。lt;/pgt; The question of opposite party is a little difficult to reply, if he deceived saying that such as thunder sect will not investigate, but the opposite party will know several days later Yuda death the news such as the thunder sect does not know, must live a trick. lt ; /pgt ; 对方的疑问有点难回答,他若骗说如雷宗不会追究,可过几天对方得知裕达死亡的消息如雷宗根本不知道,恐怕要生点幺蛾子。lt;/pgt; The opposite party will cause suspicion with its several days later, is inferior to say his plan with him now. lt ; /pgt ; 与其等过几天对方生疑,不如现在就和他说他的打算。lt;/pgt; Oh! Frankly, if sect knows Yuda dead, indeed will investigate the responsibility of fellow daoist.” lt ; /pgt ; “唉!实不相瞒,宗门若知晓裕达已死,的确会追究道友的责任。”lt;/pgt; Investigates carefully under again, my grandson must be punished, the old man will also be involved.” lt ; /pgt ; “再细究之下,我孙儿必被责罚,老夫也会受到牵连。”lt;/pgt; Fellow Daoist, the multi- incident is inferior to few incident, even if the fellow daoist is not worried about me such as investigation of thunder sect, doesn't need many enemies?” lt ; /pgt ; “道友,多一事不如少一事,哪怕道友不担心我如雷宗的追究,也没必要多个敌人吧?”lt;/pgt; luck agriculture sincere persuading. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农语重心长的相劝。lt;/pgt; But my maidservant died!” lt ; /pgt ; “可我的侍女死了!”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen layer on layer/heavily cold snort/hum. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰重重冷哼一声。lt;/pgt; Pretty such as the flower maidservant fellow daoist wants many, the old men can search for you. The old men said that must compensate the fellow daoist, will satisfy the fellow daoist absolutely.” lt ; /pgt ; “貌美如花的侍女道友想要多少,老夫都可以为你寻觅。老夫说了要补偿道友,绝对会让道友满意的。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen pretends a heart movement the appearance, considers saying: But the person died after all, how this matter do you conceal the truth?” lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰装作有所心动的样子,斟酌道:“可人毕竟是死了,这事你怎么瞒过去?”lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture said with a smile immediately: This matter does not need the fellow daoist to be worried, Yuda is the old man subordinate, only needs several days old man to arrange the duty to him, turn head said him with sect the accidental death in the duty and that's the end!” lt ; /pgt ; 吉农顿时笑道:“这事不用道友担心,裕达本是老夫下属,只需过几日老夫给他安排任务,回头和宗门说他在任务中意外死亡就是了!”lt;/pgt; An appearance of Gu Chen face thinking, nods finally. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰一脸思索的模样,最后点了点头。lt;/pgt; Looks in the share of your sincere apology, this matter can be so solved, so long as your compensation makes me satisfy.” lt ; /pgt ; “看在你诚心道歉的份上,此事可以这般解决,只要你的补偿让我满意。”lt;/pgt; luck agriculture innermost feelings one tight, won't this fellow want a lion's share? lt ; /pgt ; 吉农内心一紧,这家伙不会狮子大开口吧?lt;/pgt; Naturally, what does the fellow daoist also want besides the beautiful appearance maidservant?” lt ; /pgt ; “当然,道友除了美貌侍女外还想要什么?”lt;/pgt; He is all smile, is probing asking. lt ; /pgt ; 他满脸堆笑,试探着问道。lt;/pgt; The treasure that demanded from the opposite party was what Pinjie the type, actual situation that can see the opposite party. lt ; /pgt ; 从对方索要的宝物是何品阶种类,是可以看出对方的虚实的。lt;/pgt; You who I can have a liking for not necessarily have.” lt ; /pgt ; “我看得上的你未必有。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen sneers, yourself give at will. But the offensive talk said in front, the compensation that if gives makes me feel not to have the sincerity, this matter considers as finished!” lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰冷笑,“你自己随意给吧。但丑话说在前头,若给的补偿让我感到没诚意,这事就这么算了!”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen played the rubber ball to the opposite party, he must have a look at this old ordinary man but actually to settle a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved to be willing to pay many prices. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰把皮球踢回给了对方,他倒要看看这老匹夫为了息事宁人愿意付出多少代价。lt;/pgt; This fact is interesting, he prepared matter noisy big, may should the person of sending a punitive expedition actually to sum wholeheartedly, if said that this inside does not have the trick to be strange! lt ; /pgt ; 这事实在是有趣,他本做好了事情闹大的准备,可本该兴师问罪的人却一心求和,若说这里面没猫腻才怪呢!lt;/pgt; The compensation that the opposite party give is richer, showed the secret that back hidden is more important! lt ; /pgt ; 对方给的补偿越丰厚,说明背后隐藏的秘密越重要!lt;/pgt; luck agriculture complexion gloomy and uncertain, opposite party indifferent appearance really makes him not be sure. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农脸色一阵阴晴不定,对方这无所谓的样子真让他吃不准。lt;/pgt; If this compensation lowering, the opposite party really got angry wastes all previous efforts, if high loved dearly. lt ; /pgt ; 这补偿要是给低了,对方真翻脸就前功尽弃,若给高了又心疼。lt;/pgt; The opposite party tone is so big, the common treasure feared that will not look at one. lt ; /pgt ; 对方口气那么大,一般的宝物怕是不会多看一眼。lt;/pgt; To the breakthrough compounded drug that the gold/metal firm boundary uses estimated that the opposite party will get angry, the magic weapon of wonderful profound boundary also said that does not permit......” lt ; /pgt ; “给点金坚境用的突破丹药估计对方会翻脸,妙玄境的法宝也说不准……”lt;/pgt; „! Does not hate the child unable to wrap/sets of the wolf, the important matter is important, waits for to settle down turn head investigates this person again!” lt ; /pgt ; “罢了!舍不得孩子套不着狼,大事要紧,等一切尘埃落定再回头调查此人!”lt;/pgt; If at the appointed time this person really has the background, delivered him then to deliver him, calculates that became friends many personal connections ; If the opposite party is blusters and bully the weak by relying on powerful connections, asks him to return again loses!” lt ; /pgt ; “届时若此人真有背景,送他的便送他了,也算交个朋友多条人脉;若对方是虚张声势、狐假虎威,再找他要回损失!”lt;/pgt; luck agriculture innermost feelings struggle, clench teeth, take out a brassard. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农一番内心挣扎,咬了咬牙,取出一副臂铠。lt;/pgt; This brassard is all over the body grayish white, probably an ominous tiger lies to lie, is passing the fierce imposing manner. lt ; /pgt ; 这臂铠通体灰白,像是一只凶虎趴卧,透着狰狞气势。lt;/pgt; This brave brassard was the old man from for did not destroy in the enemy hand of boundary to capture in the past.” lt ; /pgt ; “这貔貅臂铠乃是老夫当年从同为不摧境的敌人手上夺得。”lt;/pgt; Old man once witnessed this brassard to display great power to be able on that manpower, what a pity after capturing this treasure, did not know the proper way, is hard governing to cause.” lt ; /pgt ; “老夫曾亲眼目睹此臂铠在那人手上发挥莫大威能,可惜夺得此宝后,一直不得其法,难以御使。”lt;/pgt; This treasure today then the gift fellow daoist, believing the fellow daoist can see its uncommonness.” lt ; /pgt ; “此宝今日便赠予道友,相信道友能看出它的不凡。”lt;/pgt; Naturally, if the fellow daoist thought that this Baoji rib, the old man may also give in addition, satisfies the fellow daoist as far as possible.” lt ; /pgt ; “当然,若道友觉得此宝鸡肋,老夫也可另给,尽量让道友满意。”lt;/pgt; Does not destroy the boundary thinks awkwardly the fellow daoist also understands, if the fellow daoist wants the compounded drug and so on, in old man solid pouch shy.” lt ; /pgt ; “只是不摧境的尴尬想必道友也明白,若道友要丹药之类,老夫实在囊中羞涩。”lt;/pgt; luck Nong words saying are watertight, attend to every detail. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农话说得滴水不漏,面面俱到。lt;/pgt; I have a look.” lt ; /pgt ; “我看看。”lt;/pgt; An opposite party brassard takes, Gu Chen detected the specialness of this treasure, even Dan beckoning. lt ; /pgt ; 对方一把臂铠拿出来,顾辰就察觉到了此宝的特殊,平澹的一招手。lt;/pgt; The brave brassard falls into Gu Chen, he sized up carefully, determined the value of this treasure quickly. lt ; /pgt ; 貔貅臂铠落入顾辰手里,他仔细打量了下,很快确定了此宝的价值。lt;/pgt; How this treasure I cannot see stimulate to movement, but looks at the material quality is uncommon. You can put out the same step the treasure, calculates that you have the sincerity, finalized.” lt ; /pgt ; “此宝我也看不出如何催动,不过看材质算是不凡。你能拿出同阶的宝物,算你有诚意,成交吧。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen thinks otherwise accepted the brassard, complied with the reconciliation of opposite party. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰不以为然的把臂铠收下了,算是答应了对方的和解。lt;/pgt; On the luck agriculture face relaxes, the eye pupil deep place flashes through the meaning of teasing. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农脸上松了口气,眼眸深处闪过戏谑之意。lt;/pgt; This brave brassard indeed is the treasure, he said also most probably real. lt ; /pgt ; 这貔貅臂铠的确是宝物,他说的也大半是真的。lt;/pgt; In the past he indeed witnessed that this thing displayed great power to be able in the enemy hand, he indeed is unable governing to cause this thing. lt ; /pgt ; 当年他的确目睹此物在敌人手上发挥出莫大威能,他也的确无法御使此物。lt;/pgt; May unable governing to cause this thing, he had not said with the opposite party, is because uses this thing to consume the astonishing life essence...... lt ; /pgt ; 可之所以无法御使此物,他没有和对方说,是因为动用此物要消耗惊人的生命精气……lt;/pgt; In the past he witnessed that enemy to use this brassard, killed three not to destroy cultivator of boundary in a flash, but, also exhausts the yuan essense immediately, the oil completely lamp dry and dies, this made him take advantage of a mistake...... lt ; /pgt ; 当年他亲眼目睹那敌人动用此臂铠,一瞬间杀了三个不摧境的修士,可之后也立刻耗尽精元,油尽灯枯而死,这才让他捡了个漏……lt;/pgt; He too did not affirm this treasure step, the thing that but has more than enough is useless, in his one pile does not destroy in the collection of boundary, was only willing to put out this treasure. lt ; /pgt ; 他一直不太肯定此宝的品阶,但用不了的东西就是没用,在他一堆不摧境的收藏里,也只舍得拿出此宝了。lt;/pgt; Do not look that this person took his advantage, if careless, which day was taken away the life is not unusual by this treasure, this is his one step plans. lt ; /pgt ; 别看此人占了他的便宜,若疏忽大意,哪天被此宝夺去了性命也不稀奇,这算是他的一步算计。lt;/pgt; Naturally, if investigates this person really to have the big background afterward, he will come to remind the danger again in a friendly way. lt ; /pgt ; 当然,若事后调查此人真有大背景,他会再次上门友好提醒危险。lt;/pgt; If this person had/left the accident/surprise before then, he, he in had just cast off the responsibility no wonder. lt ; /pgt ; 若此人在这之前就出了意外,也怪不得他,他刚的话里已经把责任摘掉了。lt;/pgt;
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