DMTE :: Volume #26

#2543: The old man is apologizes

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! Things have gotten to this point, can only conceal the Yuda missing matter as far as possible.” lt ; /pgt ; “事已至此,只能尽量隐瞒裕达失踪的事了。”lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture ponders over for a long time, finding out is not the means of means. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农思忖许久,想出了个不是办法的办法。lt;/pgt; Yuda attaches in him, in this matter sect well-known, therefore wants to pretend non-involvement the relations with his missing is not possible. lt ; /pgt ; 裕达依附于他,这件事宗内人尽皆知,所以想和他的失踪撇清关系是不可能的。lt;/pgt; lt ; aid = " wzsy " href = " http://www. " Gt ; lt ; /agt ; lt ; /pgt ; lt;aid="wzsy"href="http://www."gt;lt;/agt;lt;/pgt; But once the missing matter were known by sect, in this crucial point, Ji Yingbi was severely punished, possibly in forthcoming action by marginalization. lt ; /pgt ; 而失踪的事一旦被宗门知晓,在这个节骨眼上,吉鹰必遭到严厉惩罚,就连自己也可能在即将到来的行动里被边缘化。lt;/pgt; This plan will make such as thunder sect a level higher, if he cannot participate because of the suspicion, after succeeding the interest distribution naturally is not one's turn him! lt ; /pgt ; 此次计划将令如雷宗更上一层楼,若他因嫌疑不能参与,成功后的利益分配自然也轮不到他!lt;/pgt; This is unable to endure, cannot do from the feudal official of dragon, his cultivation profession halted. lt ; /pgt ; 这是无法忍受的,不能做从龙之臣,他的修炼生涯就止步不前了。lt;/pgt; For the grandson, is not only for he himself, he must conceal this matter, even if this will make such as the thunder sect face the unknowable risk! lt ; /pgt ; 不为了孙儿,只是为了他自己,他也要隐瞒这件事,哪怕这会使如雷宗面临不可知的风险!lt;/pgt; Remembered, starting today, if some people inquired Yuda, said that he was sent to carry out the task by the old man, several days have come back.” lt ; /pgt ; “记住了,从今天开始,若有人询问起裕达,就说他被老夫派去执行任务了,过几天才回来。”lt;/pgt; luck agriculture gloomy say/way. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农阴森道。lt;/pgt; But Grandfather, this matter will give it away sooner or later......” lt ; /pgt ; “可是爷爷,这事早晚会穿帮……”lt;/pgt; Say/Way of luck eagle worry. lt ; /pgt ; 吉鹰顾虑的道。lt;/pgt; Idiot! The action will soon launch, how regardless to plan carefully, at the appointed time sect Neibi has the casualty. At the appointed time only need fish in troubled waters, advances on the death of Yuda the enemy, naturally may.” lt ; /pgt ; “蠢货!行动即将展开,无论怎么计划周密,到时宗内必有死伤。届时只需浑水摸鱼,把裕达的死推到敌人身上,自然可神不知鬼不觉。”lt;/pgt; luck Nong said. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农说道。lt;/pgt; The luck eagle hears to be suddenly enlighted, joyful incomparable. „The grandfather you have the means that as the matter stands does not need to be worried!” lt ; /pgt ; 吉鹰听闻恍然大悟,欣喜无比。“还是爷爷您有办法,这样一来就不必担心了!”lt;/pgt; Ok, you got down, remembered calm down, do not give oneself away before others.” lt ; /pgt ; “好了,你下去吧,记住沉住气,别在旁人面前露出马脚。”lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture waves, lucky eagle big stone drop at heart, left happily. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农挥挥手,吉鹰心里的大石头落下,高高兴兴的离开了。lt;/pgt; Old man to such as thunder sect, even if not pledge to fight to the death to give loyalty, still has dedicated. Who once thought old, actually must make this to harm the sect matter.” lt ; /pgt ; “老夫对如雷宗即便不是誓死效忠,也一直是尽忠职守。谁曾想年老了,却要做这损害宗门的事。”lt;/pgt; In the darkness, Ji Nong sighed. lt ; /pgt ; 独自一人在黑暗中,吉农叹了口气。lt;/pgt; This good-for-nothing grandson he wants to punish ruthlessly, but for fear that was seen the clue by others, can only comfort him temporarily. lt ; /pgt ; 这不成器的孙儿他很想狠狠责罚,但又唯恐被别人看出端倪,只能暂时安抚他。lt;/pgt; His also idiot, really thinks that this matter is so good to solve! lt ; /pgt ; 他也蠢材,真以为这事那么好解决!lt;/pgt; If before Yuda dies, really divulged what information, regardless of kills behind his person is what influence, not possible anything not to do.” lt ; /pgt ; “若裕达死前真泄露了什么情报,无论杀他的人背后是何势力,都不可能什么都不做。”lt;/pgt; Even if informs the secondary rainbow phoenix academy the information, can therefore attain a big pen to wish the crystal.” lt ; /pgt ; “哪怕只是将情报告知霓凰书院,都能因此拿到一大笔祝晶。”lt;/pgt; „The two or the person clan, has the strength powerful person clan is not really many in this class/flow wave city, if they are acquainted with the person clan of secondary rainbow phoenix academy, the consequence was more serious......” lt ; /pgt ; “那两人还是人族,在这流波城有实力有势力的人族实在不多,若是他们与霓凰书院的人族相识,后果就更严重了……”lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture is well aware, the sheep installs Yuda not to have an accident, he has not leaked but actually good, if has leaked, the matter that he does will harm such as the plan of thunder sect greatly. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农心知肚明,羊装裕达没有出事,他没有泄密倒还好,若是已经泄密,他做的事将会大大危害如雷宗的计划。lt;/pgt; If thunder Zongruo broke down may be no good to him, the present approach tried our luck! lt ; /pgt ; 如雷宗若垮了对他可没什么好处,眼下的做法太心存侥幸了!lt;/pgt; „It is not good, probes, perhaps all do not have the old man to think is so bad.” lt ; /pgt ; “不行,得去试探试探,或许一切没老夫想的那么糟。”lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture pondered over for a long time, stood staggering. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农思忖许久,踉踉跄跄站了起来。lt;/pgt; He is in the disaster, if no necessary is not willing to go out, otherwise the auction will not only send the grandson. lt ; /pgt ; 他正处于劫难之中,若无必要是不愿意出门的,不然拍卖会也不会只派孙子去。lt;/pgt; From stepping into does not destroy boundary so many years, he can not intend not to act, for reduces own risk as far as possible. lt ; /pgt ; 自踏入不摧境那么多年,他能不出手就不出手,为的只是尽量减少自己的风险。lt;/pgt; Takes risk to go out next time, he will prepare to leave the sect forthcoming big plan. lt ; /pgt ; 下一次冒险出关,他是准备留给宗门即将到来的大计划的。lt;/pgt; But Yuda this matter he more wants more not to feel relieved, finally decides to go out ahead of time, probes the opposite party! lt ; /pgt ; 可裕达这事他越想越不放心,最终还是决定提前出关,去试探试探对方!lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture changed to the shadow, suddenly vanished in the room, snuck to go to...... lt in the direction of inner city district ; /pgt ; 吉农化作了黑影,眨眼消失在了房间内,向着内城区的方向潜行而去……lt;/pgt; Dark and windy, outside Gu Chen mansion, Ji Nong form quietly obviously! lt ; /pgt ; 月黑风高,顾辰的府邸外,吉农的身影悄然显化!lt;/pgt; He settles down on a treetop of big tree, melts with the dim light of night for a body completely, a skeleton face looks gloomily especially. lt ; /pgt ; 他驻足在一棵大树的树梢上,与夜色完全融为了一体,一张骷髅脸看着格外的阴森。lt;/pgt; He is looking into the mansion, room that particularly Gu Chen is at! lt ; /pgt ; 他眺望着府邸之内,尤其是顾辰所在的屋子!lt;/pgt; The sitting in meditation Kunpeng body opened the double pupil at the same time, looks to the direction of luck agriculture, the corners of the mouth raises cold intent. lt ; /pgt ; 正在打坐的鲲鹏身于同一时刻睁开了双眸,看向吉农的方向,嘴角掀起冷意。lt;/pgt; Come is actually very quick.” lt ; /pgt ; “来的倒是挺快。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen stands up, shoves open the door, making oneself expose in the courtyard. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰站起身来,推开房门,让自己曝露在院子之内。lt;/pgt; Since came, the lucky agricultural elder then enters a mansion to chat!” lt ; /pgt ; “既然来了,吉农长老便入府一叙吧!”lt;/pgt; His even Dan opens the mouth probe. lt ; /pgt ; 他平澹的开口试探。lt;/pgt; Comes the person he, although did not know, but could see that cultivation base in does not destroy the boundary. lt ; /pgt ; 来人他虽然不认识,但看得出修为在不摧境。lt;/pgt; In this crucial point will come his here does not destroy boundary cultivator, most likely naturally is such as the lucky agricultural elder of thunder sect! lt ; /pgt ; 这个节骨眼上会来他这里的不摧境修士,最有可能的自然是如雷宗的吉农长老!lt;/pgt; Was this discovered?! lt ; /pgt ; 这就被发现了?!lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture look is gloomy in a flash, how at present does the junior of this gold/metal firm boundary discover his? lt ; /pgt ; 吉农神色转瞬阴沉,眼前这个金坚境的小辈是怎么发现他的?lt;/pgt; He thinks his collecting air/Qi time is very splendid, to just came to be discovered who would imagine. lt ; /pgt ; 他自认为自身的敛气功夫算是十分出色,岂料到刚来就被发现。lt;/pgt; Is this person of possibility that massacres Yuda greatly promoted, an opposite party bigger probability hid real cultivation base, rather than has the person of protector. lt ; /pgt ; 如此说来,是这人杀掉裕达的可能性大大提升了,对方更大几率是隐藏了真实修为,而不是另有护道之人。lt;/pgt; Can tastes have the old man status, it seems like Yuda was killed by you.” lt ; /pgt ; “既能一口道出老夫身份,看来裕达被你杀了。”lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture goes out of the hidden place, sets up above the Yu Residence wall, but has not stepped into the courtyard. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农走出暗处,立于府墙之上,但并未踏入院子。lt;/pgt; Only has a liking for my maidservant because of your grandson, then makes that Yuda kill me to seize the person, the lucky agricultural elder did not think that went too far?” lt ; /pgt ; “只因你的孙子看上我的侍女,便让那裕达杀我夺人,吉农长老不觉得欺人太甚了吗?”lt;/pgt; The Gu Chen look becomes the combative, angry say/way suddenly: I, although killed that Yuda, but my maidservant was also killed by him, this tent/account, your I need to calculate well!” lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰神色陡然变得杀气腾腾,愤怒的道:“我虽杀了那裕达,但我的侍女也被他所杀,这笔帐,你我需要好好算一算!”lt;/pgt; Since the luck agriculture appears here, that this matter did not have, Gu Chen completed plan that gave up the Kunpeng body. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农既然出现在这里,那这事就没完了,顾辰做好了放弃鲲鹏身的打算。lt;/pgt; Then he prepares to massacre Ji Nong, but to prevent such as thunder ancestor's endless retaliation, he must make the noise. lt ; /pgt ; 接下来他准备杀掉吉农,但为了防止如雷宗没完没了的报复,他必须把动静闹大。lt;/pgt; He must make a big noise, is working as the surface and luck agriculture of many perishes together, as the matter stands such as thunder sect has not retaliated the object. lt ; /pgt ; 他要闹出一番大动静,当着很多人的面与吉农同归于尽,这样一来如雷宗就没有报复对象了。lt;/pgt; Quick that if such as the expert of thunder sect comes, he cannot massacre Ji Nong, when Ji Nong thinks own this murderer died, a redder rain also died, will therefore stop retaliating. lt ; /pgt ; 若如雷宗的高手来的很快,他没能杀掉吉农,当吉农以为自己这凶手死了,越红雨也死了,也会因此停止报复。lt;/pgt; Regardless of becomes with inadequate, the Kunpeng body builds the jade entirely burn false appearance, dividing that side the soul will be safer. lt ; /pgt ; 无论成与不成,鲲鹏身营造出玉石俱焚的假象,分魂那边都会稳妥许多。lt;/pgt; Gu Chen is planning, that side Ji Nong looks at his angry appearance, the innermost feelings rapid detachable. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰这边算计着,那边吉农看着他愤怒的模样,内心迅速活络了起来。lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture comes this to mainly probe, will therefore acknowledge own status. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农来此主要是为了试探,因此才会承认自己的身份。lt;/pgt; The result of probe, the opposite party words and deeds not like the appearance that knowing such as thunder sect plans, is more like one to be robbed to kill on the contrary with no reason at all, loses normal cultivator that a beautiful appearance maidservant wants to vent anger! lt ; /pgt ; 试探的结果,对方言行不像知道如雷宗计划的样子,反倒更像是一个无缘无故被劫杀,损失了一位美貌侍女想出气的正常修士!lt;/pgt; „The plan in sect is very secret, Yuda was unlikely to know.” lt ; /pgt ; “宗内的计划十分隐秘,裕达本来就不太可能知晓。”lt;/pgt; Even if he guessed anything from the sect recent trend, when was massacred quickly, wholeheartedly still only the meeting wants to maintain a livelihood, threw toward me and lucky eagle on filthy water, cannot attend to other......” lt ; /pgt ; “就算他从宗门最近的动向猜测出了什么,在快被杀掉的时候,一心也只会想活命,把脏水往我和吉鹰身上泼,顾不上其他……”lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture innermost feelings are pondering over, the brow that tightened gradually loosens. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农内心思忖着,原本紧锁的眉头逐渐松开。lt;/pgt; It seems like this matter possibly was he considered thoroughly, he concealed the Yuda missing matter to be correct! lt ; /pgt ; 看来这事可能是他多虑了,他隐瞒裕达失踪的事是正确的!lt;/pgt; Since this person does not know that such as the plan of thunder sect, does kill him not to matter.” lt ; /pgt ; “既然此人不知道如雷宗的计划,杀不杀他都无所谓了。”lt;/pgt; The luck capital invested in agricultural production comes not to feel relieved to probe, has not thought that good to make a move. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农本来就是不放心来试探,并未想好要不要出手。lt;/pgt; The opposite party can massacre Yuda of wonderful profound boundary, the strength at least is also the wonderful profound boundary. lt ; /pgt ; 对方能杀掉妙玄境的裕达,实力起码也是妙玄境。lt;/pgt; Was massacred this matter from his maidservant by Yuda, he even compared with Yuda still many. lt ; /pgt ; 从他的侍女被裕达杀掉这件事来看,他就算比裕达强也强不了多少。lt;/pgt; If that is right, must kill him is not difficult by his strength. lt ; /pgt ; 若是如此,以他的实力要杀他并不难。lt;/pgt; No, the opposite party can one detect that his arrival, he could not have completely understood that real cultivation base of opposite party, cannot easily recognize! lt ; /pgt ; 不,对方能一下察觉他的到来,他还看不透对方的真实修为,不能轻易就这么认定!lt;/pgt; The words of opposite party also not necessarily real. lt ; /pgt ; 况且,对方的话也未必都是真的。lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture innermost feelings thought in the moments, various aspects measured to consider. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农内心在片刻之间想了许多,各方面权衡斟酌了一番。lt;/pgt; If begins, cannot massacre him quickly, makes the oversized noise, possibly exposes Yuda on the contrary already the matter that dies, annoys the sect suspicion.” lt ; /pgt ; “若是动手,没能很快杀掉他,闹出过大的动静,反倒可能曝露裕达已死的事,惹来宗门猜疑。”lt;/pgt; Since he greatly possibly does not know that such as the plan of thunder sect, advances would rather comforting, waits for the important matter to complete, solves again.” lt ; /pgt ; “既然他更大可能不知如雷宗的计划,倒不如先行安抚,等大事完成,再来解决。”lt;/pgt; The luck agriculture had the decision, on that scary skeleton face haunches the reluctant smile. lt ; /pgt ; 吉农有了决定,那骇人的骷髅脸上撑起勉强的笑容。lt;/pgt; Fellow Daoist misunderstood, misunderstanding! The old men come tonight, is apologizes!” lt ; /pgt ; “道友误会了,误会了!老夫今夜前来,是来赔礼道歉的!”lt;/pgt;
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