DMTE :: Volume #26

#2542: Closing up

Newest website: The Kunpeng body of Gu Chen returned to the class/flow wave city alone, arrives the mansion that in inner city district Duanmu Qingwei he prepares. 最新网址:顾辰的鲲鹏身独自回了流波城,来到端木青为他准备的内城区的府邸。 This mansion such as Duanmu azure said, indeed approaches Shangcheng District extremely, facilitates in the Gu Chen nosing city the spirit lineage/vein. 这处府邸如端木青所说,的确极靠近上城区,方便顾辰查探城内灵脉。 „Doesn't Mr. Gu, how have to see the miss?” 顾先生,怎么没看见越姑娘啊?” Duanmu azure brought Gu Chen to introduce after a mansion, spoke thoughtlessly to ask the sentence. 端木青带着顾辰介绍了一圈府邸后,随口问了句。 I make her handle matters, several days have come back.” “我让她去办点事,过几日才回来。” Gu Chen replied, Duanmu azure has not felt strange, nods. 顾辰回答道,端木青也未感到奇怪,点了点头。 That did not disturb Mr. Gu to rest, had anything or the need anything material, under the injunction the steward on the line.” “那就不打扰顾先生休息了,有什么事或者需要什么材料,嘱咐下管家就行。” Duanmu azure asks to be excused tactful. 端木青识趣告退。 When walks after him, own room of Gu Chen nearby in the mansion, the arrange/cloth got down flags. 待到他走后,顾辰在府内自己的屋子附近,布下了一杆杆阵旗。 At present has the conflict is not inappropriate with such as thunder Zongda, Gu Chen considered to hide directly. 眼下与如雷宗大起冲突不合适,顾辰本来是考虑直接躲藏起来的。 But as the matter stands lost Duanmu azure this contact with day Que Dao, if behind him needs what resources to be inconvenient. 但这样一来就失去了端木青这个与天阙岛的联系,他后面若需要什么资源不便。 Is missing directly, such as thunder sect searches on a large scale, he also carefully, does not facilitate to divide the soul that side refinement clone preliminarily. 况且直接失踪,如雷宗大举搜索,他亦得小心谨慎,不方便分魂那边炼制初阶分身。 Therefore under the complete consideration, might as well make the Kunpeng body come back, tests such as the thunder ancestor's following response. 因此周全考虑下,不如让鲲鹏身回来,试探试探如雷宗接下来的反应。 This can shift such as the attention of thunder sect, facilitates him and Duanmu Qinglian is, facilitates the spirit lineage/vein in research city, it may be said that killing three birds with one stone. 这样既能转移如雷宗的注意力,也方便他与端木青联系,方便研究城内的灵脉,可谓一石三鸟。 Naturally if such as high rank cultivator of thunder sect comes to retaliate directly, cannot take care of oneself by the strength of Kunpeng body, therefore a redder rain naturally cannot follow. 当然若如雷宗的高阶修士直接上门报复,以鲲鹏身的实力自顾不暇,所以越红雨自然不能跟着。 The Kunpeng body was equivalent to abandon the child, but if thunder Zongruo really wants to massacre oneself this clone, did not pay a price is incorrect. 鲲鹏身相当于成了弃子,但如雷宗若真想杀掉自己这具分身,不付出点代价是不行的。 Defense law of Gu Chen under arrange/cloth around room, hid some magical amulets to act as the trap, later then entered the room, fudged on oneself. 顾辰在屋子周围布下防御法阵,又藏了些灵符充当陷阱,随后便进了屋子,在自己身上动手脚。 He first takes off the clothes, takes Origin Force as black ink, described strange rune/symbol writing in the Kunpeng body tall and strong body. 他首先脱下衣服,以元力为墨,在鲲鹏身魁梧的身躯上描绘古怪的符文。 These rune/symbol writing are Shedding Body in the powerful curse of Great Curse Technique, when the Kunpeng body encounters the powerful enemy not to beat, can start momentarily. 这些符文乃是脱胎大诅咒术的强大诅咒,当鲲鹏身遭遇强敌不敌,随时可以发动。 Used more than double-hour to describe the curse, the Gu Chen mind immerses into the dantian, mobilized the strength in Kunpeng body, forged the dantian that was transformed by the Kunpeng dead egg in the Dwarf Sovereign crystal core mystique. 用了一个多时辰描绘完诅咒,顾辰的心神又沉浸入丹田内,调动鲲鹏身体内的力量,以矮人皇的晶核秘法锻造起由鲲鹏死卵改造的丹田。 The Dwarf Sovereign crystal core mystique lethality is extremely strong, after Gu Chen becomes the primordial chaos international God, idles to study bored. 矮人皇的晶核秘法杀伤力极强,顾辰成为鸿蒙万国的天帝后闲来无聊研究过。 Although the crystal core mystique cannot compare great dao technique that Primordial Chaos' dao principles evolves, but strong is big in the might, the kill zone is broad, the boundary request to cultivator is not high. 晶核秘法虽然比不上鸿蒙道则演化出来的大道术,但强在威力大,杀伤范围广,对修士的境界要求不高。 This is can destroy the mighty force the weapon, Gu Chen transforms similar crystal core the dantian of Kunpeng body the structure, when the can be victorious enemy detonates the dantian, can cause the huge destruction, draws the enemy to perish together! 这是能摧毁千军万马的武器,顾辰将鲲鹏身的丹田改造成类似晶核的结构,在打不过敌人的时候引爆丹田,可以造成巨大的破坏,拉敌人同归于尽! Naturally limited to the body structure of Kunpeng body, is unable to display true crystal core such destructive power. 当然受限于鲲鹏身的身体结构,无法发挥出真正晶核那样的破坏力。 But the curse corrosion of outer layer adds on internal dantian detonation, if that such as the lucky agricultural elder of thunder sect walks, delivers him to return to heaven sufficiently! 但外层的诅咒侵蚀加上内部的丹田引爆,若那如雷宗的吉农长老找上门,足以送他归天! To be honest Gu Chen a little anticipates him to visit, did not destroy the hidden danger of boundary to solve this, he can be free from worry does not need the time to guard. 老实说顾辰有点期待他上门,将这個不摧境的隐患解决了,他才可以省心不用时刻提防。 When Kunpeng body transformation dantian, Gu Chen another two clone to go to outside the city, converged with a redder rain. 鲲鹏身改造丹田之际,顾辰的另外两具分身早已到了城外,与越红雨汇合。 They cancelled with all traces that Yuda fights, later the far escaping mountain forest, opened the place temporary cave mansion. 他们抹去了与裕达战斗的所有痕迹,随后远遁山林,开辟了处临时洞府。 Then I must close up the refinement clone preliminarily, you protect the law for me. In this period if had to need to supplement the material, by roosting the moon/month body entered a city to purchase.” “接下来我要闭关炼制初阶分身,你们为我护法。期间若有需要补充材料,由栖月身进城采购。” gold/metal Tongyin the crow opens the mouth, the blue lotus body and roosts the moon/month body to nod, performs its own functions. 金瞳阴鸦开口,青莲身和栖月身点了点头,各司其职。 Red rain, before and wonderful profound war experience was rare, this period of time you cannot go out in any case, closed up the cultivation well.” “红雨,之前与妙玄一战经验难得,这段时间你反正不能出去,好好闭关修炼。” Gu Chen injunction redder rain. 顾辰又嘱咐越红雨。 After arranging all things, gold/metal Tongyin the crow brings the mustard seed micas and big pile of materials, started to close up the refinement! 安排完一切事情后,金瞳阴鸦带着芥子云母和一大堆的材料,开始了闭关炼制! Before refined three clone with ten days of time, although this time only refined one, but was actually divides the soul the vessel, must achieve perfectly all. 之前炼制三具分身用了十天时间,这次虽然只炼制一具,但却是分魂的容器,务必做到一切完美。 Gu Chen prepares with one month to refine, 30 natural feets enough integrate the new student/life body the mustard seed mica perfectly, enough divides the soul to integrate the body and adapts. 顾辰准备用一个月的时间来炼制,三十天足够将芥子云母完美融入新生的躯体,足够分魂融入躯体并适应。 A minute/share of soul in this process cannot allow a point to disturb, will otherwise waste all previous efforts, even the minute/share soul dissipates! 在这个过程中分魂容不得一点打扰,否则会前功尽弃,甚至分魂消散! gold/metal Tongyin the crow submerged in refiner that covers entirely the ban, the blue lotus body and roosts the moon/month body to stand in the entrance Protector one on the left and other on the right. 金瞳阴鸦没入了布满禁制的炼器室内,青莲身和栖月身则站在门口一左一右护法。 „To attend to the senior smoothly all.” “希望顾前辈一切顺利。” A redder rain muttered, sat in meditation to comprehend in not far away. 越红雨喃喃道,在不远处打坐参悟。 ...... …… In class/flow wave city, such as thunder sect station. 流波城内,如雷宗驻地。 Nonsense! In this crucial point you could not have provided lodging your lower part!” “胡闹!这个节骨眼上你还管不住你的下半身!” In darkness, an shocking skeleton face gloomy say/way. 黑暗中,一张触目惊心的骷髅脸阴沉的道。 His whole body sent out the odor the decomposed odor, on both hands and faces only hangs several two meat also to creaky. 他全身散发出恶臭的腐烂气味,双手和脸上都只挂了几两肉还摇摇欲坠。 The luck eagle kneels on the ground, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, the explanation of being too busy: Grandfather, I have not thought that Yuda is so useless, folds unexpectedly in two later generation!” 吉鹰跪在地上,大气都不敢喘一下,忙不迭的解释:“爷爷,我也没想到那裕达那么没用,竟然折在两个后辈手里啊!” The luck eagle makes Yuda come back that person of clan beautiful woman belt/bring, but does not see him to come back for a long time, then in the biography note with sect contacts with him, who once wants not to respond. 吉鹰让裕达把那人族美女带回来,可许久不见他回来,便用宗内的传音符联系他,谁曾想也迟迟没有回应。 He sends people to go out to seek, soon knew the person clan guests who that Duanmu azure have stopped over in inner city district, immediately realized had an accident! 他又派人外出寻找,很快得知那端木青的人族客人已经在内城区落脚,顿时意识到出事了! Wonderful profound cultivator has an accident, this matter he himself could not take on, for fear that in the sect the penalty, can only look for the grandfather but, informed truthfully! 一个妙玄修士出事,这事他自己担不了,唯恐宗内刑罚,无奈之下只能来找爷爷,如实告知! If the two are only gold/metal Jianjing, is impossible to massacre Yuda of wonderful profound boundary. But Yuda is now obvious, then only has two possibilities.” “若那两人只是金坚境,绝不可能杀掉妙玄境的裕达。可现在裕达明显死了,便只有两种可能。” „The first type, that two people hid real cultivation base, the second type, their side has the person of cultivation base powerful protector.” “第一种,那二人隐藏了真实修为,第二种,他们身边有修为强大的护道之人。” Which type regardless of the truth is, is not the good deed, before the ghost knows Yuda at the point of death, what news will leak?” “无论真相是哪一种,都不是什么好事,鬼知道裕达临死前会泄露些什么消息?” „The action of sect must launch, at this time in the sect wonderful profound cultivator was killed, if the plan divulges, making that secondary rainbow phoenix academy have the protection, the influence was too big!” 宗门的行动就要展开,这个时候宗内妙玄修士被杀,万一计划泄露,让那霓凰书院有了防备,影响太大了!” Your idiot, this matter, if makes in the sect law enforcement hall know, even the old men cannot preserve you!” “你个蠢货,这事若让宗内执法堂知晓,连老夫都保不住你!” Say/Way that the luck agriculture expects too much. 吉农恨铁不成钢的道。 Plan is so secret, even I was just know from grandfather here that Yuda not necessarily knew anything!” “计划那么隐秘,连我都是刚刚从爷爷这里知道,那裕达未必知道些什么啊!” The luck eagle somewhat flustered, although their families are powerful, but still attached in such as thunder sect, if went bad such as the good deed of thunder sect, perhaps the family meets first to deliver to subside the anger him! 吉鹰有些慌了,他们家族虽然强大,但仍然是依附于如雷宗,若坏了如雷宗的好事,恐怕家族会第一时间把他送出去平息怒火! Did not fear that 10,000 fear the eventuality! In this crucial point sect cares to any slightest sign of trouble very much!” “不怕一万就怕万一!这个节骨眼上宗门对任何风吹草动都很在意!” You knew perfectly well that star sea Work place has also to dare to begin to that person politely, where usually in brain to!” “你明知星海坊对那人客气有加还敢动手,平日里的脑子都到哪里去了!” If behind this person really has the big influence, if really interrogated anything from Yuda there, the consequence was really inconceivable!” “若这人背后真有大势力,若真从裕达那里审问出点什么,后果实在是不堪设想!” The luck agriculture more wants more to trample grandson several feet anxiously ruthlessly. 吉农越想越是不安狠狠踹了孙子几脚。 Grandfather saves me! This matter cannot make law enforcement hall know!” “爷爷救我!这事千万不能让执法堂知道啊!” The luck eagle holds the grandfather thigh to cry to ask, in the heart extremely regretted. 吉鹰抱着爷爷大腿哭求道,心中万分后悔。 luck Nong vented the anger to sigh, vision twinkle kept, seeks for the plan of security. 吉农发泄完怒火叹了口气,目光闪烁个不停,寻找安全之策。 No matter what the grandson has no alternative but to guarantee, the words family that he cannot preserve also possibly involves! 不管怎样孙儿不能不保,他保不住的话家族也可能牵连进去! Because various issue addresses change to invite everyone collect the new address to avoid becoming lost 由于各种问题地址更改为请大家收藏新地址避免迷路 The homepage version chapter content is slow, please download to like reading app to read the newest content 网页版章节内容慢,请下载爱阅app阅读最新内容 Please withdraw transfers the code page, please download to like reading app to read the latest chapter. 请退出转码页面,请下载爱阅app阅读最新章节。 Provides quickest supernatural might Tyrant Emperor to renew for you newly, Chapter 2542 closes up free reading. 新为你提供最快的神武霸帝更新,第2542章闭关免费阅读。
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