DMTE :: Volume #26

#2541: Comprehension thunder true meaning

Newest website: Opportunity......” 最新网址:“机会……” The severely wounded Yuda itself/Ben thought to be doomed, has not thought that the changing players clan females of coped with themselves. 重伤的裕达本以为在劫难逃了,没想到换了人族女子来对付自己。 Even if this woman appearance peony, but seems like cultivation base to be lower than him, is an opportunity! 这女人样貌纵然国色天香,但看上去修为比他低很多,是个机会! So long as catches the time to treat as the hostage her certainly, perhaps today can run away! 只要抓准时机将她当作人质,或许今天能够逃走! The dying this solitary one wolf is most fearful, the whole body was Yuda of blood plunged a redder rain. 垂死的孤狼最为可怕,浑身是血的裕达扑向了越红雨。 A redder rain is calm, completely fearless, the long spear/gun in hand such as the flood dragon has the deep pool, the marksmanship is exquisite. 越红雨沉着冷静,全然无惧,手里的长枪如蛟龙出渊,枪法精湛。 Both sides touches, although the Yuda severe wound, a redder rain drew back as before many steps, obviously falls in leeward! 双方一个碰触,尽管裕达重伤,越红雨依旧退了多步,明显落于下风! The Yuda face reveal is wild with joy, because of learning from another's mistakes of Gu Chen, although cultivation base big two big boundaries, he worried that very much this woman also hid one's incompetence by remaining silent. 裕达脸露狂喜,因为顾辰的前车之鉴,尽管修为大了两個大境界,他心里很担心这女人也藏拙了。 Under may collide high under stands minute/share, this woman is ready the proper gold/metal firm boundary, even if oneself injure again heavily, there is a confidence to take! 可碰撞之下高下立分,这女人是妥妥的金坚境,哪怕自己伤得再重,也有信心能够拿下! A wolf claw that only remains brandishes crazily, dead end's Yuda is relentless in attack and sinister and ruthless. 仅剩的一只狼爪疯狂挥舞,穷途末路的裕达攻势凌厉且阴毒。 A redder rain never faces the pressure that wonderful profound boundary cultivator creates directly, the forehead sweats, step by step retreat! 越红雨从未正面面对妙玄境修士带来的压力,额头冒汗,步步后退! what Weimiao is profound? 何为妙玄? Comprehended ten thousand wonderful gates, can simple governing cause the strength of the world! 领悟了万妙之门,能简单御使天地之力! The strength of the world are general, even if only the preliminary communication, far gold/metal is firm that strength that the boundary cultivator sitting in meditation self-torture comes out! 天地的力量何等广大,哪怕只是初步沟通,也远比金坚境修士自身打坐苦修出来的那点力量强! Two's difference like bright moon and firefly insect, weak wonderful profound is not the gold/metal can contend firmly. 二者的区别如同皓月与萤虫,再弱的妙玄也不是金坚能够抗衡的。 Only if...... 除非…… A redder rain clenches the teeth under the tremendous pressure, although she is at a disadvantage completely, but marksmanship actually not disorderly. 越红雨在巨大的压力下咬紧牙关,她虽完全处于下风,但枪法却不曾凌乱。 She has the far-reaching ambition, even if faces the wonderful profound powerhouse suddenly, will not have the thought that flinches to pray for rescue! 她身怀远大志向,哪怕突然面对妙玄强者,也绝不会有退缩求救的念头! The heart like the iron, seeks for each flaw that the enemy is acting firmly, wound that especially Gu Chen leaves behind, in her opinion is the opportunity! 心坚如铁,寻找着敌人出手的每一破绽,特别是顾辰留下的伤口,在她看来全是机会! Yuda only wants to fight a battle to force a quick decision, his injury cannot delay, determined cultivation base of opposite party is not false, some weakness also disdain to hide! 裕达只想速战速决,他的伤势耽误不起,确定了对方的修为不假,一些弱点也不屑隐藏! The spear/gun light and claw glow uninterrupted collision, suddenly, the double pupil of redder rain shines, sends the silk also to shine, the long spear/gun in hand was indistinct, sends out the prestige light of thunder! 枪光与爪芒不间断的碰撞,突然,越红雨的双眸发亮,发丝也发光,手里的长枪隐隐约约,散发出了雷霆的威光! Rumble! 轰隆隆! The above dark cloud flood, between Heaven and Earth the strength of thunder was transferred, actually not because of Yuda! 上空乌云滂沱,天地间的雷霆之力被调动,却不是因为裕达! Small age, did you comprehend the thunder true meaning unexpectedly?” “小小年纪,你竟领悟了雷霆真意?” Yuda scalp tingles, not the threatening enemy, each spear/gun proliferated the murderous intention suddenly! 裕达头皮发麻,本来不具威胁的敌人,每一枪骤然都遍布杀机! Steps into the wonderful profound boundary to communicate the strength of the world, what this view aims is ordinary cultivator.” “踏入妙玄境才能沟通天地之力,这种说法针对的是普通修士。” Some special physique or talents, when cultivation base was still weak then can enter the grasping principles boundary, thus grasps the strength of the world ahead of time.” “一些特殊体质者或天才,在修为尚弱时便能进入悟道境,从而提前掌握天地之力。” On instantaneous the change facing the field, Gu Chen is not accidental/surprised. 面对场上瞬间的变化,顾辰一点都不意外。 A redder rain is not the special physique, but the perception is good. 越红雨不是什么特殊体质,但悟性算是上佳。 But among these two years, he had passed to the opposite party the complete big thunder technique. 而这两年间,他已经把完整的大雷霆术传给了对方。 Perhaps the big thunder technique cannot call the strongest method of torpedo trajectory in this rock rock ancient boundary/world, but enough lays the extremely strong foundation for torpedo trajectory cultivator. 大雷霆术在这磐岩古界或许称不上雷道的最强法门,但足够为雷道修士打下极强的根基。 Has such foundation, in addition the good perception, a redder rain has entered the grasping principles boundary naturally. 拥有这样的根基,加上不俗的悟性,越红雨自然而然进入过悟道境。 It seems the sword dao talent then to comprehend sword intent to be the same young, the redder rain small age also comprehended the thunder true meaning. 就好像剑道天才年纪轻轻便能领悟剑意一样,越红雨小小年纪也领悟了雷霆真意。 This has special significance regarding torpedo trajectory cultivator, Gu Chen lets a redder rain and wonderful profound cultivator fights, wants through fight with wonderful profound cultivator, making her to governing enable the strength of the world to have many feeling. 这对于雷道修士而言意义非凡,顾辰之所以让越红雨和妙玄修士交手,就是想通过与妙玄修士的交手,让她对御使天地之力有更多的感受。 Said simply, Yuda was a hone, Gu Chen abandoned him and ensure his strength extremely will not be unbalanced, then disciplined with him own disciple! 简单的说,裕达就是一块磨刀石,顾辰废了他,确保他的战力不会太过失衡,然后用他来磨练自己的弟子! A redder rain has not disappointed Gu Chen, in rapid growth with the fight of wonderful profound cultivator, although limited to cultivation base, but demonstrated the thunder that guns down to injure oneself through over-heavy labor or over-exertion enough has threatened Yuda. 越红雨没有让顾辰失望,在与妙玄修士的战斗中迅速成长,尽管受限于修为,但展示出来的雷枪杀伤力已足够威胁裕达。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The innumerable purple snakes crack, exploded a big hole in the flat land, Yuda are stabbed the strategic point by a redder rain, the blood spat crazily, the whole face was unbelievable. 无数紫蛇炸响,在平地炸出了一个大坑,裕达被越红雨刺中了要害,鲜血狂吐,满脸难以置信。 Did he lose to gold/metal Jianjing cultivator unexpectedly? 他竟败给了金坚境的修士 He looks to nearby Gu Chen, saw calm and calm on his face. 他看向一旁的顾辰,见到了他脸上的淡定与从容。 This person shames intentionally his, throws him to the later generation unexpectedly practices acquiring a skill...... 这人是故意羞辱他的,竟然把他扔给后辈练手…… Will be presented by star sea Work place for the honored guest no wonder.” “怪不得会被星海坊奉为上宾。” At point of death, Yuda face reveal mirthless smile. 生命弥留之际,裕达脸露惨笑。 Can train so the talent disciple, the real status of this person does not look that simple like cultivation base! 能调教出如此天才弟子,此人的真实身份绝不像修为看上去那么简单! You are the greed conceive a plan to start to me temporarily, was pulled strings?” “你是自己贪心临时起意对我下手,还是受人指使?” Gu Chen light inquiry Yuda, if before he dies, did not reply, then after dying, searches his remnant soul, making him many by a chapter of crime. 顾辰平淡的询问裕达,若他死前不回答,便死后搜查他的残魂,让他多遭一回罪。 Is grandson Ji eagle of lucky agricultural elder incites me to do.” “是吉农长老的孙子吉鹰指使我做的。” The people were dying, Yuda may not have the least bit to give loyalty to that master grandson two people of meanings. 人都要死了,裕达可没有半点效忠那爷孙二人的意思。 Even he a little hates, why they are having the upper-level cultivation resources since birth, but his poor cultivator can only attach to them, finally for this reason lost the life! 甚至他有点恨,凭什么他们生来就掌握着上层的修炼资源,而他这种贫寒修士只能依附他们,最后为此丢了性命! „? I and he have never met before, why so?” “哦?我与他素昧平生,为何如此?” Gu Chen brow slightly wrinkle. 顾辰眉头微皱。 Ji eagle lost to once Gelao of secondary rainbow phoenix academy at the auction, but once pavilion always the person clan, he therefore vented anger in your two people.” “吉鹰在拍卖会上输给了霓凰书院的曾阁老,而曾阁老是人族,他因此迁怒于你二人。” Naturally, reason that also there is sparking lustful thoughts. He made me kill you, went back the female belt/bring.” “当然,也有见色起意的原因。他让我把你杀了,把女的带回去。” The person will die, its word is also friendly, Yuda sold a cleanness the luck eagle. 人之将死,其言也善,裕达把吉鹰卖了个干净。 Because of our same manner clans, then has so the evil intention?” “就因为我们同为人族,便生出如此歹心?” In redder rain heart a chill, if her side is not Gu Chen, perhaps tonight is hard to escape by luck facing cultivator of wonderful profound boundary absolutely! 越红雨心中一阵恶寒,如果她身边不是顾辰,恐怕今晚面对妙玄境的修士绝对难以幸免! She works is always careful, does not queer as far as possible, how wants to be suffered such unexpected misfortune? 她做事向来小心谨慎,尽量不得罪人,怎想得到会遭遇此等无妄之灾? The Gu Chen corners of the mouth emerge sneer, is so arrogant, the wicked matter that this Ji eagle usually in does are absolutely many. 顾辰嘴角浮出冷笑,如此飞扬跋扈,这吉鹰平日里做的恶事绝对不少。 The grandson is so rampant, when grandfather also very. 孙子这般嚣张,当爷爷的也好不到哪。 Also can see from this matter, the person the clan is not truly optimistic in the rock rock ancient boundary/world position now, if the strong clan, who does dare to humiliate willfully? 从这件事上也可以看出,人族如今在磐岩古界的地位确实不乐观,若是强族,谁敢任意欺凌? Gu Chen counts on the fingers a ball, the fresh breeze finished the life of Yuda together. 顾辰屈指一弹,一道劲风结束了裕达的性命。 Attends to the senior, at present we offended such as thunder sect, next step what to do?” “顾前辈,眼下我们得罪了如雷宗,下一步怎么办?” A redder rain somewhat worried. 越红雨有些担忧。 What although is unreasonable is the opposite party, but Yuda after all is such as cultivator of thunder sect, his behind person is also clear about his whereabouts. 尽管无理的是对方,但裕达毕竟是如雷宗的修士,他身后的人也清楚他的去向。 If Yuda does not turn over to for a very long time, Ji eagle will then guess correctly immediately he had died, knows that is who does. 若裕达久久不归,吉鹰立刻便会猜到他已经死了,也知道是谁干的。 If thunder sect in the class/flow wave city is local despot general existence, in sect wonderful profound cultivator death, will not give up absolutely! 如雷宗在流波城是土皇帝一般的存在,宗内妙玄修士死亡,绝对不会善罢甘休! Gu Chen looking pensive, this indeed is an issue. 顾辰若有所思,这的确是个问题。 Ji Nong does not destroy cultivator of boundary, coping to be more troublesome. 那吉农是不摧境的修士,对付起来要麻烦一些。 Such as thunder sect is powerful, will kill their elders only to annoy more enemies, at the appointed time cultivator of celestial phenomenon boundary will appear! 况且如雷宗势力庞大,杀了他们的长老只会惹来更多的敌人,到时天象境的修士都会出现! A slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation, matter processing is not good to be then endless, present Gu Chen does not want to be dragged into these disputes. 牵一发而动全身,事情处理不好便会没完没了,眼下的顾辰并不想卷入这些是非。 Urgent matter was the refinement clone preliminarily, had the body, divided the soul to have the place of taking shelter, all will be then easier.” “当务之急是炼制初阶分身,有了躯壳,分魂有了容身之处,一切便会容易许多。” In the Gu Chen heart muttered, the mustard seed mica has succeeded in obtaining, all materials were complete, he gambled in rock rock ancient boundary/world first step should take! 顾辰心中喃喃,芥子云母已经到手,所有材料都齐全了,他在磐岩古界博弈的第一步应该迈出了! At this time cannot be involved in the vortex, first lay low until something blows over, refined with single-hearted devotion clone preliminarily! 这个时候不能卷入漩涡之中,先避避风头,专心炼制初阶分身! When the problem solve of body, asked such as thunder sect to calculate this account again! 等身体的问题解决了,再找如雷宗算这笔账!
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