DMTE :: Volume #26

#2540: The gold/metal firm steamroll is wonderful!

Newest website: Duanmu azure share that refuses Gu Chen to give, proposed that the Gu Chen two people move out the inn, he has the place mansion in inner city district close to the place of Shangcheng District, is willing to donate Gu Chen. 最新网址:端木青拒绝了顾辰给的分成,又提议顾辰二人搬出客栈,他在内城区靠近上城区的地方有处府邸,愿意赠予顾辰 Gu Chen wants to make clear the underground spirit lineage/vein distribution of class/flow wave city, moves to a place naturally more convenient action close to Shangcheng District. 顾辰本就想搞清楚流波城的地下灵脉分布,搬到靠近上城区的地方自然更方便行动。 He wants to go to Duanmu azure mansion directly, has actually induced suddenly, the corners of the mouth raise cold intent. 他本想直接前往端木青的府邸,突然间却有所感应,嘴角掀起一丝冷意。 He makes Duanmu azure go to the mansion to tidy up in advance, oneself and more redder rain returns to the inn, said that is something must reorganize. 他让端木青先行前往府邸收拾,自己则与越红雨回客栈,说是有些东西要整理。 Duanmu azure complies joyfully, in advance leaves. 端木青欣然答应,先行离开。 " What having isn't right? " 「有什么不对劲吗?」 After he walks, a redder rain asked in a soft voice. 他走后,越红雨轻声问道。 The inn that Duanmu azure knows is their temporary temporary lodging, does not have any baggage is good to tidy up. 端木青知道的客栈本来就是他们的临时落脚处,没有什么行李好收拾的。 With experience that these two years are constantly together, a redder rain guessed that has the situation. 以这两年朝夕相处的经验,越红雨猜测是有情况。 " Our was tracked, coming the person is cultivator of wonderful profound boundary, judged from the rich degree of murderous aura, so long as we arrived at the retreat, opposite party under killer. " 「我们被人跟踪了,来人是妙玄境的修士,从杀气的浓郁程度来判断,只要我们到了僻静处,对方就会下杀手。」 Gu Chen passes the bottom of opposite party intentionally, wants to have a look at a redder rain to have what response. 顾辰故意透对方的底,想看看越红雨会有何反应。 " Wonderful profound boundary? " 「妙玄境吗?」 A redder rain height inspires, how although her not clear Gu Chen has foresight, so long as will be his judgment will never have the mistake. 越红雨深吸了口气,虽然她不清楚顾辰都是怎么未卜先知的,但只要是他的判断从来不会有错。 Wonderful profound cultivator, compared with her cultivation base entire big two big boundaries, absolutely does not have the strength to hit back! 妙玄修士,比她的修为整整大了两个大境界,是绝对没有还手之力的! But clone of Gu Chen, with her in the gold/metal firm boundary, two people then may came across the life and death crisis! 顾辰的分身,与她同在金坚境,两人这下可算是遇到了生死危机! " Comes to the mustard seed mica? We travel together with star sea Work place, will also stare unexpectedly, the opposite party perhaps is the ferocious person. " 「是冲着芥子云母来的吗?我们与星海坊同行,竟然还会被盯上,对方恐怕是穷凶极恶之人。」 A redder rain is pondering over carefully, attended to the senior knowing perfectly well opposite party cultivation base, but also separates with Duanmu azure intentionally, perhaps has the law of dealing, she one was then relieved. 越红雨仔细思忖着,顾前辈明知对方修为,还故意与端木青分开,恐怕是已有应对之法,她一下便安心了。 The redder rain mood is extremely steadily quick, making Gu Chen nod. 越红雨情绪平稳极快,令顾辰点了点头。 " I want to make you fight to exercise with this person. " 「我想让你与这人交手锻炼一下。」 A redder rain should cleverly, since. " All depending on attending to the senior takes responsibility. " 越红雨乖巧应从。「全凭顾前辈作主。」 Gu Chen hears funnily, normal person hearing fights by the cross two big boundaries and person, perhaps is can't run away quick enough, this little miss is booing, even if let on her tremendous dangers and difficulties still appearance without hesitation. 顾辰听得好笑,正常人听到让自己跨两个大境界与人交手,恐怕是避之唯恐不及,这小姑娘倒好,一副就算自己让她上刀山火海也毫不犹豫的样子。 If she really follows blindly oneself , is actually watches a person's every mood to know that the trip does not have the danger, spoke some words of pleasant to hear intentionally. 她要是真的盲从自己也就罢了,其实是察言观色知道此行没有危险,故意说些好听话。 So extremely bright, pouring to walk...... 这般冰雪聪明,倒能走得更远…… Gu Chen makes the car(riage) drive specially toward the class/flow wave city outside, to the sparsely inhabited region, then made the cart driver turn back alone. 顾辰特意让车往流波城外驶去,到了人烟稀少的地带,便让车夫独自折返。 At this time has hidden in secret such as thunder sect Yuda could not bear finally, came in the face of two people. 这时一直藏在暗中的如雷宗裕达终于忍不住了,在二人面前现身。 " Hands over your treasure and your beautiful Ji, instantly the far escaping class/flow wave city, I forgive your life. " 「把你身上的宝物和你的美姬都交出来,即刻远遁流波城,我饶你一命。」 Appearance that the Yuda indifferent opens the mouth, pretends to rob. 裕达冷漠开口,装作抢劫的样子。 If thunder sect after all is the honored and popular big influence, is known such underhanded matter is not good, therefore he hid the identity specially, mold lake real motive. 如雷宗毕竟是有头有脸的大势力,被人知道这样下作的事不好,所以他特意隐藏了身份,也模湖了真实动机。 In fact no matter the opposite party does coordinate, under his final metropolis/can the extreme methods, the opposite party a little background, he worried after all in the future will be retaliated! 实际上不管对方配不配合,他最后都会下死手,毕竟对方有点背景,他担心日后遭到报复! " It seems like seizes property incessantly, but also tribulations the color. " 「看来不止劫财,还劫色啊。」 Gu Chen teased looked at redder rain, " this silly girl had anything to be good, the fellow daoist might as well let off her, I all gave you treasure and that's the end. " 顾辰调侃的看了一眼越红雨,「这黄毛丫头有什么好的,道友不如放过她,我把宝物全给你就是了。」 " Few idle talk! Leeway that you have not bargained back and forth! " 「少废话!你没有讨价还价的余地!」 In the Yuda eye reveals the savage glow, the body thunder light interweaves, the stature then rose suddenly baseless several times, the whole body muscle also becomes fierce scary, the sharp claws of both hands are seemingly sharp. 裕达眼里露出凶残之芒,身体雷光交织,个子便凭空暴涨了几倍,浑身的肌肉也变得狰狞吓人,双手的利爪看上去锋锐无比。 He seems like a werewolf, thunder light in his body surrounding formed similar law the different scenery, raising hand to lift in the feet the startling thunderclap to be intermittent! 他看上去像是一头狼人,雷光在他的身体外围形成了类似法相的异景,举手抬足间惊雷阵阵! " Strengthens the body and spirit with the strength of thunder the law of monster, is it possible that are you such as cultivator of thunder sect? " 「用雷霆之力强化体魄的妖化之法,你莫非是如雷宗的修士?」 Redder rain vision one cold, saw the background of opposite party. 越红雨目光一凛,看出了对方的来路。 In thunder territory, thunder cultivate is in the mainstream cultivation position, a stronger influence is so. 在雷域,雷修占据着主流的修炼地位,越强大的势力越是如此。 What most torpedo trajectory cultivator walk is the traditional path, what sought is the strength of thunder and lightning. 大部分雷道修士走的是传统的路子,寻求的是雷电之力本身。 May have some that influence swords to walk the slant, such as thunder sect is such a influence. 可也有那么一些势力剑走偏锋,如雷宗就是这么一个势力。 Common cultivator by the strength of mortal body pursue thunder and lightning, such as cultivator of thunder sect actually seeks the thunder to quenching the body and spirit, aims at the mortal body is powerful. 寻常修士以肉身追求雷电之力,如雷宗的修士却寻求雷霆淬炼体魄,以肉身的强大为目的。 They walk is actually the path that the body cultivates, is not the normal body cultivates, is seeking monster of body, can say is very special, is very good to identify! 他们走的其实是体修的路子,又不是正常的体修,寻求着身体的妖化,可以说很特别,很好辨认! Yuda has not paid attention to the interrogation of redder rain, in his opinion the vast cultivation base gap, he intended to fight will finish, does not absolutely need to hide dao lineage! 裕达没有理会越红雨的质问,在他看来巨大的修为差距,他一出手战斗就会结束了,根本没有必要隐藏道统 Let alone takes the road of this cultivation also incessantly such as thunder sect, but here is the class/flow wave city, such as the thunder sect is easier to be associated. 何况走这条修炼之路的也不止如雷宗一家,只不过这里是流波城,如雷宗更容易被联想到罢了。 Fight a battle to force a quick decision! 速战速决! Even if some people saw, could not prove anything depending on the body disassimilation! 就算有人看到了,光凭身体异化也证明不了什么! The Yuda both feet steps on explodes the ground, the instantaneous ejection to Gu Chen, pair of thunder sharp claws takes his head! 裕达双脚踩爆地面,瞬间弹射向顾辰,一双雷霆利爪直取他的脑袋! In the air presented the intense sulfur taste, the say/way thunder light compelled the person eyes unable to see. 空气里出现了强烈的硫磺味,道道雷光逼得人眼睛看不见。 A redder rain wants to go forward, but the vast cultivation base gap made her move is very difficult! 越红雨想要上前,但巨大的修为差距令她连动弹都很难! " Your luck was too bad. " 「你的运气实在太差了点。」 When Kunpeng body tranquil watching of Gu Chen Yuda, at the homicide to the near, is wearing the left hand of inscription on stone tablet and bronze gauntlet/glove to lift, a movement passed over gently and swiftly calmly. 顾辰的鲲鹏身平静的注视着裕达,在他杀到近前之际,佩戴金石拳套的左手抬起,一个身法从容掠过。 Yuda has not seen clearly the Gu Chen form, only felt that the right arm transmits the severe pain, the fresh bloody stool spews out! 裕达都没看清楚顾辰的身影,只感觉右臂传来剧痛,紧接着鲜血便喷涌而出! His both feet staggers, panic-stricken discovery, but puts in an appearance, his right hand arm did not have! 他双脚踉跄,惊骇的发现,只是一个照面,他的右手臂没了! The Kunpeng skill blade is stained with the blood, not happily not sad looks at Yuda, like looking at a deceased person. 鲲鹏身手刀沾血,无喜无悲的看着裕达,就像在看一个死人。 The rock rock ancient boundary/world cultivation boundary, attaches the Yuan, to melt, gold/metal Jian, four seas, wonderful profound, not to destroy, celestial phenomenon, to turn over to the ruins and era domain. 磐岩古界的修炼境界,附元、化真、金坚、四海、妙玄、不摧、天象、归墟以及纪元领域。 Attaches the Yuan, is not only to the absorption of world's primordial qi, to the hardship of own physique, is the cultivation boundary of most foundation ; 附元,既是对天地元气的吸附,对自身筋骨的打熬,乃是最基础的修炼境界; Melts, absorbing world's primordial qi converges oneself to use, gold/metal Jian, then achieves solidly in this foundation. 化真,是将吸收的天地元气归为己用,金坚,则是在这个基础上做到扎实。 An four seas boundary, refers to knowing the sea, the inner world and sea of qi are the cultivation and opening of dantian as well as World's principle sea. 四海一境,指的是识海,心海、气海即丹田以及天地法则大海的修炼与开辟。 The exercise knows the sea powerful state of mind, exercises the inner world strengthening will, the sea of qi has to attack the whole body hole hole, then puts up the bridge to World's principle sea. 锻炼识海强大神魂,锻炼心海强化意志,气海有成方能冲击全身窍穴,进而搭设通往天地法则海洋的桥梁。 When all sea all prepares, then can comprehend ten thousand wonderful gates, the comprehension world profound theory, grasps dissociation the strength of principle, this is the wonderful profound boundary! 当四海皆备,便能领悟万妙之门,领悟天地玄理,掌握游离的法则之力,这便是妙玄境! At present this person of cultivation base achieves the wonderful profound boundary, if using dao law as the sword, did not have is so good to cope by cultivation base of Kunpeng body gold/metal Jianjing peak. 眼前这人的修为达到妙玄境,若以道法为剑,以鲲鹏身金坚境巅峰的修为本来是没有那么好对付的。 But he walks is the road of body cultivating, but Kunpeng body of Gu Chen, walked strengthened mortal body path! 可他偏偏走的是体修之路,而顾辰的鲲鹏身,走的正是强化肉身的路子! The Kunpeng itself/Ben is the mortal body powerful monster beast, the Kunpeng body of Gu Chen builds by the Kunpeng dead egg, quenchings by Great Origin Force Technique, gauntlet/glove that both hands wear also to enhance close combat ability. 鲲鹏本就是肉身强大之极的妖兽,顾辰的鲲鹏身以鲲鹏死卵打造,又以大元力术淬炼,就连双手佩戴的拳套也都是为了提升近战能力。 The competition mortal body, originally the wonderful profound boundary and gold/metal Jianjing the cultivation base disparity pulled closer all of a sudden greatly, in addition Gu Chen profound martial skill, victory and defeat naturally quick bright, therefore Gu Chen said that the opposite party luck is too bad! 比拼肉身,原本妙玄境与金坚境的修为差距一下子就大大拉近了,加上顾辰高深之极的武技,胜负当然很快明朗,所以顾辰才说对方运气太差! " It is not good! This person hid real cultivation base! " 「不好!此人隐藏了真实修为!」 Yuda cannot see clearly the real situation, only considered Gu Chen to hide cultivation base, breaking under the arm the innermost feelings were panic-stricken, the both feet governing caused the thunder, decisive wanted to escape! 裕达看不清真实情况,只当是顾辰隐藏了修为,断臂之下内心惊骇,双脚御使雷霆,果断的想要逃跑! This escaping strength displays does not come out, the Gu Chen movement like the wind, such as Kunpeng spread the wings, pursued, downloaded an opposite party leg, and left behind the astonishing hole on the chest, the blood stream continued! 这一逃实力更发挥不出来了,顾辰身法如风,如鲲鹏展翅,追了上去,又卸掉了对方一条腿,并且在胸膛上留下了惊人的窟窿,血流不止! " Was one's turn you. Discarded the opposite party most strength, Gu Chen withdrew from the battlefield, making a redder rain go forward to fight. 「轮到你了。废掉了对方大半实力,顾辰退出战场,让越红雨上前交手。 Panic-stricken that the redder rain beautiful pupil cannot bear, she knows that attended to the senior being prepared, but has not thought that actually clone to suppress the enemy directly! 越红雨美眸忍不住的惊骇,她知道顾前辈有准备,但没想到竟然是分身直接镇压敌人! Suppresses the wonderful profound boundary by the gold/metal firm boundary, such clone attended to the senior being possible also two! 以金坚境镇压妙玄境,这样的分身顾前辈可还有两具啊! Even these three clone to be used to transit temporarily! 甚至于这三具分身都只是用来暂时过渡的! " Actually attending to the senior is what cultivation base? " 「顾前辈原来究竟是什么修为?」 In the redder rain heart floats off that to sprout the innumerable questions, calms down, extracts the long spear/gun, goes on stage a war! 越红雨心中浮起那个已经萌生过无数次的疑问,定了定神,抽出长枪,上场一战! Provides " Supernatural might Tyrant Emperor » quickest renewal that the big god does not believe in evil doctrines for you, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神不信邪的《神武霸帝》最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! The Chapter 2540 gold/metal firm steamroll is wonderful! Free reading. 第2540章金坚碾压妙玄!免费阅读.
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