DMTE :: Volume #26

#2539: Hostility

Newest website: Damn! Is that person of clan old thing so rich?” 最新网址:“该死!那人族老东西那么有钱吗?” If in the theater box of thunder sect, the lucky eagle look is gloomy. 如雷宗的包厢内,吉鹰神色阴沉。 The speed of opposite party selling quotation obviously slowed down, originally he thought to have victory in the hand, who wants to obtain the opposite party to propose 6 million prices suddenly! 对方喊价的速度明显变慢了,本来他以为胜券在握了,谁想得到对方突然一口气提了六百万的价! This is telling itself, crosses pill he to exert its utmost! 这是在告诉自己,渡厄丹他势在必得! 65 million!” “六千五百万!” The luck eagle clenches teeth, shouts loudly. 吉鹰咬了咬牙,大声喊道。 That side once Gelao selling quotation actually no longer hesitant, offered 70 million sky-high prices! 那边曾阁老喊价却不再犹豫,紧接着报出了七千万的天价! The luck eagle with, two people of selling quotations gradually broke 90 million again, making cultivator of entire auction hall be flabbergasted, the master of ceremonies in auction room beamed with joy. 吉鹰再跟,二人的喊价逐渐突破了九千万大关,令整个拍卖厅的修士咂舌不已,拍卖行的司仪则眉开眼笑。 Crossing pill is rare preciously, if the price breaks through 100 million, without a doubt was the fool. 渡厄丹再稀有珍贵,若是价格冲破一亿大关,毫无疑问就是冤大头了。 Stops offering.” “停止报价吧。” When the luck eagle complexion is pale, kills gets angry the preparation again with, in a mirror on front table, broadcasts the Yin sad sound. 吉鹰脸色铁青,杀红了眼准备再跟之际,前方桌子上的一面镜子里,传来阴恻恻的声音。 But Grandfather, what to do without this crosses pill your breakthrough? This medicine is not easy to look, misses this time not to know when can bump into again?” “可是爷爷,没有这渡厄丹你的突破怎么办?此药可不好找,错过这次不知道什么时候才能再撞见?” The luck eagle was anxious, although so many wishing crystals will make the family primordial qi damage severely in a short time, so long as the grandfather can break through to become celestial phenomenon cultivator, the high price is also worth. 吉鹰急了,那么多的祝晶虽然会令家族短时间内元气大伤,但只要爷爷能突破成为天象修士,再高昂的代价也是值得的。 I had saying that doesn't want?” “我有说不要了吗?” The sneering sound of luck agriculture transmits from the mirror, crosses pill, but places in that hand surnamed Zeng temporarily, relax, could not take several days!” 吉农的冷笑声从镜子里传来,“渡厄丹,不过是暂时放在那姓曾的手里罢了,放心,要不了几天了!” The luck eagle hears this words, on the face reveals the pleasant surprise, in the eye murderous aura complete(ly) present. 吉鹰听到此话,脸上露出惊喜,眼里杀气毕现。 Grandfather, you were said that the plan must launch finally......” “爷爷,你是说计划终于要展开了……” If in the theater box of thunder sect does not have to spread the offer again, when the club of master of ceremonies sounds repeatedly three times, this bottle crossed pill to be patted by once Gelao at 93 million sky-high prices finally. 如雷宗的包厢内没有再传出报价,当司仪的槌子反复敲响三次,这一瓶渡厄丹终于以九千三百万的天价被曾阁老拍得。 „The latter half of life looked like must work.” “下半辈子看来都得给人打工了。” once Gelao sighed, this price was too expensive/noble, means the favor that he owed was heavier. 曾阁老叹了口气,这价格实在太贵了,意味着他欠的人情更重了。 However thinks that the opportunity of breakthrough increases, the soaring price is also worth. 不过想到突破的机会大增,再高昂的价格也是值得的。 After all he did not have so many time and other price appropriate compounded drugs to appear, if can break through the celestial phenomenon boundary, this debt flower millennium should be able to return! 毕竟他没有那么多时间等其他价格合适的丹药出现了,而若能突破进天象境,这债花个千年时间应该能还上! Really is unexpected.” “真是出乎意料。” In Gu Chen theater box, Duanmu azure some say/way of envying. 顾辰的包厢内,端木青有些羡慕的道。 The compounded drug that this kind can the helping other break through has such charm, often can lay out the sky-high price, the auction room gained turns. 这类能助人突破的丹药就是有如此魔力,往往能拍出天价,拍卖行赚翻了。 A redder rain was very happy, the person the clan might a celestial phenomenon powerhouse, not know when much she can also cultivation this step? 越红雨挺高兴,人族或许又要多出一名天象强者了,不知道她什么时候也能修炼到这一步? Crosses pill's pill prescription, whether you can take?” “渡厄丹的丹方,你能否弄到手?” Gu Chen inquired Duanmu azure suddenly. 顾辰突然询问端木青。 This crosses pill is so valuable, refining to sell is not free from worry more convenient than other things? 这渡厄丹如此值钱,炼制出来卖不比其他东西省心省事很多? After clone to refine preliminarily, he can also refine a higher rank the compounded drug, this crosses pill to try. 初阶分身炼成后,他也可以炼制更高级别的丹药了,这渡厄丹可以试试。 This crosses pill difficultly in the refinement technique and raw material, the pill prescription is actually very precious, auction room there should have.” “这渡厄丹难在炼制手法和原材料,丹方倒不是特别珍贵,拍卖行那里应该有。” When Duanmu azure accident/surprise hesitates slightly. 端木青意外之余稍稍沉吟。 Mr. Gu wants this pill prescription the words, I try.” 顾先生想要这丹方的话,我去试试。” Gu Chen nods, is impolite. 顾辰点了点头,也不客气。 In Duanmu Qingxin joyful, oneself can demonstrate oneself value finally, he slightly is running departure. 端木青心中欣喜,自己总算能展现自己的价值了,他小跑着离去。 Gu Chen brings a redder rain, arrived at the backstage of auction room together, prepares mustard seed mica that is from oneself to pat. 顾辰则带着越红雨,一起来到了拍卖行的后台,准备取自己拍得的芥子云母。 At this time the buyers of other something by auctions also arrived at the backstage, is lining up to trade one by one. 此时其他拍卖品的买家也都到了后台,正在排队逐一进行交易。 Gu Chen saw that once Gelao, the silver-haired person clan old man, meets the transition pill's time hand to shiver, perhaps was too excited. 顾辰看到了那曾阁老,白发苍苍的人族老者,接过渡厄丹的时候手都在颤抖,兴许是太激动了。 Guest, this is your treasure, with was good.” “客人,这是您的宝贝,拿好了。” The person in auction room gave Gu Chen the mustard seed mica, Gu Chen takes to turn around to walk. 拍卖行的人把芥子云母交给了顾辰,顾辰拿完转身就走。 once Gelao turn head looked at Gu Chen, took a look at his side a redder rain. 曾阁老回头看了眼顾辰,又瞅到他身边的越红雨。 Person clan cultivator that beautiful woman accompanies, this person wants to come is the guest in star sea Work place. cultivation base of gold/metal firm Heaven, can be day of Que Dao causes?” “美女相伴的人族修士,此人想来就是星海坊的客人了。只是才金坚九重天的修为,会是天阙岛的来使吗?” once Gelao is deliberately considering, immediately shakes the head. 曾阁老寻思着,随即摇了摇头。 There is nothing to do with him, now the compounded drug succeeds in obtaining, goes back to close up as soon as possible! 这都与他无关,如今丹药到手,还是尽快回去闭关吧! Gu Chen and a redder rain went out of the auction hall, Duanmu azure has not come out, is waiting for same place. 顾辰和越红雨走出了拍卖厅,端木青还没出来,便在原地等待。 The guests 3322 leave, when such as lucky eagle mood bad coming out of thunder sect, happen to found Gu Chen and a redder rain. 客人们三三两两离开,如雷宗的吉鹰心情糟糕的出来时,正好瞧见了顾辰和越红雨。 Although the grandfather has the important matter, but before the auction starts, he said the aggressive statement to capture to cross pill, now was robbed, the mood was very bad. 虽然爷爷另有大事,但拍卖会开始前他就放出狠话要夺得渡厄丹了,如今被人抢走,心情还是很差。 once pavilion always did not destroy cultivator of boundary, there is a secondary rainbow phoenix academy to be the backer unable to move temporarily, his anger nowhere is venting! 那曾阁老是不摧境的修士,又有霓凰书院做靠山暂时动不了,他这股怒火正无处发泄! An auction hall sees two person clan cultivator, that female also long must have the beauty very much, he got up immediately read evilly. 一出拍卖厅就看见两个人族修士,其中那个女的还长得很有姿色,他顿时起了歹念。 Later the following two, look for no one's place, male killed directly, female gives me to bring to come back.” “待会跟着那两人,找个没人的地方,男的直接杀了,女的给我带回来。” The luck eagle told cultivator in a low voice. 吉鹰低声吩咐身边的修士 Young master, this act is perhaps improper, the two Duanmu azure by star sea Work place were invited, the status does not seem ordinary.” “少爷,此举恐怕不妥,那两人是被星海坊的端木青请来的,身份似乎不一般。” The nearby people replied. 身边人回答道。 „? Also has the background?” “哦?又是有背景的吗?” The luck eagle feels to choke with rage, usually in works considers west the eastern consideration enough annoying, now the important matter will get up, but can also the caution and care? 吉鹰感到窝火,平日里做事考虑东考虑西就够烦人的了,如今大事将起,还得谨慎小心吗? These two cultivation base is not high, the side also does not have the powerful guard to protect, even is the guest in star sea Work place, perhaps still only that net worth rich fat sheep?” “这两人修为不高,身边又没有实力强大的护卫保护,就算是星海坊的客人,恐怕也只是那种身家丰厚的肥羊吧?” A luck eagle vision twinkle, he and Duanmu azure is acquainted, is somewhat understood to him, this person treats the guest rich guest to have the courtesy particularly very much. 吉鹰目光一阵闪烁,他与端木青相识,对他算是有些了解,这人对待客人尤其是有钱的客人本来就都很有礼数。 Yuda teacher's younger brother, does cleanly by your cultivation base hands and feet, the person discovery of star sea Work place?” “裕达师叔,以你的修为手脚做干净点,星海坊的人发现不了吧?” The luck eagle looks to middle-aged alien race cultivator. 吉鹰看向身边一名中年异族修士 „Are these two unauthentic, do not need?” “这两人来路不明,没必要吧?” Middle-aged alien race cultivator brow slightly wrinkle. 中年异族修士眉头微皱。 Massacres them, their treasures give the teacher's younger brother you, I want that female. If the deeds exposes, the consequence nature is undertaken by my strength, how Teacher's younger brother?” “杀掉他们,他们身上的宝物都给师叔你,我只要那个女的。若事迹败露,后果自然由我一力承担,怎么样师叔?” The luck eagle discussed. 吉鹰商量道。 Perhaps a Yuda heart movement, Ji eagle has not paid attention, but he remembers very clearly, this person patted the value not poor mustard seed mica. 裕达一阵心动,吉鹰或许没注意,但他记得很清楚,这人可是拍下了价值不菲的芥子云母。 What does he turn to the lucky agricultural elder to make? 他投靠吉农长老做什么? It is not because do not have the background, although cultivated the wonderful profound boundary by oneself, but lacked the cultivation resources in the sect as before very much, can only drift with the current to turn to others. 还不是因为自己没有背景,尽管靠自己修炼到了妙玄境,但在宗内依旧很缺修炼资源,只能随波逐流投靠他人。 The luck eagle four seas boundary, does a oneself wonderful profound boundary follow to feel better in him daily behind? 吉鹰不过四海境罢了,自己一个妙玄境天天跟在他身后怎么会好受? At present this proposition is good, Ji eagle the analysis is very reasonable, these two net worth is obviously good, does not have the powerful guard to follow, absolutely is the fat sheep! 眼下这提议不错,吉鹰的分析很有道理,这两人身家明显不俗,又没强大护卫跟着,绝对是肥羊! The hands and feet does cleanly, do not let star sea Work place discover, should not have what issue! 手脚做干净点,别让星海坊发现,应该不会有什么问题! You first go back.” “你们先回去。” Yuda even Dan said. 裕达平澹说道。 The luck eagle shows the smile, I and other teacher's younger brother's good news.” 吉鹰露出笑容,“我等师叔的好消息。” Duanmu azure came out from the auction room, cups one hand in the other across the chest toward Gu Chen, hands over a jade Jane/simple. 端木青从拍卖行出来了,朝着顾辰拱拱手,递上一枚玉简。 Good fortune does not fail in one's mission.” “幸不辱命。” Gu Chen received jade Jane/simple, examined, really crosses pill's refinement method. Although does not know how Duanmu azure takes, but for a long time paid some prices. 顾辰接过玉简,查看了下,果然是渡厄丹的炼制方法。虽然不知道端木青怎么拿到手的,但那么长时间想必付出了一些代价。 I do not treat unjustly you, waits for the compounded drug to refine, hands over sells by you, 91 are divided.” “我也不亏待你,等丹药炼好,交由你去卖,九一分成。” Gu Chen said. 顾辰说道。 10% gain sharing, are big numbers. 10%的利润分成,已经是不小的数目了。 Duanmu azure face reveal happy expression, he some guessed early cannot think, this moment Gu Chen this tone, wants to come is some assurances! 端木青脸露喜色,他早有猜测只是不敢多想,此刻顾辰这语气,想来是有些把握! Mr. Gu felt relieved, at the appointed time the compounded drug gives slightly sells, any is divided slightly does not want, so long as Mr. Gu wants to buy and sell anything, gives priority to slightly on line.” 顾先生放心,届时丹药交给小的来卖,任何分成小的都不要,只要顾先生想买卖什么,都优先考虑小的就行了。” Duanmu azure vows solemnly to guarantee, 10% profits are very considerable, but considering oneself ban, he does not dare is so corrupt. 端木青信誓旦旦的保证,10%的利润很可观,但考虑到自己身上的禁制,他可不敢那么贪。 If this mister is really extremely outstanding refine the pill of immortality master, he should not be divided light/only depends on the commercial operation to make a lot of money, but can also maintain long-time friendly relations with the opposite party! 若这位先生真是极其优秀的炼丹师,他不要分成光靠商业操作就能挣很多的钱,还能与对方保持更长久友好的关系!
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