DMTE :: Volume #26

#2538: The influence of emperor setting sun

Newest website: The starting bid price is 2 million wishes the crystal, this price high scary. 最新网址:起拍价便是两百万祝晶,这价格高的吓人。 However auction from the beginning, immediately then some people of selling quotations. 然而拍卖一开始,立即便有人喊价。 3 million wished the crystal!” “三百万祝晶!” One then raised 1 million, but cannot block to cross pill's cultivator enthusiasm completely. 一下便提了一百万,可是完全挡不住想要渡厄丹的修士的热情。 5 million!” “五百万!” 6.5 million!” “六百五十万!” 7.3 million!” “七百三十万!” Crosses pill's price to rise at an exceptional pace, all parties raid intensely, display the appearance that exerts its utmost. 渡厄丹的价格以惊人的速度上涨着,各方激烈哄抢,表现出势在必得的样子。 Does not destroy nine tribulations...... not to know that clone to cultivate not to destroy the boundary, can come across the same inexorable fate?” “不摧九劫……不知等分身修炼到不摧境,会不会遇到同样的劫数?” In Gu Chen heart curious, although rock rock ancient boundary/world cultivation boundary with chaos ten thousand state-owned many differences, but Grand Dao reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches, in his opinion most boundaries are very good to understand. 顾辰心中好奇,磐岩古界的修炼境界虽然与混沌万国有许多不同之处,但大道殊途同归,在他看来大部分境界都很好理解。 But this does not destroy a boundary, is actually somewhat special, it is said with secretive related. 而这不摧一境,却是有些特殊,据说与诡秘有关。 Eight big secretive source areas exist in rock rock ancient boundary/world for a long time, was corroded the most serious region to be the major burying areas by them, these places infertile, the corpse ghost runs amuck, Gu Chen has realized personal. 八大诡秘源地存在于磐岩古界已久,被它们所腐蚀最严重的区域莫过于各大葬区,那些地方可谓寸草不生,尸鬼横行,顾辰切身体会过。 However their influences not only in this, the rock rock ancient boundary/world day earth deities lineage/vein were also polluted under accumulating over a long period of time. 然而它们的影响不仅仅于此,磐岩古界的天地灵脉也在日积月累下受到了污染。 This pollution is light, usually does not reveal, but accumulates over a long period of time, bit by bit, when cultivator cultivates the boundary of not destroying, then meets the state of mind to endure humiliation, the mortal body is decayed. 这种污染较轻,平时不显,但日积月累,积沙成塔,当修士修炼到不摧之境,便会神魂蒙垢,肉身腐朽。 Such inexorable fate altogether must experience nine times, if can shoulder, on is reaches highest knowledge in the cultivation together, becomes celestial phenomenon cultivator that raises hand to lift in the feet to have great power to be able big divine ability. 这样的劫数共要经历九次,若能扛过,在修炼一道上便算是登堂入室,成为举手抬足间拥有大威能大神通的天象修士 If cannot shoulder, then the disappearing body falls, the past all sorts changed into the ash completely, all turns into air. 若扛不过,则道消身陨,昔日的种种化为灰尽,一切成空。 Celestial phenomenon cultivator regarding many influences is sea calming god needle existence, even if places 72 territories, cultivator of this grade of rank is also the mainstay of various territories. 天象修士对于诸多势力而言都是定海神针般的存在,哪怕放在七十二域,这等级别的修士也是各域的中流砥柱。 Therefore to train celestial phenomenon cultivator, many influences are often willing to spare nothing. 因此为了培养出一位天象修士,诸多势力往往愿意不惜任何代价。 Does not destroy the boundary, although is strong, but possible life difficult insurance, to turn the head momentarily the turns into air, can therefore greatly enhance the compounded drug that does not destroy the boundary breakthrough opportunity, naturally is sufficiently the crazy wonder drug! 不摧境虽强,但随时可能性命难保,转头成空,所以能大幅提高不摧境突破机会的丹药,自然是足以令人疯狂的神药! Gu Chen to these, although some understanding, but witnesses now marketablily crosses pill must go beyond the expectation, did not destroy nine tribulations naturally to produce many to that curious. 顾辰对这些虽有了解,但如今亲眼目睹渡厄丹的抢手还要超出预料,对那不摧九劫自然产生了更多好奇。 24 million!” “两千四百万!” 27 million!” “两千七百万!” 30 million!” “三千万!” Crosses pill competes for the quick superheating, broke through 30 million to wish the critical junction of crystal unexpectedly, and to increase price 3 million astonishing speeds to increase progressively each time. 渡厄丹的争夺很快白热化,竟然突破了三千万祝晶的大关,并且以每次加价三百万的惊人速度在递增。 This grade of scope common influence has been able not hold a candle, is only left over two side cultivator to be without making any mutual concessions, separates the spatial exchange of fire, is belligerent. 这等幅度寻常势力已经望尘莫及,只剩下两方修士互不相让,隔空交火,火药味十足。 But these two sides, exactly about the theater box in Gu Chen, with them similarly are this auction room extremely good position. 而这两方,恰好就在顾辰左右的包厢,与他们同样是这拍卖行极佳的位置。 What origin are this two sides? Squanders money simply.” “这两边是什么来历?简直是挥金如土。” A redder rain says with emotion, so many wishing crystals she let alone has seen, listens not to listen, flows the big influence of Polish city is not really ordinary. 越红雨感慨道,那么多的祝晶她别说见过了,听都没听过,流波城的大势力果然不一般。 Hehe, must say that with obtaining so many some influence also many families/home that wished the crystal, may have the courage and these two snatching actually few.” “嘿嘿,要说拿得出那么多祝晶的势力还有不少家,可有胆子和这两家抢的却很少。” Two sides of making a move, hold the two big influences of class/flow wave city ear.” “出手的两方,正是执流波城牛耳的两大势力。” Duanmu azure smiles to explain, he also calculated the local bully in this class/flow wave city, was extremely broad taking advantage of the influence personal connection of back influence, who therefore in that two theater boxes was, he knew very much easily. 端木青微笑解释,他在这流波城也算地头蛇了,借着背后势力的影响力人脉极广,所以那两个包厢里是谁,他很容易就知道了。 Such as thunder sect and secondary rainbow phoenix academy?” “如雷宗和霓凰书院吗?” A redder rain said in a soft voice, Gu Chen also remembers the class/flow wave city topography highest that two forts. 越红雨轻声道,顾辰也想起流波城地势最高的那两处要塞。 Outer city area, inner city district, Shangcheng District as well as ear place. 外城区、内城区、上城区以及牛耳处。 So-called rules the class/flow wave city roost, having double meaning, two big influences not only occupied in the city to be highest the most superior position, reached the peak in the power and influence! 所谓的执流波城牛耳,一语双关,两大势力不仅占据了城内最高最优越的位置,同时也在权势上达到了巅峰! Jumped over the miss to say well.” “越姑娘说得不错。” Duanmu azure is observing Gu Chen, sees his a little interest, introduction that immediately then goes all out. 端木青观察着顾辰,见他有点兴趣,立即便卖力的介绍。 What in left theater box is such as Ji eagle of thunder sect, I and he am acquainted, as far as I know his grandfather does not destroy cultivator of boundary, wants to come this time to buy the medicine for him.” “左边包厢里的是如雷宗的吉鹰,我与他相识,据我所知他爷爷正是不摧境的修士,想来此次是为他买药。” If thunder sect in this class/flow wave city is the first influence that deserves, Ji eagle grandfather the agriculture is such as the elder of thunder sect, powerful, he asked the medicine, generally the influence who dares to snatch?” “如雷宗在这流波城是当之无愧的第一势力,吉鹰的爷爷吉农是如雷宗的长老,位高权重,他求药,一般势力谁敢抢?” Duanmu azure shakes the head, , to continue to say slightly: „The guest in right theater box I distinguish not to recognize the sound, but just I listened to the person in auction room saying that this person and Mr. Gu your same manner clan. Such a, the status of this person was clear.” 端木青摇摇头,稍稍一顿,继续道:“右边包厢里的客人我辨认不出声音,但刚刚我听拍卖行的人说过了,此人与顾先生你同为人族。这么一来,此人的身份一目了然了。” „? Behind the secondary rainbow phoenix academy is the person clan is inadequate?” “哦?霓凰书院背后是人族不成?” Gu Chen asked that he also listened to a redder rain saying that the high level of secondary rainbow phoenix academy had the background of the world. 顾辰问道,他原来也听越红雨说过,霓凰书院的高层有人间的背景。 Person clan and relations of secondary rainbow phoenix academy are somewhat complex.” “人族与霓凰书院的关系有些复杂。” Duanmu azure hesitated , the words that for fear that spoke stir up Gu Chen is not unhappy. 端木青迟疑了下,唯恐说的话惹得顾辰不喜。 Has the words to speak frankly.” “有话直说。” Gu Chen saw his worry. 顾辰看出了他的顾虑。 Duanmu azure no longer intertwines, said truthfully: Secondary rainbow phoenix academy is earliest by the person clan cultivator foundation, but with growing strong, original influence the interests of others.” 端木青不再纠结,如实说道:“霓凰书院最早是由人族修士创建的,但随着发展壮大,自然影响到了其他人的利益。” In the past such as thunder sect in class/flow wave city one-party rule, several other big influence days did not feel better, seeing the secondary rainbow phoenix academy idea is good, then had its idea.” “当年如雷宗在流波城一家独大,其他几个大势力日子并不好过,见霓凰书院理念不错,便打起了它的主意。” Small bookstall 小书亭 After some gambling that our these bystanders do not know, the secondary rainbow phoenix academy becomes this class/flow wave city three big aristocratic families to be respective finally, but primitive man clan cultivator has the part to leave, has the part to continue to teach.” “经过我们这些外人所不知的一些博弈,霓凰书院最终成为了这流波城三大世家所属,而原人族修士有部分离开,有部分则继续任教。” „Becoming the secondary rainbow phoenix academies of three big aristocratic family cooperation symbols, had with the strength that such as thunder sect meets as an equal, occupies another ear of this class/flow wave city.” “成为了三大世家合作象征的霓凰书院,才拥有了与如雷宗分庭抗礼的力量,占据这流波城的另一牛耳。” Three years ago is initiated the emperor setting sun after the person clan nameless Great Emperor ‚’, various territory person clans the situations of excluding human world then becomes not good.” “三年前由人族无名大帝引发的‘帝落日’后,除人间外的各域人族的处境便变得不好。” Especially in this thunder territory, falling from the sky of god clouds Emperor was imputed in the person clan, the secondary rainbow phoenix academy to avoid the keenest struggle, does to cut with the person clan, dismissed the old chief alone this solitary one leisurely.” “尤其在这雷域,神霄帝君的陨落被归罪于人族,霓凰书院为了避开风口浪尖,与人族做切割,开除了原来的院长独孤逸。” Now still teaches in the secondary rainbow phoenix academy, does not destroy the boundary to need this to cross pill by chance, only then once Gelao.” “如今还在霓凰书院任教,又恰巧是不摧境需要这渡厄丹的,只有曾阁老了。” Duanmu azure spoke with confidence, to this class/flow wave city two big influences obviously was not the superficial knowledge, but understands some inside stories. 端木青侃侃而谈,对这流波城两大势力明显不是泛泛之知,而是了解一些内幕。 Person clan nameless Great Emperor? 人族无名大帝? Gu Chen has not thought that will hear itself suddenly. 顾辰没想到会突然听到自己。 Initiated the emperor setting sun? 引发了帝落日? This appraisal obviously brings to censure intent, probably he is what unclear person. 这评价明显带着贬意,好像他是什么不详之人似的。 Duanmu azure pursues commerce has to do with each race each influence all day long, his view is close to cultivation compared with redder rain that person worship obviously to his general impression. 端木青从商终日与各个种族各个势力打交道,他的说法显然比越红雨那个人崇拜更接近修炼界对他的普遍印象。 Gu Chen does not care about own image tall Weihuo to be gloomy, but three years ago the influence that white night ominous palace that war has is really big, is this small secondary rainbow phoenix academy, because the chiefs of some people of clans lost the work. 顾辰倒也不在乎自己的形象高伟或阴暗,不过因三年前白夜凶殿那一战产生的影响真是不小,就是这小小的霓凰书院,都有人族的院长因为自己丢了工作。 Hopes that once Gelao can pat this to cross pill.” “希望曾阁老能拍下这渡厄丹。” A redder rain hears the opposite party same manner clan, although is unknown, immediately favored. 越红雨听闻对方同为人族,尽管素不相识,顿时就偏袒了。 One bottle crosses pill, if can take to break through the probability of celestial phenomenon boundary to be big. 一瓶渡厄丹,若能抢到手突破进天象境的概率是不小的。 The person clan situation is difficult, is need more powerhouses. 人族处境越是艰难,越是需要更多的强者。 Ji Nong is such as the real power elder of thunder sect, but once Gelao the pavilion old position was only the idleness of secondary rainbow phoenix academy book collection pavilion consecrates the position, by the financial resource was inferior to the former properly speaking.” “吉农是如雷宗的实权长老,而曾阁老的阁老位只是霓凰书院藏书阁的清闲供奉位置,论财力按理来说是不如前者的。” Duanmu azure supposes saying that continues to spell, the possibility that once Gelao gave up was bigger. 端木青估摸道,继续这么拼下去,曾阁老放弃的可能性更大。 54 million!” “五千四百万!” If Ji eagle of thunder sect shouted that another high price caused the audience ebullition. 如雷宗的吉鹰喊出了又一个高价引得全场沸腾。 In once Gelao the theater box, he must pace anxiously back and forth, the complexion was ugly! 曾阁老的包厢内,他急得来回踱步,脸色难看至极! For this time auctioned him to raise for a long time fund, to guarantee to take to cross other pill something by auctions does not dare to bump. 为了此次拍卖他筹集了许久的资金,为了保证拿下渡厄丹其他拍卖品是一件都不敢碰。 Does not want to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway, the selling quotation of such as thunder sect must exceed his withstanding limit! 可没想半路杀出个程咬金,如雷宗的喊价已要超过他的承受极限! Only can give up? 难道只能放弃了? once Gelao the complexion night and day was uncertain, the fist grasped was also loose, loose grasped, innermost feelings Celestial happened simultaneously. 曾阁老脸色晦明不定,拳头握了又松,松了又握,内心天人交加。 At this time, his theater box gate was opened, some people held the maidservant to send a box. 就在这时候,他的包厢门被打开,有人托侍女送来了一个盒子。 Opens the box, inside is full one pack wishes the crystal ticket unexpectedly! 打开盒子,里面竟是满满的一叠祝晶券! once Gelao was very joyful, the one who guessed correctly giving opportune help was, immediately selling quotation. 曾阁老无比欣喜,猜到了雪中送炭的是谁,立即喊价。 60 million!” “六千万!”
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