DMTE :: Volume #26

#2537: Crosses pill

Newest website: The auction formally started. 最新网址:拍卖会正式开始了。 The master of ceremonies stature on stage is enchanting, the style of speaking is natural, in a few words then transferred. on atmosphere 台上的司仪身材妖娆,谈吐大方,三言两语便调动起了场上的气氛。 A each article fine something by auction presented in the warm illustration, redder rain interested looks, she first auction that participated in this grade of scale. 一件件精致的拍卖品在热情的解说中纷纷亮相,越红雨饶有兴趣的看着,她还是头一回参加这等规模的拍卖会。 Drinking tea that Gu Chen decides peacefully, on interest as if might as well hand average wave city unique the cakes and pastries of something by auction to field. 顾辰澹定的喝着茶,对场上拍卖品的兴趣似乎还不如手中流波城别致的糕点。 When is close to the middle place to the auction, the mustard seed mica arrives under the blocking of red cloth ends, Gu Chen lifted the eye finally, looks to the auctioneer's platform. 待到拍卖会接近中场,芥子云母在红布头的遮挡下登场,顾辰才终于抬起了眼,望向拍卖台。 Previous something by auction is also bidding, but covers the scarlet cloth head ban of mustard seed mica to be very ordinary, he saw the real appearance of mica clearly. 上一件拍卖品还在竞拍,不过盖住芥子云母的红布头上的禁制很一般,他清楚的看到了云母的真实样子。 The transparent crystal of oval shape, static putting on the galactic disk, sends out the gentle linear ray, looks to seem like a dandelion from afar. 椭圆状的透明晶体,静静的盛放在银盘上,发出柔和的线型光芒,远远看过去像是一株蒲公英。 If stares carefully, the interior of crystal has the innumerable rays to interlock vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, forms to flash on and off uncertain all sorts of patterns, repeat in cycles, said rhyme as if made by Heaven. 若仔细凝视,晶体的内部有无数光线交错纵横,形成明灭不定的一种种格局,循环往复,道韵天成。 Gu Chen nods, auction room not exaggerating, this thing indeed is he refines clone preliminarily the best material. 顾辰点了点头,拍卖行没有言过其实,此物的确是他炼制初阶分身最好的材料。 „The treasure of then auctioning is the mustard seed mica, believes that many people have waited for it very for a long time......” “接下来拍卖的宝贝是芥子云母,相信有许多人已经等待它很久了……” Mustard seed mica, the starting bid price 50,000 wished the crystal.” “芥子云母,起拍价五万祝晶。” The offer of master of ceremonies enthusiasm fire, is anticipating crazy rounds of round of bidding later. 司仪热情似火的报价,随后期待着疯狂的一轮轮竞价。 100,000!” “十万!” 200,000!” “二十万!” 250,000!” “二十五万!” The offer is proceeding in an orderly way, suddenly, a callous sound crack audience. 报价循序渐进着,突然,一个冷酷的声音炸响全场。 3 million!” “三百万!” Entire auction hall instantaneous silent, one lifts that high, price that who shouted, insane?! 整个拍卖厅瞬间寂静了下,一下就抬得那么高,谁喊的价,疯了吧?! Numerous cultivator seek for the acoustic source, soon discovered that the distinguished guest theater boxes of sound from two buildings, the angry look restrained rapidly. 众多修士纷纷寻找声源,很快发现声音来自二楼的贵宾包厢,原本愤怒的神色迅速收敛。 That is one of the best several theater boxes, the person of selling quotation non- rich is expensive, it seems like does not disturb.” “那是最好的几个包厢之一,喊价的人非富即贵,看来不是捣乱。” Words that theater box that did not remember incorrectly was almost star sea Work place exclusive, was Duanmu Qingkai price?” “没记错的话那包厢几乎是星海坊专属了,是端木青开的价?” „It is not, I saw Duanmu azure to accompany a great person to enter the theater box tonight, heard the sound is not Duanmu azure, it seems like it was the price that great person paid.” “不是,我看见端木青今晚陪着一个大人物进了包厢,听声音不是端木青的,看来是那位大人物出的价。” What great person? Where influence?” “什么大人物?何方势力?” „It is not clear, only knows that is individual clan, the side is accompanying a peerless beautiful woman, Duanmu azure is also respectful to him, the position is not absolutely ordinary!” “不清楚,只知道是个人族,身边陪着一个绝世美女,端木青又对他毕恭毕敬的,身份地位绝对不一般!” „An initial price is 3 million wishes the crystal, can be the average person?” “一开价就是三百万祝晶,能是一般人吗?” Numerous cultivator talked in whispers, extravagant controlling, in addition before some people who the opposite party acted noticed Duanmu azure attitude, all of a sudden the Gu Chen background became in the eyes of class/flow wave city many influences very mysterious powerful! 众多修士窃窃私语,都被对方出手的阔绰给镇住了,加上之前就有人注意到端木青的态度,一下子顾辰的背景在流波城诸多势力的眼中变得十分神秘强大! Mr. Gu good vision, this mustard seed mica, but good thing.” 顾先生好眼光,这芥子云母可是好东西啊。” Duanmu azure has been observing Gu Chen, before Gu Chen in the appearance that anything was not interested, at this moment suddenly offered such a high price, obviously itself to this mustard seed mica. 端木青一直观察着顾辰,之前顾辰对什么都不感兴趣的样子,此刻突然报出这么一个高价,显然本身就是冲着这芥子云母来的。 His some are not peaceful decide, before was loyal he to show, the opposite party shouted by some chance randomly the high price then makes him pay, should he should do? 他心里有些不澹定,之前忠心他已经表了,对方万一乱喊高价然后让他买单,他该如何是好? Perhaps also can only force oneself to look cheerful! 恐怕也只能强颜欢笑吧! A Gu Chen action redder rain is also very surprised, presents she clearly, 3 million wished the crystal, was their two complete net worth...... 顾辰的举动越红雨也很吃惊,在场她最清楚,三百万祝晶,可是他们俩全部的身家了…… Opens the mouth is 3 million, this person of what origin?” “一开口就是三百万,此人什么来历?” In two building neighboring theater boxes, celebrity clan old men trace the beard, the brow slightly wrinkle, the person of inquiry side. 二楼相邻的一处包厢内,一名人族老者摸了摸胡须,眉头微皱,询问身边之人。 Is the guest who star sea Work place Duanmu azure brings, with once Gelao your same manner clan, observing words and deeds Duanmu Qingdai it was very respectful, should some backgrounds.” “是星海坊端木青带来的客人,与曾阁老您同为人族,观言行端木青待其十分恭敬,应该有些来头。” The nearby people replied. 身边人回答道。 „? This Duanmu azure operates dramatically the trade of star sea Work place such last stage, the hearsay has resulted in day Que Dao to praise, to being promoted not far.” “哦?这端木青把星海坊这样末流的行当经营得有声有色,传闻已得天阙岛嘉奖,离升任不远。” Can make him so venerate, is the new face, will not be day of Que Dao will cause?” “能让他这般尊崇,又是生面孔,不会是天阙岛的来使吧?” once Gelao a vision twinkle. 曾阁老目光一阵闪烁。 This mustard seed mica his some uses, are the preparation patted. 这芥子云母他有些用途,本来是准备拍下的。 The mica quality surpasses good of estimate, he was supposing real value probably about 4.5 million, but the wishing crystal that he can put out probably is 5 million, how was normal can take. 云母品质超出预计的好,他估摸着实际价值大概在四百五十万左右,而他能拿出的祝晶大概是五百万,正常怎样都能拿下了。 But the opposite party opens the mouth at present is 3 million, looked that this stance exerts its utmost, with, even if pats still to surpass pays in advance, but also is easy to offend the person! 可眼下对方一开口就是三百万,看这架势势在必得,跟上去就算拍到手也要超出预支,还容易得罪人! „If the day of Que Dao person, is to the face, although the mica is good, but crossing pill of next to last act is the old man goal.” “如果是天阙岛的人,还是给个面子吧,云母虽好,可压轴的渡厄丹才是老夫此行的目的。” once Gelao shakes the head, gave up the plan of offer. 曾阁老摇了摇头,放弃了出价的打算。 „Does no one continue to bid?” “没有人继续出价吗?” The entire auction hall talked in whispers, actually no one participated in bidding slowly, the master of ceremonies cannot help but asks. 整个拍卖厅窃窃私语,却迟迟没有人参与竞价,司仪不由得问道。 Many guests are silent, you have a look at me, I have a look at you, the meaning without acted. 众多客人沉默,你看看我,我看看你,并没有出手的意思。 The opposite party shouted 3 million the price filthy rich all of a sudden, this who dares with? 对方财大气粗一下子把价格喊到三百万,这谁敢跟? Let alone although the mustard seed mica is good, but with can obviously enhance the strength the magic weapon and can break through the compounded drug of cultivation base bottleneck and so on to compare, not that big necessity and pressing. 何况芥子云母虽好,但和能明显提升实力的法宝和可以突破修为瓶颈的丹药之类相比,并没有那么大的必要性和紧迫性。 For it is not cost-effective with the person having a fracture frigid competition, if not buy does not need with the price intentionally, the opposite party background is mystical and powerful, if bore a grudge in the caring is not good! 为了它与人伤筋动骨惨烈竞争并不划算,若是不买故意跟价更没必要,对方背景神秘又强大,万一记仇惦记上了可不好! Really does no one continue to bid?” “真的没有人继续出价吗?” Master of ceremonies some unwilling asking. 司仪有些不甘心的问道。 This mustard seed mica auction room is the estimate can lead to a high tide of wave of auction, where wants to obtain to think that the crazy momentum failed to explode all of a sudden, is really unexpected! 这芥子云母拍卖行是预计会引发一波拍卖的小高潮的,哪想得到本以为疯狂的势头一下子哑火了,真是出人意料! The masters continue to shout propaganda, shouted after three, still no one continues to tender, finally can only helpless knocked the mallet! 司仪继续喊话,喊了三遍后依然没有人继续竞价,最后只能无奈的敲了敲槌! The mustard seed mica, 3 million wished the crystal to finalize! 芥子云母,三百万祝晶成交! The Gu Chen corners of the mouth cannot help but show the smile, it seems like that the strategy was successful. 顾辰嘴角不由得露出笑容,看来策略成功了。 3 million wished the crystal absolutely cost-effective by the physical appearance of this mica, if some people had not been blown to continue by him with, he also can only continue to shout the high price, at the worst asked Duanmu azure to lend money. 以这云母的品相三百万祝晶绝对是划算的,若是有人没被他镇住继续跟,他也只能继续喊高价,大不了找端木青借钱。 Money to Gu Chen is not meaningful, he needs is meaningful. 顾辰而言钱没有什么意义,他需要的才有意义。 3 million can take, was very ideal result. 三百万就能拿下,算是很理想的结果了。 Something by auction that pats after the auction ended unifies to trade in the backstage, Gu Chen sits in the home position, waited for the auction to finish. 拍到的拍卖品将在拍卖会结束后于后台统一交易,顾辰坐在原位,等待着拍卖会结束。 The second half auction continues becomes fiery, many magic weapons and compounded drugs laid out the high price one after another. 下半场的拍卖会继续变得火热,许多法宝和丹药相继拍出了高价。 Gu Chen is not interested in these weapon and compounded drug majority that he needs can refine, really can have a liking for the eye, here has not appeared. 顾辰对这些都不感兴趣他需要的兵器和丹药大部分都可以自己炼制,真看得上眼的,这里也没有出现。 Then is today's final same something by auction, one bottle crosses pill!” “接下来是今天的最后一样拍卖品,一瓶渡厄丹!” It is well known, the say/way of cultivation, is divided to attach the Yuan, to melt, gold/metal Jian, four seas, wonderfully profound, not to destroy, celestial phenomenon......” “众所皆知,修炼之道,分为附元、化真、金坚、四海、妙玄、不摧、天象……” Celestial phenomenon cultivator, is moves the four directions, but wants to transform into celestial phenomenon cultivator, must cross inevitably does not destroy nine tribulations!” “天象修士,无一不是名动四方,而想要蜕变为天象修士,就必然得渡过不摧九劫!” Does not destroy the inexorable fate of boundary to be difficult, that is secretive to person's of this world spiritual cultivation curse, how many Heaven's Chosen fall from the sky in this boundary through the ages?” “不摧境的劫数何等艰难,那是诡秘对这世间修道之人的诅咒,古往今来多少天骄陨落于此境?” The masters spoke with confidence, after long sighing, the sound was suddenly resounding. 司仪侃侃而谈,在悠悠叹了口气后,声音陡然高亢。 But there are crossed pill to be different! Crosses pill to be able greatly to enhance crosses the odds of success of tribulation, but entire one bottle crosses pill, does not destroy the boundary cultivator gospel simply!” “但有了渡厄丹就不一样了!渡厄丹能大幅提高渡劫的胜算,而整整一瓶渡厄丹,简直是不摧境修士的福音啊!” This pill believes rarely many senior famous elders present are very clear, the idle talk were not many said, crossed pill starting bid price 2 million to wish the crystal, started to auction!” “此丹之稀有相信在座的许多前辈名宿都很清楚,废话不多说,渡厄丹起拍价两百万祝晶,开始拍卖!”
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