DMTE :: Volume #26

#2536: Auction

Newest website: In the class/flow wave city inner city district biggest auction hall, is brilliantly illuminated tonight, extremely busy. 最新网址:流波城内城区最大的拍卖厅内,今晚灯火通明,热闹非凡。 Auctions outside the hall heavy traffic, various aristocratic family wealthy and powerful families stream, guard three steps post five sentry posts. 拍卖厅外车水马龙,各世家豪族纷至沓来,守卫三步一岗五步一哨。 A carriage car(riage) of luxurious atmosphere stopped in the auction hall entrance, attracted the people to look askance, is responsible for the maidservant who received rushing to go forward, because she recognized this is the vehicles of star sea Work place. 一辆奢华大气的辇车停在了拍卖厅门口,引来众人侧目,负责接待的侍女赶忙上前,因为她认出了这是星海坊的车辆。 Duanmu azure from vehicle moment, surroundings many aristocratic families big old wants to go forward to chitchat immediately. 端木青从车上下来的一刻,周围不少世家的大老顿时想上前攀谈。 Although star sea Work place is under day of error island that colossus the quite not popular industry, but the deacon method and ability of class/flow wave City star sea Work place are actually extremely outstanding, it is said to being promoted is not far. 星海坊虽然是天阙岛那个庞然大物旗下较为不入流的产业,但流波城星海坊的这位执事手段和能力却是极其出众,据说离升职已是不远。 cultivator that such has boundless prospects, flows many influences in Polish city to be naturally glad to become friends with, if some day the opposite party has a meteoric rise in day Que Dao, is only a friendship of understanding, probably the family brings the huge benefit to oneself. 这样一位前途无量的修士,流波城内的许多势力自然乐于结交,若有朝一日对方在天阙岛平步青云,光是认识的一点情分,就可能给自家家族带来巨大的利益。 Duanmu azure gets out, is actually looked that does not look at others one eyes, is on the contrary respectful, overcautious made the movement of invitation. 端木青下了车,却是看都不看旁人一眼,反倒毕恭毕敬,谨小慎微的做了个请的动作。 Afterward, a man and a woman from vehicle. 随后,一男一女从车上下来。 These two people seem like all are the person clans, what male is famous middle-aged military, serious in speech and manner, the appearance of devils. 这二人看上去皆是人族,男的是名中年武者,不苟言笑,凶神恶煞的样子。 Female is startled is Celestial, regardless of the appearance, stature or the makings are great, merely one puts in an appearance, then pressed tonight's splendid attire attendance the mistresses of various group of influences colorfully. 女的则是惊为天人,无论样貌、身材或气质都是一等一,仅仅一个照面,便艳压了今晚盛装出席的各路势力的女主人们。 So the angel female accompanies, there is a Duanmu azure of star sea Work place to lead the way respectfully, the status of middle-aged man is obviously unusual! 这般天仙女子相伴,又有星海坊的端木青毕恭毕敬引路,中年男子的身份明显非同一般! Various cultivator guessed that the status of person, Duanmu azure is all smile, worked as welcome personally, is leading Gu Chen and a redder rain entered the hall, got up one of the two building position best several theater boxes. 各家修士纷纷猜测来人的身份,端木青则满脸堆笑,亲自当起了迎宾,领着顾辰和越红雨进了大厅,紧接着又上了二楼位置最好的几个包厢之一。 This is numerous cultivator to look askance, Gu Chen draws are peaceful, a redder rain is not flurried. 这一路众多修士为之侧目,顾辰澹从容,越红雨也是不慌不乱。 When to sits down in the theater box, saying with a smile that Duanmu azure flatters: Mr. Gu, jumps over the miss, you first rest to drink tea here, eat cakes and pastries anything, my takes the tonight's auction catalog.” 待到在包厢坐下,端木青讨好的笑道:“顾先生,越姑娘,你们先在这里休息喝口茶,吃点糕点什么,我这就去取今晚的拍卖目录。” Gu Chen nods, later sees Duanmu azure to bow to him, retrocedes to the entrance slowly, held holding the fist in the other hand, dares to depart. 顾辰点点头,随后就见端木青躬身正对着他,缓缓后退至门口,抱了抱拳,才敢离去。 Sizes up the situation, being adaptable to the situation, is material that does business.” “审时度势,能屈能伸,是做生意的料。” Gu Chen took up the teacup to sip one, the tea entrance was sweet, was quite good. 顾辰拿起茶杯抿了一口,茶水入口甘甜,颇为不错。 Nod that a redder rain echoes, although she does not know that actually Gu Chen gave Duanmu azure to get up to what tricks, but this person appeared from early morning in the inn starts, the stance then put extremely lowly, speech bathed in fresh air, even this gave a thought to the feeling of senior side maidservant to consider appropriately, was not indeed ordinary. 越红雨附和的点点头,虽然她不知道顾辰究竟给端木青做了什么手脚,但此人从一大早出现在客栈开始,姿态便放得极低,说话句句如沐春风,甚至连她这顾前辈身边丫鬟的感受都考虑得妥妥当当的,的确不一般。 This theater box field of vision is good.” “这包厢视野不错。” Gu Chen looks to out of the window, the ring-like auctioneer's platform takes in everything at a glance from his angle, clarity that guests he in hall can also look, others actually cannot see him. 顾辰又看向窗外,环形的拍卖台从他这个角度一览无遗,大厅内的客人们他也可以看的清清楚楚,别人却看不到他。 Attended to the senior not saying that the wealth didn't expose one's valuables, works as far as possible low-key?” “顾前辈不是说财不露白,做事尽量低调吗?” Some redder rain doubts, Duanmu azure knew that Gu Chen plans to attend the auction, immediately said that must arrange the best theater box to them, at that time she also thinks to give a thought to the personality of senior to reject. 越红雨有些疑惑,端木青得知顾辰准备参加拍卖会,立即就说要给他们安排最好的包厢,当时她还以为以顾前辈的性格会拒绝。 Tonight we exert its utmost to that mustard seed mica, thinks low-key also low-key, would rather high-sounding talk.” “今晚我们对那芥子云母势在必得,想低调也低调不起来,倒不如高调一把。” Gu Chen is saying, Duanmu Qingna the auction catalog was running. 顾辰说着,端木青拿着拍卖目录屁颠屁颠跑了进来。 Gu Chen received the auction catalog, first turned the introduction about mustard seed mica. 顾辰接过拍卖目录,首先翻到了关于芥子云母的介绍。 From the introduction, reality of this mustard seed mica compares beforehand to understand is splendid, making Gu Chen quite excited. 从介绍上来看,这芥子云母的实际品相比之前了解到的还要出色,令顾辰颇为心动。 However the quality is better, the person of competition are also naturally more, 3 million wished the crystal to be not necessarily able to take safely. 不过成色越好,竞争的人自然也越多,三百万祝晶未必能稳妥拿下。 Gu Chen shot a look outside the eye piece, because of Duanmu azure to his respect, honored and popular cultivator was guessing that his status, the vision and divine consciousness size up unceasingly toward his theater box. 顾辰瞥了眼窗外,因为端木青对他的毕恭毕敬,许多有头有脸的修士都在猜测他的身份,目光和神识不断往他的包厢打量过来。 Could use. 或许可以利用一下。 Gu Chen had planning at heart. 顾辰心里有了算计。 The mustard seed mica enters the stage as the tonight's 20 th something by auction, is not a next to last act, in the class/flow wave city big city, has many compared with its value higher something by auction like this. 芥子云母作为今晚第二十件拍卖品出场,并非压轴,在流波城这样的大城,比它价值更高的拍卖品还有不少。 However met something by auction that entire ten entered the stage is also the high-quality goods, if after all something by auction could not raise the interest of guests, unavoidably affected the whole evening running water. 不过逢整十出场的拍卖品也都是精品了,毕竟若拍卖品一直提不起客人们的兴趣,难免影响整晚的流水。 The mustard seed mica is the climax of auction middle place, it is expected that at the appointed time will cause a wave of high tide. 芥子云母算是拍卖会中场的重头戏,预计到时会引起一波小高潮。 Does not know that which something by auctions Mr. Gu does settle on tonight? Some small here many savings, Mr. Gu, if has to pick, opens the mouth although, by small making a move bidding, makes a gift of what one has received as a gift in Mr. Gu again.” “不知顾先生今晚看中了哪些拍卖品?小的这里多少有一些积蓄,顾先生若有相中的,尽管开口,由小的出手竞拍,再转赠于顾先生。” Duanmu Qingcou comes up, flatters to say diligently. 端木青凑上来,努力讨好道。 Then is natural? If I all do want?” “那么大方?如果我全都要呢?” Gu Chen teased, oneself wanted anything not to know dares to say delivers him, this Duanmu azure net worth decided however good. 顾辰打趣道,连自己要什么都不知道就敢说送他,这端木青身家定然不俗。 All wants? The mister do not frighten me, small losing everything cannot achieve.” “全都要?先生就别吓我了,小的倾家荡产也做不到啊。” Duanmu azure cannot help but puts on a long face, he made the preparation early, what even if Gu Chen wants is something by auction of final next to last act, his massive hemorrhage must satisfy him. 端木青不由得哭丧着脸,他早做了心理准备,哪怕顾辰要的是最后压轴的拍卖品,他大出血也要满足他。 May all want, only if the wishing crystal of star sea Work place is his own he can divert at will, otherwise cannot achieve! 可全都要,除非星海坊的祝晶是他自家的他可以随意挪用,否则根本做不到啊! He one is worried, if Gu Chen really wanting to have a lion's share makes him betray day of Que Dao, he is unable to revolt! 他一下担心起来,如果顾辰真狮子大开口让他背叛天阙岛,他也根本无法反抗! Relax, I had said in the inn before, your ban is only a protection, between you and me the contact takes offering mutual benefit and achieving common progress as the principle.” “放心吧,之前在客栈我就说过了,你身上的禁制只是一种防备,你我之间的交往以互惠互利为原则。” Gu Chen frightens the complete human, said comfortably. 顾辰吓完人,宽慰道。 Duanmu azure saw the life dao law gate up-and-coming generation that he gives read corruptly, could not bear practice, who knew fell into his trap on the contrary. 端木青看到他给的命道法门后起了贪念,忍不住修行了下,谁知反倒掉进了他的陷阱。 The method that he gives actually takes Great Predestination Technique as the one ban of foundation, if has a look, once practices, is equal to handing over the fate in his hand, the contract 10%, he then controlled the destiny of opposite party! 他给的法门其实是以大宿命术为根基的一种禁制,若只是看看也就罢了,一旦修行,便等于将命数交于他手,契约10%,他便掌握了对方的命运! By Duanmu azure cultivation base, but also is not enough to revolt against his technique, therefore now life all in an instant, even he counts slightly, even if away from the ends of the earth, can figure out Duanmu azure to make anything when where. Under this life control, the opposite party wants to do any to his disadvantageous matter is not possible, can say that degenerated into the slave thoroughly. 以端木青的修为,还不足以反抗他的术,因此如今性命全在他一念之间,甚至他稍一掐指,哪怕隔着天涯海角,都能算出端木青在何时何地做什么。这种命道的掌控下,对方想做任何对他不利的事都是不可能的,可以说彻彻底底沦为了奴隶。 The opposite party behind after all are day of Que Dao such colossus, to prevent the opposite party seeks help the day of Que Dao expert, attracts him at present the unmatchable enemy, such absolute control method must. 对方身后毕竟是天阙岛那样的庞然大物,为了防止对方求助天阙岛的高手,引来他目前无法对抗的敌人,这样绝对的掌控手段是必须的。 However Gu Chen works to have own principle, this Duanmu azure and he does not have the enmity without the injustice, from the beginning has not let under the killer to him, he will not naturally feel embarrassed him. 不过顾辰做事有自己的原则,这端木青与他无冤无仇,从一开始也没让手下对他下杀手,他自然也不会去为难他。 The ban is only temporary, he wants contacts the day of Que Dao channel and resources through the opposite party, rapidly restores the strength by the chart. 禁制只是暂时的,他要的只是通过对方来接触天阙岛的渠道和资源,以图快速恢复实力。 Takes by force and deceits not to need to small cultivator, offering mutual benefit and achieving common progress that he said real, so long as the opposite party the intention handles matters for him, that in the future will benefit absolutely is he now not unimaginable. 对一个小修士巧取豪夺没必要,他说的互惠互利是真的,对方只要用心替他办事,未来得到的好处绝对是他现在无法想象的。 Gu Chen treats with respect, in Duanmu azure actually heart beats a drum, cannot believe. 顾辰以诚相待,端木青却心中打鼓,不怎么敢相信。 At this moment he does not have other choice, can only satisfy this god of plague as far as possible. 事到如今他也没有别的选择,只能尽量满足这位瘟神。
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