DMTE :: Volume #26

#2535: Day Que Dao

Newest website: A redder rain drew out behind long spear/gun, is critical situation. 最新网址:越红雨拔出了身后的长枪,如临大敌。 Gu Chen is unhurriedly, asks: So long as gave put us to walk? How I can determine that star sea Work place will keep the promise rather than to silence a witness of crime?” 顾辰不慌不忙,问道:“只要给了就放我们走?我如何能确定星海坊会遵守诺言而不是杀人灭口?” Is smile that the person of head shows to disdain, star sea Work place always lives up to one's words, if contradictory, the business is impossible to do that in a big way.” 为首之人露出不屑的笑容,“星海坊向来说到做到,若是出尔反尔,生意也不可能做那么大。” Said again, but the back of star sea Work place day Que doesn't Dao, the day Que Dao prestige always need to question?” “再说了,星海坊的背后可是天阙岛,天阙岛的声誉总不用质疑吧?” The Gu Chen hears word eyebrow raises, inquiry redder rain. 顾辰闻言眉毛一扬,询问越红雨。 Day Que is Dao, that business scope covers the compounded drug and rune/symbol Lu, magic weapon and other extremely numerous industries, the influence proliferates the colossi of 72 territories?” “天阙岛,是那个经营范围涵盖丹药、符箓、法宝等极多产业,势力遍布七十二域的庞然大物?” A redder raindrop nods, because star sea Work place was under that day error island gambling work place, she can bring Gu Chen to go. 越红雨点点头,正是因为星海坊是那天阙岛旗下的赌坊,她才会带着顾辰去。 The day Que Dao prestige good is becomes famous, in the past of demon territories 72 territories, erupt because of the secretive calamity tide suddenly, the war becomes serious, the column day of demon territory once took over for use the day of Que Dao bank forcefully. 天阙岛的信誉好是出了名的,过去在七十二域之一的魔域,因诡秘祟潮突然爆发,战事吃紧,魔域的柱天曾强行征用天阙岛的钱庄。 Said is taking over for use, actually snatches, under the chain-reaction, causing the day of Que Dao bank to have the phenomenon of serious run, all cultivator were worried that not taking the money day Que Dao must go out of business. 说是征用,其实就是抢,连锁反应之下,导致天阙岛的钱庄出现了严重挤兑的现象,所有修士都担心再不取钱天阙岛就要倒闭了。 Properly speaking was snatched by the column day, the day error island is excusable, the choice closure bank makes a getaway is the common matter. 按理说被柱天抢,天阙岛情有可原,选择关闭钱庄逃之夭夭是常有的事。 But day Que Dao has not done that instead chose sold out affiliated massive industries, insisted that gave each guest to exchange to wish the crystal, regardless of guest influence size, old, weak, sick, and disabled. 可天阙岛偏偏没有这么做,反而选择了卖掉旗下大量的产业,坚持给每一位客人兑换祝晶,无论客人势力大小,老弱病残。 Even when is destitutest, to receive in exchange for the fund of turnover, day Que Dao commanding general gave the mortgage. 甚至于最穷困时,为了换取周转的资金,天阙岛主将自己都给抵押了。 If due cannot return money, then can only sell into servitude for the slave! 若是到期还不上钱,便只能卖身为奴! This came to understand that traded day of Que Dao being out of danger with the sincerity finally, made day of Que Dao became famous, the business was found in rock rock ancient boundary/world each corner henceforth. 这份觉悟与诚意最终换来了天阙岛的转危为安,也使得天阙岛名声大振,生意从此遍布磐岩古界的各个角落。 Since is under the day of error island, then gives a face today.” “既然是天阙岛旗下,那么今天就给个面子吧。” Gu Chen looks to cultivator of star sea Work place, suddenly narrowed the eye. 顾辰看向星海坊的修士,突然眯了眯眼睛。 cultivation base of these five people of four gold/metal firm boundaries, are the person of strong point head in all sea boundary tertiary day about, by the strength of Kunpeng body, massacres is completely not the difficult matter. 这五人四个金坚境的修为,为首之人强点在四海境三重天左右,以鲲鹏身的实力,全部杀掉并不是什么难事。 Massacres these people to have what significance, remaining is more valuable. 只是杀掉这些人有什么意义,留着更有价值。 That hands over the law of cheating!” “那就交出作弊之法吧!” Is the person of head sneers saying that admitted defeat obviously, this person of tone is big. 为首之人冷笑道,明明是服软了,这人口气还不小。 Does the day error island need him to show due respect for the feelings? 天阙岛需要他给面子吗? Cheating not popular cultivator! 一个耍老千的不入流修士罢了! Good, the law of cheating I have not carried along, please wait a bit the moment.” “好,作弊之法我未随身携带,请稍等片刻。” Immediately jade Jane/simple who Gu Chen takes out a blank, then in jade Jane/simple got down a method with brand mark of divine consciousness. 顾辰随即取出一枚空白的玉简,然后用神识在玉简上烙印下了一门法门。 After the brand mark finished, he lost to cultivator of star sea Work place conveniently. 烙印完毕后,他随手丢给了星海坊的修士 Was the person of head received the examination, sees only unexpectedly is a profound method of life lineage/vein jade Jane/simple recorded, only need slightly have the achievement, can become to avoid disaster, the good luck in making money went well. 为首之人接过查看,只见玉简里记载的竟然是命道一脉的高深法门,只需小有成就,便可趋吉避凶,财运亨通。 He one then concluded that this method is not false, only then involves the mysterious life saying that could be avoided star sea Work place to provide for old age thousand these bans! 他一下便断定这法门不假,也只有涉及玄奥的命道,才可能避开星海坊防老千的那些禁制! You are actually honest.” “你倒是诚实。” When is the person of accident/surprise head is joyful and puzzled. 为首之人意外之余欣喜又困惑。 What is joyful is the value of this method in his opinion is better than the opposite party to wish the crystal on these that betting the table wins. 欣喜的是这法门的价值在他看来远胜过对方在赌桌上赢的那些祝晶。 What is puzzled was such profound method opposite party actually took simply. 困惑的是这样高深的法门对方竟然那么干脆的拿了出来。 Ok, perhaps is awed by the day of Que Dao reputation, feared that cannot go out of this lane, therefore takes the treasure to maintain life! 算了,或许是慑于天阙岛的名头,怕走不出这巷子,所以才拿宝物保命吧! Is the person of head waves, other four people let the opening. 为首之人挥了挥手,其余四人让开路。 Two can walk, was sure to remember that next time do not enter star sea Work place again.” “两位可以走了,切记下回不要再进星海坊。” Gu Chen reminder that pretends to care about. This law is my secret of family not passing on, star sea Work place to prevent others old trick heavy words, the examination understands then good, please do not practice arbitrarily.” 顾辰装作十分在意的提醒了一句。“此法乃我家族不传之秘,星海坊只是为防止他人故技重施的话,查看了解便行,请勿擅自修炼。” Is the person of head thinks otherwise, did the method give me you also to manage others to practice? 为首之人不以为然,法门都给我了你还管得着别人练不练? Relax, how my star sea Work place can have a liking for your thing.” “放心,我星海坊岂看得上你这点东西。” Was the person of head said polite speech, was the compliance. 为首之人说了句场面话,算是应允了。 Gu Chen therefore leaves, a redder rain follows close in, relaxes, luckily has not clashed. 顾辰于是离开,越红雨紧跟而上,松了口气,幸亏没有发生冲突。 This star sea Work place obeys the custom actually, really do not return to money, has not silenced a witness of crime.” “这星海坊倒是守规矩,果然没要回钱,也没杀人灭口。” Does not know that cultivation method, whether they can also defend the commitment?” “只是不知那功法,他们是否也守得住承诺?” On gone back road, Gu Chen faint smile say/way. 回去的路上,顾辰似笑非笑的道。 Attended to the senior really giving them to want?” “顾前辈真给了他们想要的吗?” Some redder rain anxieties, in her mind this senior is not good to speak. 越红雨有些疑虑,在她印象里这位前辈可不是那么好说话的。 Day Que Dao has many resources, if can make contact with the line with them, in the future can omit many times, you did not need to rush about in some miscellaneous matters daily do not have the time calmly to cultivate/repair.” “天阙岛掌握诸多资源,如果能与他们搭上线,日后可以省去不少功夫,你也不用天天奔波于一些杂事都没时间静修了。” Gu Chen said that although in the two years a redder rain does very well, but more he will cultivate the resources that needs to be huger in the future, will be getting more and more strenuous by her cultivation base and vision. 顾辰说道,这两年越红雨虽然做得挺好,但越往后他修炼所需要的资源将会越庞大,以她的修为和眼界会越来越吃力。 This not only consumes her energy, will lose his time. 这样不仅过于消耗她的精力,亦会耽误他的时间。 Therefore, he needs the new channel to help itself remove obstacles. 因此,他需要新的渠道来帮自己搭桥铺路。 On this day Que Dao, so long as grasps to be away from, is the good choice. 这天阙岛,只要掌握好距离,便是不错的选择。 May be many for the advantage that to attend to the senior doing odd jobs senior gives, the younger generation does not hate to give others.” “为顾前辈打杂前辈给的好处可不少,晚辈才舍不得让给别人呢。” A redder rain said, listened to beyond the Gu Chen words the meaning, such as a star eyeball revolution. What tricks attended to the senior getting up to that method?” 越红雨说道,听出了顾辰的话外之意,如点星般的眼珠子一转。“顾前辈在那法门上做了什么手脚吗?” You were actually getting more and more intelligent.” “你倒是越来越聪明了。” Gu Chen said with a smile, shot a look at behind the eye, star sea Work place also sent individual to track them secretly, it is estimated that wants to determine their dwellings. 顾辰笑道,瞥了眼后方,星海坊还派了个人偷偷跟踪他们,估计是想确定他们的住处。 „The place that originally lives is too crowded, changes a place to live.” “原来住的地方太挤,换个地方住吧。” Safe in order, Gu Chen said. 稳妥起见,顾辰说道。 ...... …… The blue lotus body and roosts moon/month to be in the original inn to live, the Kunpeng body and a redder rain looked for the family/home inn to stay. 青莲身和栖月身在原来的客栈住着,鲲鹏身和越红雨则重新找了家客栈住下。 In the evening the full moon hangs gradually, the dew is coldest the heavy time, Gu Chen of Kunpeng body is sitting cross-legged the cultivation, suddenly has induced. 晚上圆月渐渐高悬,露水最为寒重的时候,鲲鹏身的顾辰正盘膝修炼,突然有所感应。 Places the palm on knee to turn to, a silk threads most profound life internal energy interweaves in the Gu Chen palm. 放在膝上的手掌向上一翻,丝丝缕缕玄之又玄的命道气机交织在顾辰掌心。 A moment later, a strange scarecrow appears occasionally! 片刻之后,一具诡异的稻草人偶出现! Gu Chen grips the scarecrow partner, a big section information appeared immediately in his mind. 顾辰握住稻草人偶,一大段信息随即浮现在了他的脑海里。 Duanmu azure, the dragon mark clansman, flows the Polish City star sea Work place deacon, the day error island entrance door disciple, the cultivation base four seas boundary sevenfold day......” “端木青,龙纹族人,流波城星海坊执事,天阙岛外门弟子,修为四海境七重天……” In the fate of this person transmission continuously about his all sorts of information, so long as Gu Chen has a mind to nose, the secret of his heart most deep place can know! 属于此人的命数里源源不绝的传递来关于他的种种信息,只要顾辰有心查探,就连他内心最深处的秘密都能知晓! Gu Chen cannot help but shakes the head, this quite a while the time fish swallowed the bait, is quicker than much he who he imagines to remind the method is not possible to cultivate beforehand, the opposite party enters the jar voluntarily, does not keep the commitment, but no wonder he. 顾辰不由得摇了摇头,这才半天时间鱼就上钩了,比他想象的还要快得多他事先就提醒过法门不可修炼,对方自愿入瓮,不守承诺,可怪不得他了啊。 „To maintain a livelihood, sees me.” “想要活命,来见我。” The Gu Chen not salty not pale opens the mouth, the sound by the palm scarecrow partner, passed to another person of mind directly! 顾辰不咸不淡开口,声音透过手心的稻草人偶,直接传到了另外一人的脑海里! Dawn time, under guiding of star sea Work place cultivator, on a face the azure across to the grain alien race person was previously arriving at the inn steadily in a hurry, the whole face anxious look. 天亮的时候,在先前星海坊修士的带路下,一个脸上长着青色横纹的异族人匆匆来到了客栈,满脸愁容。 Under an numerous hand/subordinate gaze, coming the person to kneel good outside Room Gu Chen the big ritual. 就在一众手下的注视下,来人在顾辰外跪地行了大礼。 Younger generation Duanmu azure governing under with an improper method, had eyes but failed to see, dashed the senior person of high skill, but also asked the senior to forgive!” “晚辈端木青御下无方,有眼无珠,冲撞了前辈高人,还请前辈原谅!” Creaks a glottis to open, a redder rain looks at the man who is kneeling at present, was at heart surprised. 嘎吱一声门打开,越红雨望着眼前跪地不起的男人,心里惊讶极了。 What law attending to senior this executed, last night he has stayed in the room obviously, how the person star sea Work place to teach docile?! 顾前辈这是施了什么法,昨晚他明明一直呆在房间内啊,怎么就把星海坊的人训得服服帖帖的了?!
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