DMTE :: Volume #26

#2534: Wish the crystal

Newest website: On you also do how many wish the crystal now?” 最新网址:“你身上现在还有多少祝晶?” Gu Chen asks. 顾辰开口询问。 So-called wished the crystal, was in rock rock widely current one currency, it is said was created by some column day institute. 所谓祝晶,乃是在磐岩古界广泛流行的一种货币,据说是由某一位柱天所创造。 Although 72 territories have many places to have oneself current money, but wished the crystal to circulate broadly, the exchange was simplest, deeply and liked by various territory cultivator approvals. 虽说七十二域有许多地方都有自己的通用货币,但祝晶一直流通最广,兑换最为简便,深受各域修士认可与喜爱。 Only remained less than 1000 wishes the crystal.” “只剩不到一千祝晶了。” Redder rain face reveal forced smile, to take three types of materials she has used the savings, really doesn't know the bidding mustard seed mica money to from where? 越红雨脸露苦笑,为了拿下三样材料她已经倾尽积蓄,真不知竞买芥子云母的钱要从何而来? This list gives you, uses up the remaining money.” “这份清单给你,把剩下的钱都用掉吧。” Roosted the moon/month body to give a redder rain list, a redder rain received the examination, discovered that above displayed all kinds of materials of all forms, these materials were actually not difficult to look, was the basic material, was only the quantity huge surprising. 栖月身递给了越红雨一份清单,越红雨接过查看,发现上面罗列了形形色色各种各样的材料,这些材料倒是不难找,很多都是基础材料,只是数量之庞大令人惊讶。 She had not asked, attended to the senior having the plan, according to the word purchase material. 她也没有多问,想必顾前辈自有打算,依言采购材料去了。 When comes back she packed the entire three storage bags the material, the Kunpeng body and blue lotus body and roosted the moon/month body to take away one respectively. 回来时她将材料装满了整整三个储物袋,鲲鹏身、青莲身和栖月身各拿走了一个。 Attends to the senior, what then do I want to make?” “顾前辈,接下来我要做什么?” Redder rain curious looks that three clone manipulates the refine the pill of immortality furnace in the room and so on thing, are the innermost feelings a little surprised, are difficult to be inadequate the senior to want the refine the pill of immortality? 越红雨好奇的看着三具分身在房内摆弄炼丹炉之类的东西,内心有点惊讶,难不成前辈要炼丹? Do the words that the refine the pill of immortality contributes money, sufficiently collect the fund before the auction with enough time? 只是炼丹攒钱的话,来得及在拍卖会前凑够款项吗? In this class/flow wave city may have for the ordinary cultivator browsing book collection hall and so on place?” “这流波城内可有供普通修士浏览的藏书馆之类的地方?” gold/metal Tongyin the crow hesitates to say. 金瞳阴鸦沉吟道。 „It is not clear, senior?” “不清楚,前辈吗?” I want to know this class/flow wave city underground spirit lineage/vein distribution and structure, before auction, does not have other things to confess that gave you, you helped me inquire the news in this aspect.” “我想知道这流波城地下灵脉的分布结构,拍卖会前没有其他事情交代给你了,你帮我打听打听这方面的消息。” Underground spirit lineage/vein distribution map? The class/flow wave city is so big, initially participated in a master who constructs the spirit lineage/vein being inevitably many, inquired that should not be difficult.” “地下灵脉的分布图吗?流波城那么大,当初参与建造灵脉的阵法师必然不少,打听应该不难。” A redder rain accepts, although does not know why Gu Chen is also of curious the underground spirit lineage/vein this class/flow wave city, but for two years is constantly together she to be very clear, this man never does the unnecessary matter. 越红雨应承下来,虽然不知道顾辰为何又好奇起这流波城的地下灵脉,但两年来的朝夕相处她很清楚,这个男人从不做多余的事。 The tea of rest cannot drink one, a redder rain bears the burden of responsibility and went out to give Gu Chen to look for the information. 歇息的茶都没能喝一口,越红雨任劳任怨的又出去给顾辰找情报了。 Gu Chen, then starts to prepare for the auction. 顾辰这边,则开始为拍卖会做准备。 Making money is very perhaps difficult to common cultivator, but Gu Chen dao technique is exceedingly high, what wants to make money to be many are the method. 赚钱对寻常修士而言或许很难,但顾辰一身道术通天,想赚钱多的是法子。 The material that will buy turns over to sets at to needing in the position, three big clone pupils split none, within the body raises the vigorous internal energy respectively! 将买来的材料都归置到需要的位置上,三大分身眸绽精光,体内各自扬起蓬勃的气机! The Kunpeng body displays Great Refining Technique! 鲲鹏身施展大炼器术 The blue lotus body uses the big hermetic art! 青莲身施展大炼丹术! Roosts the moon/month body to use greatly rune/symbol Lushu! 栖月身施展大符箓术! These three great dao technique each ones are the refiner and refine the pill of immortality, refine symbol collection great accomplishment together, by the Gu Chen complete boundary, even if the most common material, can refine the value good Buddhist musical instrument, compounded drug and rune/symbol Lu! 这三门大道术各自是炼器、炼丹、炼符一道的集大成者,以顾辰圆满的境界,哪怕是最普通的材料,也能炼制出价值不俗的法器、丹药和符箓! Clone just to refine, just needed some method guards, this refine the imperial seal used for oneself according to qualification, other sold out entirely, is used to receive in exchange for the fund of auction, it may be said that killed two birds with one stone. 分身刚刚炼成,正需要一些手段护身,这炼出的器丹符择优自用,其余的则通通卖掉,用来换取拍卖会的资金,可谓一举两得。 Three big clone quick with heart and souls put into during the refinement, time long...... 三大分身很快全心投入到了炼制之中,时间悠悠而过…… Attends to the senior, I sold the ten shops in different downtown streets these Buddhist musical instruments, compounded drugs and rune/symbol Lu respectively, finally altogether traded 300,000 to wish the crystal!” “顾前辈,我将那些法器、丹药和符箓分别售给了不同坊市的十家店铺,最后总共换来了三十万祝晶!” On the eve of the auction, a redder rain height attracts a big tone, both hands respectful wished the crystal ticket to give Gu Chen three. 拍卖会前夕,越红雨深吸一大口气,双手恭敬的将三张祝晶券递给顾辰 Three wished the crystal ticket, each currency value 100,000, a total of 300,000. 三张祝晶券,每一张面额十万,总共三十万。 Less than 1000 wished the raw material of crystal, finally traded entire 300,000, if not for personally saw, she really cannot believe! 不到一千祝晶的原材料,最后换来了整整三十万,若不是亲眼所见,她真的不敢相信! But from these shop storekeepers' responses, attended to these Buddhist musical instruments, compounded drugs and rune/symbol who Lu the senior refines is the high-quality goods, this grade of craftsmanship was too astounding! 而从那些店铺掌柜们的反应来看,顾前辈炼制的这些法器、丹药和符箓无一不是精品,这等手艺太令人惊骇了! „The refiner, refine the pill of immortality or rune/symbol Lu, are common cultivator exhausts the life to be hard to study diligently the pinnacle, even slightly has entirely succeed very difficult Grand Dao.” “无论是炼器、炼丹还是符箓,都是寻常修士穷尽一生都难以钻研到极致,甚至小有所成都很难的大道。” However this attended to the senior, excels at the refiner and refine the pill of immortality unexpectedly simultaneously and refining up the symbol, was too fearful, is actually he what origin?!” “而这位顾前辈,竟然同时擅长炼器、炼丹和炼符,太可怕了,他究竟是什么来历?!” A redder rain muttered in the heart, in the two years she thinks did not know nothing about the opposite party, but was at this moment clear, she understood was still only the fur/superficial knowledge! 越红雨在心中喃喃自语,这两年她自以为对对方不是一无所知了,但此刻才明白,她所了解的依然只是皮毛! That mysterious person clan Great Emperor strength that she believes unparalleled, but she is indefinite, compares this to attend to the senior by some learned people at present? 她所信仰的那位神秘的人族大帝战力无双,但她不确定,论博学是否有人比得过眼前这位顾前辈? Some of his actually also how many cards in a hand? 他究竟还有多少底牌? Has thing that he cannot achieve? 有没有他做不到的事? „The starting bid price of mustard seed mica is 50,000 wishes the crystal, this 300,000 wished the crystal perhaps insufficient.” “芥子云母的起拍价便是五万祝晶,这三十万祝晶恐怕不够啊。” The Gu Chen brow slightly wrinkle, is not quite satisfactory about this harvest. 顾辰眉头微皱,对这收获却是不大满意。 He tossed about laboriously so many days, made such money unexpectedly, the boundary that can only clone strangely is too low, could not refine the too high-quality compounded drug and Buddhist musical instrument. 他辛辛苦苦折腾了那么多天,竟然才赚了这么点钱,只能怪分身的境界还是太低,炼制不了太高级的丹药和法器。 Was extremely easy to obtain too many years as God anything, when this type of being suffered taste made him cannot help but recall to be young. 作为天帝什么都唾手可得太多年了,这种受穷的滋味让他不由得回忆起年少时。 Where has can multiply several our money on hand in one day again?” “有没有什么地方能在一天内把我们手头的钱再翻几番?” Gu Chen asked that the most important minute/share of soul did not have the appropriate vessel, that mustard seed mica he exerted its utmost. 顾辰问道,最重要的分魂还没有合适的容器,那芥子云母他势在必得。 Bets the work place?” “赌坊?” The redder rain indefinite tone, she has not mainly gone to that place. 越红雨不确定的口吻,主要她也没去过那种地方。 Also can only try.” “也只能试试了。” Gu Chen seeks thinking said, sent Kunpeng and a redder rain goes to bet the work place with money together. 顾辰寻思道,派鲲鹏身带着钱和越红雨一起去了赌坊。 After three double-hour, the Kunpeng body and a redder rain went out together bet the work place, at this time their wishing crystal, by 300,000 had been turned into 3 million! 三个时辰后,鲲鹏身和越红雨一起走出了赌坊,此时他们身上的祝晶,已经由三十万变成了三百万! Reason that is only 3 million, Gu Chen is not willing to cause others to pay attention. 之所以只是三百万,还是顾辰不愿意太引起他人注意。 Cannot think that attended to the senior betting this so to excel continually together.” “想不到顾前辈连赌这一道都如此擅长。” The redder rain face reveal is strange, when this senior peak what person is, won't be a side door will be supreme? 越红雨脸露古怪,这位前辈巅峰时到底是个什么样的人,不会是位旁门至尊吧? Track, is not worth mentioning.” “小道而已,不值一提。” Gu Chen shakes the head, displays Great Prediction Technique slightly, that dice has not wanted to shoot many points on many points, bets that ban of work place establishment to exist in name only to him. 顾辰摇了摇头,略微施展大预言术,那骰子还不是想要掷出多少点就多少点,赌坊设置的那点禁制对他而言形同虚设。 3 million wished the crystal, if did not have accidental/surprised that mustard seed mica to succeed in obtaining, if exceeded this price, is not cost-effective. 三百万祝晶,若无意外那芥子云母可以到手了,若超过这个价,就不划算了。 Un?” “嗯?” The return trip passed by a remote lane time, the Gu Chen face reveal was not cheerful, stopped. 回程路过一处偏僻巷子的时候,顾辰脸露不愉,停了下来。 Five alien race cultivator blocked two people way, looking at the appearance should bets the person in work place! 五名异族修士拦住了两人的去路,看打扮应该是赌坊的人! What's wrong? The star sea Work place business does that greatly, will do this not being able to lose matter?” “怎么?星海坊生意做得那么大,也会干这种输不起的事?” Redder rain mind one cold, cultivation base that these five people lead particularly compared with her! 越红雨心神一凛,这五人尤其是领头的修为比她强多了! star sea Work place business does again in a big way, does not let the place that the person profits.” “星海坊生意做得再大,也不是让人占便宜的地方。” Two, we managed saying that money you can carry off, but how you cheated, must confess honestly.” “两位,我们执事说了,钱你们可以带走,但你们是如何作弊的,务必老老实实交代。” Is person of one head not the tone that allows to reject. 为首之人一副不容拒绝的语气。 Cheats? Do you have the evidence?” “作弊?你们有证据吗?” Gu Chen shows a faint smile. 顾辰微微一笑。 „Without the evidence, makes two carry off money, we managed saying that should acknowledge that the punishment is deserved must acknowledge that the punishment is deserved.” “正是因为没有证据,才让两位把钱带走,我们执事说了,该认栽就得认栽。” But we are open the door to do business, the opening opens, if some people have weeded out the wool with the similar means that how the business also does do?” “可我们是开门做生意的,口子一开,如果一直有人用同样的办法来薅羊毛,生意还怎么做下去?” Therefore, requesting two to leave behind the law of cheating, so long as you are honest, we naturally can put you to walk.” “所以,烦请二位留下作弊之法,只要你们诚实,我们自然会放你们走。” Is the person of head waves, five people already Gu Chen surrounding. 为首之人一挥手,五人已是将顾辰包围。
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