DMTE :: Volume #26

#2533: 3 big clone

Newest website: According to the Gu Chen initial tentative plan, builds a vital life body by Great Nature Technique, is his wisp of soul best home to return. 最新网址:按照顾辰最初的设想,以大造化术打造一具充满活力的生命躯壳,是他这缕分魂最好的归宿。 Has the life body upper limit of talent to be highest, be likely cultivation base to restore to his ideal boundary. 极具天赋的生命体上限才最高,有望修为恢复到他理想的境界。 However wants to have the talent is not the easy matter, wants to seek for the potential infinite physique to seize the shed directly, wants by the Great Nature Technique decomposition and restructuring body attribute, gradually improvement life level. 然而想要极具天赋不是容易的事,要嘛直接寻找潜力无穷的体质夺舍,要嘛以大造化术分解与重构身体属性,逐步提升生命层次。 The former fishes the needle with the desert not different, has also conflicted with the idea of Gu Chen, therefore natural selection latter. 前者与瀚海捞针无异,与顾辰的理念也有所冲突,所以自然选择后者。 May even chooses upgrades the life level gradually, if no certain beginning, the restoration of cultivation base is beset with difficulties similarly, prolonged. 可即便选择逐步提升生命层次,若无一定的起点,修为的恢复同样困难重重,旷日持久。 But this beginning, by redder rain that weak cultivation base, was the root local guild Gu Chen. 而这个起点,以越红雨那薄弱的修为,是根本帮不了顾辰的。 Therefore, the body that Great Nature Technique builds can only be second-order clone, before the condition satisfies, must first build one clone preliminarily. 因此,大造化术打造的躯壳只能是二阶分身,在条件满足之前,必须先打造一副初阶分身。 The request that clone preliminarily was simpler, he wanted to build by Great Refining Technique, but material that so long as a redder rain can the collection need on line. 初阶分身的要求就简单多了,他欲以大炼器术打造,而越红雨只要能收集来需要的材料就行。 For two years Gu Chen is choosy, some rock rock ancient boundary/world no materials also found the substitute, finally built the material that clone preliminarily to be roughly complete, was only left over the most essential thing- can be the dantian the material. 两年来顾辰挑挑拣拣,一些磐岩古界没有的材料也找到了替代物,最终打造初阶分身的材料大致齐全了,只剩下最关键的一物-能作为丹田的材料。 The dantian is the source of strength, the quality of material directly is affecting the upper limit of preliminary clone strength, therefore is not certainly easy to look. 丹田是力量之源,材料的好坏直接影响着初阶分身实力的上限,因此当然不好找。 Now in this class/flow wave city, one then found four types of material that meets the requirement, is a matter that is worth congratulating. 如今在这流波城,一下便找到了四样符合要求的材料,是件值得庆贺的事。 The Kunpeng dead egg, and blue lotus and roosts the eye child of moon/month clan, these three types of upper limits are inferior to the mustard seed mica. 鲲鹏死卵、并蒂青莲和栖月族的眼童,这三样上限都不如芥子云母。 This mustard seed mica, the itself/Ben is close to the dantian structure the stable crystal form, on the nature, is more inclusive than other three types of materials, can admit all kinds of attributes. 这芥子云母,本就是接近丹田结构的稳定晶形,在相性上面,比其他三样材料都更为包容,能接纳各种各样的属性。 The mustard seed mica may be possible to be small greatly, can Xumi melt the mustard seed, can the mustard seed accept dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, by its building dantian, be able to evolve an ideal in the world finally, when even clone to collapse or wants shift the strength preliminarily, the characteristics of mustard seed mica will also make the strength preserve completely, omitted second-order clone to repair the merit. 芥子云母可大可小,能须弥化芥子,亦能芥子纳洞天,以其打造的丹田,最终能衍化成一个理想的里世界,甚至于当初阶分身崩溃或者想要转移力量,芥子云母的特性也会使力量保存得更完整,省去了二阶分身重修之功。 The high stability and tolerance, in addition the extremely high upper limit and urgent risk aversion ability, the mustard seed mica far exceeds other three types of materials without a doubt. 高度的稳定性、包容性,加上极高的上限以及紧急的避险能力,芥子云母毫无疑问远超其他三样材料。 With body that it builds, even possibly and second-order clone equally matched, after all Great Refining Technique not necessarily is inferior to Great Nature Technique, the material that but the Great Refining Technique promotion needs more and more preciously will be difficult to seek, but Great Nature Technique may absorb from the myriad things. 用它打造的躯体,甚至可能和二阶分身不相上下,毕竟大炼器术不一定不如大造化术,只是大炼器术提升需要的材料会越来越珍贵难寻,而大造化术可从万物汲取。 Four types of materials take entirely.” “四样材料通通拿下。” Gu Chen pondered, said. 顾辰思考了一下,说道。 All wants?” “全都要吗?” A redder rain is somewhat surprised. 越红雨有些吃惊。 Gu Chen made the affirmative reply, in the two years the materials of other refinement bodies collected additionally much, suffices to build four clone completely. 顾辰做出了肯定的回答,这两年其他炼制躯壳的材料都额外收集了不少,完全够打造四具分身。 The crafty rabbit still had the crafty preparedness for any emergency, refines several clone is not the misdemeanor, as the matter stands is also easier to avoid the fate of that black cat. 狡兔尚有三窟,多炼制几具分身不是坏事,这样一来也更容易避免那黑猫的下场。 The beguiling face that psychology twists, cast a shadow to Gu Chen somewhat...... 那心理扭曲的狐媚脸,多多少少给顾辰留下了一点阴影…… „But if takes other three types of materials, we can be used to compete with the fund of mustard seed mica to be then less, this mustard seed mica is quite it is said marketable, refines the core materials of many large-scale Buddhist musical instruments, flows in the Polish city to stare at its cultivator to be innumerable.” “可若拿下其他三样材料,我们能用来竞争芥子云母的款项便更少了,这芥子云母据说极为抢手,是炼制诸多大型法器的核心材料,流波城内盯着它的修士数不胜数。” The say/way of redder rain worry, their savings are insufficient. 越红雨顾虑的道,就他们身上那点积蓄根本不够。 First takes other three types of materials, then the time and place of definite under auction.” “先把其他三样材料拿下,再确定下拍卖会的时间和地点。” Gu Chen said. 顾辰说道。 Good.” “好。” A redder rain is not puzzled, although money is she accumulates in the two years laboriously, but without Gu Chen , there would be no all. 越红雨也不纠结,虽然钱都是她这两年辛苦攒下的,但没有顾辰也就没有一切。 She handles matters very agily, went out, then brought three types of materials. 她办事很利索,出去了一趟,便把三样材料都带了回来。 Also determined as for the time and place of auction, half a month setup time. 至于拍卖会的时间和地点也确定了下来,还有半个月的准备时间。 Three types of material values are not low, a redder rain took a talking to negotiate, cut the relatively satisfactory price. 三样材料价值都不低,越红雨费了一番口舌砍价,才砍到了相对满意的价格。 She handles affairs carefully, entered three shops to trade three status, avoided causing the others 's heart of coveting. 她行事谨慎,进入三家店铺换了三次身份,避免引起他人的觊觎之心。 Gu Chen looks places in the present material neatly, told one. 顾辰看着整整齐齐摆放在眼前的材料,吩咐了一句。 Defends outside, do not make anybody disturb me.” “守在外面,不要让任何人来打扰我。” A redder rain complies according to the word, somewhat anticipated that Gu Chen builds the appearance after body. 越红雨依言照做,有些期待顾辰打造躯壳后的样子。 The Kunpeng dead egg surface densely covered chaos trace, speaks close to somebody's ear listens attentively to smell the sound of internal intermittent wind and thunder. 鲲鹏死卵表面密布混沌纹路,贴耳倾听可闻见内部阵阵风雷之声。 And blue lotus drags the fresh splendor, among the ray circulations evolves many phenomenon. 并蒂青莲摇曳生辉,光芒流转间演化诸多异象。 Roosts the eye child of moon/month clan, when just like the livelihood to perish the sky, a dusky big piece, without virgin the obvious dividing line of hole and white of the eye. 栖月族的眼童,则犹如日月沉沦时的天空,灰蒙蒙的一大片,没有童孔与眼白的明显分界。 Gu Chen inspected three types of materials to be satisfied, other built the body to need also prepared completely. 顾辰检查了三样材料都还算满意,其他打造躯壳所需要的也都准备齐全了。 That, starts.” “那就,开始吧。” Gu Chen displays Great Refining Technique, builds three preliminary clone one by one. 顾辰施展大炼器术,逐一打造起三具初阶分身。 ...... …… Suddenly passed for ten days, Gu Chen withdrew palm the fire of refiner, the human form restored the appearance of Yin crow, in the eye revealed exhaustedly some. 眨眼过去了十天,顾辰撤去了掌心的炼器之火,人形恢复成了阴鸦的模样,眼里流露出些许疲惫。 Displays by a wisp of soul Great Refining Technique is really exhausting, is good because of hard work pays off, the refinement that three clone preliminarily is smooth. 以一缕分魂施展大炼器术实在是累人的很,好在功夫不负有心人,三具初阶分身的炼制还算顺利。 First clone, named Kunpeng body, although is the human form, actually monster qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, is the appearance of middle-aged man, wears the brown military clothing/taking, both hands wears the inscription on stone tablet and bronze gauntlet/glove ; 第一具分身,名为鲲鹏身,虽是人形,却妖气纵横,乃中年男子的模样,穿褐色武者服,双手佩戴金石拳套; Second clone, the named blue lotus body, the appearance is the good-looking person clan youth, handsome, a azure robe, the waist hangs three chi (0.33 m) azure front ; 第二具分身,名为青莲身,模样是俊俏的人族青年,唇红齿白,一袭青袍,腰悬三尺青锋; Third clone, named roosts the moon/month body, is roosts completely the appearance of moon/month clan, but turned into the female, is slender, the appearance is beautiful, the makings have the dust. 第三具分身,名为栖月身,完全是栖月族的模样,只不过变成了女子,身材修长,容貌姣好,气质出尘。 Had these three clone, was a little battle efficiency.” “有了这三具分身,也算是有点战斗力了。” Gu Chen is satisfied with own refiner technique, these three clone not to need to cultivate, the start then has the strength of gold/metal firm Heaven, unifies his dao law, but completely cultivator of step fight four seas boundary even wonderful profound boundary. 顾辰对自己的炼器术还算满意,这三具分身无需修炼,起步便拥有金坚九重天的实力,结合他一身道法,完全可越阶战斗四海境甚至妙玄境的修士 In rock rock most regions, has the unified cultivation boundary division, is attaches the Yuan, to melt, gold/metal Jian, four seas, wonderful profound, not to destroy, celestial phenomenon respectively, to turn over to the ruins and era domain above this. 磐岩古界大部分区域内,有着统一的修炼境界划分,分别是附元、化真、金坚、四海、妙玄、不摧、天象、归墟以及在这之上的纪元领域。 A redder rain follows in Gu Chen two years, now cultivation base in the gold/metal firm tertiary day level, this cultivation base places this age probably is not weak, but hardly could not meet the Gu Chen need. 越红雨跟在顾辰身边两年,如今修为大概在金坚三重天的水平,这份修为放在她这个年纪已是不弱,但远远满足不了顾辰的需求。 Now has these three clone to handle the business, when that mustard seed mica succeeds in obtaining, divided the soul to have the genuine vessel, the cultivation can straighten out. 如今有这三具分身处理事务,等到那芥子云母到手,分魂有了真正的容器,修炼就可以步入正轨。 The forehead of golden boy Yin crow projects three wisps of black light, injected into three clone within the body respectively. 金童阴鸦的眉心射出三缕乌光,分别注入了三具分身的体内。 Three clone to have the ability to act immediately, they were controlled by three wisps of thoughts of Gu Chen, the angle of view and main body shared! 三具分身随即有了行动能力,他们由顾辰的三缕意念控制,视角与本尊共享! Roosts the moon/month body to shove open the door, has defended outside redder rain sees her appearance, gawked gawked. 栖月身推开房门,一直守在外面的越红雨看到她的模样,愣了一愣。 The blue lotus body and Kunpeng body go out, a redder rain is more puzzled, the vision concentrates. 青莲身和鲲鹏身紧接着走出,越红雨更加困惑,目光一凝。 Attends to the senior?” “顾前辈?” A redder rain is probing asking, these three people the senior differently in her dream has seen. 越红雨试探着问道,这三人与她梦中见过的前辈长得都不一样。 Is I.” “是我。” Three people said with one voice, the golden boy Yin crow also departed, falls in the redder rain top of the head. 三个人异口同声道,金童阴鸦也飞出,落在了越红雨头顶上。 A redder rain feels the familiar touch, felt at ease much. 越红雨感受到熟悉的触感,安心了不少。
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