DMTE :: Volume #26

#2532: Mustard seed mica

Newest website: Young lady, the master has the order, does not make you go back from some outside belt/bring at sixes and sevens things again.” 最新网址:“小姐,老爷有命令,不让你再从外面带些乱七八糟的东西回去的。” But you look at this small kitty poor, is pitiful.” “可你看这小猫咪孤苦无依的,多可怜啊。” A dialogue transmits, Gu Chen the black cat tries to struggle to flee, the touch of surroundings soft ball all of a sudden was tighter, Untidy-looking he soon suffocates. 一阵对话传来,顾辰所化的黑猫试图挣扎逃离,周围软弹的触感却一下子更紧了,勒得他快要窒息。 Small kitty is clever, I bring home you.” “小猫咪乖,我带你回家。” A young beguiling face heaves in sight, is smiling, in Gu Chen heart helpless. 一张年轻的狐媚脸映入眼帘,笑意盈盈,顾辰心中无奈。 He pondered before the issue is extremely thorough, one neglected the passing pedestrian, was held suddenly. 他之前思考问题太过深入,一下忽略了过往的行人,以至于突然被抓住了。 On black cat that this fluctuates, cannot escape from the palm of female, can only helpless was being hugged by her. 就这变幻出来的黑猫,根本逃不出女子的手心,只能无奈的被她抱着。 Carefully looked, this fox charm the face is the head is growing the alien race of horn, although alien race, but a cheek even is still quite gorgeous with the vision of person clan, as for the stature, is as good somewhat more exaggerating as the proportion. 仔细一看,这狐媚脸是头上长着犄角的异族,虽说是异族,但一张脸蛋即便是以人族的眼光而言也颇为艳丽,至于身材,更是好到比例有些夸张。 But other side speech, is an old woman of alien race, the facial features is very ominous, but treats to beguile the face to be respectful. 而旁边另外说话的,是一名异族的老妪,面容很凶,但对待狐媚脸毕恭毕敬。 Two people are speaking, kidnaps Gu Chen to go to the family/home. 两人说着话,绑架着顾辰向家中而去。 Gu Chen wants to wait for an opportunity to flee, but fox charm the family/home of face to leave not far, he changed the mind quickly. 顾辰本想伺机逃离,但狐媚脸的家离得不远,他很快改变了主意。 Mansion luxurious atmosphere that the front presents, big of area, even if places in Shangcheng District is still rarely seen. 前方出现的府邸奢华大气,占地面积之大,即便放在上城区里也是不多见。 Inside and outside the mansion covered entirely the ban, the soldier of patrol is also extremely numerous, before Gu Chen, noticed here, but was not good to spy on to choose giving up. 府邸内外布满了禁制,巡逻的士兵也是极多,顾辰之前就注意到了这里,只是不好窥探选择了放弃。 At present has the opportunity to go in the examination, might as well push the boat along! 眼下有机会进去查看,不如顺水推舟! Beguiles the face bosom to hug the black cat, walks gracefully, entered the mansion then to walk toward own dwelling, saw that her servant was respectful, obviously the position was not ordinary. 狐媚脸怀里抱着黑猫,走起路来婀娜多姿,进了府邸便向自己的住处走去,见到她的仆人都毕恭毕敬,显然地位不一般。 Young lady, crosses some date and time again is the secondary rainbow phoenix academy studies the inspection finally, the master makes you prepare well, if makes him see that you also bring some at sixes and sevens things to come back, decide however must be punished.” “小姐,再过些时日便是霓凰书院的终学考核,老爷让你好好准备,若是让他看到你又带些乱七八糟的东西回来,定然要挨罚。” The old woman also reminded. 老妪又提醒道。 „Isn't my preparing?” “我这不就在准备吗?” Beguiles the face finger to slide gently on the cat the shiny black hair, is very gentle, in the eye has the happy expression. 狐媚脸手指轻轻滑过猫身上黑亮的毛发,十分温柔,眼里带着浅浅的笑意。 „Does the student who these have little experience of the world, bosom this cute small kitty is not similar to me?” “那些涉世未深的学生,与我怀中这可爱的小猫咪不也差不多?” The old woman shakes the head, does not know how to reply. 老妪摇了摇头,不知如何回答。 Ok, prepared to me, do not make this small kitty be awfully hungry.” “好了,给我准备一下,不要让这小猫咪饿坏了。” Beguiled the face to push the door to enter own room, the old woman left according to her instruction. 狐媚脸推门进了自己的房间,老妪依照她的吩咐离开了。 Actually skillful, this female is the student of secondary rainbow phoenix academy.” “倒是巧,此女原来是霓凰书院的学生。” Gu Chen muttered in the heart, the vision sized up. 顾辰在心中喃喃道,目光四下打量起来。 Beguiles the room of face to be seemingly warm comfortably, besides bedroom, a martial arts room. 狐媚脸的房间看上去温馨舒适,除了卧室外,还有一间练功房。 Compares dazzling of bedroom, the martial arts room somewhat is cleanly simple excessive, besides a long table, is the spiritual eye of ground. 相比卧室的琳琅满目,练功房干净简单得有些过分,除了一张长桌外,便是地上的一口灵眼。 This spiritual eye obviously and spirit venation communicates somewhere, continuous transports abundant primordial qi from the spring, causes to reside in the person of spiritual eye cultivation to be twice the result with half the effort. 这灵眼显然与某处灵脉相沟通,源源不断的从泉眼里输送来充沛的元气,使得居于灵眼修炼之人事半功倍。 Beguiled the face to enter the martial arts room directly, placed on the black cat the long table. 狐媚脸径直走进了练功房,将黑猫放在了长桌上。 Gu Chen looks at that spiritual eye, is feeling abundant thunder primordial qi that gushes out from inside, as if inside is also mixing with other vague aura...... 顾辰看着那口灵眼,感受着从里面涌出的充沛的雷元气,似乎里面还夹杂着若有若无的其他气息…… A bright flashes past in the Gu Chen mind! 一道亮光在顾辰脑海里一闪而过! Originally is the reason of this spiritual eye, the influence in this Shangcheng District is common, each and every family has the spiritual eye.” “原来是这灵眼的原因,这上城区内的势力普遍强大,家家户户都有灵眼。” Reason that felt that wisp of aura is everywhere, actually could not find the accurate position , because the aura walks through the underground spirit lineage/vein, dispersed from each and every family, therefore was difficult to find the source!” “之所以感觉那缕气息无处不在,却又找不到准确的位置,是因为气息是通过地下的灵脉行走,从家家户户里散了出来,所以才难找到源头!” Gu Chen understood all of a sudden, wants to find that aura the source, so long as found to proliferate the underground spirit lineage/vein the source to be OK! 顾辰一下子明白了,想找到那丝气息的源头,只要找到遍布地下的灵脉的源头就可以了! Luck is actually good, it seems like can treat some time in this mansion.” “运气倒是不错,看来可以在这府邸内多待一段时间。” Gu Chen is pondering over, how does not know under the spiritual eye spirit lineage/vein situation, if primordial qi is not specially turbulent, could let clone to drill into the investigation directly. 顾辰琢磨着,不知灵眼下面的灵脉情况如何,若是元气不是特别汹涌,或许可以让分身直接钻入探查。 The gate shoved open sound resounds, the old woman who just left held a galactic disk to come, interrupted the Gu Chen train of thought. 门被推开的声音响起,刚刚离开的老妪捧着一个银盘进来,打断了顾辰的思绪。 Young lady, the thing prepared.” “小姐,东西都准备好了。” Old woman's light say/way, on the galactic disk is placing such as the scissors and pliers impressively and so on tool. 老妪平淡的道,银盘上赫然摆放着诸如剪刀、钳子之类的工具。 Was laborious you, drew back.” “辛苦你了,退下吧。” Beguiled the face to receive the galactic disk, the eye looks to the black cat on table, disclosed the exciting ray. 狐媚脸接过银盘,眼睛看向桌上的黑猫,透露出兴奋的光芒。 The old woman seemed to be unalarmed by strange sights, according to the word departs. 老妪似乎对此见怪不怪了,依言离去。 The Gu Chen brow slightly wrinkle, had the unclear premonition at heart. 顾辰眉头微皱,心里生出了不详的预感。 Smells carefully, although this long table scours very cleanly, but as if remains the light smell of blood...... 仔细一嗅,这长桌虽然擦洗得十分干净,但似乎残留着淡淡的血腥味…… Airborne of Shangcheng District, a black eagle hit to tremble suddenly. 上城区的空中,一只黑色的老鹰猛然打了个寒颤。 The Gu Chen pupil light becomes gloomy, clone of that black cat has collapsed to vanish! 顾辰的眸光变得阴沉,那黑猫的分身已经崩溃消失! That looks at the loving alien race young girl, is a psychology twisted, method cruel poisonous woman. 那看着富有爱心的异族少女,原是个心理扭曲,手段残忍的毒妇。 The Gu Chen short of breath smiles, instead did not have the temperament, cannot think that his solemn ten generations of Tyrant Emperor, some day will have experience so. 顾辰气急而笑,反而没了脾气,想不到他堂堂十代霸帝,有朝一日会有这般体会。 If were known by the passing old friends, hasn't ridiculed him ruthlessly? 若是被过往的故人们知晓,还不狠狠的嘲笑他? Constructs so many gingkos is not the small project, the source about that underground spirit lineage/vein, does not need to stay in this place, should have many other channels to investigate.” “建造那么多的灵眼不是小工程,关于那地下灵脉的源头,无需呆在这种地方,应该有不少其他渠道能探查到。” Gu Chen is thinking, after quick just the brain of unforgettable matter throwing . 顾辰思索着,很快把刚刚难忘的事情抛之脑后。 ...... …… A redder rain came back, brought back to the good news. 越红雨回来了,带回了好消息。 Attends to the senior, flows the Polish city worthily for the thunder territory most prosperous big city, I strolled several downtown streets, found roughly can attend to the material that the senior requests satisfiedly, really has four types.” “顾前辈,流波城不愧为雷域最繁荣的大城,我逛了几个坊市,找到的大致能满足顾前辈要求的材料,竟然足足有四样。” Redder rain exciting say/way, before they after many cities, but builds the body about Gu Chen the final same material, the condition is extremely harsh, could not find Gu Chen to have a liking. 越红雨兴奋的道,之前他们经过不少城池,但关于顾辰打造身躯的最后一样材料,条件极其苛刻,始终找不到顾辰看得上的。 This incident flow wave city has many harvests, is really exciting! 这一来流波城就有不少收获,着实让人振奋! What is, mentioned listens.” “都是什么样的,说来听听。” Gu Chen Yin crow interested asking. 顾辰所化的阴鸦饶有兴趣的问道。 He and others this finally was the same the material truly to wait to be very long, always sees the person at a body of Yin crow is not always the means. 他等这最后一样材料确实等了很久了,总是以一副阴鸦的身躯见人总不是办法。 Same material, is the Kunpeng dead egg, although the Kunpeng spirit has died, but still had the powerful activeness. Its merit is the carrying capacity tallies gives a thought to senior's request, the huge essence of embodiment can also nourish the new student/life body.” “第一样材料,是枚鲲鹏死卵,虽鲲鹏精魂已死,但仍有强大的活性。它的优点是承受力符合顾前辈的要求,内蕴的庞大精气还能滋养新生躯体。” „The second type of material was one and blue lotus, the year said that several million years, were used to take beyond suitable the incarnation. I listened to that storekeeper saying that this blue lotus was skilled in the say/way of change, should also tally gives a thought to senior's request.” “第二样材料是一朵并蒂青莲,年份说是有数百万年,最适宜用来作为身外化身。我听那掌柜说这青莲精于变化之道,应该也符合顾前辈的要求。” „The third type of material, is roosts the eye pupil of moon/month clan, the eye pupil of this clan becomes a space since birth, can with the world's primordial qi connection, be called a dantian.” “第三样材料,是栖月族的眼瞳,此族的眼瞳生来自成一片空间,能与天地元气交汇,被称为眼丹田。” „The fourth type of material, is together the mustard seed mica, this thing is exceptionally precious, is only inquired that its whereabouts spent a lot of money, should most tally attended to the senior your request.” “第四样材料,是一块芥子云母,此物异常珍贵,光是打听它的下落就花了不少钱,应该最符合顾前辈你的要求。” Is only this mustard seed mica is different from other materials, other materials may some shops in downtown streets buy, but this mustard seed mica must attend the class/flow wave city biggest auction, bids with many big influences mutually, gaining the difficulty is very high.” “只是这芥子云母与其他材料不同,其他材料都可在坊市内的一些店铺购得,而这芥子云母必须参加流波城最大的拍卖会,与不少大势力相互竞价,获取难度很高。” Short one day of time, the information of redder rain collection is very detailed, provided the multiple options, its growth is impressive. 短短一天时间,越红雨收集的情报十分详实,更提供了多种选择,其成长令人刮目相看。 Gu Chen is listening to her introduction, these materials indeed meet his requirement in varying degrees, has a slight defect somewhat. 顾辰听着她的介绍,这些材料的确都在不同程度上符合他的要求,也多多少少有所瑕疵。 The judgment of redder rain right, that mustard seed mica, sounding is indeed most perfect. 越红雨的判断没错,那芥子云母,听上去的确最完美。
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