DMTE :: Volume #26

#2531: Kui cow

Newest website: The flying shuttle circles in low altitude one, fell on city gate slowly. 最新网址:飞梭在低空一阵盘旋,缓缓落在了城门口。 To near, flowing the Polish city seems like the imposing manner more vigorous, its lively and lively degree is also more unusual. 离得近了,流波城看上去更加气势雄浑,其繁华与热闹的程度也更加非同一般。 Obviously is noon of colorful Yanggao photo, city gate as before heavy traffic, the stream of people are jam-packed. 明明是艳阳高照的中午,城门口依旧车水马龙,人流拥挤不堪。 „Before legend 1500 chaos eras, whether there is to compare the powerful thunder beast kui cow to occupy class/flow Divine Mountain, overawes entire thunder territory, is nearly supreme.” “传说一千五百个混沌纪元以前,有无比强大的雷兽夔牛盘踞流波神山,威震整个雷域,近乎至尊。” Afterward the god clouds Emperor rose, a blade bevelled class/flow Divine Mountain, another blade cut the head skull of kui cow, from now on the unshared between Heaven and Earth thunder destiny, will promote one of the 72 column days.” “后来神霄帝君崛起,一刀削平了流波神山,又一刀斩去了夔牛的头颅骨,自此独享天地间的雷霆气运,晋升七十二柱天之一。” „The head skull of that kui cow crashes in this place, gradually then formed this class/flow wave city.” “那夔牛的头颅骨坠落于此地,久而久之便形成了这流波城。” „The class/flow wave city is so palatial magnificently, was hard to imagine in the past that in god clouds Emperor hand calling thunder blade is what kind of elegant demeanor, can a blade slice off the head of kui cow unexpectedly.” “流波城这般巍峨壮观,难以想象当年神霄帝君手里的那把鸣雷刀是何等风采,竟能一刀削掉夔牛的脑袋。” A redder rain is looking at the front, cannot bear one acclaim. 越红雨望着前方,忍不住一声赞叹。 In all weapons what she most likes is a blade, next is a spear/gun. 所有兵器中她最喜欢的是刀,其次才是枪。 Do not visit her to carry the long spear/gun, the spear/gun has part of meanings that is used to deceive the enemy, often her thunder cable/search life/command fatal strikes, hides in blade. 别看她身背长枪,枪有一部分用来迷惑敌人的意思,往往她雷霆索命的致命一击,是藏在身上的刀。 Called thunder blade? In the past I discarded in the white night ominous palace conveniently, this blade was the same.” “鸣雷刀吗?当年在白夜凶殿我随手就扔掉了,此刀一般般吧。” Gu Chen the Yin crow stands on the redder rain shoulder, regarding calling the thunder blade he has no impression, remembered that once to hold the old servant of blade for him on the contrary. 顾辰所化的阴鸦站在越红雨肩膀上,对于鸣雷刀他没什么印象,反倒想起了那曾为他捧刀的老仆。 Attended to the senior coming, boasted.” “顾前辈又来了,吹牛。” A redder rain curls the lip, this senior divine ability are indeed general, some cows of being irrelevant but blows sometimes, even her story can still look through. 越红雨撇了撇嘴,这位前辈的确神通广大,但有时吹的一些不着边际的牛,即便是她的阅历也能看破。 Although the god clouds Emperor died in battle white night the ominous palace, but his cry thunder blade is very it is said early loses does not see, falls from the sky should be another emperor soldier who before took calls thunder spear/gun, how can calls thunder blade? 神霄帝君虽然战死白夜凶殿,但他的鸣雷刀据说很早就丢失不见,陨落之前拿的应该是另一把帝兵鸣雷枪,怎么会是鸣雷刀? Attending to the senior wants to say obviously oneself are that mysterious person clan Great Emperor, what a pity he insufficiently knew about the god clouds Emperor and thunder territory obviously, scattered lying common cultivator can see through. 顾前辈显然是又想说自己是那位神秘的人族大帝,可惜他对神霄帝君和雷域显然不够了解,撒的谎寻常修士都能识破。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Gu Chen is disinclined to explain, the vision puts to the front great city. 顾辰懒得解释,目光放向前方的巨城。 Although passed over a thousand chaos eras, but by his soul boundary, can still feel air/Qi of evil spirit is that kui cow. 尽管过去了上千个混沌纪元,但以他的灵魂境界,仍旧能感受到一丝属于那夔牛的凶煞之气。 The air/Qi of this evil spirit was contaminated in the land in city, probably its complaint wielding was not loose. 这股凶煞之气浸染在了城中的土地里,像是它的怨念挥之不散。 The Gu Chen careful feeling, the eye pupil narrows the eyes suddenly slightly. 顾辰细细感受,眼眸突然微微一眯。 Is his misconception? 是他的错觉吗? From the air/Qi of that evil spirit, he as if also felt other anything. 从那丝凶煞之气里,他似乎还感受到了其他什么。 Probably, life force?! 好像是,生命力?! Gu Chen cannot help but closes the eye, more careful feeling, but a redder rain entered in the city. 顾辰不由得闭上眼睛,更仔细的感受,而越红雨则是走进了城内。 The class/flow wave city is divided into the outer city area, inner city district as well as Shangcheng District. 流波城分为外城区、内城区以及上城区。 inner city district and Shangcheng District are mainly the local aristocratic family wealthy and powerful families live, but the outer city area is the merchant converges, is shouldering thunder territory the cultivating huge economic functions. 内城区和上城区主要是本地的世家豪族居住,而外城区则是客商云集,肩负着雷域修者界巨大的经济职能。 It can be said that if the class/flow wave city could not find the final same material that Gu Chen needs, he traveles across entire thunder territory, the big probability also can only return empty-handed. 可以这么说,若流波城找不到顾辰所需的最后一样材料,那他踏遍整个雷域,大概率也只能空手而归。 A redder rain follows in Gu Chen two years, how walked should do outside has the attainment. 越红雨跟在顾辰身边两年,行走在外应该如何做早已有心得。 When the small place, she will camouflage the alien race, avoids bringing to others' attention as far as possible. 在小地方的时候,她会伪装成异族,尽量避免引起别人的注意。 But in the class/flow wave city big city, she has not concealed own status like this. 而在流波城这样的大城,她则没有掩饰自己的身份。 Because since the god clouds Emperor dies, thunder territory many places to the person clan have the hostility. 因为自从神霄帝君死后,雷域许多地方都对人族抱有敌意。 Does not make one see in the small place oneself are the person clan, can avoid harassing. 在小地方不让人看出自己是人族,可以避免骚扰。 But in class/flow wave city like this big city, her clan, if continues to camouflage, instead is easier to bring to the attention of some big influences. 而在流波城这样的大城,她一个人族若继续伪装,反而更容易引起一些大势力的注意。 By her current cultivation base, many powerhouses can see her camouflage, therefore to avoid bringing to the attention, must come by the appearance/portrait in this big city on the contrary. 以她目前的修为,还是有许多强者能看出她的伪装,因此为了避免引起注意,在这种大城反倒要以真容现身。 Gu Chen is also so, in the small local time he will not follow frequently by a redder rain, but hides in secret, when necessary comes. 顾辰也是如此,在小地方时他常常不会跟在越红雨旁边,而是藏在暗中,有必要的时候才现身。 But in this class/flow wave city, a Yin crow, although common, but will also bring to the attention of some experts sometimes, side a redder rain, probably her spirit beast is ordinary, others will feel on the contrary sloppy ordinary. 而在这流波城,一只阴鸦虽然不起眼但有时也会引起一些高手的注意,就在越红雨身边,像是她的灵兽一般,反倒别人会觉得稀松平常。 In the custom according to ordinary day, a redder rain looked for the family/home to be not too big nor too small in the outer city area, the inn close to downtown streets stayed. 按照平日里的习惯,越红雨在外城区找了家不大不小,靠近坊市的客栈住下。 In the entire process Gu Chen has not spoken, has closed one's eyes, a redder rain is somewhat strange. 整个过程里顾辰都没有说话,一直闭着眼睛,越红雨有些奇怪。 When to must have the Qufang city to seek for the material, Gu Chen opens the mouth. 待到要出去坊市里寻找材料了,顾辰才开口。 Yourself look, my something must do.” “你自己去找吧,我有些事要做。” A redder rain asked curiously: What's wrong?” 越红雨好奇问道:“怎么了吗?” It‘s nothing.” “没什么。” Gu Chen keeps guessing, a redder rain also no longer asked, a clever person goes out inquires the news. 顾辰卖了个关子,越红雨也不再多问,乖巧的一个人出门打听消息。 When walks after a redder rain, Gu Chen looks at the sky of out of the window, a brow slightly wrinkle. 待到越红雨走后,顾辰看着窗外的天空,眉头微微一皱。 Now the divine consciousness coverage scope was too small, wants to catch that wisp of aura position accurately is not the easy matter.” “如今神识的覆盖范围还是太小了,想准确捕获那一缕气息的位置不是容易的事。” Gu Chen somewhat guessed, if guessed for , the source of that wisp of aura could use for him. 顾辰有些猜测,若猜测为真,那缕气息的源头或许能为他所用。 But he divides the soul the soul boundary, although is like the main body, but the strength was too weak, although has grown in the two years, but are not many, the range that divine consciousness covers is very limited. 可他分魂的灵魂境界虽然和本尊一样,但力量太薄弱了,尽管这两年有所增长,但不多,神识覆盖的范围很有限。 He induces carefully for a long time, can determine that probably that wisp of aura originates in the position of Shangcheng District, as for concrete in , could leave near to induce. 他仔细感应许久,大概可以确定那缕气息来源在上城区的位置,至于具体在哪,可能得离得更近了才能感应到。 Gu Chen considered the meeting, the body vibration of Yin crow, the double image seemed to be ordinary, melts another two Yin crows. 顾辰斟酌了会,阴鸦的身体一阵抖动,仿佛重影一般,化出了另外两只阴鸦。 These two Yin crow and main body maximum difference, what is their eyes is red is not a golden color. 这两只阴鸦与本尊最大的不同,是它们的眼睛是红色的并非金色。 Two Yin crows departed out of the window quietly, integrated in the shadow of street lane corner/horn, cautious goes forward toward Shangcheng District. 两只阴鸦悄无声息的飞出了窗外,融入了街道巷角的阴影里,小心翼翼的向着上城区前进。 In the process of advance, their shapes gradually change, turned into the black cat, eagle that turned into the god steed. 在前进的过程中,它们的形态逐渐发生变化,一只变成了黑猫,一只变成了神骏的老鹰。 The black cat on the ground, the eagle in the midair, Gu Chen by their angles of view, disperses mental power, careful seeks for that wisp of aura. 黑猫在地上,老鹰在半空,顾辰透过它们的视角,将精神力发散出去,细细的寻找起那缕气息。 Across the outer city area, the person in inner city was short all of a sudden, but are still many. 穿过外城区,内城的人一下子少了,但依然很多。 When to close to the boundary of inner city district and Shangcheng District, the stream of people drastically reduces all of a sudden, the tall building yard in city tails off, increases. 待到接近内城区与上城区的边界,人流一下子大幅减少,城区内的高楼大院变少,变大。 Inside and outside these luxurious mansions, the ban of alert and protection starts becomes many, the guard of patrol changes are also many, a cat and a eagle become garish. 那些奢华的府邸内外,戒备与守护的禁制开始变多,巡逻的守卫也变多起来,一只猫和一只鹰都变得扎眼。 Gu Chen settles down carefully, knows oneself were not good to go forward again. 顾辰小心驻足,知道自己不好再前进了。 Should be similar to here.” “到这里应该差不多了。” The black cat lay in a corner, Gu Chen started to induce attentively. 黑猫趴在了一处墙角,顾辰开始用心感应。 When the outer city area can feel that wisp of aura clearly in the direction of Shangcheng District, but to Shangcheng District, then felt that wisp of aura is probably ubiquitous. 在外城区的时候能清晰感受到那缕气息在上城区的方向,而到了上城区,则感觉那缕气息像是无处不在。 This is the good deed, explained that was very near to the position of that wisp of aura, from nearly will instead have induced fuzzily. 这是好事,说明离那缕气息的位置很近了,距离过近反而会模糊感应。 The black cat lies in the lower part of wall place is the half-day time, Gu Chen seeks is seeking is becoming puzzled. 黑猫在墙根处一趴就是半天时间,顾辰寻着寻着变得困惑。 What's the matter? How is unable to catch the precise position, probably is not far in the side, but cannot search.” “怎么回事?怎样都无法捕捉到精确的位置,好像就在身边不远,但又寻觅不到。” The Gu Chen suspicion was own mental outlook dropped, as the matter stands to waste time? 顾辰怀疑是自己的精神境界下降了,这样一来岂不是白忙一场? Good pitiful small kitty.” “好可怜的小猫咪。” Suddenly, Gu Chen felt that soft will hug, opens the eye, the front is steamed bun snow white. 突然,顾辰感觉一阵柔软将自己抱起,睁开眼睛,面前是馒头般的雪白。 7017 k 7017k
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