DMTE :: Volume #26

#2530: Class wave city

Newest website: Believes in the gods, can certainly obtain throwing of gods to regard and help?” 最新网址:“信奉神明,就一定能得到神明的投视与帮助吗?” Existence of person clan Great Emperor in the bright moon like that day, he is unable to see clearly ground each weak life, but in darkness he is lighting the front path for you frequently.” “人族大帝的存在就像那天上的皓月,他无法洞察地上每一只微弱的生灵,但在黑暗里他时刻都为你照亮着前方的道路。” A redder rain said in a soft voice, both hands surround the idol, cautious lays aside it in the high place. 越红雨轻声道,双手环抱起神像,小心翼翼的将它放置在高处。 Has not burnt incense and gold/metal furnace, the young girl pays respect. 没有焚香与金炉,少女就地参拜。 Gu Chen can feel, when pays respect to the idol, the innermost feelings of young girl stabilized much compared with before. 顾辰可以感觉到,在参拜神像的时候,少女的内心比之前安定了不少。 Rescues obviously her is he, can change the young girl destiny is also he, but he seems like the charm not to have oneself idol to be big. 明明救她的是他本人,能改变少女命运的也是他,但他似乎魅力还没有自己的神像大。 Gu Chen looking pensive, he noticed the head of redder rain fluttered the illusory purple light group, but this light/only group flew to him, flew into his crow body. 顾辰若有所思,他看到越红雨的头上飘出了虚幻的紫色光团,而这光团飞向了他,飞进了他的鸦身。 For a while, the spring that his wisp of insignificant minute/share of soul dries up probably met the timely rain, glowed life force. 一时,他这缕微不足道的分魂像是枯竭的泉眼遇到了甘霖,焕发出了生命力 However moment, his minute/share of soul expanded a point unexpectedly! 不过须臾,他的分魂竟壮大了一点! Gu Chen slightly feels surprisedly, the heart has attained. 顾辰略感惊讶,心有所获。 The say/way of belief, the follower asked not necessarily was everything achieved wishes, sometimes the first splendor, they strove, but was the pure courage and hope. 信仰之道,信徒求的未必是事事如愿,一世荣华,有时候他们求的,不过是纯粹的勇气与希望。 This is willing the strength, the hoping strength of all living things to have the powerful potential, but hope the strength is pure, the strength that can burst out is then bigger. 这便是愿力,众生的愿力有着强大的潜能,而愿力越是纯粹,能迸发出的力量便越大。 A redder rain especially is then pure, therefore her feedback will have so obvious prestige energy to the Gu Chen hoping strength, otherwise Gu Chen this mysterious person clan Great Emperor name and appearance are unclear, even has to believe his, wishing the strength not to condense will then be defeated and dispersed in between Heaven and Earth, will not have so the situation. 越红雨便格外纯粹,所以她回馈给顾辰的愿力才会有如此明显的威能,否则顾辰这位神秘的人族大帝名字与长相都是不详,即便有信仰他的,愿力尚未凝聚便会溃散在天地间,根本不会出现这般情况。 Since then you must follow with me, must know my name.” “既然接下来你要跟随与我,总要知道我的名字。” I am called Gu Chen .” “我叫做顾辰,记好了。” Gu Chen sent out own real name, this is gives itself in the respect of this rock rock ancient boundary/world most faithful follower. 顾辰报出了自己的真名,这是给予自己在这磐岩古界最忠实信徒的一点尊重。 Attends to the senior.” “顾前辈。” A redder rain nods seriously, but still had not realized that the present person is the person clan Great Emperor who she harbors intentions. 越红雨郑重点头,但依然没有意识到眼前之人便是她心心念念的人族大帝。 Two people this was knew truly, after a recuperation, Gu Chen the Yin crow flew on the shoulder of redder rain. 两人这便算是真正认识了,一番休整后,顾辰所化的阴鸦飞到了越红雨的肩膀上。 Attends to the senior, then our what course to follow?” “顾前辈,接下来我们何去何从?” Then goes, human world.” “便去,人间吧。” ...... …… The class/flow wave city, the thunder territory within the boundaries's second largest city, is the economical most active big city. 流波城,雷域境内第二大的城池,同时也是经济最活跃的大城。 Looked at the past from afar, flowed the Polish city to look like a giant ox head, sat lies in the boundless land, big city wall continuously has not surrounded and protected, the architectural complex in city was scattered and organized, became a school of architectural style. 远远看过去,流波城像一只巨大的牛头,坐卧在苍茫大地上,没有连绵不断的高大城墙拱卫,城内的建筑群却错落有致,自成一派建筑风格。 To the class/flow wave city still in hundred li (0.5 km) upper air, a flying shuttle cut the expansive sky, the purple light class/flow tows, toward class/flow wave city full speed advance. 离流波城尚有百里的高空上,一艘飞梭划破长空,紫光流曳,正朝着流波城全速前进。 Above flying shuttle, young girl black hair like waterfall, after hanging loose brain, the frown pale black ink smoke dyes, the fine jade nose is tall and graceful, a pair of clear pupil such as lake water bright star. 飞梭之上,少女青丝如瀑,披散脑后,双眉淡墨烟染,琼鼻挺秀,一双清眸如湖水璨星。 She wears the pale blue star purple long gown, the jade body is slender, is graceful, is beyond the day the flying immortal makings, in addition carries a long spear/gun, were then many several points of heroic spirit, nearly peerless grace and talent. 她身着月白星紫的袍服,玉体修长,身姿曼妙,本是天外飞仙般的气质,加之身后背着一杆长枪,便多了几分英气,近乎风华绝代。 Attends to the senior, flowed the Polish city to arrive.” “顾前辈,流波城就要到了。” The young girl visual front great city, the sound is delightful. 少女目视前方巨城,声音悦耳动听。 Hears the sound, on the young girl shoulder a Yin crow opened the eye slowly, as if naps. 听到声音,少女肩膀上一只阴鸦缓缓睁开了眼睛,似乎打了个盹。 Finally, this compared with imagination far.” “终于到了,这一路比想象的远啊。” Gu Chen says with emotion, a pair of gold/metal pupil carefully examines to below great city. 顾辰感慨道,一双金瞳审视向下方的巨城。 Blames the younger generation scholarship not fine.” “都怪晚辈学艺不精。” A redder rain said in a soft voice. 越红雨轻声道。 Gu Chen shakes the head. Your talent was good, arrived here also to use for two years.” 顾辰摇了摇头。“你的天赋算是不错了,走到这里也才用了两年时间。” Rock rock ancient boundary/world as the places of big thousand potential surface centers, the region big enough to is unable to imagine, is only this thunder territory, broad boundless. 磐岩古界作为大千位面中枢之地,地域大到无法想象,光是这雷域,就广阔无边。 Gu Chen cultivation base, among the far distance intentions, has naturally not felt anything. 顾辰修为还在时,再远的距离也不过心念之间,自然不觉得什么。 After only then a wisp of soul, the remote distance then became the hindrance, wants to go to the human world becomes very difficult. 然而只有一缕分魂后,遥远的距离便成了阻碍,想前往人间变得十分困难。 The human world and thunder territory are separated by really far, almost in rock rock ancient boundary/world east, in the rock rock ancient boundary/world west. 人间与雷域相隔甚远,几乎一个在磐岩古界的东,一个在磐岩古界的西。 cultivation base of redder rain, stepping onto ten lifetime is impossible to arrive! 就越红雨的修为,走上十辈子都不可能走到! Therefore, in these two years time, Gu Chen continuously walks while exercises a redder rain. 因此,这两年的时间里,顾辰一直都是边走边锻炼越红雨。 Lost the family member of family/home, a redder rain greatly is no doubt disappointed, but did not have the fetter of family, she also true day high Ren Niaofei, sea extravagant depending on fish dive. 失去了越家的亲人,越红雨固然大受打击,但没有了家族的束缚,她也真正的天高任鸟飞,海阔凭鱼跃。 In the two years, a redder rain completed the transformation, not only cultivation base ten thousand li in a day, the disposition also even more conforms to the anticipation of Gu Chen. 这两年来,越红雨完成了蜕变,不仅修为一日千里,心性也越发符合顾辰的期待。 „The prosperity by class/flow wave city, this can certainly find to attend to the senior building the final same material that the body needs.” “以流波城的繁荣,这回一定能找到顾前辈打造身躯所需要的最后一样材料。” „The class/flow wave city has giant transmission, can greatly reduce us to go to the time of the world, but travels by transmission even does not need to relate, still needs a lot of money, is a troublesome issue.” “流波城有巨型的传送阵,可以大大缩短我们前往人间的时间,只是搭乘传送阵即便不需要关系,也需要很多的钱,是个麻烦的问题。” A redder rain ponders over to say. 越红雨思忖道。 This you do not need to worry, wait for the body, the issue naturally has me to be solved.” “这点你无需操心,等有了身躯,问题自然有我来解决。” The Gu Chen vision looks to the giant ox head interior. 顾辰目光看向巨大牛头的内部。 Two ox eyes is the dense and numerous communities, the downtown streets that they want to seek for on the dispersion are one of them. 两只牛眼的所在是密密麻麻的居住区,他们想要寻找的坊市就分散在其中。 But ear position, is the class/flow wave city topography highest place, is standing in great numbers respectively two fort constructions. 而牛耳位置,也是流波城地势最高处,则是分别林立着两处要塞般的建筑。 In these two buildings and cities other regions isolate, the highest place has been close to the clouds, is showing the uncommonness of influence. 这两处建筑与城内其他区域隔绝开来,最高处已然接近云霄,彰显着其中势力的不凡。 Secondary rainbow phoenix academy in this class/flow wave city, for two years you, although has not mentioned, how could but did the enmity of extermination of the clan forget?” “霓凰书院就在这流波城,两年来你虽然不曾提起,但灭族之仇岂能忘记?” „The present arrived here, I allowed you to go to the secondary rainbow phoenix academy to walk, could check that Ke's prosperous whereabout. Found him, in the past you jumped over the family/home extinguished truth can also untie probably.” “如今到这里了,我允许你去霓凰书院走一走,或许能查到那珂隆的下落。找到了他,当年你越家被灭的真相大概也就能解开了。” On the face of redder rain cannot help but had the ripples, this she has never raised this matter, because only she knows that she is extremely small and weak, raises these not to have the significance. 越红雨的脸上不由得起了涟漪,这一路她从未提过此事,只因为她知道自己还太过弱小,提这些没有意义。 However this matter has become in her heart holds to read, does she possibly put down? 然而这件事早已成了她心中的执念,她又怎么可能放下? At this moment attended to the senior puncturing her thoughts on own initiative, making her seek for the truth, she did not say excitedly, is not possible! 此刻顾前辈主动戳破她的心思,让她去寻找真相,她内心说不激动,是不可能的! These two years practicing, you no longer know nothing about the world, even if the truth has not sought, you should still some suspicions.” “这两年的修行,你对世界不再是一无所知,即便真相还未寻到,你应该也有些猜想了。” This thunder Yuzi god clouds Emperor died in battle white night brings up the rear ominously, then disintegrates, various factions stand in great numbers. If seeks for the truth, possibly is involved in the huge vortex, you must are mentally prepared.” “这雷域自神霄帝君战死白夜凶殿后,便分崩离析,各派林立。若要寻找真相,可能卷进巨大的漩涡里,你须得做好心理准备。” The Gu Chen light reminder, is not peaceful in the two years, regarding thunder territory the struggle of authority, each influence slaughters intensely, has affected the aspects, so long as is in thunder territory, is very difficult to hide. 顾辰平淡的提醒,这两年来一路并不太平,围绕着雷域的权柄之争,各个势力厮杀激烈,早已影响了方方面面,只要身在雷域,就很难躲过去。 He to thunder territory the struggle of authority is not interested, now is also the stage of concealing one's abilities and biding one's time, goes to the human world early, in his opinion is the best choice. 他对雷域的权柄之争不感兴趣,如今也是韬光养晦的阶段,早去人间,在他看来是最好的选择。 Attends to the senior knowing the risk, but also allows me to go?” “顾前辈知道风险,还允许我去吗?” A redder rain said that this senior she, although had followed for two years, but could not completely understand. 越红雨道,这位前辈她虽然已经跟随了两年,但始终还是看不透。 He is probably omnipotent, what problem regardless of over the past two years encountered, he can always say the poor business conditions light solution. 他像是无所不能,过去两年无论遇到什么样的麻烦,他总能云淡风轻的解决。 „When I am young also once met with your same situation, without stopping your reason.” “我年少时也曾遇到与你一样的处境,没有阻拦你的理由。” If you stupid suicide, I will give up you not hesitating. Moreover finds a person is not difficult again, nothing but is the multi- spend some time.” “不过若你蠢笨寻死,我放弃你不会犹豫。另外再找个人并不难,无非是多花点时间罢了。” A redder rain listens to this grating words to smile on the contrary, in the two years she has long been used to the outside cold internal heat of senior. 越红雨听着这刺耳的话反倒莞尔一笑,这两年她早已习惯前辈的外冷内热了。 Everyone can make the transaction is not fake with the senior, but not necessarily has me to serve the senior to be thorough, having me is attractive.” “谁都可以与前辈做交易不假,但未必有我伺候前辈周到,有我漂亮听话。” A redder rain spits the tongue, looked that the vision of counter current wave city is hopeful. 越红雨吐了吐舌头,看向流波城的目光满怀期待。 First completes the injunction of senior, I experience the secondary rainbow phoenix academy again!” “先把前辈的嘱咐都做完,我再去见识见识霓凰书院!”
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