DMTE :: Volume #26

#2529: Why respects?

Newest website: Urgent matter is leaves this datura city, the Shuangshan army, since extinguished the family/home, will not let off you. You as the person clan, continue to treat in this city are discovered sooner or later.” 最新网址:“当务之急是离开这曼陀罗城,泷山军既然灭了越家,也不会放过你。你身为人族,继续待在这城里早晚会被发现。” Gu Chen mentioned the proper business. 顾辰说起正事。 Perhaps city gate was blocked, how should I escape?” “城门恐怕都被封锁了,我该怎么逃出去?” A redder rain and dew has the confused color. 越红雨露出迷茫之色。 This matter is not difficult, I pass on the law of you intensive change again, has hidden the truth from the informer of Shuangshan army sufficiently.” “这事不难,我再传你一门速成的变化之法,足以瞒过泷山军的眼线。” A Gu Chen direction in kneeling place redder rain forehead, a redder rain closes the eye, the eyelash vibrates slightly. 顾辰一指点在了跪地的越红雨眉心上,越红雨闭上眼睛,眼睫毛微微抖动。 The law of this change originates from Great Transformation Technique, for although intensive lesser dao technique rank, but changes 1-2 specific characters temporarily, Gu Chen believes firmly in this city no one to look through. 这门变化之法来源于大变化术,虽然为了速成连小道术的级别都不到,但只是暂时变化成1-2特定的人物,顾辰确信这城中没有人能看破。 The law of change winds in heart quickly ripe, the Gu Chen imparting cultivation probably direct brand mark in the soul, obviously is the initial contact, has actually known by heart probably. 变化之法很快熟络于心,顾辰的传功好像直接烙印在灵魂上,明明是初次接触,却好像已经倒背如流。 A redder rain was unalarmed by strange sights to this feeling, fully realized that is this mysterious senior method is extremely fierce. 越红雨对这种感觉见怪不怪了,深知是这位神秘的前辈手段太过厉害。 She makes the best use of the time to comprehend the law of change in the dream, if really the senior said, this is an intensive law secret art, she then grasps quickly. 她抓紧时间在梦中参悟变化之法,果然如前辈所说,这是一门速成的法诀,她很快便掌握。 When wakes from the lane, returns to the icy reality, sorrow intent of redder rain restraining pupil deep place, uses the law of change rapidly. 当从巷子里醒过来,回归冷冰冰的现实,越红雨收敛眼眸深处的一丝哀意,迅速施展变化之法。 She changed in the datura city to be largest, the thunder spirit clansman who most found at everywhere, then went out of the lane. 她变化成了曼陀罗城里数量最多,最随处可见的雷灵族人,然后走出了巷子。 thunder Lingzu, is similar to the person clan physique, generally has the sharp ear, the leaning silver skin, is this thunder territory population is largest, distribution broadest race. 雷灵族,与人族体态相似,却普遍有着尖尖的耳朵,偏银色的皮肤,是这雷域人口数量最多,分布最广的种族。 This clan majority is intimate with the thunder element in air since birth, but is also like the person clan, because the huge quantity, derives many branches. 这一族大部分生来就亲近空气中的雷元素,但也和人族一样,因为数量庞大,衍生出很多分支。 Some branch talent reproductive capacities are averagely astonishing, some branch talents extremely, like various powerful physicals of person clan, as well as because of Tyrant Clan this kind that the physique inheritance is born. 有的分支天赋平平却繁殖力惊人,有的分支天赋绝顶,就像人族的各种强大体质,以及因体质传承诞生的霸族这类。 God clouds imperial family that thunder territory the column deity clouds Emperor, he represents, from the origin is thunder Lingzu one. 雷域的柱天神霄帝君,他所代表的神霄皇族,从起源上而言便是雷灵族的一支。 thunder Lingzu the huge quantity, various ethnic groups are also quite long are not similar, is best easy accommodates the object in this datura city without doubt. 雷灵族数量庞大,各支族群又长得不太相似,在这曼陀罗城无疑是最好的易容对象。 And general thunder Lingzu, although no position, because possibly separated the bloodlines relation of long distance with god clouds imperial family that they not possible such as Ke clan and person clan so, although a little strength, but said that kills is killed. 且一般的雷灵族虽然没什么地位,但因为与神霄皇族那可能隔了十万八千里的血脉联系,他们也不可能如珂族、人族这般,虽有一点实力,但说杀就被杀。 Shuangshan army again horizontal, the surface that also does not dare in thunder spirit the clan line of extermination of the clan actions to this city, that to offend is too broad, let alone Shuangshan army has many thunder Lingzu soldier. 泷山军再横,也不敢对这城内的雷灵族行灭族之举,那得罪的面实在太广,何况泷山军里本身就有不少雷灵族的士兵。 A redder rain brings forth the disaster suddenly, does not have mind/square inch chaos, considers very appropriately. 越红雨突逢大难,却没有方寸大乱,考虑得十分妥当。 Gu Chen the Yin crow in has visited her in secret, sees her not to leave the datura city immediately, instead in the city, mixed in the crowd greatly faintly. 顾辰所化的阴鸦在暗中一直看着她,就见她没有立刻离开曼陀罗城,反而大隐隐于市,混入了人群中。 She seems like others to listen to the city various places to discuss unceasingly the multiple murders of family/home and Ke clan, with every effort was placed in the crowd is not high-profile by oneself, is good to avoid the attention of Shuangshan army. 她像是个旁人般听着城中各处不断议论越家和珂族的灭门血案,尽力的让自己身处人群中却不高调,好避开泷山军的注意。 She stayed for several days in the city, has waited till the crest of wave in the past, Shuangshan Armed forces' conscription in the datura city finished. 她在城里呆了好几天,一直等到风头过去,泷山军在曼陀罗城的征兵都结束。 Why about must extinguish Ke clan and more family/home, the Shuangshan army black flag has not given any explanation. 关于为何要灭珂族和越家,泷山军黑旗没有做出任何解释。 The so-called conscription also goes through the motions, black flag attempts the Sir not to arrive dry, as if lost because of what reason to the conscription interest. 所谓的征兵也只是走个过场,黑旗的枯图大人并没有亲临,似乎因什么原因失去了对征兵的兴趣。 When a few days later the soldiers and horses of Shuangshan army swagger away, various clans of datura city relax. 当几天后泷山军的兵马扬长而去,曼陀罗城的各族松了口气。 The black flag in a day, who is worried to suffer the catastrophe suddenly, reduces to the fate of Ke clan and more family/home. 黑旗在一天,谁都担心突遭大祸,沦落到珂族和越家的下场。 A redder rain gazes after the personal enemy to depart, she was safe, before leaving datura city, took risk a more mansion. 越红雨目送仇人离去,她安全了,在离开曼陀罗城前,冒险回了一趟越府。 In more mansion several days ago conquering by killing had changed into the ruins, all family members' skeletons fired the ashes. 越府在数天前的血洗中早已化为了废墟,所有亲人的尸骨都烧成了灰烬。 A redder rain is built on the ruins to mourn silently, finally in oneself occupy in the garret remnant wall of yard, found the person clan Great Emperor image that oneself have consecrated. 越红雨立于废墟中默默哀悼,最后在自己居住小院的阁楼残垣里,找到了自己一直供奉的人族大帝像。 The Shuangshan army after extinguishing more family/home were ransacked here, the things of some value money but also leave behind, were suitable for clean in these days by the brave person. 泷山军在灭了越家后就将这里洗劫一空了,还留下的一些值点钱的东西,也在这几天里被胆大之人顺了个一干二净。 This wooden statue works inferior, looks is not the valuable thing, naturally no one patronizes. 这木塑像做工低劣,看着就不是什么值钱的东西,自然没有人光顾。 A redder rain holds the idol, cleans gently cleanly with the sleeve cuff, admitted in burden along. 越红雨抱起神像,用袖口轻轻擦拭干净,放进了随身的包袱里。 Later, the departure datura city that her does not return , the one person alone toward walks with the Shuangshan army departure direction opposite road. 之后,她头也不回的离开曼陀罗城,孤身朝着与泷山军离去方向相反的路走。 This endures the hardships of fieldwork, until felt oneself were safe, a redder rain takes a rest in a cavern of mountain top slightly, the whole person is dishevelled hair and dirty face, in an extremely difficult situation. 这一路餐风露宿,直到觉得自己安全了,越红雨才在一处山头的洞穴里稍作休息,整个人已是蓬头垢面,狼狈不堪。 Although the world is big, but oneself seemed to have no place to go. 天下虽大,但自己似乎无处可去了。 The redder rain lonely person, remembers that always in the senior who in the dream sees, now she left the datura city, does not know that can also see him not? 越红雨孤独一人,想起那位总在梦中见到的前辈,如今她离开了曼陀罗城,不知道还能见到他不? The train of thought is continuous, she in one side the shadow from the hole, saw a pair of faint golden eye pupil. 思绪连绵间,她从洞内一侧的阴影里,看到了一双淡漠的金色的眼瞳。 Who is?” “是谁?” She has a scare, carefully looks, unexpectedly is only the whole body jet black incomparable Yin crow! 她吓了一跳,仔细一看,竟然是只浑身漆黑无比的阴鸦! Is I.” “是我。” The Gu Chen light opens the mouth, in the sound with dream is exactly the same. 顾辰平淡开口,与梦中的声音一模一样。 Left the datura city, the potential threat has disappeared, Gu Chen wants to make a redder rain work for oneself, was the time see above saw, always did not speak in dream conveniently. 离开了曼陀罗城,潜在的威胁已经消失,顾辰想让越红雨为自己做事,是时候见上一见了,总在梦里说话不方便。 Senior? Is you?” “前辈?是你?” After a redder rain shocks, on the elegant face relaxes on the contrary. 越红雨震惊之后,俏脸上反倒松了口气。 Why in the dream the senior person of high skill of abundant god handsome appearance turns into a crow she not to care, what she most fears is given up by the senior. 梦里丰神俊貌的前辈高人为什么变成一只乌鸦她不在意,她最怕的是被前辈放弃。 With trepidation several days, at this moment relaxes, all exhausted welled up together. 提心吊胆了数日,此刻放松下来,所有的疲惫一起涌了上来。 „The rest, sleeps well, anything will pass.” “好好休息吧,睡一觉,什么都会过去。” In the Gu Chen sound exerted the spiritual influence, has the effect of peaceful intervention dormancy, a redder rain quick heavy goes off. 顾辰的声音里施加了精神影响,有安神助眠的功效,越红雨很快沉沉睡去。 This thinks that in the dream no one disturbs, when a redder rain wakes up the sky has shone, but Yin crow also. 这一觉梦中没有人打扰,当越红雨醒来时天已经亮了,而阴鸦还在。 Her spirit restored much, sets out to salute to Gu Chen. 她的精神恢复了不少,起身向顾辰行礼。 Gu Chen received confidently this did obeisance, the vision shot a look at to the travel bag of redder rain, that ugly idol. 顾辰坦然受了这一拜,目光瞥向越红雨的行囊里,那个丑陋的神像。 Why can take risk to bring this wooden statue to go out of town? You do not know, if were checked, it possibly does expose you are the matter of person clan?” “为何要冒险带这木塑像出城?你难道不知道若是被查,它可能曝露你是人族的事?” For these days the observation of Gu Chen, performance of after a redder rain in meeting with great change was very appropriate. 这几天顾辰的观察,越红雨在遭逢巨变后的表现都很得体。 First after she must the law of change, has not gone out of town eagerly, this is very intelligent, from the beginning goes out of town the investigation that suffers definitely is severest, the Shuangshan soldiers who outside the city go on patrol surely are also many. 首先她得了变化之法后没有急于出城,这是很聪明的,一开始出城遭受的排查肯定是最严苛的,城外巡逻的泷山军人也必定不少。 Must know, if the matter really replaces her to go to the matter of secondary rainbow phoenix academy to be related with Ke prosperously, then before being faced with imminent disaster, Ke grand Bi who at the right moment leaves encounters chasing down of Shuangshan army. 要知道若事情真与珂隆顶替她去霓凰书院的事有关,那么大难临头前适时离开的珂隆必遭到泷山军的追杀。 Ke grand seems head not miraculous one was caught up massacres, if he suffices to be intelligent, or the matter has what secret facts, he changes countenance to trade the appearance avoidance, then the raid net outside city was definitely stricter than the city on several days. 珂隆若脑袋不灵光一下就被追上杀掉也就罢了,若他够聪明,或者整件事有什么隐情,他改容换貌躲避,那么那几日城外的搜捕网肯定比城内更严。 A redder rain can think of this, showed that she is sane and calm enough. 越红雨能想到这点,证明她足够理智与冷静。 She is taking risk more family/home to offer condolences afterward, this is the action of heavy sentiment, Gu Chen will not help one to own parental hand and foot brutal people, because such person momentarily is possible the back to puncture him, therefore this behavior also awards marks. 她在事后冒险回越家吊唁,这是重情之举,顾辰不会帮一个对自己父母手足都无情的人,因为这样的人随时可能背刺他,所以这一行为也是加分的。 But a redder rain must take risk to carry off the idol, Gu Chen did not understand that what although this idol represents is he. 可越红雨非要冒险带走神像,顾辰就不理解了,虽然这神像代表的是他。 You consecrate this person of clan Great Emperor daily, he actually cannot shelter you to jump over the family/home whole families. Do such gods, why also want to respect?” “你日日供奉这人族大帝,他却未能庇护你越家满门。这样的神明,为何还要敬仰?” Gu Chen asked. 顾辰问道。 7017 k 7017k
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