DMTE :: Volume #26

#2556: Invitation

, Quickest renewal supernatural might Tyrant Emperor latest chapter! ,最快更新神武霸帝最新章节! Modest knock resounds. lt ; /pgt ; 一阵温和的敲门声响起。lt;/pgt; Gu Chen opens the eyes, he stayed one indoor this cultivation in the evening, thunder egg the situation has clarified. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰睁开双眼,他在这修炼室内呆了一晚上,雷卵的情况已经都弄清楚了。lt;/pgt; At this time some out of the door people look, he sets out to open the door, what seen is the big tall and strong person clan man. lt ; /pgt ; 此时门外有人来找,他起身开门,见到的是名高大魁梧的人族男子。lt;/pgt; The phoenix list ranks first, is occupied by Nie Yuanzheng in his next door. lt ; /pgt ; 正是凤凰榜排名第一,就住在他隔壁的聂远峥。lt;/pgt; What matter has?” lt ; /pgt ; “有何事?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen inquired, martial idiot who this person looks at likely a wholeheartedly cultivation, the beard on face has not shaved, obviously for a long time did not have the cultivation room very much. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰询问道,这人看着像个一心修炼的武痴,脸上的胡须都没剃,显然很久没出过修炼室了。lt;/pgt; „Are you called Gu Chen?” lt ; /pgt ; “你叫做顾辰?”lt;/pgt; Nie Yuanzheng voice is vigorous and depressed. lt ; /pgt ; 聂远峥声音浑厚而沉闷。lt;/pgt; Gu Chen nods, somewhat wonders this person to look for oneself anything matter. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰点了点头,有些纳闷这人找自己什么事。lt;/pgt; Yesterday hearsay was the sword god of gold/metal firm boundary you?” lt ; /pgt ; “昨天传闻的金坚境的剑神是你?”lt;/pgt; Nie Yuanzheng also asked. lt ; /pgt ; 聂远峥又问道。lt;/pgt; The Gu Chen brow slightly wrinkle, this person is not will find fault? lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰眉头微皱,这人不会是来找茬的吧?lt;/pgt; He may not have the interests and these student ratios fights, the matter that must be busy are many. lt ; /pgt ; 他可没兴趣和这些学生比斗,要忙的事情多着呢。lt;/pgt; „It is not.” lt ; /pgt ; “不是。”lt;/pgt; The Gu Chen slip of the tongue denied, must close. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰失口否认,就要关上门。lt;/pgt; Is is also not?” lt ; /pgt ; “到底是还不是?”lt;/pgt; Nie Yuanzheng brow wrinkles gently, blocked the gate single-handedly. lt ; /pgt ; 聂远峥眉头轻轻皱起,一手挡住了门。lt;/pgt; What matter do you have?” lt ; /pgt ; “你到底有什么事?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen feels speechless, this person of a little one-track mind, he acknowledged the name, will not always have in this final level cultivation room other of the same name? lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰感到无语,这人有点死脑筋,他都承认了名字,在这最后一层修炼室总不会有其他同名的吧?lt;/pgt; Alone this solitary one chief wants to invite Gu Chen a mansion to chat, making me inquire whether conveniently.” lt ; /pgt ; “独孤院长想邀请顾辰过府一叙,让我来询问是否方便。”lt;/pgt; The say/way that Nie Yuanzheng follows a prescribed pattern, is elaborating others' matter probably. lt ; /pgt ; 聂远峥一板一眼的道,好像在论述别人的事。lt;/pgt; Gu Chen hears funnily, originally is invites the person, looks that looks like to fight? lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰听得好笑,原来是来请人的,看着怎么那么像来打架的?lt;/pgt; This person is strange he to neglect quickly, seriously pondered under. lt ; /pgt ; 这人的古怪他很快忽视,认真思考了下。lt;/pgt; He has not gone to look for that alone this solitary one former director, cannot think that he first looked for himself. lt ; /pgt ; 他还没去找那独孤前院长,想不到他先来找自己了。lt;/pgt; Was the opposite party discovered his unusuality? lt ; /pgt ; 难道是对方发现了他的异常?lt;/pgt; Should not be, listening to Nie Yuanzheng saying that seem like because yesterday the performance in competition, alone this solitary one intended to gather itself leisurely. lt ; /pgt ; 应该不是,听聂远峥所说,倒像是因为昨天自己在比试中的表现,独孤逸有意招揽自己。lt;/pgt; Before Teacher Dong had said that alone this solitary one leisurely continuously for the human world transportation talent, had previously also expressed the good intentions to him, making him enter the secondary rainbow phoenix academy smoothly. lt ; /pgt ; 之前董老师就说过,独孤逸一直在为人间输送人才,先前也向他表达过善意,让他顺利进了霓凰书院。lt;/pgt; The talent that now he shows truly is the extremely rare, alone this solitary one leisurely moving thought in this class/flow wave city sees itself as soon as possible, pouring is not strange. lt ; /pgt ; 如今他展现出的天赋在这流波城确实属于凤毛麟角,独孤逸动了心思想尽快见到自己,倒也不奇怪。lt;/pgt; Please guide.” lt ; /pgt ; “请带路。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen has not added hesitant, complied. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰没有多加犹豫,答应了。lt;/pgt; He planned to identify an alone this solitary one leisurely solution transmission issue, now he invites on own initiative, poured to save itself to operate. lt ; /pgt ; 他本来就打算找独孤逸解决传送阵的问题,如今他主动相邀,倒省了自己经营。lt;/pgt; Nie Yuanzheng guides immediately, two people left ascended the phoenix tower. lt ; /pgt ; 聂远峥随即带路,两人离开了登凰塔。lt;/pgt; This person of quiet, arrives at half of times stopped, pokes head in everywhere. lt ; /pgt ; 这人少言寡语,走到一半的时候停顿了下,四处探头。lt;/pgt; What's wrong?” lt ; /pgt ; “怎么了?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen doubts. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰疑惑。lt;/pgt; I think where the dwelling of chief is.” lt ; /pgt ; “我想想院长的住处在哪。”lt;/pgt; Nie Yuanzheng replied. lt ; /pgt ; 聂远峥回答。lt;/pgt; Gu Chen smiled, how long this person has not left ascends the phoenix tower, the secondary rainbow phoenix academy was not very familiar appearance. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰笑了,这人是多久没离开登凰塔了,连霓凰书院都不是很熟悉的样子。lt;/pgt; Or do I pass?” lt ; /pgt ; “要不我自己过去吧?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen said. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰说道。lt;/pgt; „It is not good, the chief makes me lead you to pass, I must think that you arrived were good.” lt ; /pgt ; “不行,院长让我带你过去,我要看着你到了才行。”lt;/pgt; Nie Yuanzheng shakes the head. lt ; /pgt ; 聂远峥摇头。lt;/pgt; Does this listen to look like sends under custody the criminal? lt ; /pgt ; 这听着怎么那么像押送犯人?lt;/pgt; Spent some time, before Nie Yuanzheng brings him, had paid attention to Gu Chen the pinery. lt ; /pgt ; 花了些时间,聂远峥才把顾辰带到了他之前注意过的松林。lt;/pgt; Here is really the alone this solitary one leisurely dwelling, across pinery in different, is the classics unique person clan constructs everywhere. lt ; /pgt ; 这里果然是独孤逸的住处,穿过松林里面别有洞天,到处是经典别致的人族建筑。lt;/pgt; Alone this solitary one Yi is planting flowers the pisculture in oneself courtyard, Gu Chen two people arrive at the time, his tea also just got tea ready. lt ; /pgt ; 独孤逸正在自己的院子内种花养鱼,顾辰两人到的时候,他的茶也刚刚沏好。lt;/pgt; Chief, the person brought.” lt ; /pgt ; “院长,人带到了。”lt;/pgt; Nie Yuanzheng said. lt ; /pgt ; 聂远峥说道。lt;/pgt; Old man has been a former director, said several.” lt ; /pgt ; “老夫早已是前院长,说了几遍了。”lt;/pgt; Alone this solitary one shakes the head leisurely, somewhat seems to be helpless to the Nie Yuanzheng obstinate temper. lt ; /pgt ; 独孤逸摇摇头,对聂远峥执拗的性子似乎有些无奈。lt;/pgt; Gu Chen sizes up alone this solitary one leisurely, this old man's makings might as well that once Gelao, the hairstyle like the broom, the body clause hunchback, features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, did not pour a little marketplace aura. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰打量起独孤逸,这老头的气质还不如那曾阁老,发型像扫把一样,身子句偻,不似仙风道骨,倒有点市井气息。lt;/pgt; However he is actually real celestial phenomenon boundary cultivator, and walked...... lt in the celestial phenomenon boundary very far ; /pgt ; 不过他却是货真价实的天象境修士,并且在天象境走了很远……lt;/pgt; Gu does young friend, the old man hear you to borrow transmission to human world?” lt ; /pgt ; “顾小友,老夫听闻你想借用通往人间的传送阵?”lt;/pgt; Alone this solitary one Yi pours tea to two people, comes straight to the point quickly. lt ; /pgt ; 独孤逸给二人倒茶,很快开门见山。lt;/pgt; Good, does not know that the alone this solitary one chief is convenient? Transmits overall cost that needs one time, I am willing to undertake completely. In addition, again to chief a reward.” lt ; /pgt ; “不错,不知独孤院长是否方便?传送一次所需的全部费用,我愿意全部承担。除此之外,再给院长一笔酬谢。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen also brought to light said, the person of transmission transmission were more, the consumable were also more, the expense was higher. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰也挑明了说,传送阵传送的人越多,耗材也越多,费用越高昂。lt;/pgt; The meaning of Gu Chen is very clear, so long as makes him travel by this transmission, regardless of the alone this solitary one chief must give extra many people in addition, the cost can undertake by him. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰的意思很明白,只要让他搭乘这趟传送阵,无论独孤院长要另外带多少人,成本都可以由他承担。lt;/pgt; Only was this has appeared sincere, he also said that other gave a reward again, it may be said that was the reason. lt ; /pgt ; 光是这样已经显得诚意十足了,他又说另外再给一笔酬劳,可谓是十分明理了。lt;/pgt; Alone this solitary one hears the Gu Chen words to smile leisurely, Gu young friend is actually refreshed, but you considered thoroughly, your my same manner clan, should help the cooperation mutually.” lt ; /pgt ; 独孤逸听闻顾辰的话只是笑了笑,“顾小友倒是爽快,不过你多虑了,你我同为人族,本该互帮互助。”lt;/pgt; Alone this solitary one Yi was saying, looks to Nie Yuanzheng. lt ; /pgt ; 独孤逸说着顿了下,看向聂远峥。lt;/pgt; „After this time studies finally the inspection ended, the old man prepared to deliver a group of people to go to the human world, far Zheng is.” lt ; /pgt ; “这次终学考核结束后,老夫本来就准备送一批人前往人间,远峥就是其中一个。”lt;/pgt; Many you have no difference, at the appointed time you walk with Zheng together are, as for what expense even.” lt ; /pgt ; “多一个你没什么区别,到时你与远峥一起走便是,至于什么费用就算了。”lt;/pgt; Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, wild fruit reading! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to kill the time, here can download lt ; /pgt ; 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,野果阅读!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载】lt;/pgt; Alone this solitary one is leisurely natural, Gu Chen listens to sigh secretly. lt ; /pgt ; 独孤逸大方得很,顾辰听着却暗暗叹了口气。lt;/pgt; He fears this, therefore rather spends. lt ; /pgt ; 他就怕这样,所以宁愿多花点钱。lt;/pgt; The debt of gratitude is not best, this alone this solitary one leisurely prepares to oneself bestows favor. lt ; /pgt ; 人情债最不好还,这独孤逸是准备给自己施恩呢。lt;/pgt; How does that feel all right? My disciple can with me, the expenses of two people not be together low at the appointed time, we cannot take the advantage of alone this solitary one chief.” lt ; /pgt ; “那怎么好意思?我的徒儿到时会与我一起,两个人的费用可不低,我们不能占独孤院长的便宜。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen turns down. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰婉拒。lt;/pgt; Your disciple? Refers to with that young beautiful woman who you come together? It is not in the way, she can also walk together.” lt ; /pgt ; “你的徒儿?是指与你一起来的那小美女吗?不碍事,她也可以一起走。”lt;/pgt; The alone this solitary one chief beckons with the hand, is good to speak excessively. lt ; /pgt ; 独孤院长摆摆手,好说话得过分。lt;/pgt; Gu Chen is slightly silent, this transmission borrowing was too easy, he wants to reject, but provoked the opposite party in his not advantage. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰略微沉默,这传送阵借的太容易了,他想拒绝,但惹恼了对方于他并无好处。lt;/pgt; Doesn't want to sell a oneself favor? lt ; /pgt ; 罢了,不就是想卖自己个人情吗?lt;/pgt; Where wants to make him go not to have the gate, but the favor he must, this alone this solitary one be leisurely insightful! lt ; /pgt ; 想让他去哪没门,但人情他还得起,这独孤逸有眼光!lt;/pgt; That many thanks alone this solitary one chief.” lt ; /pgt ; “那就多谢独孤院长了。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen reveals the grateful look, alone this solitary one sees him not to have estranged shirking leisurely, satisfied nod. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰露出感激的眼神,独孤逸见他没再生分的推脱,满意的点了点头。lt;/pgt; Chief, does not know whether I first can look at one transmission?” lt ; /pgt ; “院长,不知我能否先看一眼传送阵?”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen put forward a small request, in fact he has detected, transmission behind alone this solitary one leisurely courtyard. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰提了个小要求,事实上他已察觉到,传送阵就在独孤逸的院子后面。lt;/pgt; Why? Difficult to be inadequate was also worried that transmission of old man does have the false?” lt ; /pgt ; “为何?难不成还担心老夫的传送阵有假?”lt;/pgt; Alone this solitary one Yi said with a smile. lt ; /pgt ; 独孤逸笑道。lt;/pgt; Is open about the facts the chief, I slightly have the research to the strategy together, this can surpass the long-distance transmission not to have a look to be a pity to the strategy of the world.” lt ; /pgt ; “不瞒院长,我对阵法一道略有研究,这能超远距离传送到人间的阵法不看看可惜了。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen neither arrogant nor servile say/way. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰不卑不亢道。lt;/pgt; „?” lt ; /pgt ; “哦?”lt;/pgt; An alone this solitary one leisurely vision twinkle. lt ; /pgt ; 独孤逸目光一阵闪烁。lt;/pgt; This child the talent on sword dao is outstanding, the say/way of strategy is also broad and profound, he is so outstanding when sword dao, but can also have the achievements in the strategy? lt ; /pgt ; 此子在剑道上的天赋已经是出类拔萃,阵法之道同样博大精深,他在剑道上如此出色之余,还能在阵法有建树?lt;/pgt; Alone this solitary one leisurely does not believe from the start, has not actually refused, leading Gu Chen to arrive at the backyard. lt ; /pgt ; 独孤逸压根不信,却也没有拒绝,领着顾辰来到了后院。lt;/pgt; The huge trace complex such as transmission of star sea heaves in sight, Gu Chen carefully looked. lt ; /pgt ; 巨大的纹路纷繁如星海的传送阵映入眼帘,顾辰仔细看了看。lt;/pgt; When the secondary rainbow phoenix academy chaos, after he obtains the thunder egg smoothly, this transmission is the key of escaping, he naturally must determine this strategy safety and reliability. lt ; /pgt ; 当霓凰书院大乱,他顺利取得雷卵后,这传送阵是逃跑的关键,他当然要确定这阵法安全可靠。lt;/pgt; By his strategy attainments, confirmed that transmission does not have the issue, how long time even it started requires also to have the estimate at heart. lt ; /pgt ; 以他的阵法造诣,一眼就确认传送阵没有问题,甚至连它启动需要多久时间心里也有了估计。lt;/pgt; With bright mirror, in the surface he asked at heart intentionally. lt ; /pgt ; 心里和明镜似的,表面上他却故意问道。lt;/pgt; Chief, does not know how long time this transmission activation does require?” lt ; /pgt ; “院长,不知这传送阵激活需要多久时间?”lt;/pgt; Two double-hour. Alone this solitary one leisurely replied at will, this child is a little strange, the normal person will not care about this detail. lt ; /pgt ; “两个时辰吧。独孤逸随意回答,此子有点奇怪,正常人不会在意这种细节。lt;/pgt; Two double-hour? If the situation is urgent, is a little dangerous.” lt ; /pgt ; “两个时辰?那如果局势紧急,有点危险啊。”lt;/pgt; Say/Way that Gu Chen seemingly has no intention. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰看似无意的道。lt;/pgt; What emergency case can have?” lt ; /pgt ; “能有什么紧急情况?”lt;/pgt; Alone this solitary one gawked leisurely staring. lt ; /pgt ; 独孤逸愣了愣。lt;/pgt; Chief prepares early, before studying the inspection finally, best make a transmission time be at the state of activation.” lt ; /pgt ; “院长还是早做准备,终学考核之前,最好让传送阵时刻处于激活状态。”lt;/pgt; Gu Chen is meaningful, the point till. lt ; /pgt ; 顾辰意味深长,点到为止。lt;/pgt; The alone this solitary one leisurely brow cannot help but closely wrinkled! lt ; /pgt ; 独孤逸的眉头不由得紧紧皱了起来!lt;/pgt;
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