DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#379: Aphylly ghost monk, Celestial officials

No, I do not cultivate/repair, I did not amend what Buddhist doctrine......” “不,我不修了,我再也不修什么佛法了……” Collapsing of intention usually only needs the flash, sees with own eyes to strive for fruitless, the aphylly pain turns over/stands up for the strength directly, changes the hundred zhang (333 m) high golden body instantaneously, starts to destroy crazily in the hell in which tongues are pulled out. 心念的崩坍往往只需要一瞬间,眼见所求无果,无叶化痛苦为力量直接翻身而起,瞬间变化成百丈高的金身,开始在拔舌地狱内疯狂破坏起来。 Fights with the fists, the crowded stone forest large expanse of breaks in enormous and powerful in the golden light, stamps, the solid land was torn the profound crack...... as if to vent like this, can some reduce the body 一拳打出,密集的石林在浩荡的金光中成片地断裂,一脚跺地,坚实的大地被撕裂出幽深的裂缝……似乎这样发泄,能够些许减轻身 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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