DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#378: The hell in which tongues are pulled out and brocade lan cassock, was surprised to know that the emperor defeats

In the repulsion of additional body, shook Yue Daoren to hold the blade to depart the completely empty mausoleum chamber, looks at the top of the head float river knitting the brows head. 在加身的斥力中,震岳道人持刀飞出了空空如也的地宫,看着头顶悬浮的长河皱了皱眉头。 Since the blade has realized, removed these useless things.” “既然刀已经练成了,就把这些没用的东西都撤了吧。” The crow Daoist of stagnant sky over Ruoshui, the samsara discernment in left eye rotates slightly, is the strength of ya yu ghost king to proliferate, fills the air to dozens li (0.5 km) long limpid Ruoshui. 停滞在弱水上空的鸦道人,左眼中的轮回法眼微微转动,属于猰貐鬼王的力量从中扩散而出,弥漫向几十里长的清澈弱水。 Under ghost's of Ruoshui control, the rivers that these no one can cross 在弱水之鬼的控制下,这些无人能渡的河流 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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