DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#377: Du Kang attribute( cuts off vol. 3 Chapter 72)

This chapter is the free chapter. 此章为免费章节。 Main body: 本体: First, Five Elements Monster Spell: This law is created by the ghost line, picks five lines of magical things / malignant influences on breed five elements boy in within the body, relies on one another with uses/gives technique the life, five elements boy may control five lines inborn, after the young lad is grown, uses/gives technique will also obtain to control five lines of strength. 一、【五行妖术】:此法由鬼道子所创,采五行灵物/煞气在体内孕育五行童子,与施术者性命相依,五行童子天生就可操控五行,童子成年后施术者也将获得操控五行之力。 Rank: Class E 等级:戊级 Skill: red face boy( six heavy), yellow face boy( six heavy), azure face boy( six heavy), white face boy( six heavy), black face boy( six heavy) 技能:赤面童子(六重)、黄面童子(六重)、青面童子(六重)、白面童子(六重)、黑面童子(六重) Enters the step condition: Five Elements Monster Spell will have the choices of four branch paths in oneself level. 进阶条件:五行妖术在己级会有四条分支道路的选择。 First: Five monster child refinements is five groups of greatly pill, after taking, may obtain five lines of spirit body and five elements monster kid all abilities. 其一:将五只妖童炼制为五行大丹,服食后可获得五行灵体与五行妖童的所有能力。 Second: Release five elements monster kid, may obtain the monster child Men blessing, obtains five lines to escape greatly.( Oneself level path end point, not continues to promote potential for this reason.) 其二:释放五行妖童,可得到妖童们的祝福,获得五行大遁。(己级为此条道路终点,无继续晋升潜力。) Third: The world myriad things all may split up the Yin-Yang five lines, five lines of similarly separable Yin-Yang, integrate oneself the five lines of Yang peelings of monster child, the monster children retain five lines of Yin, one person of five monster minutes/shares hold the Yin-Yang to verify mutually, break through to the high rank member in Yin-Yang five lines of rotations. 其三:世间万物皆可分化阴阳五行,五行同样可分阴阳,将妖童的五行之阳剥离融入自身,妖童们保留五行之阴,一人五妖分持阴阳相互印证,在阴阳五行轮转中向高阶修士突破。 Fourth: Continues to feed the magical things, cultivates heavily sixth all monster children above, will appear enters the Class G path.( This law will consume magnanimous magical things, please cautiously choose.) 其四:持续喂养灵物,将所有妖童培育到第六重以上,将出现直入庚级的道路。(此法将消耗海量灵物,请慎重选择。) Second, Controls sorcery: This law is created by the secret Daoist, cultivates this law to need Yin God Law to have, latter takes the pig cattle monster three domestic animal essence and blood to be possible in spiritual platform to condense Enslaving Monster Seal, a Enslaving Monster Seal Yin-Yang pair, enters monster spiritual platform to enslave the monster Yin seal. 二、【控妖法】:此法由天机道人所创,修炼此法需阴神法有成,后服用猪牛羊妖三牲精血可在灵台凝聚役妖印,役妖印阴阳一对,将阴印打入妖怪灵台可奴役妖怪。 ( Had been absorbed by Yin God Law.) (已被阴神法吸收。) Third, Yin God Law: This law was created by the ancient times tribe sorcerers, takes the medicine to make one body fall into plays dead, may enable the human soul to escape, the soul entered the body physical body rebirth to build again. This law may enable the person to cast off the physical body difficulty, the Yin god is aloof. 三、【阴神法】:此法由远古部落巫师所创,服食药物使人体陷入假死,可使人类魂魄遁出,魂魄再次入体肉体重生即修成。此法可使人摆脱肉体困扰,阴神超脱。 Rank: Class G 等级:庚级 Dragon Zhangfeng seal real symbol Dharmakaya: 龙章凤篆真符法身: Skill: Imperial order law aim( single layer) 技能:敕令法旨(一重) The Yin god has the hole( touching a stone and turn it into gold) 阴神出窍(点石成金) Spirit qi law pupil( single layer) 灵炁法瞳(一重) Nether world ghost fog( single layer) 幽冥鬼雾(一重) The minute/share deifies reads( single layer) 分神化念(一重) World copper furnace( single layer) 天地铜炉(一重) Closely associated( single layer) 如影随形(一重) Spirit warm/gentle bestows the law( single layer) 灵煦赐法(一重) Hundred ghost it lords( single layer) 百鬼之主(一重) Service monster incantation seal( after single layer / high rank, controls sorcery merge to Yin God Law in) 役妖咒印(一重/高阶之后,控妖法合并至阴神法中) Enters the step condition: Inscribes many fundamental rune/symbol Lu, Dharmakaya promotion to hard Jie. 进阶条件:铭刻更多的根本符箓,将法身提升至辛阶。 Fourth, Cow Stomach Law: This law is created by the ancients together, when cultivation needs swallow alive monster ox Wei not dead, may result in eats the stomach of grass, latter swallows the Xumi stone, may in attaching the stomach develops the space. 四、【牛胃法】:此法由齐地先民所创,修炼时需生吞妖牛胃而不死,可得食草之胃,后吞服须弥石,可在附胃中开拓出空间。 Rank: hard level 等级:辛级 Skill: Multiple Heaven( double) 技能:多重天界(二重) Heaven it lord( double) 天界之主(二重) Thoroughfare broad Mo( single layer) 通衢广陌(一重) Hainan solid it stomach( single layer) 琼实之胃(一重) Enters the step condition: The build own Heaven system, after the collection simultaneous/uniform 36 heavy paradises, the magic arts will promote to the ninth stem step. 进阶条件:搭建属于自己的天界体系,在集齐三十六重福地之后,法术将提升至壬阶。 According to pushing to spread out, if can the paradise completely evolution be the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, Cow Stomach Law may climb to the last of the ten Heavenly Stems step. 根据推衍,若能将福地全部演化为洞天,牛胃法有可能升至癸阶。 Fifth, the ya zi law, has stripped. 五、睚眦法,已剥离。 Sixth, Three heads and six arms law: Inserts the armpit shoulder to produce many only arms the blood steel ant monster foot, takes three dog monster essence and blood to be possible in the nape of the neck to grow many heads, multi- arm strength unparalleled, the multi-thread wisdom idea is astonishing. 六、【三头六臂法】:将血钢蚁妖足部插入腋下肩头可生成多只手臂,服食三头犬妖精血可在脖颈长出多个头颅,多臂战力无双,多头智计惊人。 Rank: Oneself level 等级:己级 Skill: Multi- arms( four heavy), multi-thread( double), Djinn( six heavy), steel fist( five heavy), guzzling( five heavy) 技能:多臂(四重)、多头(二重)、巨灵(六重)、钢拳(五重)、暴食(五重) Enters the step condition: First branches out two clone, is in one three bodies friendly, may break through to high rank. 进阶条件:先分出两道分身,再将三道身体融合为一体,可突破至高阶。 Seventh, Desiring to fly high law: Takes the monster bird both wings to prick the back, can fuses the monster wing, may obtain the energy of monster bird flying. 七、【插翅法】:取妖禽双翅刺入背部,能将妖翅和自身融合者,可获得妖禽飞天之能。 Rank: Class D 等级:丁级 Skill: Govern wind( four heavy), flight( four heavy), phoenix blood( four heavy), hundred birds toward luan( tertiary), luan cry highest heaven( double), meal wind( single layer) 技能:御风(四重)、飞行(四重)、凤血(四重)、百鸟朝鸾(三重)、鸾鸣九霄(二重)、餐风(一重) Lives the side of Chinese parasol tree, drinks the water of lichuan, 长居梧桐之侧,饮醴泉之水, The food practices the fruit of reality, may return to this return to original state, the wash purifies the azure luan bloodlines, after oneself step may have the complete azure luan bloodlines. Eighth, Plants angle: Takes sheep Yaojiao, ox Yaojiao, the gnu monster corner/horn and deer Yaojiao to plant in Renshou, may preserve massive monster strength in the corner/horn, may obtain the monster part inborn monster technique. 食练实之果,可返本还原,洗涤纯化青鸾血脉,直至己阶后可拥有完整的青鸾血脉。八、【植角法】:取羊妖角、牛妖角、角马妖角、鹿妖角植于人首,可在角内储藏大量妖力,可得到妖怪部分天生妖术。 Rank: Oneself level 等级:己级 Skill: 技能: Antler: Rejuvenation( six heavy), spoiled poisonous( single layer) 鹿角:回春(六重)、腐毒(一重) Gnu corner/horn: Guidance technique( five heavy) 角马角:引导术(五重) Sheep's horn: Misleads( four heavily), the intention steel seal( double) 羊角:蛊惑(四重)、心念钢印(二重) bull horn: Inspiration( tertiary) 牛角:鼓舞(三重) Enters the step condition: Opposition magic arts that the guidance driving oxen to the fields to work monster corner/horn or the gnu monster corner/horn embodiment contains. 进阶条件:引导出牛妖角或者角马妖角内蕴含的对立法术。 Ninth, the concealed tail technique, has stripped 九、藏尾术,已剥离 Tenth, lion sends the technique, has stripped 十、狮发术,已剥离 11 th, six know the law, has stripped 十一、六识法,已剥离 12 th, Arhat fist: The sect uses the full power, provides for a Buddhism doctrine to be pregnant the raising powerful incense and candle Spiritual God, when the disciple disciple studies this magic arts, the Spiritual God will strip the scrap golden body to send in disciple within the body, fuses the golden body non- dead, may practice successfully the diamond not bad arhat Dharmakaya gradually. 十二、【罗汉拳】:教派倾尽全力,供养一只佛门教义孕养的强大香火神灵,在门人弟子修习此门法术时,神灵将剥离自身小块金身送入弟子体内,融合金身不死者,可逐步修成金刚不坏罗汉法身。 Rank: Oneself level 等级:己级 Skill: High Rank: Buddhist relics( single layer) 技能:高阶:舍利相(一重) High Rank under: Does not go bad Fokuang( six heavily), the arhat golden body( six heavy), the arhat buddha's bones( four heavy), Buddha Yin to hide ( zng)( four heavy) 高阶之下:不坏佛光(六重)、罗汉金身(六重)、罗汉佛骨(四重)、佛阴之藏(zng)(四重) Enters the step condition: Opens a own paradise, has 1 million believers in the paradise, founds own India. 进阶条件:开辟一块属于自己的福地,在福地中拥有百万信众,建立属于自己的佛国。 In 1 million believers provide hopes under the strength recommendation huge, taking advantage of the strength of Celestial cross coupling paradise, then promotes high rank, congealment diamond not bad arhat Dharmakaya. 在百万信众提供的庞大愿力推举下,借福地之力天人交感,即可晋升到高阶,凝结金刚不坏罗汉法身。 Azure scale bloodlines: Obtains the merman bead blessings, obtains the azure scale merman clan complete bloodline, obtains azure scale clan all monster techniques, later may choose to adopt path of Jinjie bloodlines for the monster king. 【青鳞血脉】:得到鲛人珠赐福,获得青鳞鲛人氏族完整血统,获得青鳞氏族所有妖术,之后可选择通过血脉之路进阶为妖王。 Rank: Big monster ( 3 / 3 ) 【等级】:大妖 Skill: The demon deep pool sends( six heavily), illusion( six heavy), the tail of azure scale( six heavy), the song of merman( six heavy), to peep the eye of secret( five heavily), falling tears to become bead( five heavy), to weave the water is xiao( five heavy) 【技能】:魔渊之发(六重)、镜花水月(六重)、青鳞之尾(六重)、鲛人之歌(六重)、窥秘之眼(五重)、坠泪成珠(五重)、织水为绡(五重) Transforms the condition: The changing bloodlines, breed the new merman branch by oneself, and expands the clansman number to over 1000, completes the coronation ceremony, may change to the king of merman. 蜕变条件:改易血脉,以自身孕育出新的鲛人分支,并将族人数量扩展到一千以上,完成加冕仪式,可化作鲛人之王。 Blessing: 祝福: Shark blood baptism: When the merman first has sexual intercourse, there is a certain probability to give other ability of clan male underwater free breath. 【鲛血洗礼】:鲛人初次交合时,有一定几率赋予别族雄性水下自如呼吸的能力。 Matchmaker line: Is willing to result in a will of the people, the elderly does not separate, is Du Kang and Tao Shiyu engagement faith token, is the symbol of two people friendship. 【月老线】:愿得一人心,白首不分离,是杜康陶诗语的订婚信物,也是两人情义的象征。 Red mythical bird star moves: Does not arrest the race, does not arrest the sex, will exert this technique on over two lives, the affections will live among them baseless, the entire life, will be until death faithful. 【红鸾星动】:不拘种族,不拘性别,在两个以上的生灵身上施加此术,爱意将在他们之间凭空而生,一生一世,至死不渝。 It is not wind moves, is not the sail moves, is the feeling emotion all living things heart movement. 不是风动,不是帆动,乃有情众生心动。 Magic arts in addition holds connection: vermilion Meiniang, Du Kang. 法术加持连接者:朱媚娘、杜康 Weapon: 武器: Does, Rank: Ultra almighty troops 【干】,等级:超品神兵 Does originally for a innate vine that in the chaos breeds, after by punishment day discovery, weaves the shield shape weapon, because of innate and fresh, lives to have many strong capabilities. 干原本为混沌中孕育的一根先天藤蔓,被刑天发现后编织成盾形武器,因先天而生,生而拥有诸多强大能力。 Rank: Ultra 等级:超品 Characteristics: 特性: Chaos wood: Because the vine root system takes root in the chaos is unable to draw out , around the root system was opened a renouncing society and living alone dwelling place of Buddhist immortals world in the course of time, hides into, may be separated from the fetter of destiny river temporarily. 混沌木界:因藤蔓根系扎根于混沌无法拔出,日久天长之下,根系周围被开辟出了一座遗世独立的洞天世界,躲入其中后,可暂时脱离外界命运长河的束缚。 Innate vitality: The chaos vine for the innate spirit root, has it, can obtain the continuous innate vitality irrigation, can that restores the holder to be harmed, and has the endless life span. 先天生机:混沌藤蔓为先天灵根,持有它,可以获得源源不断的先天生机浇灌,能够恢复持有者受到的伤害,并拥有无尽的寿命。 The body of vine shield: Chaos vine tenacious resists chaos not to have the corrosion sufficiently, is hard to cut off by every thing, after being situated in the shield, can isolate all injuries of coming. 藤盾之体:混沌藤蔓的坚韧足以抵抗混沌“无”之侵蚀,难以被凡物斩断,立于盾牌之后,可以隔绝迎面而来的所有伤害。 Steals a day of fruit: World plant mostly may breed the fruit, the chaos vine is no exception, this spirit root may the knot rise immortal fruit one every 3000 years, the mortal food may vertical rise the immortal, becomes the high rank member. 偷天之果:世间植物大多可孕育出果实,混沌藤蔓也不例外,此灵根每3000年可结升仙果一颗,凡人食之可立地升仙,成为高阶修士。 Lives to extinguish the world: The strength of obligation chaos vine control chaos, can extinguish the world to create the action of the world good. 生灭世界:驱使混沌藤蔓操控混沌之力,能行灭世创世之举。 Relative, Rank: Ultra almighty troops 【戚】,等级:超品神兵 Characteristics: 特性: Creates the world: Has this axe, may cut the broken chaos, evolves dwelling places of buddhist immortals that the size varies in the surges place kerosene wind. 创世:持有此斧,可斩破混沌,在翻腾的地火水风中演化出大小不一的洞天福地。 Broken: According to the difference of the world size, the world fetal membrane intensity of its having is also various, the axe blade of relative can tear present world's largest intensity the world fetal membrane, directing energetically putting into practice of chaos to extinguish the action of the world. 破界:根据世界大小的不同,其所拥有的天地胎膜强度也各不相同,戚的斧刃可以撕裂现世这种最高强度的天地胎膜,引混沌之力行灭世之举。 Undefeated: The relatives once for the soldier of war-god, the holder transported to care by the fight and victory day, obtain to turn bad luck into good, encountered difficulty auspicious, the destiny of turning defeat into victory. 不败:戚曾为战神之兵,持有者将被战斗和胜利之天运眷顾,获得逢凶化吉,遇难成祥,反败为胜之天命。 Dead soldier: The soldiers, are the lethal weapon, by relative killing, no matter has many subsequent hands of resurrecting, will die in the concept completely, loses the opportunity of coming back to life. 死兵:兵,乃凶器也,被戚杀死者,不管拥有多少复活的后手,将会在概念上完全死亡,失去复生的机会。 Broken law: The punishment day once held this axe to divide to cut the Heavenly Dao, its by the strength of invasion Heavenly Dao, had inevitably was shattered the energies of ten thousand law. 破法:刑天曾持此斧劈砍天道,其不可避免地被天道之力侵染,拥有了破灭万法之能。 ( Note: First, relative for the stone of chaos, this stone material has nearly unlimited possibility principal, some special strength inductions, may make him derive the new ability. (备注:一、戚的主材为混沌之石,此石材拥有近乎无限的可能性,一些特殊的力量诱导,有可能使其衍生出新的能力。 Second, Qi Weigui step expert with the soldier, the use can have the huge consumption, the essence, air/Qi and god holder, transport/fortune, life and other possessions, when can serve as the relative uses the firewood, please must use discretely.) 二、戚为癸阶高手的配兵,使用会产生巨大的消耗,持有者的精、气、神、运、命等所有物,都可以用作戚使用时的柴薪,请务必谨慎使用。) Straw mat receives to cut divine blade, Rank: On low-grade 【蓐收斩神刀】,等级:上下品 Characteristics: 特性: Helping an evildoer do evil: Was received to cut the life that the divine blade kills by the straw mat, will transform as the ghost hides in the almighty troops, obeys the almighty troops the Lord summon obligation. When the ghost when has are many enough, the soldier lord waves to make 1 million ghost army. 为虎作伥:被蓐收斩神刀杀死的生灵,将会转化为伥鬼藏身于神兵中,听从神兵之主的召唤驱使。当拥有的伥鬼足够多时,兵主挥手便可制造出百万鬼军。 Killing of day punishment: The black tiger king Yuanwei gold/metal god, this soldier receives its gold/metal line of withering meanings to live, having the strength of slaughtering may grasp the day care. But the generation day exercises to murder, achieves to slaughter the four directions not to dye the least bit to kill to transport in the body. 天刑之杀:黑虎王原为金神,此兵秉承其金行肃杀之意而生,持有可掌握得天眷顾的杀戮之力。可代天行使杀伐,做到屠戮四方而不染半点杀运在身。 The wind of three disasters: The god of black tiger king Yuanwei wind, after changing to almighty troops, this godhood changes for the wind mark on hilt, may summon the disaster of bi wind to use for oneself. 三灾之风:黑虎王原为风之神,在化作神兵后,此神职变化为刀柄上的风纹,可召唤赑风之灾为己用。 Sane legal community: Black tiger king Changnian was stranded in the diamond embryo conceals datura legal community, the Dharmakaya has fused together with the legal community, after became the weapon by the casting, the soldier lord may urge to send out two legal communities depending on the almighty troops. 理智法界:黑虎王常年被困于金刚胎藏曼陀罗法界内,法身已与法界融为一体,在被铸造成兵器后,兵主可凭神兵催发出两种法界。 White tiger imaginary shape: The high-grade almighty troops gathers , then forms, disperses , then becomes the air/Qi, may transform the white tiger monster body combat nature, the almighty troops has the spirit wisdom that is equivalent to the human 3 or 4-year-old child, may experience the slow growth with oneself. 白虎幻形:上品神兵聚则成形,散则成气,可幻化出白虎妖躯战天斗地,神兵拥有相当于人类三四岁孩童的灵智,可随着自身经历缓慢成长。 Profound deep Zhenhai seal, Rank: On low-grade 【玄冥镇海印】,等级:上下品 Characteristics: 特性: Pure black horse dragon bead: This strategy may summon the water good dragon that under 36 jaws lives the pearl spirit, each only dragon spirit have the peak level big monster strength, according to the summoner demand is different, may arrange the trapped/sleepy person to kill the enemy and hold cloud Qiyu respectively, overwhelmingly, the defensive resistance and other strategies. 骊龙珠阵:此阵法可召唤三十六只颌下生有明珠的水行龙灵,每只龙灵都拥有巅峰级大妖的实力,根据召唤者需求不同,可分别布置出困人杀敌、操云乞雨、翻江倒海、防守抵御等种种阵法。 Judges whether the direction of water flow is lucky unreliably deeply: The profound deep real water commands for ten thousand water, its nature to Yin to cold, has by the energy of water governing water, may the info clerk in the almighty troops stockpile water of river, when necessary emitted defend. 玄冥纳水:玄冥真水为万水统帅,其性至阴至寒,有以水御水之能,可在神兵内收纳储备一江之水,必要时放出御敌。 Immortal looking for a long time: Refining up the almighty troops, the holder will obtain in 3000 the life in addition to hold, the almighty troops, the life is not along dry. 长生久视:炼化神兵,持有者将获得三千年寿元的加持,神兵随身,寿元不枯。 Bo Shuzhi partner: Has almighty troops, may resist the destiny class magic arts to be lower than the survey and spying on almighty troops rank, simultaneously can limitedly the divination in the future.( Destiny is variable, divination calculates say/way, even if calculates that is still only accidental, thinks oneself see through destiny, often will be deceived by destiny.) 卜数只偶:持有神兵者,可抵御命运类法术低于神兵等级的测算与窥探,同时能有限地占卜未来。(命运无常,卜算之道即便算中也只是偶然,以为自己看穿命运者,往往会被命运所愚弄。) Black Tortoise imaginary shape: The high-grade almighty troops gathers , then forms, disperses , then becomes the air/Qi, may change to a air/Qi income within the body, may transform the Black Tortoise monster body combat nature, the almighty troops has the spirit wisdom that is equivalent to the human 3 or 4-year-old child, may experience the slow growth with oneself. 玄武幻形:上品神兵聚则成形,散则成气,可化作一气收入体内,也可幻化出玄武妖躯战天斗地,神兵拥有相当于人类三四岁孩童的灵智,可随着自身经历缓慢成长。 High-grade following weapon: Pleasant purple gold wheel Heavenshaking hammer Dragon likely wisdom circle Mirror presbyopic glasses Polygonatum odoratum umbrella Hundred change demon ape clothes 上品以下武器:【如意紫金轮】【震天锤】【龙象般若圈】【镜花镜】【玉竹伞】【百变魔猿衣】 Clone: 分身: First, Name: Du Kang( black ink feather monster crow / crow Daoist) 一、【姓名】:杜康(墨羽妖鸦/鸦道人) Life span: 57 years 160 days / in 1500 【寿命】:57年160天/1500年 Rank: Monster king ( 1 / 3 ) 等级:妖王 Life and death six samsara Dharmakaya 生死六道轮回法身 Skill: Samsara discernment( single layer) 技能:轮回法眼(一重) Wicked livestock unfamiliar road( single layer) 恶・畜生道(一重) Wicked hell( single layer) 恶・地狱道(一重) Wicked malicious ghost said( single layer) 恶・恶鬼道(一重) The crow feather technique( six heavy), the air/Qi soldier( six heavy), the mourning cry( six heavy), the black flame( six heavy), the nether world body( six heavy), changes magically( six heavily), the stealth incantation( six heavy), to have a nightmare to win the technique( six seriously), the oil hot incantation( six heavy), to melt the shape( six heavily), to shout to decide the body incantation( heavily six)......( altogether opens 648 monster techniques) 鸦羽术(六重)、气兵(六重)、丧鸣(六重)、黑炎(六重)、幽冥体(六重)、点化(六重)、隐身咒(六重)、魇胜术(六重)、油火咒(六重)、化形(六重)、呼名定身咒(六重)……(共开启六百四十八个妖术) Initially generation of black ink feather monster crow kings, what walked is studies the numerous six kind of monster techniques with the roads of numerous becoming a lay priest, different, belongs to after 1296 types six monster techniques inscribe into the bloodlines, may combine to open the complete samsara discernment to be promoted to hard Jie. 初代墨羽妖鸦王,走的是修习众多六道类妖术以繁入道之路,将一千两百九十六种种类不同、分属六道的妖术铭刻入血脉后,可组合开启完整的轮回法眼晋升为辛阶。 Simplifies all monster technique beginning of the universe smeltings again is one, after the foundation at least covers six samsara of huge national territory circulate, may be promoted to the ninth stem step. If can establish six samsara in perfect inserting world Heavenly Dao, by oneself the flaw of say/way fill world soul circulation, may promote the last of the ten Heavenly Stems step. 再化繁为简将所有妖术混元熔炼为一,开创至少笼罩一片庞大国土的六道轮回循环后,可晋升为壬阶。若能建立一個完美嵌入世界天道中的六道轮回,以自身之道填补世界阴魂循环的缺陷,可晋升癸阶。 Transforms the condition: In the past the black ink feather monster crow king even/including 1296 monster techniques had not collected, after inheriting its all strengths, the successor must depend on itself to develop the following path. 蜕变条件:当年墨羽妖鸦王连一千两百九十六种妖术都未曾凑齐,在继承它的所有力量后,后继者需靠自身开拓后续道路。 At present has opened 648 monster techniques, combines the strength of complete left eye three evil paths, stimulates and improves the strength of right eye three Seondeok, enters the step sustainably. 目前已开启六百四十八道妖术,组合出完整的左眼三恶道之力,激发并完善右眼三善道之力,可持续进阶。 Weapon: Profound hot bead 武器:【玄火珠】 Second, Name: Du Kang / book Daoist 二、【姓名】:杜康/书道人 Life span: 【寿命】: Book spirit law: Capture book monster, discards the physical body, coincides the person soul and book monster soul by the secret charm, may change into the book spirit. 【书灵法】:捕捉书妖一只,舍弃肉体,以密咒将人魂与书妖之魂相合,可化为书灵。 Later the book monster monster body will change to makes the white paper, may write new article on / story, this book spreads in world absorption enough incense and candle read the strength, may result in the book the strength of deduction to assist. 之后书妖妖躯将重新化做白纸,可在上书写新的文章/故事,此书在世间流传吸取足够香火念力后,可得书中演绎之力相助。 This book content spreads in world unceasingly, book spirit never old codger, even if were killed, may still come back to life from the will of the people memory. 此书内容在世间流传不绝,书灵将永远不老不死,即便被人所杀,也可从人心记忆中复生。 Rank: Class A 等级:甲级 Skill: Hope the strength absorption( single layer) 技能:愿力吸收(一重) The belief evolves( single layer) 信仰衍化(一重) Endless page( does not have rank) 无尽书页(无等级) Transforms the condition: Writes article in the Buddhist musical instrument / story, spreads in the life widely, absorbs enough related incense and candle to hope the strength. 蜕变条件:在法器中书写文章/故事,在生灵中广为流传,吸收足够的相关香火愿力。 Non- magic arts class skill: 非法术类技能: Guard Azure Dragon( tertiary) 护身青龙(三重) Buddhist musical instrument: God demon releases the Ecuadoran biography 法器:【神魔释厄传】 Third, Name: Du Kang / ya zi Daoist 三、【姓名】:杜康/睚眦道人 Life span: 70 years 171 days / in 1000 【寿命】:70年171天/1000年 ya zi law: This law was created by previous dynasty Banning Monster Division, takes the wolf monster essence and blood as black ink, inscription tally writing lu on the blade, latter buried the small arm not dead the blade, may receive the blade to enter the body, the person the blade unites, this blade will have to cut the monster to eliminate the strength of demon. 【睚眦法】:此法由前朝禁妖司所创,以狼妖精血为墨,在刀刃上铭刻符箓,后将刀刃埋入小臂而不死,可收刀入体,人刀合一,此刃将有斩妖除魔之力。 Rank: Class G 等级:庚级 Murders the cauldron leather not to extinguish the ya zi Dharmakaya: 杀伐鼎革不灭睚眦法身: Skill: Cuts the monster broken demon blade( single layer) 技能:斩妖破魔刃(一重) Drafts cannot kill the body( single layer) 征杀不死躯(一重) ya zi does not extinguish the body( single layer) 睚眦不灭体(一重) Hundred soldiers murder Lord( single layer) 百兵杀伐主(一重) Three embodiment of Buddha it one( does not have rank) 三身之一(无等级) Enters the step condition: Dragon King is a life of god monster body, may through establishing oneself believes that or captures and slaughters the related god position, to real dragon promotion. 进阶条件:龙王乃神妖一体的生灵,可通过建立自身信仰,或者夺取与杀戮有关的神位,向真龙晋升。 Weapon: Blade and Sword Walk Yin fish dragon Shakes sea lance Evades water drop 武器:【刀剑行】【阴鱼龙】【撼海矛】【避水珠】 Fourth, Name: Du Kang( ankylosaurus monster / shakes mountain Daoist) 四、【姓名】:杜康(甲龙妖/震岳道人) Life span: 393 years 116 days / in 1000 【寿命】:393年116天/1000年 Rank: Monster king ( 1 / 3 ) 等级:妖王 Takes on mountain Fuyue the earth ankylosaurus Dharmakaya 担山负岳坤舆甲龙法身 Skill: Crag crystal heavy armor( single layer) 技能:岩晶重甲(一重) Shakes Yue Guchui( single layer) 震岳骨锤(一重) Big moment force field( single layer) 大矩力场(一重) Dragon King it body( single layer) 龙王之躯(一重) Enters the step condition: Goes to the starry sky deep place, absorbs the magnanimous spiritual energy and material creates own stars, becomes the lord of stars, enters the step by the strength that the stars return nurturing to parents step by step. 进阶条件:前往星空深处,吸收海量灵气与物质创造出一颗属于自己的星辰,成为星辰之主,以星辰反哺的力量步步进阶。 If can create to give birth day and stars of moon/month same rank, or with four like the star territory of star territory same rank, can be promoted to the last of the ten Heavenly Stems step. 若能创生出日、月同等级的星辰,或者与四象星域同等级的星域,便可晋升为癸阶。 Weapon: Heavenshaking hammer Yang Yulong 武器:【震天锤】【阳鱼龙】 Fifth, Name: Du Kang / pure Daoist 五、【姓名】:杜康/清净道人 Life span: 695 years 206 days / in 2206 334 days 【寿命】:695年206天/2206年334天 Six know law: This law is created by Buddhism Nirvana Buddha, cultivates, ears, mouths, noses, tongues, bodies and intent seven knowledge, may cultivate/repair to Class G high, the congealment arhat Dharmakaya. 【六识法】:此法由佛门寂灭佛所创,修眼、耳、口、鼻、舌、身、意七识,最高可修至庚级,凝结罗汉法身。 Rank: Class G 等级:庚级 Pure colored glaze arhat Dharmakaya: 清净琉璃罗汉法身: The naked eye understands thoroughly( single layer) 肉眼洞彻相(一重) Hears the sound( single layer) 闻声相(一重) The gods think( single layer) 神觉相(一重) Body light( single layer) 身光相(一重) Smells good( single layer) 善嗅相(一重) Hundred taste wonderful tongues( single layer) 百味妙舌相(一重) Mouth resplendent lotus flower( single layer) 口灿莲花相(一重) Enters the step condition: This magic arts have practiced to the boundary of founder not following enter the step path. The member boundary, has become the arhat of body and mind consciousness hence, but open up the following practicing path, can hope the strength by the Dharmakaya absorption incense and candle, transforms as the belief arhat, later the incense and candle is unceasing, life endless. 进阶条件:此法术已修炼至开创者的境界无后续进阶道路。修士至此境界,已成身心觉悟之罗汉,可自身开创后续修行道路,也可以以法身吸收香火愿力,转化为信仰罗汉,之后香火不绝,寿元无尽。 Sixth, Name: Du Kang / mechanical Daoist 六、【姓名】:杜康/机械道人 Life span: 695 years 206 days / in 2206 334 days 【寿命】:695年206天/2206年334天 Lion sends technique: Cuts a hair, takes the soul of lion monster as black ink, inscribes to live to swear on the hair. This incantation 10%, this hair will have to air plant, the energy of growing continually, pricks the scalp the hair, shortly can grow full Toushi to send. The new student/life lion sends the almighty troops unable to break, magic arts unable to invade, is protects oneself to kill the enemy and raise to send to govern bare giving up study. 【狮发术】:剪下自身一根头发,以狮妖之魂为墨,在头发上铭刻生发咒。此咒10%,这根头发将有落地生根、生生不息之能,将头发刺入自身头皮,顷刻间就能长出满头狮发。新生的狮发神兵不能断、法术不能侵,乃护身杀敌、养发治秃之绝学。 Rank: Class G 等级:庚级 Electromagnetism mechanical arhat Dharmakaya: 电磁机械罗汉法身: Steel and iron lion( single layer) 钢铁狮子相(一重) Electromagnetism thunder sound( single layer) 电磁雷音相(一重) Electronic benevolence( single layer) 电子佛心相(一重) Steel and iron arhat( single layer) 钢铁罗汉相(一重) The steel lion disposes: Iron lion lackey( sevenfold), electromagnetism rail gun( back / sevenfold), high-energy laser cannon( oral area / sevenfold), heavy armor( sevenfold) 钢铁狮子相配置:铁狮爪牙(七重)、电磁导轨炮(背部/七重)、高能激光炮(口部/七重)、重型装甲(七重) The steel arhat disposes: The arhat steel fist( both hands / sevenfold), the sword of god of thunder( both hands / sevenfold), the high frequency cutting blade( sevenfold), frees from earthly desires Gatling artillery( back / sevenfold), the plasma propeller( waist / sevenfold) 钢铁罗汉相配置:罗汉钢拳(双手/七重)、雷神之剑(双手/七重)、高周波切割刃(七重)、六根清净加特林炮(背部/七重)、等离子推进器(腰部/七重) Sharing disposition: The heart of electromagnetism( sevenfold), electronic light brain( sevenfold), positioning time accelerator( sevenfold), material solidification( sevenfold) 共享配置:电磁之心(七重)、电子光脑(七重)、定位时间加速器(七重)、物质凝固器(七重) Enters the step condition: This magic arts have practiced to the boundary of founder, not following enters the step path. The member boundary, may hence through the replacement weaponry adjustment many fight styles, may through to the exploration study of punishment day body, continue to push to spread out the following practicing path. 进阶条件:此法术已修炼至开创者的境界,无后续进阶道路。修士至此境界,可通过更换武器装备调整多种战斗风格,也可通过对刑天机体的探索钻研,继续推衍出后续修行道路。
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