DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#376: black ink feather monster crow, samsara discernment

When shakes the mountain Daoist like a raging fire to forge the almighty troops, a crow Daoist of black robe also in him huge profound just like the dragon stomach of rock cave, looked for a position to sit cross-legged to sit down. 就在震岳道人如火如荼锻造神兵的时候,一身黑袍的鸦道人也在他庞大幽深宛如岩洞的龙胃里,找了个位置盘膝坐下。 The crow Daoist as clone that Du Kang branches out earliest, after Du Kang flees from Yangchun County, still has kept the industry of southern Hengduan Shan operation dark cloud palace. 鸦道人作为杜康最早分出的分身,在杜康逃离阳春县后,依然一直留在横断山脉南部经营乌云宫的产业。 Especially in promoting after big monster, Du Kang looked in Hengduan Shan by the hills separation and hard-to-reach numerous county city, was diligent in him 特别是在晋升为大妖之后,杜康瞄上了横断山脉中被群山分隔、交通不便的众多县城,在他孜孜不倦 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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