DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#375: diamond embryo conceals datura legal community

Two plans have illusory of many Buddha, Bodhisattva and arhat, distinguishes seal to carve the ground in mausoleum chamber and top. 两幅绘制有繁多佛陀、菩萨、罗汉的虚幻佛图,分别印刻在地宫的地面和顶部。 Many image of Buddha empty shades are lived by the chart, shines thorough golden Fokuang in the mausoleum chamber, was up and down surrounded the black tiger monster king together. 有诸多佛像虚影由图而生,在地宫中照射出透彻的金色佛光,一上一下共同困住了其中的黑虎妖王。 Du Kang comprehends in the mausoleum chamber for a long time, although limited to the strength of clone, is unable to break this diamond embryo conceals datura legal community, but as the senior double material arhat of Buddhism, he has the institute to the essence of this set of legal community 杜康在地宫中参悟许久,虽然受限于分身的实力,无法打破这座金刚胎藏曼陀罗法界,但作为佛门的资深双料罗汉,他已对这套法界的本质有所 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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