DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#380: The posture of day female, said goodbye dragon woman

The remaining influence is one of the several big court eunuches in beam Guo Imperial palace having several. 余风是梁国皇宫里有数的几个大太监之一。 As from the beam great ancestor Jianyuan 16 annual income palaces, cultivated starting from six years old Celestial metaplasia technique, Had served six emperors, now 432 years old still live the remaining influence in imperial palace, may be called the Daliang inherited court eunuch. 作为自梁太祖建元十六年入宫,从六岁开始修炼【天人化生术】,先后伺候过六位皇帝,如今四百三十二岁依然生活在皇宫里的余风,堪称大梁祖传的太监。 In 400 years of repeated difficulties, the remaining influence had once obtained the favor of emperor, for a while the scenery does not have two, was once excluded from the power circle is subject to desolately, sees for a lifetime has not known many 在四百年的风风雨雨里,余风曾得到过皇帝的宠幸,一时风光无二,也曾被排斥在权力圈外备受冷落,一辈子见过不知多少 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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