DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#372: The war of chaos, seizes the vine skillfully

Come good!” “来的好!” In the navel of punishment day law body bursts out to resound through exploding of the world to drink the sound together. 刑天法躯的肚脐内迸发出一道响彻天地的爆喝声。 The sound wave changes to one skewer of substantializing the sound wave, like a giant shell, attacked in the chest and belly part of Ji yun emperor Dharmakaya. Is carrying the sound wave of incomparable strength, center Ji Yun above dragon chapters of 12 chapters of royal robes clothing/taking. 声浪化作一串实质化的音波,如同一门巨大的炮弹,冲击在了姬赟帝王法身的胸腹部分。携带着无匹之力的音波,正中姬赟所着十二章衮服的龙章之上。 Áng- 昂- dragon recited intermittently, during circling rotations of numerous Gold Dragon in dragon chapter, this impact was reduced and solved quickly slowly, Ji Yunzhi 龙吟阵阵,在龙章中众多金龙的盘旋转动之中,这道冲击很快被缓缓化解,姬赟只 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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