DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#371: The greed is flaming, blue plant ash relative

Áng- 昂- Resounds through horizon dragon to recite the acoustic shock the void tremor to continue, in Du Kang that in the sky runs away rapidly behind, a threatening Azure Dragon is in hot pursuit. 响彻天际的龙吟声震得虚空颤动不止,在天空中急速逃窜的杜康身后,一条张牙舞爪的青龙正在紧追不舍。 Perhaps consumed humanity dragon Qi reason, by a dark green Longzhen day ruler making imaginary shape gasosaurus, the image of this Azure Dragon was quite been clearly lifelike. 也许是消耗了人道龙气的缘故,分明是被苍龙镇天尺打出的一条幻形气龙,这条青龙的形象却极为逼真。 Not only the scale claw is complete, brilliant, the long neck hair must against the wind the chaotic dance, on the dragon neck in the relative by a huge wound that cuts, dropping azure 不仅鳞爪俱全,头角峥嵘,鬃须迎风乱舞,就连龙颈上被戚砍出的一道巨大伤口中,滴落的青色 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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