DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#370: The grave of thunder, speechless tacit

Subject does not have the wisdom ignorantly, all fears the prestige not to have high morals, emperor generation of day herdsmen, when uses both kindness and severity, side for the proper way of control. “臣民愚昧无智,皆畏威而不怀德,天子代天牧民,当恩威并施,方为统御之正途。 Now Haizhou province herd Fu Ruhai, the evil intent is hidden, plots a rebellion deliberately, results in the punishment day corpse to attempt to cede territory autonomous. 今海州州牧福如海,祸心暗藏,蓄意谋反,得刑天尸而妄图割地自治。 This guilty of the most heinous crime generation, when apprehends by Us to Capital City personally, serves with the heavenly thunder bang top, the punishment of relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, deters the non- feudal official only then, warns others against following a bad example. ” 此罪大恶极之辈,当由朕亲自捉拿至京城,施以天雷轰顶,形神俱灭之刑,方可震慑不臣,以儆效尤。” The complexion of emperor can always suddenly turn about, must have a lengthy conversation with own love Sir/minister a moment ago knee-to-knee, in an instant must defeat the bone to raise the ash the crime feudal official. 皇帝的脸色总能说变就变,刚才还要和自己的爱卿促膝长谈,转眼间就要将罪臣挫骨扬灰。 In the determining guilt sound of Ji yun, the crane profit beast that in the sky soared all dissipates the harmless spiritual energy, the sunny nighttime sky was cloudy suddenly, crowded thunder light sparkled in the cloud layer, just like heaven in angry howling. 在姬赟的定罪声中,天空中飞翔的仙禽益兽全部消散成了无害的灵气,晴朗的夜空眨眼间乌云密布,密集的雷光在云层中闪耀,宛如苍天在愤怒的吼叫。 Can mount the person of emperor, the personality can be indecisive, can cruel tyrannical, even can stupid stupid, but absolutely is not the softhearted generation. 能登上皇帝位之人,性情可以优柔寡断,可以残忍暴虐,甚至可以昏庸愚蠢,但绝对不会是心慈手软之辈。 Ji Yun is arriving to the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, with the short moment time of Fu Ruhai conversation, already in the silence completed with the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals day the communication, by 【The child of sky The position standard, earned the support of dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, established own home advantage with ease. 姬赟在降临至刑天洞天,和福如海交谈的短短片刻时间里,已经在悄无声息中完成了与刑天洞天之“天”的沟通,以【昊天之子】的位格,获得了洞天的鼎力支持,轻松建立了自己的主场优势。 Ji Yun knows certainly that Fu Ruhai chatted in the protracted time, he was so, now the plot revealed that has not needed again rubbish. 姬赟当然知道福如海与自己聊天是在拖延时间,他又何尝不是如此呢,如今图穷匕见,已经没必要再废话了。 The area achieves in the punishment day dwelling places of Buddhist immortals of surrounding area three thousand li (500 km), the enormous and powerful spiritual energy starts the surges under Ji yun will to roll, changes to the rich dark cloud to well up to here. 面积达到方圆三千里的刑天洞天中,浩浩荡荡的灵气开始在姬赟的意志下翻腾滚动,化作浓郁的乌云向此处涌来。 Above accumulation of rich golden thunder and lightning at punishment day law body, and rapid by small expansion, after occupying hundred li (0.5 km) region stopped expanding. 浓郁的金黄色雷电在刑天法躯的上空聚集,并飞速由小扩大,在占据了百里区域后才停止扩张。 These golden thunder dense and numerous crowding in the same place, will scatter to the dark cloud of place crowded completely, they evolve in sky was floating huge perimeter/thunder pool finally, float in upper air, assumes being ready condition. 这些金色雷霆密密麻麻的拥挤在一起,密集到将所处之地的乌云完全驱散,它们最终演化成了一口天空中漂浮着的庞大雷池,悬浮在高空中,呈蓄势待发之态。 While the emperor acts, Fu Ruhai similarly is not the generation of sitting waiting for death, the distance comes back to life the ceremony to be completed obviously also has about half the time of double-hour, lay actually moved in the ground punishment day law body suddenly. 在皇帝出手的同时,福如海同样也不是坐以待毙之辈,明明距离复生仪式完成还有将近半个时辰的时间,趴在地上的刑天法躯却突然动了起来。 In enduring compared with top of the head thunder crack in rumble, a punishment day ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high headless body stands up from failure, is lying down on the ground. 在堪比头顶雷霆炸响的隆隆声中,刑天万丈高的无头躯体翻了个身,正躺在地上。 The punishment day takes the breast as the eye, is staring at Ji yun in sky, takes the navel as the mouth, opens the mouth to make the Fu Ruhai sound to say with a smile crazily. 刑天以乳为目,盯着天空中的姬赟,以脐为口,开口发出福如海的声音狂笑道。 Ji yun young child, is this thinking in one way and behaving in another appearance. “姬赟小儿,就是这幅表里不一的样子。 Daliang founds a nation for 400-500 years, the emperor traded, but the countenance of your emperor has not actually traded. 大梁立国400-500年,皇帝换了一个又一个,但你们皇帝的这幅嘴脸却从来没换过。 Past Ji Xie ( xie ) was this appearance, although he was our people of lead, the strength was also strongest, but if did not have our group of youngest brothers to lend a hand, why he can overthrow Yue. 当年的姬燮(xie)就是这个样子,他虽然是我们的领头之人,实力也是最强,但若没有我们这帮老兄弟帮衬,他凭什么能够推翻越国。 He before well, must with our altogether world that ascending the throne said that altogether the riches and honor. 他在登基之前说的好好的,要与我们共天下,共富贵。 Finally in ascending the throne for several years, after consolidating the emperor position gave his great power, starts to get angry does not recognize people, cleans up the youngest brother who our these share his power. 结果在登基几年,稳固了皇帝位赋予他的强大力量之后,就开始翻脸不认人,清理起我们这些分享他权力的老兄弟。 Said that anything must help us overcome areas, making us all crack earth to divide the king, his emperor mighty force had/left the national territory is not of use, has not wanted us to take the life to spell. 说什么要帮我们打下一块块疆域,让我们个个裂土分王,他的皇帝伟力出了国土又不顶用,还不是要我们拿命去拼。 Initially with more than ten high rank member who he fought for together, the short ten years are opening up territory to expand within the earth dead half, I morning according to the circumstances, hid in Haizhou this horn corner on own initiative, had been killed by him. ” 当初跟着他一起打拼的十几个高阶修士,短短十年就在开疆扩土中死了一半,我要不是见机的早,主动躲到海州这个犄角旮旯里,也早就被他弄死了。” It seems like reason that because the ceremony has not completed, movement some of punishment day law body are not quite agile, Fu Ruhai reveals the secret that these few people are knowing, while movement stiff activity arm. 似乎是因为仪式还没有完成的原因,刑天法躯的动作有些不太灵便,福如海一边吐露着这些少有人知的秘闻,一边动作僵硬的活动起手臂。 Fortunately your emperors are the short-lived ghost, the old man compromises for the general interest for dozens years later, Ji Xie that bastard by me forcefully is boiled. “还好你们皇帝都是短命鬼,老夫委屈求全几十年后,姬燮那个王八蛋就被我硬生生熬死了。 Then, I...... gave up to his son, grandson and great-great-grandson, boil emperors, endured today with great difficulty. 接下来,我又对他的儿子、孙子、玄孙……们俯首称臣,熬死了一个个皇帝,好不容易才熬到了今天。 Old man's was kneeling to your Ji person time and time again, has been weary of all these, is looked that your Ji people are less pleasing to the eyes. 老夫对着你们姬家之人跪了一次又一次,早就厌倦了这一切,更是看你们姬家人越来越不顺眼。 In the past Ji Xie can sit the throne of emperor in the tumultuous times, now the tumultuous times will arrive, why this time emperor cannot do by my Fu Ruhai! 当年姬燮能在乱世中坐上皇帝的宝座,如今乱世又将到来,这次的皇帝凭什么不能由我福如海来做! ! ” !” In the Fu Ruhai heavenshaking roaring filial piety, the punishment day lies low on the ground, the right hand grips tightly 56 hundred zhang (333 m) big fists, to crush all potentials, fought with the fists to tiny incomparable Ji yun. 福如海震天的咆孝中,刑天平躺在地上,右手紧握出一个五六百丈大的拳头,以粉碎一切之势,一拳打向了渺小无比的姬赟。 Facing this simple, a not gaudy fist, Du Kang had a clearer understanding of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high Dharmakaya instantaneously. 面对这简简单单,毫无花哨的一拳,杜康瞬间对万丈高的法身有了一个更清晰的认识。 The punishment day law body lies, when ground like a genuine mountain range, but feels purely in a big way. 刑天法躯趴在地上如同一座真正山脉的时候,只是让人单纯地感觉到大。 But once this colossus starts to launch the attack, a mountain, the lopsided visual impact, will make people feel that the sky collapses to be the same. 但这个庞然大物一旦开始对人展开攻击,一座山岳,比例悬殊的视觉冲击,会让人感觉到天塌下来一样。 A casual fists and feet attacks, immediately has the serious pressure from well up in all directions, the space was frozen probably, was only coagulated the insect in space to stay in same place like one by the attacker, was still butchered by the punishment day. 随随便便的一道拳脚攻出,立刻有沉重的压力从四面八方涌来,空间好像被冻结了,被攻击者如同一只只被凝固在空间中的虫子停留在原地,仍由刑天宰割。 Under the punishment day fist, is hard to avoid, is unable to hide, only then the choice faces directly the attack to have a slim chance of survival. 在刑天的拳头下,难以躲避,更是无法隐藏,只有选择直面攻击才能拥有一线生机。 Good rebels, but was lived crazily several hundred years of years, outstanding ability and grand vision who how you can understand the great ancestor. “好一个乱臣贼子,不过是痴活了几百年岁月罢了,你又如何能懂得太祖的雄才伟略。 Your present artificial is, can show that the great ancestor past decision was correct. 你如今的所做作为,才更能证明太祖当年的决定是正确的。 Do not think that resurrects a corpse, had the qualification that offends heavenly prestige, suffers a defeat and flees under Our boundless thunder tribulation! ” 不要以为复活一具尸体,就有了触犯天威的本钱,败亡在朕的无边雷劫之下吧!” On reckless, Ji Yuncai is specialized, although knew in the heart that is impossible really only to depend on the thunder to defeat Fu Ruhai, but under the mouth shouted including one of the day constitution randomly, in perimeter/thunder pool has not saved to the pinnacle day punishing thunder falls loudly. 论口胡,姬赟才是专业的,虽然心知不可能真的只靠雷打败福如海,但在口含天宪的一通乱喊之下,雷池中还没有积蓄到极致的天罚之雷就轰然落下。 Changes to a to reach five hundreds of zhang (333 m) similarly thickly, dropping from the clouds the sword of thunder, straight on punishment day fist. 化作一柄同样粗达五百丈,从天而降的雷霆之剑,直直噼在了刑天的拳头上。 The continuous card observes the sound to resound unceasingly, obviously is the sword of energy the thunder and lightning composes, actually exuded the metal common clear break sound. 连绵的卡察声不断响起,明明是雷电组成的能量之剑,却发出了金属一般的清晰断裂声。 Punishment day from below, but on fist, clashes with the thunder of dropping from the clouds in the same place, in the solar dazzling ray, the surface of punishment day fist presented the slight melted trace, but sword of actually places thunder crack. 刑天从下而上的拳头,和从天而降的雷霆对撞在一起,在太阳般刺目的光芒中,刑天拳头的表面出现了一点轻微的融化痕迹,但雷霆之剑却一段段地崩裂开来。 ! ! ! 滋啦!滋啦!滋啦! Like a golden hedgehog, the dazzling golden electric current flees in all directions to the four directions carelessly, these disorderly electric currents separate the tiny wound the space, is surging recklessly own strength. 如同一只金色的刺猬,刺眼的金黄色电流向四方胡乱流窜,这些杂乱的电流将空间割裂出细小的伤口,肆意激荡着自己的力量。 These electric lights fall in the metal land, the punishment day descendant body that in the original battlefield leaves behind then or was annihilated by the thunder and lightning, or was nibbled by the space crack swallows. 这些电光落在金属大地上,原先战场上遗留的刑天后裔尸体便或被雷电湮灭,或被空间裂缝蚕食吞噬。 Ji yun, has the Daliang dragon air/Qi deteriorated in this way? “姬赟,大梁的龙气已经衰败如斯了吗? The day of Emperor even/including punished the non- deceased person, the one had only known, the old man should stage a rebellion earlier is right. ” 连皇帝的天罚都噼不死人了,早知如此,老夫就应该早点起事才对。” With the lapse of time, when to punishment day resurrecting of original plan is nearer, various parts of punishment day law body are flexible, Fu Ruhai raises the arm that another just can control excitedly, grasped to in the air Ji yun. 随着时间的推移,离原先计划的刑天复活之时越近,刑天法躯的各部件就越是灵活,福如海兴奋地举起另一条刚刚能控制的手臂,抓向了空中的姬赟。 You also said a moment ago, in these several hundred years, you live on dishonorably in the shadow of all previous emperor. “你刚才也说了,在这几百年的时间里,你是在历代皇帝的阴影中苟活下来的。 Also never has to face the strength of emperor truly, can say this not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth words to come. ” 也只有从来没有真正地面对过皇帝的力量,才能说出这种不知天高地厚的话来。” Ji Yuntai arm wields, the perimeter/thunder pool neutrality of sky inscribes sword of fermentation eight new thunder, is inclining to the punishment day. 姬赟抬臂一挥,天空的雷池中立刻有八柄新的雷霆之剑酝酿而出,倾斜着向刑天噼来。 Bang- 轰隆- The clumsy body that the punishment day has not recovered completely, is incapable of avoiding so many attacks radically, eight swords fell his body various places simultaneously. 刑天还未完全复苏的笨拙身体,根本无力躲避这么多的攻击,八柄剑同时落到了他的身体各处。 Double such as, in navel, mutton smell, four limbs, the punishment day law body was sewn by the giant divine sword of eight exceedingly high penetrating places on the ground. 双如、肚脐、膻中、四肢,刑天法躯被八道通天彻地的巨大神剑钉在了地上。 Continuous thunder tribulation attacks on body that in this ten thousand laws are difficult to invade, can only restrain firmly in same place him, not only cannot cause the too big damage, instead will hit to collapse to disperse, dissipates to all around. 连绵不绝的雷劫冲击在这具万法难侵的身体上,只能将他牢牢约束在原地,非但不能造成太大的伤害,反而将自己撞击得崩散开来,向四周逸散。 In punishment day law body angry struggling, thunder light of escape fell in torrents massively in his back metal land, the magnanimous material was destroyed, forms an unceasing downward subsidence unexpectedly gradually the big hole. 在刑天法躯愤怒的挣扎中,逸散的雷光被大量倾泻在他背后的金属大地上,海量的物质被毁灭,竟然渐渐形成一个不断向下沉降的大坑。 „ A stealer who steals others strength, even if for a while successful wild, cannot escape is backhanded the result of suppression. “一个窃取他人力量的偷窃者,纵使一时得志猖狂,也逃不过是被反手镇压的结局。 The crime feudal official, We suddenly changed the mind, perhaps does not need to lead you to return to the capital, you died here...... have your laughable ambition, was buried in Our 【The grave of thunder In. ” 罪臣,朕突然改变主意了,也许没必要带你回京,你还是在这里死去吧……带着你那可笑的野心,被埋葬在朕的【雷之墓】之中吧。” Ji Yun is quite satisfied with the present aspect, he extends two arms, simultaneously toward an under pressure, perimeter/thunder pool in cloud layer then dropped from the clouds with his movement courageous, pounds to fall below endocrater. 姬赟对现在的局面极为满意,他伸出两条手臂,同时朝下方勐地一压,云层中的雷池便随着他的动作从天而降,砸落到了下方的巨坑中。 Bang- 轰- Can burn melts the void plasma four to shoot the splash, after waiting sways the water surface incessantly stop, the full pond golden liquid plasma then the punishment day law body completely submerges, like a coffin of liquid, detains to be one of them the opponent. 能烧融虚空的电浆四射飞溅,等晃荡不止的水面停稳之后,满池金色的液态电浆便将刑天法躯完全淹没,如同一副液态的棺材,将对手关押在其中。 The arm and thigh of punishment day law body often brave from the plasma, but the quick then wriggled plasma pulls to return, for a while is hard to get out of trouble. 刑天法躯的手臂和大腿不时从电浆中冒出来,但很快便被蠕动的电浆拉扯而回,一时难以从中脱困。 Ji Yun after obtaining punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals day approval, this dwelling place of Buddhist immortals then power all-moving, extracted not gaugeable spiritual energy in the spirit sea of qi, only to condense this hundred-mile vast perimeter/thunder pool. 姬赟在获得刑天洞天之“天”的认可后,这座洞天便功率全动,在灵气海中抽取到了无可计量的灵气,只为了凝聚出这一方长达百里的浩大雷池。 The punishment day law body seems like that is contending with a perimeter/thunder pool, is contending with the entire punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals actually, takes him also as the condition of complete recovery, taking off/escaping that can make must blame. 刑天法躯看似是在和一个雷池抗衡,实则是在与整个刑天洞天抗衡,以他还为完全复苏的状态,能挣的脱才怪呢。 Brings trapped/sleepy beast that is catching, this regimental commander is hundred-mile 【The grave of thunder Unexpectedly slowly float, flutters to the above cloud layer at the slow speed, wants to obtain in the dark cloud the supplement of spiritual energy. 带着捕捉到的困兽,这团长达百里的【雷之墓】竟然慢慢悬浮了起来,以缓慢的速度向上空的云层飘去,想要获得乌云中灵气的补充。 The punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals named punishment day , because it is the battle complementary waves of punishment day and Heavenly Dao, opens to evolve in the chaos. 刑天洞天之所以名为刑天,是因为它乃是刑天和天道的争斗余波,在混沌中开辟演化出来的。 Before the punishment day dies, without and this dwelling place of Buddhist immortals establishes any mutual subordination relations, his corpse and dwelling place of Buddhist immortals naturally would have no least bit friendship to say, got what one deserves is snatched the home game by others. 刑天死之前,并没有和这个洞天建立任何相互统属关系,他的尸体和洞天自然也就没有半点情分可讲,活该被别人抢了主场。 Ji Yunzhi had/left one move, had completely the advantage in the fight, even must achieve the success of fight shortly. 姬赟只出了一招,就在战斗中占尽了优势,甚至眼看就要获得战斗的胜利。 Du Kang actually notices keenly, although Ji Yunzhan in same place motionless, seems has victory in the hand. But on his old nape of the neck, has the obvious blue vein to stick out suddenly, light sweat sticks to covering entirely the skin of old age spot. 杜康却敏锐地注意到,虽然姬赟站在原地一动不动,好似已经胜券在握。但他苍老的脖颈上,却有明显的青筋暴起,一层薄薄的汗水紧贴在布满老年斑的皮肤上。 According to the common sense, the high rank member should not perspire, but the emperor is actually an exception, by a country dragon Qiren Lord emperor essentially is only a mortal, can only control to endure because of the status of emperor and emperor compared with the huge strength of last of the ten Heavenly Stems step. 按常理来说,高阶修士是不应该出汗的,但皇帝却是个例外,被一国龙气认主的皇帝本质上只是一个凡人,只因天子和皇帝的身份才能驾驭堪比癸阶的庞大力量。 When sweat that seeing Ji yun drips, Du Kang knows, the emperor has done utmost. 在看到姬赟身上淌出的汗水时,杜康就知道,皇帝已经竭尽全力了。 Originally really such as Fu Ruhai said, the Daliang dragon air/Qi condition is not very good, hits the punishment day law body that has not recovered completely so to be difficult continually, perhaps I should seize this hard-won opportunity, seeks interests for oneself again. “原来真的如福如海所说,大梁的龙气状态很不好,连打一个未曾完全复苏的刑天法躯都这么难,也许我应该抓住这个来之不易的机会,为自己再谋取点利益。 If I have not estimated wrong, this opportunity will come quickly. ” 而且如果我没估算错的话,这个机会很快就会来啦。” The Du Kang vision closely is staring in the ascension 【The grave of thunder, When it is close to the dark cloud altitude, the arm that is lifting the shield tore golden thunder paste suddenly, by sign racket of surface ruthlessly in the grave of thunder. 杜康的目光紧紧盯着升腾中的【雷之墓】,就在它接近乌云所处高度的时候,一只举着盾牌的手臂突然撕裂开了金色的雷浆,以牌面在雷之墓上狠狠一拍。 Winter- 冬- thunder paste within dozens li (0.5 km) range was hit the rupturing splash, the punishment day takes the opportunity to shake off the fetter of grave of thunder, jumped, tens of thousands years later stood again in the land. 几十里范围内的雷浆被打得爆裂飞溅,刑天借机挣脱了雷之墓的束缚,从中跳了出来,时隔几万年后再次站立在了大地上。 As the punishment day relaxes slowly, his entire upper part vanished in everywhere dark cloud. 随着刑天慢慢直起腰,他的整个上半身就消失在了漫天乌云中。 The similar height, lying down and stands is being two completely different concepts, the punishment day is lying down the time, the cloud layer can also calculate on lofty sky reluctantly, waits for the punishment day to stand the time that the dark cloud can only just overflow his waist. 同样的身高,躺着和站着是两个完全不同的概念,刑天躺着的时候,云层还勉强能算的上高远的天空,等刑天站起来的时候,乌云就只能将将没过他的腰部了。 Two sturdy thighs, like two great peak that inserts the day stands erect generally under the cloud layer, in the jet black dark cloud, can see one group of gigantic something vaguely. 两条粗壮的大腿,如同两根插天的巨峰一般矗立在云层之下,在漆黑的乌云中,依稀还能看到一团硕大的某物。 Under the cloud layer also lets fall half shield, the shield obviously by the green vine branch knitting, in the slit of vine shield also has the tender leaf that several pieces have not withered, is sending out the vigorous vitality. 云层下还垂落有半面盾牌,盾牌明显是由苍翠的藤蔓枝条编织而成的,藤盾的缝隙中还带有几片未曾枯萎的嫩叶,散发着勃勃的生机。 Until now doing will take, We also think two almighty troopses who you have not obtained the punishment day? “直到现在才将‘干’拿出来,朕还以为你没有获得刑天的两件神兵呢? Also pulls out together relative, shows you strongest stance, because if the rapidness of too death, even the weapon pulls out without enough time, We worried that you in dying will regret...... ” 把‘戚’也一起掏出来吧,将你最强的姿态展现出来,要是因为死的太快,连兵器都来不及掏,朕担心你在死的时候会后悔……” Ji Yun fell the vision on the vine shield, is inducing this almighty troops ability by the status attempt of child of sky, suddenly felt that a disturbing trillion from raided behind to him. 姬赟将目光落在了藤盾上,正在以昊天之子的身份尝试感应这件神兵能力,却突然感到一股噩兆从身后向他袭来。 A dark green azure jade ruler automatic appears in Ji yun hand, his does not return wields the jade ruler backward, in a dragon who resounds through the world recited in the sound, knocked to fly the crude axe of sneak attack. 一柄苍青色玉尺自动在姬赟手中浮现,他头也不回的将玉尺向后一挥,在一声响彻天地的龙吟声中,将一把偷袭的简陋斧头磕飞。 Through picture that the almighty troops cross coupling transmits, Ji yun can see the rear scene. 通过神兵交感传递过来的画面,姬赟得以看到了后方的情景。 Saw only itself a moment ago in respect chose/point that pair of young boys and girls, gold/metal clothes man is hugging the jade burial suit woman, takes a stone ax with another hand, stampede under chasing down of Azure Dragon. 只见自己刚才钦点的那一对金童玉女中,一身金衣的男人正一手抱着玉衣女人,用另一只手拿着一把石斧,在一条青龙的追杀下狼狈逃窜。 „ Is relative your here, Fu Ruhai willing the ultra almighty troops to lend a bystander to use unexpectedly? “戚在你这里,福如海竟然舍得将超品神兵借给一个外人使用? It is not right, was you robbed the relative from Fu Ruhai, We just now entered the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals time, you are actually escaping! ” 不对,是你从福如海手里抢走了戚,朕方才进入洞天的时候,你其实是在逃跑!” That moment of stone ax Ji Yun is seeing, confirmed the status of relative, cleared off the vein of entire item event in the flash. 姬赟在看到的石斧的那一刻,就确认了戚的身份,在一瞬间理清了整件事件的脉络。 When realizes own negligence, in emperor heart angry, but he also leapt suddenly does not intend to pursue Du Kang. 意识到自己的疏忽时,皇帝心中恼怒不已,但他一时间也腾不出手去追杜康了。 Because while he resists the Du Kang sneak attack, just like supporting the punishment day of day of giant, has stepped to seem the influential or powerful person in heavenly pillar, treads one step, lifted the vine shield to pat toward Ji yun. 因为就在他抵御杜康偷袭的同时,宛如撑天巨人的刑天,已经迈着自己好似天柱的粗腿,踏出一步,举着藤盾朝姬赟拍了下来。 Punishment day each grandiose muscle has a mountain range size, the lifted up high arm is palatial like the mountain, above covered entirely the sticking out muscle of spreading across. 刑天的每一块壮硕的肌肉都有一座山脉大小,高举的手臂如同山岳般巍峨,其上布满了纵横交错的隆起肌肉。 Such a giant arm is lifting a bigger shield, pats to a tiny human, the time of attack grasps is quite appropriate, happen to played an excellent coordination with Du Kang, making him be able to flee smoothly. 这样的一只巨臂举着一面更大的盾牌,向一个渺小的人类拍来,攻击的时机掌握的极为恰当,正好与杜康打了一个极好的配合,让他能够顺利逃离。 Du Kang and Fu Ruhai link the surface not to see obviously one time, even the words have not said half a word, actually among smart people can have the speechless tacit understanding that. 杜康福如海明明连面都没有见过一次,连话都没有说过半句,却有一种聪明人之间才能有的无言默契。 Fu Ruhai knows that was Du Kang kills finished the chain, and robbed the relative, but after seeing Du Kang by Ji yun uniform/subdue, he has not chosen this matter says, got rid of Du Kang with the hand of Ji yun, but is willing to help Du Kang be out of danger. 福如海知道是杜康杀死了毕金锁,并抢走了戚,但在看到杜康被姬赟制服后,他并没有选择将此事说出,借姬赟之手干掉杜康,而是愿意帮杜康脱离险境。 Because only then does this, can avoid the relative falling into Ji yun hand...... 只是因为只有如此做,才可以避免戚落入到姬赟手中……
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