DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#369: The emperor emperor, the mouth contains a day of constitution

The punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals concentrates the solid space, at this time is frail together like the ruined cloth, tears at present directly in Du Kang. 刑天洞天凝实的空间,此时脆弱得如同一块破败的布匹,在杜康眼前直接撕裂开来。 In seeing that moment of golden great hand, Du Kang then determined, this is in the heart continuously the anxious source. 在见到金色巨手的那一刻,杜康便确定了,这就是自己心中一直不安的源头。 Biggest danger that his trip faces, is not punishment day law body that in the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals will soon recover, but the giant outside dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 他此行面临的最大危险,并不是洞天之内即将复苏的刑天法躯,而在洞天之外的这个巨人。 Like separated two people who the gate stands to open the front door, the giant and Du Kang came 就像原本隔门而站的两人推开了大门,巨人与杜康直直来了个 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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