DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#373: Bestows to steal a day of fruit, the running distressed road

Under land deep place near deep pool city, under 3000-ten feet earth's crust, dark broad place hole most center node, a gloomy luminous spot silent float there. 临渊城下的大地深处,厚达3000丈的地壳之下,幽暗宽广的地窍最中心节点,一个暗淡的光点寂静悬浮在那里。 gu- 汩汩汩- Has the thin profound yellow rusticity from the luminous spot to dissipate, by thick to pale, slowly the proliferation to the surroundings like the rusticity that in the sea water surges. 有稀薄的玄黄色地气从光点中逸散出来,由浓至淡,缓缓扩散到周围如海水般涌动的地气中。 Here is the hole hole of land, ten thousand li (0.5 km) Hengduan Shan rusticity the place of circulation center, in place hole that in this four first eight reach, always has 这里是大地的穴窍,万里横断山脉地气的流转中心之地,在这个四头八达的地窍内,无时无刻都有 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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