DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#366: Face like mountain, eye of livelihood

The continuous hundred li (0.5 km) punishment day law body reclines in the metal great plains, on the headless body is glittering the misty golden light, punctures the dark dim light of night. 连绵百里的刑天法躯横卧在金属大平原上,无头的躯体上闪烁着蒙蒙的金光,刺破黑暗的夜色。 In the surroundings of mountain range, continued for 67 days, the combat number surpassed 1 million fights to drop the curtain. 在山脉的周围,持续了六七天,参战者数量超过百万的战斗已经落下了帷幕。 The wreckage that the punishment day descendant died is piled up, flame direct impact horizon that has not extinguished, big piece laid out the land frost, the energy crystallization in death body often then meets trace one that the sympathatic detonation...... various types of shells wreaked havoc not to look 刑天后裔死去的残骸堆积成山,未熄的火焰直冲天际,大片的冰霜铺陈大地,死亡机体内的能源结晶不时便会殉爆……各种炮弹肆虐的痕迹一眼望不到 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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