DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#365: Ultra almighty troops, multiple paradises

Sun that in the sky is hanging is swaying, the continuous vast desert is fluctuating, the Yin pond paradise fell into during the sudden vibration. 天空中悬挂的太阳在摇晃,连绵的沙海在起伏,阴池福地陷入了突如其来的震动之中。 In Dharmakaya of Du Kang, when is representing good and wicked two fundamental symbol lu consolidate simultaneously, in him is regarding within the body 108 fundamental rune/symbol Lu, smiles to make noise directly. 杜康的法身之内,当代表着‘善’与‘恶’的两枚根本符箓同时稳固下来的时候,他内视着体内一百零八枚根本符箓,直接笑出了声来。 Here sits alone in boredom five days, altogether gains 36 fundamental rune/symbol Lu in this good fortune, calculates that slightly has the harvest. “在这里枯坐五天的时间,在这番造化中一共获取三十六枚根本符箓,也算小有收获。 However 不过 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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