DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#367: 9 the heavy paradise, the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals is hopeless

Du Kang the pushed seemingly simply, actually shows an exquisite operation that exceeded his ability limit. 杜康的这一推看似简简单单,却展现出了一种超出他能力极限的精妙操作。 In the Du Kang surrounding paradise illusory image, changed to the complex wool blankets of invisible silk thread knitting overlapped in his eyes, they are not only maintaining the respective independence, and pulls out from oneself respectively separates out some ends, pesters with the side paradise mutually together. 重重叠叠在杜康周围的福地幻影,在他眼中化作了一张张无形丝线编织的复杂毛毯,它们既保持着各自的独立性,又分别从自身中抽离出一些线头,与身边的福地相互纠缠在一起。 Interweaves together a within you has me, the complex wool blanket of within me has you. 共同交织成一张你中有我,我中有你的复杂毛毯。 In Du Kang 杜康 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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