DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#351: Great shape, day officer, white bones, gold

Du Kang and book mountain tiger accompanies to fly, first departed desert of length and breadth, then passed through the big piece metal desert. 杜康与书山虎相伴而飞,先是飞出了广袤的戈壁,然后又经过了大片的金属沙漠。 Once for a while has the punishment day descendant of dashing about wildly to appear in their line of sight, a large number of magma lakes, rivers and hill mountain range have slid from their. 时不时有狂奔的刑天后裔出现在他们视线中,数量众多的岩浆湖泊、河流与丘陵山脉从他们脚下滑过。 Waits for the Eastern horizon some dawn times, they had left the hypsography uneven boundary, arrived at sky over smooth metal great plains. 等东方的天边有些蒙蒙亮的时候,他们已经离开了地形起伏不平的地界,来到了一片平坦的金属大平原上空。 The cold wind howls in the jet black curtain of night, book mountain tiger to the punishment day city also several hundred li (0.5 km), can faintly , in the sky sees the punishment day city radiant light, reduced the speed of flight, bringing Du Kang to descend to go to the ground. 冷风在漆黑的夜幕中呼啸而过,书山虎在离刑天城还有几百里,隐隐能在天空中看到刑天城璀璨灯光的时候,降低了飞行的速度,带着杜康向地面降落而去。 This is the small-scale settlement that a overlooking the river constructs, in the metal ground is standing erect more than ten windowless not high metal constructions, can see from the building that can fetch water from the magma river, here can produce bronze body energy that punishment day descendant needs. 这是一处临河而建的小型聚落,金属地面上屹立着十几栋没有窗户的不高金属建筑,从能够从岩浆河里取水的建筑可以看出,这里能生产青铜・刑天后裔所需要的机体能量。 Sure enough, two people have not fallen to the ground, book mountain tiger then driving introduced. 果不其然,两人还未落地,书山虎便主动介绍道。 Here leaves the punishment day city more than 400 li (0.5 km), is a supplies place that they establish, is called Xiaoxi Village. “这里离刑天城有四百多里地,是他们建立的一处补给场所,叫做小溪村。 After falling just before execution day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, several of us occupied here, and after agreeing to find enough helper, here met. 在降临刑天洞天后,我们几个就把这儿占了下来,并约定找到足够的帮手之后在这里会合。 We delayed some time in the piston tribe a moment ago, wants to come them to be ahead of time. ” 我们刚才在活塞部落耽误了一段时间,想来他们应该提前到了。” When two people descend to a building in front , before book mountain Huling Du Kang is arriving at the construction main entrance, on the gate Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches 22 keyboards, input a series of opening the door passwords. 等两人降落到一栋建筑面前,书山虎领着杜康来到建筑正门前,在门旁的天干地支二十二位键盘上,输入了一连串的开门密码。 All high rank member are intelligent to the inhuman anomaly, although the first time is only arrived at the punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, but learns the uses of these electronic goods is not difficult. 所有的高阶修士都是聪明到非人的变态,虽然只是第一次来到刑天洞天,但学会这些电子物品的使用并不难。 Later, book mountain tiger has not waited for front gateway opening, but turned around to look to Xiaoxi Village, by small square that several buildings surrounded. 之后,书山虎并没有等待面前的门户开启,而是转身看向了小溪村中,被几栋建筑围拢起来的小广场。 Creak- 咯吱- In the heavy metal thing opening sound, the ground in square raises slowly, four sturdy fluid compression legs jack the three-foot roof, reveals under the rich darkness. 在沉重的金属物件开启声中,广场的地面缓缓升起,四根粗壮的液压柱将厚达三尺的顶板顶起,显露出下方浓郁的黑暗。 „ The following space is big, holds more than ten so-called giant body sufficiently in copolymerization. “下面的空间还蛮大的,足以容纳十几个所谓的巨型机体在其中共聚。 The brother luck was good, having your same clan to come back, their several should not have this luck, but can also have several to come back to the punishment day city discontented giant body...... ” 老哥运气不错,带了你一个同族回来,他们几个应该没这个运气,但也能带几个对刑天城不满的巨型机体回来吧……” Book mountain tiger with a laugh introduced the temporary foothold of union to Du Kang, but the words have not said, two people then simultaneously the complexion changed, looked to the square. 书山虎笑呵呵的向杜康介绍同盟的临时据点,但话还没有说完,两人便同时脸色微变,向广场下方看去。 Clang- 铛- A huge form rushes from the darkness, such as the broken flimsy thick roof tearing, will fire into the jet black sky. 一个巨大的身影从黑暗中奔出,如破薄纸般将厚实的顶板撕裂,冲向漆黑的天空中。 The giant body in in the air raised high, making Du Kang see clearly its appearance. 巨大的身体在空中高高扬起,让杜康看清了它的面貌。 The bright as snow fang is reflecting the weak dawn, the bronze-color long nose is sturdy and powerful, a pair of liquid metal big ear flutters in the breeze, slightly tune of four solid thighs in the midair, look that almost must be flush with the belly of standing upright. 雪亮的獠牙反射着微弱的晨光,青铜色的长鼻粗壮而有力,一对液态金属大耳迎风招展,四根坚实的大腿在半空中微曲,看着几乎要与挺立的肚皮齐平。 Winter- 冬- The heavy body pounds to fall on the place, making the metal ground cave in slightly, the body raises head to fling the nose, sent out a depressed shape to call. 沉重的机体砸落在地,让金属地面微微塌陷,机体仰头甩鼻,发出了一道沉闷的象鸣。 Moo- 哞- Yes, this is an elephant, has is 50 ten feets, Gundam/reaches as high as the giant pictographic body of more than 30 zhang (3.33 m) bodies. 是的,这是一只大象,拥有长达50丈,高达三十多丈身躯的巨型象形机体。 When two people do not distinguish the enemy friend, wears the Daoist robe, the handsome Daoist priestess, from underground flew, saw after book mountain tiger, hurried shouts greatly. 就在两人不辨敌友的时候,一个身穿道袍,容貌秀丽的女冠,从地下飞了出来,见到书山虎后急忙大喊道。 Book big brother, this only looks like the monster after hearing the punishment day moan seems not right, has wanted to have an audience with its ancestor. “书大哥,这只象妖在听到刑天的呻吟后就显得不对劲,一直想要去觐见它的先祖。 My good words good language to urge several double-hour, just started also to be able to calm down, but its mood is getting more and more hot tempered, until to insane was a moment ago same, cannot block again, ran directly. 我好言好语地劝了几个时辰,刚开始还能劝得住,但它的情绪越来越暴躁,直到刚才就跟疯了一样,再也拦不住,直接跑了出来。 We make quickly it, here left the punishment day city is too near, if it made the too big noise, our position exposed. ” 我们快把它弄回去,这里离刑天城太近了,它要是闹出太大的动静,我们位置就暴露了。” The Daoist priestesses read by the god send greetings, information propagation quick and anxious, the acoustic image of body called not to make a sound, Du Kang knew the cause and effect of matter. 女冠以神念传音,信息传达得又快又急,机体的一声象鸣还没有响完,杜康就知道了事情的前因后果。 Du Kang walks, has seen many punishment day descendant's crazy galloping under punishment day summon, but acts as the black armor fire dragon soul of pendant on the body- fraternity fuses the fire seed not to respond, making him think the high rank fire seed can have the resistance to ancestor's summon. 杜康一路走来,见过了不少刑天后裔在刑天召唤下的疯狂奔腾,只是在身上充当挂件的黑铠火龙灵魂-兄弟会融合火种一直没有反应,让他以为高阶火种能对先祖的召唤拥有抗性。 But now looks at this high rank body the appearance, making the fraternity disregard the punishment day summon, should be other reasons. 但现在看这具高阶机体的样子,让兄弟会无视刑天的召唤,应该是其它的原因。 In the pictographic body red eyes the chaotic data stream is fleeing rapidly, seems like confused, after one prolonged moo sound, it starts to walk four hooves, to the direction stride of punishment day city dashes about wildly in rumble the sound. 象形机体通红的双眼中只有混乱的数据流在急速窜动,看起来一片迷乱,在一声绵长的“哞”声之后,它就迈开四蹄,在隆隆的声响中向刑天城的方向大步狂奔。 Sees this situation, the Du Kang book mountain tiger form is vanishing instantaneously, suddenly rode in the pictographic body top of the head. 见此情形,杜康身边书山虎的身影在瞬间消失,眨眼间骑在了象形机体的头顶。 The book mountain tiger both hands ten fingers stretch out, ten finger respective swinging, the naked eye not obvious monster strength silk thread connects the body various body places, under the pulling controls of ten silk threads, the giant body really slowed down the step unexpectedly slowly. 书山虎双手十指伸出,十根手指各自摆动,肉眼不可见的妖力丝线连接机体的身体各处,在十根丝线的拉扯操控下,巨型机体竟然真的慢慢减缓了步伐。 Cloudy day prayer chaos magic arts book stacks: The diving deep pool shrinks, raises the line puppet 【阴天祷文・混沌・法术书库】:潜渊缩地、提线木偶 Du Kang while this opportunity, thought the knowledge to sweep a pictographic body, on the panel demonstrated such data. 杜康趁此机会,用神识扫了一下象形机体,面板上显示出这样的数据。 Name: Steel armor great shape / punishment day blood bronze 【姓名】:钢甲・巨象/刑天血裔・青铜 Rank: Giant body ( 1 / 3 ) 等级:巨型机体 Skill: Punishment day fire seed( sevenfold) 技能:刑天火种(七重) Bronze it body( sevenfold) 青铜之躯(七重) Furnace it heart( sevenfold) 熔炉之心(七重) Heavy great armor( sevenfold) 重型巨甲(七重) Broken city steel tooth( sevenfold) 破城钢牙(七重) Antigravity shape hoof( sevenfold) 反重力象蹄(七重) Trunk artillery( sevenfold) 象鼻火炮(七重) Bronze fire eyes( sevenfold) 青铜火眼(七重) Protects the shield to the ear( sevenfold) 对耳护盾(七重) Transforms the condition: Collects body components that the lower transformation level needs, conducts the fire seed transformation ceremony. 蜕变条件:凑齐下一级蜕变级所需的机体零件,进行火种蜕变仪式。 Looks at the attribute words, the book mountain tiger can take this body named great shape, but wants not to make the words of too big sound, as if is not quite easy, his some were busy.” “看属性的话,书山虎能拿得下这个叫巨象的机体,但想要不闹出太大动静的话,似乎也不太容易,他有的忙了。” Based on to the skill that fighting both sides mastered, Du Kang made such judgment instantaneously. 基于对战双方掌握的技能,杜康瞬间做出了这样的判断。 Just learned the flaming fighting spirit of volume of fighting to make his innermost feelings be ready to make trouble, but Du Kang listened to the fierce metal collision sound that underground was still hearing unceasingly, looks golden light that below emitted, has not chosen to go forward to help, but flew both hands to tie seal directly, by Daoist priestess who obviously wants to help book mountain tiger helping hand. 刚习得斗之卷的熊熊斗志让他的内心蠢蠢欲动,但杜康听着地下仍然不断传来的剧烈金属碰撞声,看着下方放射出的金光,并没有选择上前帮忙,而是径直飞到了双手结印,明显想助书山虎一臂之力的女冠旁。 Senior member -based the sensation, Du Kang has not thought to read on the Daoist priestess sweeps randomly, but has swept her wisp of hair, obtained her information. 基于高阶修士的感知,杜康没有用神念在女冠身上乱扫,而是扫过她的一缕头发,获得了她的信息。 Name: Yin Yueqi / extinguishes the master too 【姓名】:尹越歧/灭法师太 Day officer section this/Ben: The moon view being in direct line magic arts, the magic arts cross the threshold need to slaughter a Spiritual God, integrates cultivator within the body hierograph lu, lets the life again with him, when the god does obeisance. 【天官章本】:太阴观嫡传法术,法术入门就需要宰杀一名神灵,将神符箓纳入修行者体内,再让生灵拿他当神主来拜。 After this law crosses the threshold, is the middle rank member, after the gathering belief, will promote along white Chi, scarlet white Chi, the scarlet imperial edict and gold/metal Chi, the leading imperial edict, the azure imperial edict and purple imperial edict the road of Spiritual God layer upon layer. 此法入门之后就是中阶修士,汇聚信仰之后,将沿着白敕、赤白敕、赤敕、金敕、青金敕、青敕、紫敕的神灵之路层层晋升。 Rank: gold/metal Chi 等级:金敕 Incense and candle only gold/metal small tinkling bell Dharmakaya: 香火地祇金銮法身: Skill: 技能: Melts gold/metal Xiaoyu( single layer) 化金销玉(一重) Line rune/symbol Chishui( single layer) 行符勅水(一重) Controls eight sides( single layer) 统摄八方(一重) Uses the ghosts and gods( single layer) 役使鬼神(一重) Clears away the air/Qi filthily( single layer) 涤荡气秽(一重) Control mountains( single layer) 制御山川(一重) Grasps five thunder( single layer) 掌握五雷(一重) Enters the step condition: Governs to command broader mountains land, surrenders combs to take it as to revere becomes the system land features water course, has over 5 million lives day and night the burning incense prayer, gathers the strength of enough belief, may try the magic arts promotion. 进阶条件:治下统领更广阔的山川大地,降服梳理出以其为尊的成体系地脉水脉,拥有五百万以上生灵日夜焚香祷告,汇聚足够的信仰之力,可尝试法术晋升。 Almighty troopses: The ocean waves govern offer a sacrifice to liquor seal( on low-grade) 神兵:碧波治祭酒印(上下品) This was the extinguishing master of moon view too, Du Kang heard her name before, but also thinks that she was one with the Miejue same old nun, has not thought that was unexpectedly long the so delicate person. 这便是太阴观的灭法师太了,杜康之前听到她的名字,还以为她是一个和灭绝师太一样的老尼姑呢,没想到竟然长得这么清秀可人。 Naturally, Du Kang is not rigid in the person of body commending, on him comes to talk does not come to see the pretty woman, but wants to spy on while convenient the depth of this woman. 当然,杜康不是个执着于皮肉表相之人,他上前来搭话可不是来看漂亮女人的,只是想顺带窥探一下这个女人的深浅。 Du Kang looks with his nearness, was vigilant secretly the extinguishing master who too, showed a genial smile. 杜康看着随着他的靠近,暗自警惕起来的灭法师太,露出了一个和善的笑容。 This master too, I am a helper who book big brother mountain tiger looks, here need do I help?” “这位师太,我是书山虎大哥找来的帮手,这里需要我来帮忙吗?” If really must help, you intended to be good directly, gathered in front of me to come to do?” “如果真的要帮忙,你直接出手就好了,凑到我面前来干什么?” Extinguishes the master too ten fingers to buckle, only then two index fingers gather stretch out to great shape one finger/refers, immediately has the crowded thunder light to give birth from the metal ground, changes to a thunder and lightning tide to spread to go toward the great shape, is stubbornly in-situ the four limbs restraint of great shape. 灭法师太十指相扣,只有两根食指并拢伸出向巨象一指,立刻有密集的雷光从金属地上生出,化作一片雷电浪潮向着巨象蔓延而去,将巨象的四肢死死约束在原地。 Grasps five land mine 【掌握五雷・地雷】 Extinguishes the master acts, a bronze-color little seal in her side drop has cooked to dance in the air, emits the golden light gas hood, is guarding against Du Kang this stranger. 灭法师太出手的时候,一枚青铜色的小印一直在她身边滴熘熘地飞舞,放射出金光气罩,提防着杜康这个陌生人。 Du Kang is full of meaning looked at several, this rules the Ocean Wave Sea northwest islands, nearby the premier over a thousand li (0.5 km) mountains land features water course, the ocean waves of after several million subjects govern offer a sacrifice to liquor seal . 杜康饶有意味的看了几眼,这枚统治碧波海西北群岛,总理附近上千里山川地脉水脉,几百万臣民的碧波治祭酒印后。 With not too friendly extinguishes the master to spread out on own initiative, bypasses her toward underground to fly. 就主动与不太友善的灭法师太拉开距离,绕过她向着地下飞去。 The great shape two people in ground enough dealt, compares in great shape that big copper lump, Du Kang wants the fight with under. 地面上的巨象有两个人就足够应对了,相比于巨象那个大铜疙瘩,杜康更想和下面的这位交手。 After roof panel defect, after five-ten feet dark channel, enters to a spacious underground space that covers entirely the metal column. 在经过顶盖缺失,厚达五丈的黝黑通道后,就进入到一个布满金属立柱的宽敞地下空间中。 Sees to see, the white bones skeleton of various human form and monster in underground stands in great numbers the flight, the shatter skeleton fragment spreads out all over everywhere, in the front darkness often transmits the dazzling flame and bang the loud sound, obviously here is having a fierce fight. 入目所见,各种人形、妖形的白骨骷髅在地下林立飞行,破碎的骨骼碎片遍地铺展,前方的黑暗中不时传来耀眼的火光和轰隆的巨响,显然这里正在发生一场激烈的战斗。 A clear white bones skeleton of average man size, is grasping an all over the body jet black flag, is directing numerous skeleton monsters, with a zhang (3.33 m) high magnificent golden body to war. 一具常人大小的晶莹白骨骷髅,正手持着一面通体漆黑的大旗,指挥着众多骷髅妖,和一具丈高的华丽金色机体对战。 That white bones skeleton skeleton is straight, the body braves the crystal light, does not see the pale terrifying of common skeleton, instead a sacred dignified feeling. 那具白骨骷髅骨骼端正,体冒晶光,不见寻常骷髅的苍白恐怖,反而给人一种神圣庄严之感。 Looks at this image, the status of this person is self-evident, should be the family lord platinum of Bai is vast. 一看这个形象,此人的身份不言而喻,应该就是白家的家主白金瀚了。 The high-grade almighty troops black ghost streamer in his hand, the flagpole is made by dozens sections of jet black ji columns, hundred arm white bones demon gods are in the flag surface the roaring filial piety continuous. 他手中的上品神兵黑煞幡,旗杆由一条几十截的漆黑嵴柱所制,一只百臂白骨魔神正在旗面中咆孝不休。 The black flag flap flap brandishes, the black wind stops howl to continue in the underground space, the place visited, these become the white bones fragment numerous skeleton monster the white bones to come back to life shatter immediately, joins to besieging of golden body. 黑色的旗子猎猎挥舞,黑色的煞风在地下空间呼啸不止,所经之处,那些破碎成白骨碎片的众多骷髅妖立刻白骨复生,重新加入到对金色机体的围攻中。 Name: The platinum is vast 【姓名】:白金瀚 White bones Buddha law: This law crosses the threshold to in the mystique protect and sustain the Yin god, burns down in the white bones Buddha fire flesh completely, only keeps body of the quiet white bones, transforms as the white bones skeleton monster, in cutting off body desire big comfortable, clear(ly) became aware the life and death dead out the mystery, the achievement white bones Buddha Dharmakaya. 【白骨佛陀法】:此法入门需以秘法护持阴神,将一身血肉在白骨佛火中焚烧殆尽,只留一具清清静静白骨之身,转化为白骨骷髅妖,在断绝身欲的大自在中,明悟生死寂灭之奥秘,成就白骨佛陀法身。 Rank: Age step 等级:庚阶 Vigorously white bones arhat Dharmakaya: 大力白骨罗汉法身: Skill: 技能: White bones Buddhist literature( single layer) 白骨佛经(一重) The Buddha fire crosses( single layer) 佛火渡化(一重) White bones lotus throne( single layer) 白骨莲台(一重) Buddha law( single layer) 佛陀法相(一重) The life and death person, shaves the white bones( single layer) 生死人,剃白骨(一重) Fortunate ghost king( single layer) 多福鬼王(一重) Building up the bone is a soldier( single layer) 炼骨为兵(一重) Enters the step condition: Must cross does not think that non- thinks the tribulation, may become white bones good light Bodhisattva / the occupying land area in a spirit world is a king, the control ghosts, may become the white bones ghost Bodhisattvas. 进阶条件:需渡过非想非非想之劫,可成白骨善光菩萨/在一处灵界中占地为王,统御众鬼,可成白骨鬼众菩萨。 Almighty troopses: Black ghost streamer( on low-grade) 神兵:黑煞幡(上下品) Ocean Wave Sea these high rank member, usually in disperse in various places, hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse, Du Kang fool around together in Ocean Wave Sea for a long time, even if participates in the dragon palace gains a son-in-law one not to see. 碧波海的这些高阶修士们,平日里分散在各处,神龙见首不见尾,杜康碧波海厮混许久,即便参加龙宫招婿的时候都一个没见过。 Today in this punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals, actually almost sees them, this called the affinity. 今天在这刑天洞天里,却几乎将他们见了遍,这就叫缘法啊。 What with platinum vast to war is an all over the body golden human form body, its contour looks like in the Du Kang impression Gundam/reaches as high as, the body edges and corners are distinct, martial-looking succinct. 与白金瀚对战的是一具通体金黄色的人形机体,其外形酷似杜康印象中的高达,机体棱角分明,英武简洁。 Shoulders the golden wing, the both arms load the gun tube that two models vary respectively, grasps a giant light sword, looks at its golden armor, is in the punishment day descendant a quantity scarcest gold clan. 身后背负金黄色羽翼,双臂分别加载两根型号不一的炮管,手持一柄巨大光剑,看其金黄色的铠甲,正是刑天后裔中数量最稀少的黄金一族。 In its eyes is also is the disorder data stream, similarly fell into not the sane condition. 它的双眼中也是是紊乱的数据流,同样陷入了没有理智的状态。 Name: Saint light holds up day / punishment day descendant gold 【姓名】:圣光・擎天/刑天后裔・黄金 The punishment day descendant is divided into the gold, silver, bronze and black iron four. 刑天后裔共分黄金、白银、青铜、黑铁四支。 Four descendants differentiate with the power, the actuation furnace and difference of semblance armor material quality, has the different abilities respectively. 四种后裔以动力、驱动熔炉和外表护甲材质的不同加以区分,各自拥有不同的能力。 And the golden descendant takes the nature pure energy of light as the power, the attribute is the light. 其中黄金后裔以性质纯粹的光能为动力,属性为光。 Rank: Giant body ( 1 / 3 ) 等级:巨型机体 Skill: Punishment day fire seed( sevenfold) 技能:刑天火种(七重) Golden it body( sevenfold) 黄金之躯(七重) Saint light it nuclear( sevenfold) 圣光之核(七重) Energy of light wing( sevenfold) 光能翅膀(七重) Laser heat artillery( sevenfold) 激光热炮(七重) Solar great shield( sevenfold) 太阳巨盾(七重) collapse Mieguang artillery( sevenfold) 崩灭光炮(七重) Phase shift armor( sevenfold) 相位转移装甲(七重) The light beam cuts the ship blade( eight heavy) 光束斩舰刀(八重) Transforms the condition: Collects body components that the lower transformation level needs, conducts the fire seed transformation ceremony. 蜕变条件:凑齐下一级蜕变级所需的机体零件,进行火种蜕变仪式。 Two helpers who my temporary allies, you look for are also not the people of low ability, such strength truly cannot easily bleed off.” “我的临时盟友们,你们找的两个帮手还都不是弱手啊,这样的战力确实不能轻易放走。” Du Kang rapidly the metal column that flies the side to stand in great numbers, for was still using the platinum vast reminder of human wave attack to say. 杜康急速飞过身边林立的金属立柱,对着仍在使用人海战术的白金瀚提醒道。 Bai Jia zhu, below is the ocean waves dragon palace this year's new son-in-law, high rank member Du Kang is, was invited by the book big brother prevents the coming back to life plan of punishment day city together. “白家主,在下乃碧波龙宫今年的新婿,高阶修士杜康是也,被书大哥请来共同阻止刑天城的复生计划。 With the body to war, the body is loading the phase shift armor, can share the shift the attack in strength completely. 与你对战的这具机体,身上装载着相位转移装甲,能将攻击在身上的力道全部分摊转移。 Trades a monster technique, it is hard to resist the attack of Buddhist doctrine. ” 换一种妖术吧,它难以抵御佛法的攻击。” The platinum under the report of monster soldier, noticed Du Kang this outcomer vast, his did not return exudes a as if skeleton friction hoarse male voice. 白金瀚早在手下妖兵的汇报下,注意到了杜康这个外来者,他头也不回地发出一阵仿佛骨骼摩擦般的嘶哑男声。 Originally you are that by the pretty boy who the ocean waves dragon palace rests the husband, I look at you also to grow am handsome and intelligent, is a high rank member. “原来你就是那个被碧波龙宫休夫的小白脸啊,我看你长得也是一表人才,还是一个高阶修士。 How that crowd of Ryonggung-ri lascivious, the female dragon of broker was willing to rest you, was really strange, won't your boy have an affair? ” 龙宫里的那群好色、市侩的母龙怎么就舍得把你休了呢,真是奇怪啊,你小子不会是红杏出墙了吧?” This skeleton rack really he ferments can speak, Du Kang raises the ocean waves dragon palace to raise own status, never expected that the platinum will love to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points vast unexpectedly, uncovers the person weak point face to face. 这具骷髅架子真他酿的太会说话了,杜康提碧波龙宫只是为了抬高一下自己的身份,没想到白金瀚竟然会哪壶不开提哪壶,当面揭人短处。 Du Kang recognized instantaneously, platinum being able to get away does not certainly think vast non- thinks the road of tribulation, could not become the white bones good light Bodhisattva, can only walk the say/way of white bones ghost Bodhisattva. 杜康瞬间认定了,白金瀚一定走不了度非想非非想之劫之路,成不了白骨善光菩萨,只能走白骨鬼众菩萨之道。 Du Kang hehe hollow laugh, without replying platinum vast question, but shouts one: Time press, rather a long delay usually means many problems, I help your helping hand.” 杜康呵呵干笑一声,没有回答白金瀚的疑问,只是大喊一声:“时间紧迫,未免夜长梦多,我来助你一臂之力。” Releases the thick nether world ghost fog from the Dharmakaya, during several breath the entire underground space will wrap, flickers to transfer to that to call in the mist to hold up the day the body behind. 就从法身中释放出浓浓幽冥鬼雾,几个呼吸间将整个地下空间包裹起来,在雾气中瞬移到那具叫擎天的机体身后。 Brandishes the fist, the powerful electric current and magnetic field twine on the fist, after a fist is holding up behind the day to sneak attack one skeleton monster that pounds the smashing, the iron fist falls , on carapace that holds up the day. 抡起拳头,强大的电流和磁场在拳上缠绕,一拳将一个正在擎天背后偷袭的骷髅妖砸得粉碎后,铁拳落在了擎天的背甲上。 - 刺啦- The sky blue electric current and naked eye not obvious magnetic field, explodes from the fist simultaneously spreads, will hold up the day not big body to wrap, making it fall into instantaneous unbending...... 天蓝色的电流和肉眼不可见的磁场,同时从拳头上爆裂扩散,将擎天不大的机体包裹起来,让其陷入了瞬间的僵直中……
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